Resolution-PC 95-13~~~ .~~ T~1 ~~(3N N0. PC9ri-13 ~' A RESOL~UTION U~ THE ANAHEIM CI7Y PI.ANNING COMMIS51rJN THAI' PETI710N ~ON GCJNDI'fIONAL USE P~RMIT N~O. 37'11 BE 4RAN'I'ED, I~I PART WH~REAS, tho An~h~im City Plann(ng Commi~sic~n dicl roceive a verified Petttion far Condic{onal Usa Permft fvr certain real property eituated in 3ho Clty ~of An~heim, Cuunry ~~f ~Qrango, Stste of Californla, descrlbod as: PARCEL A, PARC~L 5 IN THE CITY OF APlAH~IM, ~OUNTY AF ORAI~JGE, STATE OF CALIFOFtNIA, AS PER MAP FIl~~I) iN BO~~K ~a i'A~aES S'f0 fl INCLUSIV~, O~ PARCEL MAPS, IN THE QFFIC'E OF THI: Ct3UN7Y RECC~fI,p~R OF SAID C(7UNTY. PARGEL B: '~h1AT I~ORTION OF '1'Ni~ THIRD CLA~S I.AND A~-LD S~ATI°QC)F RIVAS, ItJ 'fH~ CI'fY G~F ANAI-iEIM, COUNTY 0~ ORANl3:~, CALIFORNIA, AS pESCRIBEp IN 1'H~ F9NAL DECR~~. ~1F PARTlTION f3i~ THE FtANCHO CANON DE SANT'A ANA, A CER1'Ii~IED C~)~'Y ~F VyH~~F'~ V11A5 RECORI3ED FEBRUARY 8, 1874 IN BQ~K 28 PAG~ 1ii8 OF DEEDS, IP~ THE OFFICG C~F TH~ COUNTY RECORD~R OF LQ,S ANGL.~S ~.O,JiVTY, CAUFORNIA, DESCFiiBED AS ~0~ I.UW~: BEGIPlNING AT TH~ EASTERI.Y 7ERMIIVUS OF 7HAT' CAURS~ DESCRIB(=D AS NORTH 83 DEG. 31' 37" EAS'T, 50.45 FEET IN DEED (STP~TE PAr~CEI_ 153) RECORDED MARCH 9, i955 IN ElOOK 29~9 PAGE 70 OF OFFfC1At. REC~~RD~, IN THE OFFICE OF 'i hi~ COUNTY RFCORDER OF SAID CpUNTY; Ti•iENCE ALONG THAT CnURSE DESCRIBEU ~1S NORTH 1 DEG. 06' ;i3" EAST, 369.62 FEET IN SaID D~ED NORTN ~ DEG. 0~' S3" EAST 110.78 FEEI'; TI~iENCE NORTH a~ l~EG. a2~ 41N N/EST, a.7d F~ET 7A A POINT IN THE W~STERt.Y LINE OF THAT PARCEL OF I.AND A~~flUIRED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORiUTA BY (STATE PARCEL 25) RECORD~[) MARCF~ 29, 1!~!9 IN Bn~K 1822 PAGf: 94 OF ~FFICIAL RECbRDS IN SAIID OF~FIC~, SAID POtPJT 13EING C Y57ANT N~RTIiERI.Y AI.ONG SAID 1NE:~TE:RI..Y UNE, 119.1;1 FE:ET FHO`11 THE SOUTHWESTEF~LY CORNER OF LAS7 MIcN7iOPJI~D ACQLFIr ~E~) LAND;1 HENCE SOUI'HERL'f ALAf~IG SAID WEc:~TEFLY LIt~IE 11~,~.13 1=~ET TC'~ SAID SQUTHWESTFRLY GORNEi~; T~rIEi'JGf~' AG.O~VG'"li~ S4-JTHEPLY LINE I.:~F LA:i7 M~NTIONED ACQUIflED LAN[?, S~JIJ'i'H 79 aE(a. 24' S't" E~A-S~T~ ~2•88 f"l:ET 7G THAT C(~URSE FIR~~T MEN?IC~PJEU f~[~C-VE: AS IVORTWI 82 DI:G. 31' 3~' EA57, 6D.45 FEET; THENCEc ALONC l.~-S~ NII~NTI()NEI) COUR~~, N(~RTH 83 ~~G. 31' 37" EAST, 13.7b FEET TA TH~: I~OIIYP OF '3EGI~JNIN~. +NH~REAS, the (:ity Plann~ng war~im[~sion ci(d hold a publlc hearirA ai the CNic Gente~~ in the Cfry of Anahbim on Au~u~3 22, 1994 at 1:3U p.m., notice af said public hc3ai fig having been duly given as requfr~d by law ~rxt ii~ ~tcc~Ment:e with ti~e provislc~n~ uf thA Anaheim Mu tii~.ipal Code, ChaGter 18.03, to hear anci cons(der evidencs f~r ard ogainst sakl propc~s~ad c:onditfc~n~ d uso permft and to invostigsto ~ to the~5e i omboril9~Octc ber 31QNov~mber afQ30~aecombe~~r a~f~Jr~nuary 9, fanc~l ~n~as cnnt(nu p Feyruary 6, 1995 Planning Comn7lsaion meetinAs; ar9cf WHEREAS, sald ~Commis;ic~n, after due inspac:tion, invf-sti~atl~n ard study made by 'stQelf and in fts t~ehaif~ and after due cc-nslderatlon nf all evidence and reporta offered at ~ald hearing, doos fiixl and determine th~ foliowing fac~: CR230~MS.WP -1- PC95-13 ' M ,~~^ ~ 1. That the proposed uses are proporly ones for whlch a condttipnal use pormit Is ~utharized by Anaheim Municlp~-I Cocie ~ectlons ~n.4a.050.070, 1a.44.050.135 ~nd 18.44.05f).30Q ra permit an automoti c~ns m1Celon and a idrive thrc~ugh r~st urant I(wi h two otna ts) and ano sqoth g, anidpwith the ,premise ~ 1`oilawing waiver~: l~) .~~'+~D~.L~~.~.3 ~~.~..1~~9sz4 (~~) ~~ ~ ~Z .~1P1t~.u~_L~.~~s~-~~ permitt~-u,y~l.,.~lg~~ (Pvrmitta~: m~ximum p,~ sifln per tenant/use for a maximum of ~,~r ~+va~l signs); Pro~osed: ,~,L~!]I slgns for ,~_r tensn2s (servlce station, convQnience markst a~xi two drivs-throu~h restaurants]) (c) s~~ti_on_~ 1s,~~SZ~Q.4~`z • .L~U.D~ ~ nurnber o~ o_.~rkinn ~sp~r~Y. 18,~~~4~Q~S~9?~ (~ requirecl, ~"- Pra{~o~ed) .1~8•0„~ and 1~,,(~.Q~ (d) fieotlon 1~06,Q~~.020 - MjtLi tv,~t~ drl~~p thrn~nh I~ne reduir~ ,~nts• (e) - tlon 18.84.0§.~Q~,~ - R~nuired ~AtbACl4_f~ m i~ _ erit~l 1.,~„~i w€~ s. (M(nimurn ~~gt raquir~d ~n Scenic Corridor; ~ervice station canopy pcaposed 37 foet fram Imperial Hi~hw~y and ~3 feat from La Paima Avenue, and abovo-$round propane tank proposad betwean 10 and 30 feot from Imperiai Hi~~t~way) (fl .~~~S~Rll.~.~~L4 - R~auir~x~ imo~Si~~~.~L~• (koquir~d In Scenic Corridor: -ninimum .~Q~i~ wide ~,~.ndsc~~~„satb~s~ or mtnimum 14- g~ ~•-td~ land~,~~i set ck con' in ~r~lm~~rn 3-f~ot hiah he~; Prc,posed: t~o_15 f,~E land~cc~pod setback) ?.. That waNors (a) anci td), p~rtaining to ihe minirr~um number of requlred trves in the landsc~ped setbacks arxi tlie m(nimum len~th af tho drive-through lan~, rire h~reby donled on the basis th~t revised pians were submitted showin~ compliance whh Code requirements and eliminatinfl thg n~ad for ~aki waivers; 3. Th~t w~iver (b), p~ertalnfng to max(mum number ot wall ~igns, is hereby appmved; 4. 1'hat waiver (c), peKaining to n;~nimum number of parking sp~r,~s, is hereby approvod permitting the above-yrcund propan~ tank to be locmter9 in a parking sr~ace ~n the basfa that the walver is minimat ~mnunting to only one ters parkin4 space tt~.an re~uired by Codt~; ~. That waivar (e) la horeby approvocl porm~ting the fre~-~tanding s~rvtce station canopy and one above-ground propane tank to bo located in tha requErnd setbaclcs along Imperial Mlghway anc! i.a Palma Avenue; _?_ PC95-13 ~ 8. That waivar (fl, pert~ining to tho min,:num landscap~d s~tback ~lan~ arterial highways located in thea hen b m,wi~ll ~be Installad pn the~10 fa t wld~ I~nclscaped aetbackialongtLa Pai3ma Aven~uo landac~ped e ancf the 15 foot wide IAndscapetl sotback al~ng Imperial hllghway; 7, Yhat th~rQ ~re spealal circumstances appiica~le to the property such ma sl~ze, shapa, lacatian or surroundin~s, whlch do not apply to other identically zoned propertfe~ in the ~iicinity; a. That st~ict applicatian Af the Zoning ~odo deprive~ the proporty af privilegos anJnye:i by athor prope~ties under ldentical xoning classHicatlan In tha vicinfty; ~. That the proposad usos are properiy onQS for which a caxiitional use parmit is authorixetl by tho ~oning Coc1a; 10. That tho prouosed uses wiil not adversely affbct the adjoining land uge~ an~i tha growth ~nd dovelopment of the are~ in whlch it Is prap~sed to be ~ocated; i i. 7hat the siz~ and shape of the site for tho proposed uses is adequate to all~w the full devalopment of ~he proposod use {n a mannor not datrimental to thg particular area nar to the peace, health, safety, ~nd general welfare; 12, That tho traffic qenerated by tiio proposod uses wiil not impase an un~lue ~urden upon the streets and highways des(gned and improvod to carry the traffic in the aro~; 13. Th~t the ~rantin~ of the canditionai t~so pormit, tinder ti-~e condttlons ImposAd, will not be dotrimental to tha peac~, health, safety and general welfare of the cKfxena of the City of Anaheim; and 14. That threa (3) cnncerned people exprASSOd their concerns at said pubiic hearinfl; and that no correspandence w~s racalvod in npposftiun. ~gl~~Rl~IA~~ VI IRONMEN~A~UQ~IJ~ ACT I DING: That th~ Anahefm Ciry Planning Commisslon has reviewsd the proposal to permit an automotive sorvice statian with an accessory convon(enca marko~ with sale of be~r and wine for off-premisa consumpt(on and a drh. °hrough restaurant (witM two tondnts) and no seating, and with the w~ivers t~f minlmum lancisc.ape requlremonts, permttted wall signs, mfnimum number of parking spaces, m~nimum drivo though lan~ roquiroments, r~quired sottx~ck from arterial high~r~ys, and r~quired improvement of setkaack araas on a rect~ngulariy-shapecl parcel of land con~isting of appraxEmately 1.0 acre located at the so~dhwest corner of La Palma Avenua and Imperial Highway, having approximate frontages of 180 teet on the snuth s6de of l.~ P~Ima Avenue and 1~U feet on the west slde af Imperi~i Hi~hway, arxi further d~scrlbed as 5850 ~ant l.~ Palma Avenue {~'exa~o seroic~ atati~an); and daes heroby ~pprove the 1VQgatEve Doclaration upon findinti that the declaration refiects the indepondent Jud~emont af the lead agency and th~t it has considered the Nagative Declaration together wfth any camrn~nts receivod during the pubiic rev~ew prc~cess and fucther finding on the basis of tr~~ initial study and any cnmm~nts received that thero is no subsiantial evidoncA that the pro)sct will have a sign~icant ~ffect an tt~e endironment. N4W, ~H~~~~~R~, B~ IT RES4LVC0 that the Anehaim ~tty Planning Commission does hereby grant subjet:t P~titlan for C~ndition~l Us~ Permit, (n ptart, upon the following ~ontlitlons which Aro t~ereby faund to bd ~ n~cessary prereqtsisite ca the prc,~ased use of Rhe subjoct property irti order to presorve the safety and qsnera! welfare of iho Cftizens of the Ctty of Anahaim: 1. 1~hKt thg legal proparty owner shall irrevc~c.~bly c~ifer to d~dicate tn the City of Anahe(m an easement sixty five (65~ teet wlde irosn the centerl(ne of La Palma Avenue, lncluding a camer cutoff, •tof street wldening purposes. 2. That a plan sheet f~r salid waste sta~age and co~~ecdon and a plan for rscyciin~ ~hai! be submmed to tho DeFartment of Matr~tenance for review and approvaf. ~- Pq5-13 ~ 3. That, for thd pnl p ce marko~tia~nd drivetth oughCros aur~nt) shAll~t~tcons~deeed o,net(1I busin~ss.1Ce station, conve e 4. That the owner Qf subJoct property sPiall submit s~ letter requestin~ terminatfa~ nf Condltion~l Use P~ermlt Nos. 1281 (permftting a rest+~urant in c~nJunction wYth ~ sarvice station with waivor of tlm~ Ifmit~tlon of Iighted s(gn) and 1"29 (permitting on-premiso aalo and consumptio~ Af bear and winn in an dxisting restr~urant) to tho 2oning Division. 5. That subJec4 property shall bo developed substantiall,y in ~ccordanco wfth plans and specification:~ submittod to tho City of l~nahoim by the petitioner and which plans ~re an fllo with the Planning Dopartm~r~t marked Revisian No. 1 of Exhib(t No. 1 and Exhlbtt Nos. 2 tf~rough 4; provided, haweNSr, thai a minimum three (3) foot hlgh landscapod earthc~n borm shall bo provideQi In the lancisca~e s~tbacks alang both la Palrru~ Avenue and Imporial Hlghw~.Y• 6. That tho petttlonc~r/developor ahall subm!t a W~ter ~uality Management Plan (W~iN1P) spec~ficaily identifying the bes noti n h WQMP sr+all bR submiftted to t o Public Wo ks aepart~enta D~ opoprraent frAm stormwator u Services Division, for revieuv and appr~val. 7. Th~t no alcoholic bA~erages shail be sold, fiurnlshed, or deliver~ci via ~ny dr(ve-tl~rough winctow. 8. That the sales ~f alcoholic bever~ges shall be permitt~d oniy betwoen the hAUrs af 9:00 A.rn. and 10:OU p.m. 9. 'fhat the quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not oxceed ten per~cent t1d3~) of the gross salea of faod or other commradities during the samo period, 1p. That there sh~,ll be nh ebulldin ~d romotng oa (ndica n~ he availabi~liiry ofdalcaholic beverages the exterior from inside t e g, t~ 11. That no alcohallc bevaragas shail ba consume+~ on ~nY praperty adjacont to tho licensed premises under the controt of ti~e Ifconsee. 12. That the ~aarking lot of the premises shall be aquipped with Iighting of sufficient power to illuminate and make easily discemible the appearance and conciuGt of all porsons o~ ar abo~u4 the park6nfl lc~t. i3. Th:t the lighting in the parking area af the prAmisns sha~l be directed, pos(tioned and shielded in such a manner so as not to unrsasonably illuminato thQ window a~eas of no~rby businesses. 1 a. That, tf proposed, wine c+aolars shall be sald in quantfti~s of a four (4) pack or more. 15. That signs shall be prominentiy posted at ~ e winQ sto yge area ar+d the crash re~isteCkr~ea r~ e~n9~ " W i n e c o o l e r s m a y ba puraPiased on this remis~s onl in quaniities ~f a four (4) pa 15. Yhat b~er shail be soid in quantities of a six (6) pack or more. 17. That signs ahail be prominontly posted at the beer atqrafle area and thQ cnsh register area readin9: "goer may be purchasod on this premises only In qu~ntities of a six (6) pack nr moro." 18. That there shall be no coin•operated telsphones maintaine~ upon or adJ~coM ta th~ buflding at any time. 1 g, i hat there shall ba na coin-Aperat~d games maintained upon tha prarnises at a~y t(me. 20. That tfie relocateci pd~e sfgn shall be a maxlmum of thirty (30) ieet high. -4- PG'~5•13 21, That the petftioner ahall submit final slgn plans and a site plan showing the exact location of tho abov4-ground prnp g~„ae ortshand R~Icammendatirons~ ~ em 4o ha Planning Lomm~ission for revlew Imperial {-iighway) a p and approval. 22. That tliere shall k~e no seating for eitr~e~ of the two (2) fa4t foad restaurant tenants. 23. That prlor to Issuance of a bullding permit or within a p~riod of one (~~) year fram the date of thla rnsotutlon, whict~ov~r oc~urs first, Conditfon Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 20 and 21, ~bov~-mentioneci, shall bA camplied with. ~ o~ of tho Anaheim Municip~ pCode~~ ~~nditions may be qrant~d in aCC~rdanc~e with Soction 18 24. Th~t prior ta final buflding ancl xoniitig inspactions, Gondition ~las. 5, 12 and 13, ab~ve-mentioned, shali be aomplled with. 25. That approvai of this applicatlon conatitutes apprnval of the proposedl reque~st only to tho exte~t that it camplie3 with thg Anahvim Munici~al Zoning Cocie nnd any othor applicable City, State~ and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any actton or findings as to compliance ur ~ppraval of the request regarding any other applir.able ardlnance, regu6ation or requiremont. 13E iT FURTHER RESOLV~D that the 6lnaheim City Plannfng Commission does hereby find om liance with and determina that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applfr,anYa r, p each and ail of the conditions herefnRbove sot forth. Should any such condition, or any !~~ 4hthen ~ti~iis declared invalid or unenfarcgabie by the ffnal Judgment of any court of cqmpetont Jurisdiction, Resolutian, and any ~pprovals her~(n cAntained, sliafl bra deemed null ~nd vofd. THE FUREGOING RE50LUTION was adaptet3 a' the Planning Commission meetin~ of February 6, i 99~. ~ '' ,.> ~ ~;~, C%~.~ ~ t ~~~ .~1 l~~ti.. HAIRWOMA~I ANAHEIM C17Y P NPJING GOIVIMISSION ATTEST: , U~ ~-~~ SECf~ AAY, NA!-IEIM CITY F'IANNING COMMISSION S~ATE OF CALIFORNiA ) COUN'TY OF OF~ANUE ) ss. GITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, M~rgarfta Salo~io, SPCr~tary of the An~helm City Planning Commiasfon, da hereby certify that the faregoing ras ~utuioan s;~S~ th oll~owing vote r~f heemembersi th~ oof:eim Cfty Plannin~ Commission held on Fo ry, Y Al'ES: CQMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CAl.GWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: CONiMISSION~RS: NUNE qgaENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANCY: ONE SEA7 IN WITNESS WHER~OF, ! have hereunto set my hand th(s ~~dmy of • , 1~95• ~~~~~ __~~- .~r~-' ~,~~~ ~.---~- SECRE7AR`~~~AHCIM C{TY Pi..ANNiNG COMMISSI4N ~~. PC~5-13