Resolution-PC 95-139~ ~iFSOLU~ION N4. PG95-1 9 b RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLAt~JNING COMMI88ION 1'ERMINATINCa ALL PI~QC~EDINGS IN CONNE~TI~~1 WITh! CONDITIONA4 USE PERMIT NC3S. ~329, 7~1G0 AND 30~1, ANO VARIANCE NOS. 1883 AN~D 26~f WHEREr>S, Conditianal Us~ Permit No. 8~9 ~t~~ Perrn~t c~n-~,~afe of iiqu~~r in a restaurant at 287 South Euciid Stroet) v~as approved by the Ciry Council on M~~r 3, ~96~ riridar Rnsoiutl~~n No. 66R-325; and WHER~AS, ~anditionHl Use Permit No. 1060 (t~ p~rmht c~n-~le af i~e~r and wine in c~nJunction with a proposod rostaurani at 275 South Euclid Strset) w~s a,~prc~w~ t~y ~he Planning Commissio~i nn September 23, 1968 undor Resc-fution Na. PCG8-291; and WhIEREAS, Conditfonal ~~ South Euciid Street) wa^map~ o edtby ha~Wlanr,i g Commiss onf an minlmum number of parkin~ spacas a August 1, 198a undo~ Reso~utinn No. P~~88-?_Q5; and WhiERE/~S, Varfarico hlo• i883 (to permit ex~ansion a~ an ~xist~ng ~~gn with waiver of maximum sign area at 235 South Euclid Strestj wa~ appraved k~Y the Planning Gam-~is~~o~u un ,lt~++~e 5,1967 under Resolution No. 67-1 ~47; and WH~RFr4S, Variance ~a56 (to waive permitted uses to p~armit a t~ilnr ta ~ie uaod as a classroom at 263 South E;u~lic~ Street) was approved by the F'lanning Cc~mm(3sfon on ~ecember 9, 1574 under Resolutlan No. PC74-240; and WH~REAS, ~Cevin (~. Nalan, represent(ng Annarica~ Stores Pro~erties, Inc., has submitted a letter requesting terminatlon af Conditional Uu~r ~I'by the petlAt on~es a das being1dev apetl with ~ su~e$arket~nd a because subj~act propert,y has bosn acq dru~ stare (under construction). NOW, THEREFOFiE, E3~ IT r~ESOLVED th~at the Anari~irn City P~~nnfn~ ~Commis~iUn does hereb,y tarminate ali nroceedings in c~nnection witn Conditinnal Use Permtt Na~. 829,10+A, 30~1 and Var~ance Nos.1 ~&3 and 2656 orr thQ basis of the faregofnd fir~~ings. 7HE FORE~AING RESOLUTIdN was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of Octob~r 30, 1995. r / ` A1RW4MA~1, AN.A~•~I c~iTY pLANNIMt~ COMM~S~~ON A7TES7: a.~ ~~~_~ SECR~7'AR , AHEI Ci7Y PI.Af'~INING C~JMMIS.~iIt~N _~ _ PC95-139 CA252~NtS.WP ,~ ~1 'i ~ $TA7E OF CAUFORNlA ) COUNN OF ORANQE ) ss• C~1'1r QF' ANAHEIM ) that I, Margarita Salorio, SacretaN of thg Anaheim City he Anaigielm CmY p ann "S~h~Qmm a~ o~n held tl~o faregofng ~asalution was p~ssed ar.~ adontad at a meeting o an October 30, t~J5, by !he following votn of the m~mbors thereof: COMMISSIONERS: ~OS7WICK~ BOYDSTUN, Bt~IST~L, HENNINGER, MAYER, , A`(ES: M~SSE, PERAZA Np~~; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENI': COMMIS~IONER~: NUNE ' 1~, hand thts ~~.~ay of ~~~~~'"_.""~ ~N WfTNESS WHEH~OF, I t~ave hereunto 3oi my SECRETA , A~~1HEI CI7Y PLAN~IIWG CONlMI~SI4N p~g5-139 .2.