Resolution-PC 95-1441 ~ .~~QL~JT~7N NO PC95-S~4 ,,'~'' A R~SOLU7IQN OF 7H~1710NALI US ~ FERMl1N ~10 ~800 BEI GRANTED THAT PET'ITION FOR C4ND VdHEREAS, tha Anaheim Clty Flanning Cornm{sslo f ana4~elmi C'QUnty~rn Orange~~St~te Conditional Use F'armlt for conaln raal praparry situatod in the ~lty o of Calffomia, describec1 as. THE SOl1ThIEAST QUAR7EF~ 0 11 WE T~R N THE RA~NCHO rJSFCOYU ES, IN ~~QWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE Tb-IE. CITY OF /~NAHEiM, AS PER ~FF CE OF ~TW fCU NTY RECORDER O~ MISCELI.l~NEOUS MAPS, IN TMC SND COUN'f'Y. WHER~AS, the City P~anninq Commission did hol~ a pub~ic hearing a4 the Civic Conte~r m., notico of said public hearing having be~~ pter in the Ciry of ~naheim on Actober 30, 15~5 at 1:30 p• iven as requir~t bY ~aW and ~n eccor~anao `Nith tha~ n ovi~sai id proposed cnendix ona! ~use pemit and to 9 18.03, to hear an~ consider evidence far an ag fnvesttgaYe ancl make fincifngs and recommendations in ~onnection there~witP~; and de b~tself WH~REAS, satd Cammission, f~Il evidence and eports oiffered atn~ id hear ng, doas fir~d and in its Gehalf, and after due Cansf~~ration o and determine the following facts: ~, That the prop~sed use is ~roperly one for ~r~~ne hundr~iad sixteen (116) foot hlqhf icef~lu ar Anahoim Municipa! Code 5ection to {~ermft communicatfons tower; z. That the praposed use wil4 nat adversely affaat tha adjA~n~ng land usas and the growth and devalapmont of the area In which tt is prop~sed to be focated, c~ ~S adequate to ali~w the full 3, That t~7e size and shape of tha site for the ~roposed ,ular area nar to :he peace, developmerit oF tha proposod use in a manner not detrimental to xhe G ~-,h school site and will b~ haalth, safery, and generai weifare bec~use tho tower wilt bQ on a 38.84 ac~ ~ locat~d 45U feet or more frAm any residences; 4. That the tra~ic ~en~rated by th~ proposed t afficiin he a easbecaus~ noborv ~ry m~nimal streets ar~d hlghways desig~red and impraved to carry ~h traffic, w11! be generated by the use; s~~ W}~~ not be y. 3hat the granting of the ~n~d~~eneaal woipare of he citi-ze s oft`ho CitY aF Anahaim; dotrimental to the peac9, health, safety a 9 g. That, altliough the pronosed tower is ~~ e fe~ djghRt hef p opo ecl Q~wo w~a oplace~an ad~acont land uses, Orange Avenue and Westprn Avenu , xistin 100 foot hlgh tower ~uvhich is alr3~xdy a familiar sI~X gtin t flaod`light standards for th~ high ach~oo~ e g earance ta tha e 9 tl~e tower wii6 be aimilar in hoi~ht ~nd app spores tield; and ~. That no ane indicated their presenc~ at s~id public hearing i~ oppositior~: and th~t no correspondence was received ~n oppositi~n to the subject petltion. P{~•144 -1- CR2531 MS.Wp ~~ `~, ~LIF RNl~ c"~v~anNMENTAI. ~UALI1'Y AC1'~N~.1~~ Th~t the Ariahaim Cky Planning Commisslon haa reviewe~i the proposal th permit a Ane h~~ndred eixtoen t~ ~pXlm~toi h3F3.g4 ~Il~uleS commun{catlons tower on a r~ctanfl~larly sheped parcal of land consisting Qf epp roximate frantages of loaated at the s~archwest cornar of Cran~a Avenuo and 3 0 feet on the w~st i~ide af Weatorn Ayenue and 1,~70 feet on the north alde of Oran~n Avenu~ and 1, rovo the furth~r described as 3325 West Ora~~et~~ declaratian efla cs~ h~ i depende t judflo entanf the lead rlegative Dactaretlon upon findin~g t a ~goncy and tFu~t it has cons(dered the Negatfv n D~ee Ibag`go ~~e inl4laWStudy and any comment e ceived th~ public reviow proce~s and further t~nding o tFiat ther~ is no substaMial ovidence that tli~ proJect will h~ve a stgnificant c+fffect on the environmont. NQ~y, ~H~R~~pq~, B~ 17 R~SQ p~ithut on he oe w ng conditio ~ whi h'are~hereby hereby grant sub~ecf Petiilon for Canditional Use P In order to preser~e th~e found to bo a necessal a p~~ ~ie h~QSf~te it gng ppf hgQ~i y pf Anahaim ~b~~ct pr~porty safety and ~enorai we ~, That the stael monopale r~hail not exceed ~ nn~~g~ E~~ not exceed or e~hu d~ed sixt ant(118 ~~ ` height of the atructure ~lnduding the whlp ante ) 2. That the ap~~~M shali rn9gatlate in good faith with othor cellular service pro~tders In tho event tP~at co-lac~tia~ opportunities ~xist far this facilfty g. 7hat tho numbor and aLze of al1 antennas shali not exceod those shown on ~xh(bft No. 1• 4. That subject property shflll be developed s~a itionelalla ~ wnic plans erah p^.~f4IN wi h he P{ann~ing aubmittec! to tlie Ciry of Anah~fm ~y the p pq~artment marl;ed ~xhibft No. 1. 5, That p~lor to ~nat buiiding and zoning inspections or w;.n(n a pei ~~i of one (1) year from tha date oi thls resoit~tion, whichever occura first, C,nndit~~n~i'o s 4~Y b~ g~n~~~ ~~a~Cpl~da~ce ith( S cti~o~ EMen41ons tor further time to comp~ete safd co 18.U3.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. ~ov~.l of thl~ app~~~-tion con~:itutes approval ~f the pro-~osed request anly to the exient that g, That app y icablo Ci , State and FedA~al it compl~os with the Anat~eim Mun!;:ipa1 Zoning Code and an other ap Qm~~~nc.e or ~pprov~l of the reyulatior~.g. Approv~l dues n~t ;~cable or inar c~n e9ul~on oa~qquiremant. request reparding any oth~r app 7, That if the ~tMenn~s a~e ever lowered rel.~tfv~ ta their locat~nn~ on the mor.opole, the monapole aha~~ aisa be Iowe~Hd to tho new antenna heigl~t. S, Tt~~at both the monopole ~nd the eauipmorit shad nhall hse r~movdd from tho slt~ et such time as both are no long~r in operation. BE IT FURTH~R RESOLVED that the An3heim City Plannin~ Comm~M g dAmpi~ian~ w~ and detennin~ ths~t adoption of this Resolutiort {s~~hprSt o~ d any su~h condit(on~, or a~ny part thereat, b~ eaCh e~nd al~ ~f -.he conditbns herefr~2bove set d~clared trnrolid or un~nforr,eable by tha tinal Jud9menb d~emed nul and vo~de~t iu~~i~ion, then thts Rosolution, end eny r~pprovals hereln Cantatn~i, ahal PC~'i-144 .7. ,,,~,, ~ ~ TH~ F4R~t~~~N~ RESOL~UTION wan adopted at the Planning Commlasion meetln~ of ~ctober 30, 1g95. ~ /~.~ CH aMAN ANANEIM C PLANNING C4MMISSION C ~-~r-r~s~: -, •~, ~. .,. S~CRETA ,~ AhiEi CITY PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) LpUNTY OF ORANGE ) Ss• Ct7Y OF ANAHEIM ) do hereby cArtify ~~ Margt~rtta Solorfn, Secretary of tho Anahelm City p~ana~~~~ ~pn^ri<<salon, {~lann(n that the forogoing resoluilon was passed and adopted at a meetin~ of the Anahoim Ciry 9 Commission held on October 30, ~995, by the fallowinfl vate af the members theraof: sE AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BnSTJVICK, BCJYDS7UN, 3RiSTOI.~ FiENNINGkR, MAYER, MES NOES: CO~VIMISSIONERS: NON~ ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: PEf~AZA Wl'fNESS WHEFiEOF, ~ have horounto set my han,-1 thi~ _ 7t~` day of ~"t~t' , IN 1995. ~rr~ ~~ ca it~.}Il.-~~' SECR~ AHE M CiTY PLA-NNIN~ COMMISSI4N PC~a-t ~ ~3-