Resolution-PC 95-147L;'^'~ 1~ g~SOL1~TI0N N0. PC9.5-1 ti7 ;4::J A REa0l.U710~! OF TWE ANAHEIM CITY PL.ANNiNG COMMISSIAN REVO{<{NG RESOLUTION N0. PCF38•373 aNQ DECISI4N N0. ZA91-26 ANU 1'ERMiN~TINC~ AL~ PROC~EDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH CONDI"fiONAL USE F'ERMIT NOS. 1002 AND 3422 WHEREAS, an January 3,1966 the Planning Cammisslon adoptAd Resolution No.1893, Series 9965-66, approving Conditional Use Permit No. 797 (to a~t~blish a restaur~nt wfth wa(ver of min{mum buildin~ and landscap r~ as aken b the City Counci~l; ~and hat subjedct pr party was then dev~eloped wl~th Avenue); that no act o Y a restaurant (Pancake Carousel); WHEREAS, on De~ember 3~, 19G8 the i'lann(ng rommission adaptod Resolution No. PC68- 373 approving Conditional Usa Permit N~~. 1082 (to permit on-sale boe~ and wine in conjunction with the servin~ of ineals fn the exfsting i•est~urant) and that twa exhibits were submitted by the applicant dopicting th~a sits plan and Hoor plan of the exisiing restaurant; that approval was based, in part, c~n the finding: That dua to iha faci thf od apolnlo b~zrhw s,propo edhih~ usre would nntbe dot im9n a~ oethe adJo~ ingrlend In the sarving of o uses; and that no action was taken by the City Council; WHFREAS, in 1583 the rostaurant changecl ownership and was remadaleci with a western theme and contfnu~d to operate as a fuii sorvico rostaurant with on•premises s~le and consumption ot be~r and wine (Jo~y's Barbecue Restaurant); WFiERcAS, on June 20, 19Jt the Zoning Aclminiseratar adopted Decfsion N~. ZA91-26 approving ~c~ndltional Uae Permit No. 3~22 (to permit on-sale alc:oholic beverage~ in r~n exist(ng restaurant [Jooy's Barbecue Ros~auran4J in connectfon with the servin~ of maals and with waiver nf minimum numbAr ofi parkfnn spaces) and th~1 two exhibfts that were submltted by the applicant; thai ap~rQVal wras basod, in part, on the finding:'S haothe p o~~ f~~whlch a condl~onal use pe mlt s,~uihorJzed by the Zonlnig C dte th~ serving of ineafs, j p Y ar~d 4hat no action was t~kon by the Ciry Council; and ~ WHEREAS, sub~ect property, located mt 1339 North East Street has be~n zonc3d ML uLimited Industrlai since Decembor 19~2 and is currer-tly c~eveloped with an approxlmately 3,640 square foot restaurant (Sweetwater Saloan}. WMEREAS, on August 21, 1995, the C~larining Comrnission directed staff tA set subject Canc~itional Use Permit Nos. 1Q82 and 3422 for public hearing to aansider the rev~catirn or modification pf 38id US8 (a~rmit5; WH~hE~S, the City Plannfnq ~ommisslon did hold ~ pubiic hoaring at the Civ(c Centet (n the City of Anaheim on Novemk~er 13, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notica oi sa(d public hearin~ havi~q b~h pier ~iv~:~ as required by law and in accardance ~vith the prt~visions of the Anahelm Municipal Coda, 18.03 to hear and consider evidenca f~r anti against said proposed arnendment and to Invostl~ato and make find(ngs and racommendations fn connectfon th~rewtth; and V`lHEREAS,rsa~(e ~~°nslderat~lon ot~all evidenc~8anld reportstoffered at said hea ng, dc-~slfind a~ ~d in fts behal~, and ~fte d and cletermine the followfng facts: t, That nin ~ dr~hat~ he applic~tfon for buslness ~lice Sr~ indicates thai thertype of busln ss~ls "Sweetwater Salao a "rastaurant with fulV cac{rtails." ,1 _ PC95-147 CR2538D~1,WP ~.;~~;,; ~'~p~ / 5 the roperty owner of record and the holder, usor and/or "~:_ 2. That on October 24, 199 p t ro ert were notiEled in wrlting, vf~ certifi~d mail, ofi thS dPt~e,~i~g No n,~g2 gnd permittee of tho subJor. ~ p Y the public hearing to consider the revocation or modification of Conditional U 3422. ~ on containod In City Code Enforcement r~cords indica4e u der ConditlonalfUse 3. That testim y raved restaurant has been substantially altered fram the fl~nr plans proviously app Permit Na. 1082 ancl Conditional Use Permit No. 3ti22: mberifofaabl0s or booths itn~ hewcustomor setat ng ~,gA ar~a. boen convertsd to a full-service bar and a substantiai nu area have t~een removed to accommodata a raised stage and bar set-up around the a tions, the 4. That Potlce and Cc~de Enfor~e~ 88~Saloon ls~ thet~fsa ~ of ~ aico ol~ic beve ages for on-site Primary bus{ness act(vity of the Sweetw iemala Qmpioyeea t~s cunsumption and providing Iive ith inc dentai aic~holicgbeve age sa-es and provid(ng "go ~o styla" dance opposed to the serving af maals w perFarmances. the use for 5. That, as c~escribr,d in Soction 18.03.091 •030 of the Anaheim Mue~~ ttapCodeSa~~ b9er and which approval was originaily granted r~nm~a~o h~s~ ceased t~ exist o~ has8bee susPe ded for ~ntlon~of wine in conJunctian with tho seNing of ) zoning or mor~ because Conditional Use Permit NUn3~~xis~tin~rmestaurant,pwaseaPPrAVed bydthe nCthl ~ alcohalic beverages in conJunctian with a e a7" On- Adminfstrator fn June 9991, and the premts9s have sub~~forniatDepartrnent of A caholfc Be erage Contral SaIQ General - Eat(n~ Place) pe~ mEt frorn the State of Ca horixin the on-premises sale and consuiti~ptfon af generaal~q~ the terminat~ion ofi Condi~tfonal Use~Psr rit a~ g Iicable or necossary Use Permit No. 10g2 is no longer app No. 10~32 will eiiminate a duplication af ~imilar ent(tlement i~pon the premis~s• ~~ ~onditlana! Use ~, 7het, as described (n Sech~~ been,~exercis dtco t aryeto he terms ar c~nditions of such Permit No. 3R22 is being, or recently a roval, or in violatlon of any statute, ordinance, ~aW °ohogclbeperage~ in ccmjunict~lonlwith anrexiisting Pp 3422 permits on-premises salo and consumption of c restaurant with waiver of minimum number of parking Shat the bus ness is n~t toe~eceint ly has not b ent Is ~n implicft term of the ~ranting of tho permit; anci t oparating as a restaurant, basec~ upon the following ovtdence: a The floor plan has recontly be~n modified to fncludea ~bon ahea of the enclos d Qastaur~i~ f am 25~ ~, area and reducing the minimum requlre~c! food pr~p af the gross floar area, as required and set forth in Seca~~u ~ of customqA seat ng a~rAa ihasCbeen to approximaxo~y 2~~'~. Funhermore, a substantia removed and repiaced by a raised st~ge fcr the performing of Iive entertainmont; p Tlie weight of the evidence pr~sented r,oncludes ~nQSShancf/orn hatf he serving tof ineals Is,tor has C) the primary use or sourc~ of rever~ue for tho b~ s bee,n, incidental to the safe of alcohalic beveragos an~ the vio~ring af Ilve, sexuallyoriented entertainrnent; arid 7hat, furt{~armoro, Conditlona: Use Permit Non34 Th`~ b n~~9 ~ ~g b~sed upon the foll~wi Q In violatipn of a statute, ordinance, law or regulatio eviderice: sexuaily-orionted entertainment is beir.g, or has (C) That, based on the welght oi the evide~cQ present9cl, ~ven, rovided, cc~nducted or perforcned upon the premh81m Munic pal Code, and inr~ olatlon o the p Anaheim as require d by Sec t i o n 1 8. 8 9. A 3 0. O i p o f t h e A n a Cfry's So:~; Orinnted Business Qrdinance (ChaY'•°" 1~,gg ~ the Anaheim ~lun ic ipa l C o d e)~ PC95-147 -2- '~tilj.: ~~, (d) Th~t ~Ite~~tlons made to the lnierlor a~=hsu~ u~nt r or afteQat(t~ a pr modifiCat ons ~raQno lon~er ~n af approval ~r~ntln~ such uaa, and t conform~nce to tho appraved plan sncJ specltloQtloris ~n t4te !n tho Planninp Qe~artinent markocl Exhibft No. 2 of Conditianal Uso Perndt No. 3422; anc3 Rd on th~ prernises invdvinp :he (e) That Iive antertEiinment Is being, or ha3 k~een, conducte~l or perfor~ display of Specffied Anatomical PArts or whi~co ~oan~t~~ vias~ on o~tho tetrri~o~atndtca drions ot~the Section i 9.~9•Q20 of the Anaha~m Murdcipa , Entertalnmont F'ermit issu~ by the City of An~heim on June 27, '1995• 7. 7hat forty (~0) pea-~~a indlcated thoir presence at sa(d public hearin~ Ir~ appositlon; it~~t a petiticn w~s ~submittecl wfth appruximateiy sixty thr~e (S3) 3lgnatur~ in opposltion; and that corraspondence was ~ecelved tn oppas{tion ta the subJoct pet{tlan. ~A IFQFi~IA ENVIRONM~NT,~L_~U~___A~.~'~LD~1S~~ld~' 7ha Planning Director nr his autharized r9presentotive has d~termined that thF Ca~~~~ ~~~~i ~nmenta ~ Ihmpac~t Refport (E R) auede~ines Exemptions, Class 21, as defined In the Stat~ o and is, thnreforo, c~tegoricaily exompt from tho requ(remvnt ta prepare an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT aESOLVED that ihQ Anahelm City Plannlr-g Commfssion does her9by terminate all prc~ceedings in connoctlon with Cnnditional Uso Permit No. 1082 and 3422 on the basia of the foreguin~ findings. THE ~ORCGOING RESOI.UTION was adoptod at the Planning Comm(ssion meoting of November 13, 1995• n, ~7~~"~Z,~--~' ..._ ~v~~ ,,,_.,.._._.._ -- - CKAIRMAN, PRQ 7EMP0 ~ ANAHEIIA CITY PLANNIN COMMISSION ATT~ST: „- ~~ r ~ - - SECREI'A Y, ANAHEiM Cll'Y p NNING COMMISSION STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sg• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L Har~Is, Secretary of th i~ ~~ a~ meetinglof the Anehemm C~y Planni q Commissh~n the for9going resolutlor+ was passWd anc1 adop held on NovQmber 13, 1995, by the foilawing vote af tho membe~ th~reof: AY~S: CQMM{SSION~RS; MESS ~CK, BOYDS7UN, BFl~STOL, HENNINGER, F'EFiAZP- NO~S: COM~VIISSION~RS. qggFh('~: COMMISSION~RS: MAYER IN V-117NESS WMEI~EOF. I have hereur-to set my hand thts /I_ day ot ,,,,,,~,,,,,,~~~~ t PQ5. ~~~ ~~ -~.-~'~' , ~-Jc~... SECR~AR't. ANANEiM C!'TY PLANNtNG COMN115SI~N -3- PC95•t A7