Resolution-PC 95-149f .' r71'.1~'. ,~1 A RESOL~ ~~~R CQNDITIONAl.IUSE'TR'EWMIT P10~17A~ BE1 CRANTED THAT R~T1T WHERE~IS, tho Anaheim City Piannirig Commosslon dfd grant Conditional Use Permit No. i'744 (to permit tha oxpansfon of a prevlously appraved drivo through rest~urt~nt) on SAptember ~977. WH~~iEAS, tho Potitionar requ~sts approval of a candition~l use permft under the authority of Cocie Section No. ta.4~t•O~Q,300 to permit the expansion of an existing drive through restaurant. WHERFJ~S, the G~ty Planning Commis~lon dld hald a public hearing at the G-vic Center in trie CFty of Anaheim on November 13, 1995~a~~ th~ ~~~g~o ~~g ~f ~fi~ A ahei~m Munic palCode, Ch nter given as requiretl by law and in Rccordance P 18.03, to hsa~ ~nd cansidor evidence for ~nd aqainst sald propas~ci condttion~l use permft and to investigate and make findings and recor~mendations in cdnnection therewith; ~nd WFiERE~,S, ~Id Commiisio~no~ faf~ ev donco and eports offe~od at sald he ri g, doe~ ~ind and in its b~half, and after duo consider~ o and dotermino the followin~ facts: 1. That the proposad u5e ~ 5p 300 to exg nd aniexisting drive throu~h estaurt~nt twfth wai er Anaheinn MuNcip~l Cotle Sectfan 18.44 0 pa of ttis following: .~r~~ g.~A ~1~4~~ ,~Inlmum num~aer of o rkinn se~~• (~q..~rg,g requirecf, .~ proPosod) 2, 7hat the parkl..q waiver, under the conditfons impusAd, ~neill not cause fewer off•street parkin~ spaCes to be provided for su ~~r che Q mal a d~ ensonAbly 9oeseeable corxiitiar ~COf per~ation ali vehicles attributable to such use u of such use; ~. 'That the waiver, under t ubl c~str6ee~s Ini hepimm~sdi~atanvicin tyrof the p oposac! use;~ r,ampetftion far parkfn~ spaces upnn the p a. That the waiver, under the cnnditions imposed, wUl not increa5e the demand and comp6tftlon for parkina spaces upon adja~~nt pr(vAte property in the immediate vicinity af the propased use (which prapRrty ~s nAt expressly pmvided as p~rking for such use under an agreemcant in compliance with Section 18.Q6.010.020 nf this Code) ~ g. That the wafver, und~ei~e~c` h~d~the off st~reet~parking arsas or lo s provded torisuch uise; ai~ pallution, or trafflc circulatfon con , $. That the waivor, ur~der the conrfitions (mposed, wi~~ not Incraas9 traffic congestion, nuiso, air pollution, or impede vc~hicular ingres~ to Ar egr~ss fram adjacent prr~perties, u~n the public streets in the fmmediate vicinity af the proposed use; ,,~ _ PC95-149 CR2536nt~f.WP I~J~~~ , e deom~d eontingont upon c-peration of the ~, That t-~e gronting of the parking waiver shall b conformance with tho assump~~nns relatfngiac~ the pperatian and intensity of the usA a for a proval of subJeGt wafvar; and that conditiona~l iase in that formed th~ ba$ ~~ ~~~ g~gumptlons, as c~ntalned ln thA contained in the parking demand etudy exceadln~, vialating, Utensifyln9 c~ ~therwise daviating from anY shall bo de~mad a violatlon of the expr d3 ~91 and 1~.A3.0920 t e Zaniny po,rkin~ demand ~tudy~ terminatlon or modlflcation pursuant to the provisions of Se~t~an 1. Cnde, h~ ro osed use will not adversely aifeat the ~au$1~ ~~~ip~ ~ g~~ has~aee ndo e opred g, T h a t 4 p p ~~ in t s f r a m n e l g h b a~ developmont af the area in w~ h~ $In~eg~971~and the City has o b~A~Od a`~n~312psq~~t,~ wpl bg used for with a c1rive-througl~ restaura roximate1y 6p~6 af the prc-pcs~d add t regarding tts operation; and that app stor~ o ln contrast to on~Y 40°~6 of tho addition baing use~d f~r addition~l dining ~ro ~ g g~ use is adoquate tio allow the full eace, g, That the size and ahapo of the sfte far tho p~a ~ f tha rapaaed use ln a mannor not detrfinental to tho particuiar area nor to th~ p development o p heaith, safoty, ~nd ger.~ral weffare; traffic generated by th~ pro~ased use will nahem~pea~ an u~U° burden upon the 1 p. That the th~ traffic in streets and h~ghwaY~ dasfgned and improved to car~Y h~ rantin~{ of the condit~onal use permit, und~~i~e g~~ he Cit~y~Q°A~ hel'mn~t be ~ 1, T1~at t 9 ener~i welfa~a of 4he detrimontal td tho peace• health, sufer! a~d fl a~ftian; and that na 1?. That no ane Indicated thetn pr jh~ su~l~~ petnl~ n~ic ~0arin~ In opp corresp~ndenc9 was recelved 1n aRPasnio Qiannin ~~~~: That the An~helm Clty 9 R ~ review~d the prapasal Qo expand an existinQ d~~ I of land lsoc~-ted at t e s uthwest ~ o m m i s s i o n ~ a s acAg Qn a r e c t a n g u l a r t y- s h a p e~ c l p a venue an d Defano Street, havi~g frantag~ f~~ 3~1 teet o~~ he so u t h s i d s a f L f n c o n minimum nurr~b~r of parking sp her descritx~~l ~S ~~ WA~ Uncaln comer of Lincoln A that the decla~tion reflects the Avenue and 163 feet on t~e rpVet the Nega ive DAC arat(on ups a~ ~_~~ NQaativa Declamtlon together A~venuo; and daes her~by app independc~nt judgement of the iead a9ency and that tt has con ~o ~~~ will have a ceived durin4 the pubiic review process and ~~ faenaetha ~h~hp bj sis af the inttia wi4h any commonts re study ~~ anY commentsvi onment that th+~re is na ~ubs~anda e signfficant vffe~t on the on W'fH~REFO~E, BE !T R~SOLVED that the Anaheim C1ry P~annfng C~mmission does NO , n the fotluwin9 condition3 which ara hereby hereby fl~M subf ect Petition for Conditinnal U~se~~ u~ of° he subject property in order to prese~ve tho founcl to be a no~o~~ry Prerequistta to the p P safery and generai welfare of the Citizens of the Ciry c~ Anahelm: ~~h lans and sqeciflcatfons 1, 7h~t subjoct proper~Y $~~~ be develaped substantfally in accord~~ng are on fil¢ wRh the Pia~nning pf Anahsim bY ~e P~ton~er and whlch p~ ubllc tolaphone shall be subrnltted tia the Cfty rovided, however, that any P staff~ gn~ that DepaKment marked Exhlbit Nos. t through 3; p laced Inski~ the buflding or noar the ~iuflding e~nLOmi ~healis can be mor~ttored by P pl~ af receivin~ the telPphone she~ll not be capa ~~ f~om tl~e date ied with. T}~t p~far to finai auudUg and xoning inspo~ttian No. 1hia~~ m~ on~e $~0 be G wkh Sectlon 2. ot thta resa+ut~on~ w~~~h~et occurQ fl~. ~ rant~cl in ~ccondance ~xt~nsions for ~turther t imeMunlc pa~~Code~ candRlong may ~ 18.03.090 of the Artahe PCS5-t 49 -2- i ^~~l ~:! 3. Tha~ approval of this ~pplication constitutea approval of the propossd requsst only tc~ the extent that it campli~s wfih the Anaheim Mun(cip~l Zanin a~lon~ar f nclings as to aornpli~nae ~or~aPProv~l of the regulationa. Approval da~s not include any request rega~dinq any otliAr apRlicable ardlnance, re~ulatic-n ar rAquirement. B~ IT FUR7HER RES~LVED that the Anahelm City P~anriin~ Comm(ssiarr daes hereby flnd mnd determine that adoption of this Wnsoiution is oxpressly predlcated upan appiicar~t's compliance wfth e~ch anel a!{ r~f the conditions herelnabav4 set forth. Should any auch conditton, or any {~art thereof, be d~aciared Invaltd or unenforceablo by the final judg~ Ilnbe deemeclu ul~andmold~~~ ~urisdiction, then this Fiesol~~tlnn, and any approvals hereln contained, THE FOREf~OING RESOLUTION was ~dopted at tMe Planning ~ommission meetin~ o~ Nov~mber 13, 1995• ~ ~'~-""_"'7 CI~aIFI A~V, PRO TEMP R'~, ANAH~IM CITY PLANN C COMMIS:ION ATTEST: ~ f ~~:__.-~==-- l~ti'~'~ gECRETARY, AIVAN~INI CIlY PI.ANNING COMMISSfON STATE OF C~IIFORNIA ) COUNTY UF QR4NGE ) ss• CITY OP ANANEIM ) do herc~by cer~ify I, Edith L. Harrfs, Secr~tary of the Anaheim City Planning Camm(ssion, vlannin that the foregoing resolution was 9g5 ~~L~Ze folpcwing vo e af thenm mbe s he eof: C~ g Commissio~n held on Navember 13, , Y AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNING~~, M~SS~, PF~iAZA NOES: COIUIMISSI4NERS: N~NE ABSENT: COMMlSSIOPJERS: MAYER day of ~ r~~ fN WITN~SS WF~ER~OF, I h~vo hereunto ~et my hand this ~ 1995. ' ~Q ~''' - r o~ ~~-'t~ S~CRETARY, aNAFiEI(Vi ClTY PLANN{NG ~OMMISSION ~` pCJ5.149