Resolution-PC 95-15,'~ S.~S?.~~'~ N 9S.P~sS-9 s ~,,;; A RESOLUTION OF TWE ANAHEIM CITY pL~4NNING C4MNNSSION THAT PETI?'IOPJ FOR CONbITI~NAL USE PERMIT N0. 3739 BE GRI~NT'ED Wi~~R~AS, the Anaheim Cfty Pianning Commission did recoive a verified Petition for C~~ndhtional Usa Pdrm(t fAr certain real praperk~~ sEtuated in the Clty of Anahaim, County of Orenge, State of Cal!fornia, descrlb~d as: PARCEL ~a OF PARCEL MAP NO. 8~-289, IN 'THE CITY AF ANAHEIM, COUNTY 0~ ORANGE, S'TA?'E OF CALIFORNiA, AS PER MAP RECORDE~ IN C300K 22~3, PAGE(S) 17 AN['i 18, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN TME C3~FICE OF THE COUNTY ~ECARdER OF SAID Cc~UNTY. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission did hold a pubiic hearing at the Civic Center in the Ciry of Anaheim on February 6, 1995 ~t 1:30 p.m., notice of said pub{ic hearing havinp be~n duly given as requirc~d by !aw and in accordance with 4he provisions of tho Anahelm Municipal Ccde, Ch~apter ~ 8.03, ta hear and consic~er evidence for and agafnst saicl proposod conc~itional use parmit ar~d to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewfth; and WHEREAS~ ~~consideratlon of algl evi~ence ancl reports~offeried atnsaid h ar ng, does find and in its behaif, and aftor due and d~termfne the following facts; 1. That the propossd uses are prop~l~ly ones for which a cnnditional usa permlt is iiuthorized by ~naheim Municipa~torae facilitf~i clt~ding on-si eovehlcl~e p eparatio and detaii5ng.~~ to ~etafn an automotive whalesale s g Y 2. That the proposad use will not adversely afieci the adJoining iar~d uses and th~a growth and development of the area In which it is proposed to bo lo~ated; 3. That the size US~ in a manner not detrimer~t~~to t~ particular araa ncr toll he peacel development of the proposed health, safety and general wRlfare; 4. 7hat the traffic c~enerated by the proposed use wifl not impose an unduF~ burden upon the streets and highways desigr~ed and {mprnved to carry the tratffc in the area; 5. Tiiat tF~e ~~~`thg safe .e and genaraluwelfare of the citizens oft he CM~y a~A~~heiimnande detrimental to the peace, ~Y r. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing !n oK~position; and that no correspondence was receNod in appasit~'?n. -1- PC95-15 CR23o2M~.wp +~-; ~y~ rA~ i~n~tWIA ENVIRONM GJ,T,,,A~,,,_Q A~I A~Ld.Qll~.~i~ That tho Annheim Ciry l~I~nnin~ ~aommisalon hns revlewed th~ ~rop~~-I ta retaln ~n ~autarnative whales~lo atorApe f~cllity includin~ on-site ~ehiclo preparatlon ancl datalllnn on a rectangula~ly-shaped parcol of land consfsting of approximately 0.37 acrv, hav{ng a iranta~gA ot approxim~toly 76 feHt an the soulh sido n~ tillralam~ Avenue, having a rnoxirrium depth of approxlmataly 213 fe~t, being located ~pproximmt~ly 125 foet weat of the centorline of Van Bursn Stre~t, and fu-ther described aa 3J~80 Cast Miralama Avenua; ~nd doe~ herEb~r approve thd Negat(ve Declarotl~o~ upon flnding that the deciaratlori ryflects tt~e indepar~lent JudgemAnt of the le~d agoncy mnd that it has consld~red th~ Nagative Doclaration to~ether wfth ~ny cUmmenta recelvod durinfl tho public roview nrocess and funhert~ ~t e~ m actwUl h~ve a Isfgnffi ~r t e Iect on ho envirnnmentv~ t~t thAre is no sut~stantlal evidance P 1 NOW, Th1EFtEFORE, 8~ IT RE50LVED th~t tho Anaheim Ciry Planninp Commission doos hereby ~rant subJect Petitic~ T fnu~g~~ ta it e p opased uso o~ he subj~ictW('fOp nY inQOrcior to p er ero~ethe found ~o be a necossary p e eq safety and general welfar~ af the Citizens ^f tho Cky of Anah~lm: t. 7hat the petlt(c~ner ahaltora e~ of f-utomobi este sidefthewarehU i$FOther clearancos irom the 8ulld(ng pivision ta r~ll+~w the s 9 2, (al That all act~vfties shall be conduc~t.ed whoily insw0 the building; (b) 'fhat at no time ahail any vehicle trans~orted to the site f~r tomporary stnra~e, p~eparation or wholesalE purpoaes be displayeo, stored, parked or lett standing ~utskie th~ buildfng; and (~) That vehictes sha~~ not be staclced or left stand~nfl w~thfn any rrut~l and reci~r~cal ac.c9asway area except for pumos~s of loadln~ and unloadinq such vehic~es from transpon vAhicles. 3, 'fl~at washing of vehicles upon tho premfses (s prahibited uniess, pri~r to commencemeni of vthic~o washing acttvitles, a permanent wash t~ay area is (nstalled inside the buAding and oquipPed wlch clarifiors or catch basinui ~~ ~h the Pu~bl c Worl~s Depa ment and/er the Buliiding Divlsian Water or othor pallutAnts, a ea Y 4. That there shall be no sales of ~utumobiles to the gengrai puUlic or~ th~ premisos. 5, fhat subjec;t property shali t~e dev~loped substanttally in accordance wfth plans and ~p4cifications submittad ta the Ciry o'f anahelm by the petitfaner and whic~ ~lans are an file with the f~lanntng pepartmant marked ExhEbit Nos. t and 2. 6. 'That Condftion Nos, 1 ancl 5, abovA•mentioned, s~hall be comp;eied within a poriod ~af thirty (30) days ttom the date oi this rosd-rtlon. 7. T'nat appro~~al of thi~ appl(cation constftutes appfnval vf the proposed roquest only to the extent that tt compil~s wfth the Anahoim Q~~i ~~~ e~ny act on nr ~`~inding~ as c~ complian e~n taPp~o I of t e' re~ulations. ~pprolai does ~aquest re{~~rding any other appl~cable erdlnance, regulatian or re~u l~em e n t. BE 1T fURTMER RE50lNEU that tha Anaheim Ciry Plannin9 Commission does hereby flnd ~nd determine that adoptlon of this Flesdution is expresslY Prod~cated upan applicant's compliance wRh each ar~d all of the condttions nareinabave set tonli. Should any suclti +coriditton, Qr any part thereot, be deCf~red invalki ~r Unenf~r~oa hereintcu ta~ed ai~ai! be deossc~ nW and vo~idt~nt Juristiictfo~ . ihen this Resolution, ar~d any approv~ ~ .2_ p(~-15 ,r ,, ~ 'Th~E FOREGOING ~iESQLUT10~1 was ~doptod at the Plannin~ Commisalon moetin~ r~f Ft~k~ruary ti, 1995. ~ ~ / ~ ~ Q//• ~_.y ~~ //(,~ ,f ~(.i'.~.J / ~•',,,J~•-'_. ~ _~"~'c?-~i...~~ CHaiRWOM~N ANAMEIM CITY F'.ANNING COMMISS{nN A'TT~ST: , ~ ~,~, ~..>a~'vrr,~.~ SECFIET RY, NAHEIM CiTY PLANNINQ COMMI~SION SYA7E OF CA~IFdRN1A ) ~OUPJTY UF ORANGE ) s.4. CITY ~F AP~IAHEIM ) I, Margarita 5010~'4, Se~rotary of the Anahairn Cfty Planni~g Commission, da hereby certHy thfat the forsgofng resoli~tlon Nas passed ~nd adoptoci at a moetin~ ot fhe Anaheim ~i~y Flanning ~ommission held on February 6, 1995, by tho follawing vot~e of tho membo~s thereof: AYES: Nt7~S: ABSENT: VACANC'~f: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONEFl~: ~UMMI5510NERS: ONE fiEAT !N WITNESS ~ ~, 1 ~J95. BOYDSTU~1, CALDWEI.I., HENNI(~Q~R, MAYER, MES~E~ PERA7A NONE NONE WMER~OF, I have hereunto set my hand this ,'~ r~ d$y of ~~ ~-~~-~.-c~~--- L` - SECRE7AR , ANAH~IM CITY PiANNING CONAMISSION ~_ PC95-15