Resolution-PC 95-152i:~ .~.$Q~~~ri~N N4, PG~~ ~ A~7~RMINA~T NG ALL P nCEE NC3IS IN CON~IIVECTI4N W~7~10~1 C~JNI7ITIONAL USE PEI~MIT PJO. 3066 WHER~AS, on Septembor 24, 198T Canditional Use Pe~mit Na 306E was gr~nted under Resolutlon No, PC88-287 b,y tho Anahoim Plt~nntng Commissiun to parmit a moblla radia installatlon/nffics facilfty at 1000 NArth Kraem~r Pl~ce. WW~REAS, on,4ugus4 21,1995 Chnditional Use Permit Na. 37~2 wa~ granted, in part, under ResoluHon No. PC95-100 by the hnahelm Planning Comeniss6on tn permit a usod aut~mablle sa~e~ f~ail(ty and Rhat Condltlon No. 12 oP of sFaid r~soi~~tion states as follows: "12. That the owner of subjeci pro;~erty shall submit a letter roquestln~ terrnination of Conditiana( Use Permit No. s0~6 (po~~ing a moblle radio fnstallation/affic~ facii{ty} to tho ?.oning Divi~ion." WWEREAS, Kenneth A. Campl~oll, has st~t~mitted a lotter dated October 9,1995, requestin~ termUation of Conditlon~l Uso Perm tN~oin ~~nectian~wvith Cond'+~!cyn~~i Use Parm~pNaa37g2.ondition No. 12 af R~solution No. PC95-100 adap NOW, TH~REFORn cAnnlect~ion with~on thotbasis of tho fia qaing findin~smmission does heraby terminate all procsedings TN~E F~REGOING RE~OLU'fION was adopted at the F~I~nning GAmmission meeting of Novombor 27, 19~5. w ~ ._.__ -..-- + RWpM~N, ANAHEfhA CiTY PI.AAII~D~G C~MMISSION A ITEST: ~~'`~''-'F~ I ION ^ECRE7'AAY, NA~~ CITY pLr1NNING COMM SS ~ STATE 0~ CAU1=0R9VIA ) C~UNTY OF ORANGE ) ~s. CfTY C~F ANAH~IM ) !, Margarita S~lorio, Secretary of ~he Anaheim Ciry Planning ~ommissio~, do hereby certffy that the forego(ng ra~olution was passed and adoptoci at ~ n~eeting of the Anaheim Ctty ~lanning Commisslon held on November 27, 1998, by th~ fnllowin9 vota af the membei~ thereof: AYES: GOMNiISSIONERS: Bt3STWIC6C, ~OYDSTUN, BRIS'~OL, HENNINGEI~, MAYER, NOES: CON~MISaIONERS: NONE A~SENT: COMMlSS14N~RS: MESSE, PER+~ Cv iN WITNES3 `NHEREOF, I havo hereunto set rny hand this ,,,~ day af ~2~. / 199~. ~~~ S~CR~'/~RY, AH~I CIIY PLANNING COOVIMiSSInN w~ _ PG'~5~15~ rR25a~D~A.V~'P