Resolution-PC 95-160W~ ,~, ~ R~S LUTIkJt~ NO,~ -'`'a~ A R~SQLUTION 0~ THE ANAHEIM CI'~Y PI-ANNING Ct7M(r111SSION pfVIE(~pING CERTAIN CONbITIONS OF APQRCIVAL OF RESOLI.ITIOCGN i ONA4 US~C PERIv17 NO. 3253 j'~~ ~~TH WHEFiEAS, on Septembar i 1, 19~94 tho C~iy ~C~tancA ~dopted I~osolut{~n No. ~OR-353~ In aonnectian wtth Candltlan~l Usa ~'ermft N~st u5rantse a a 00 sqftufr~estandin~~rostaurar.t wl~h 1~~.~d~~r i 4,OOq ~~.ft. nf sQmi-an~losecA fast food a saat~n~ ~nd on-prAmises sale and consum`ptig Ncfiu$al setb'ack ~nd ~ ohl~lted~o~f-mt~unt~d quip~ner+t, minim~im num~er ofi pr~rkln~ spacea, m nim~ ~ fGllowing appr~val i~y the wlanning Commisslor~; WH~~~~:S, the waiv~r pertaining t of thv Codo oqui ebment) parking spac~s permlts 3'~4 Snate~~,d af ~19 sp~ces aa required by Code (or 75~ VJKEREAS, ::n Sept~mbe~r 12,1 J9a a~ i ordinar~ca was adUptdcf Ast~a~lishi7g Spa^Ittc Plan No. s4-1 ovar tha NortM~ast .4rea, includir-g ~ubJect property; and that subject pro~erty t~ devolop~d with m commerci~l retall cent•~r. 3253 to WM~R~:AS, tho petition~r has requ~~~ted an an~endment to Cond3tla~al ~1s~ P~rmlt N~. . permit o-~e new f~lst fooc! rest~urant (~- 1~~re~t ur~+r.tuu~~s fromit4 4,000 sq.ft.Ito~ a~00 q,ft80p~~~ therAby Inareasin~a thQ tn:al floor ~rEa of fasC food WHEREA~, the City Planning Cr;rn~mis;-ian d!~ ~~a~d a publ~~ hearfng at the Civ~c Cencer in the C'ity of An$heim on NovArnt~sr 27, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., nottc~ of s~aid {~t~blic hearinq havin~ been duly gfve~~ ss required by taw ~ncl in acGO~d~n,.•Q with the provisions ~~ the Ana~~eim Municlpal f;ode, Chapter 18.03, :.o hear a~d consider e~d(dence for er~~~ ~an th~rawRh~a a~ ~mendm~nt arxi ta irnestigete and rnake findinqs anc~ racommendatfans in con WH~FtEAS, ~aid Comm~ssio~-n of all ~vide cro and reportstoffered at sa(cl h aring, does find and in its bei~alf, and atter duc conslclerat o and detbrmine the follawing facts: t. That the propc~sed fast ~ood usc is ~ p~rmlt4ed us~ U the North~ast Ar~a SpecfFic Plan; 2, Ti~t the proposed use v~ill not ad++ersaly affeat the s~1o~e~g ~~~QU~y Q~cupl9c! by~a ret~iel (a 1.30~) sq.ft. juice bar w;th s~at.irg for 1U or fewer) ~ill acacupy pa P tenant an~ the p~rking rcq~iremont (5•5 ement for~thls commerc'sal~ centor wili not~ een e s~flotl a`nd the 2n d, t h e r e t o r o, t h e c- v e r a l l ~ s r k i n~, r a q u previously-approved parking ~~vaiver will not bo impacted; and, fu rt hermo r e, a n a n a l y a f s a f p a r k( n g r~quirQment~ slnc~ the dato subject usa permit was originally a~proved (Sept~atSbocQ'~t ~~r~0~~ of CodE- ovE~rall, thc parking requlr~ment for subject pmperry t~as ~en ~ua ~b~y; i Pa re~ufreti paricfng existin~g on-~Ke taomt~a~ea to as~ as arr tr,a~i app ~, TIZat ~he peak hau~s of ~peration (br9akfa~t and funch) for the proposod juice bar ~'e comqatible w~th Axlsting restaur Vnnuseg~inner} hQ i~st gkQ' mos~ t?f which typically ~each p~ak xcupancy durir~g the late afitemaon and e e g( +~ _ PC95-160 CR2~'i51 DM.WP 4. 7hat no one indlcaeed thelr pres~nr.e at said ~ublic hearing in a~;positlo~i; cnd tha7 no corraspo,idenc~ w~~ recolved in oppositian to the subJect petition. GAI.IFARNIA~I,3.Q.~I.M~..~I1~4 ~i~~~ A,~%T FlN~19VG: That the Anah~im Cky Pl~nning Commisslon ha5 reviewed tho propasal and does her~by #ind that th~ Negative Docl~ration prevlously appr~ved in connectinn wlth Cor~d{tl~nal Use Pormft N~. 3253 is adaquate ta g~nre as tl~e raquired envirc~nmental documentation in connectian with this reyuASt u~on fir~ciing tfu~t the declaratian reflo~cts tha independent JurJg~ment of th~ lead ~gency and that it has aonaidered the ~reviously approved Negative Declaratl~-n to~ether with any cc-mme~ts recelved dur~ng the pubilc revfew process arod furtiier findinp on thQ b~sis of the initial study and any camment3 roceiveci that thorA is na sub~tarotial evidence that the project wlll have a significant effect an the environmont. fVOW, THEREFORE, BE iT FiFSOLV~~ that che Plannin~ Commission do~~ hereby amend Resnlutlon No. 90R-353, adoptod in cannectiori with Cnnditional U5~ Permit f~o. 3253, to: (a) Pormit a one thou~and three ~undrFd (1,300) sq.ft. juico bar in tho 30-untt cammerclal cent~r th~rob,y increasing tlie restaurant uses to fffteere thousa~~d three hundred (15,300) sq.ft.; and (b) Arnend the foi{awing three conditions to read as follow~: 3~. That th~ propase~ Juice Ibar IQCated in Space No. 135 ~hall be o~-9rated con~lst~nt wfth the testimony pr~vlded at the Nnvember 27, 1935 PlanrSng ~omm(ssian publlc hearing ~nd shall operet~ no later than 7:00 p.m.; and that no more th~n ten (10) customsr seats shall b~ ~rouid~:~ at eny given time. 36. That a site q(an sho~r~irig any tanant im~rovaments whiGh alter (incrr~ase or decreasa) thca floor areas af tenant spac~s ~tilized for re~taurant uses (Inclvding the jui~~ b~r) shall be submltted to the F'lannir~g Department to document any altsratfons which may t~Sce pla~~. 37. That the to4al area af rosta~irant ~ses shail nat oxc~ed twenty four thousand eight hundred soventy seven (24,877) square feet ttnd shall be Iimited to thfl following: d~~;~g gor Faat Foad Fast Food Restaurenis tiith R~st~ranta uith (5pace ~135) rustaurants~aith r~-stauranto with table servie~ outicloor seatiny 10 custaner seats 9Q ~taa~e~ ~eAts 1t custaiaer seuts or less 1 0 .ft tal or less 1 61 sg.ft. tot~i or aore 4.442 sa.ft. total 10 t R. o~e 7,354 s.f. tote~l, Requireclperking: Required parki~g: Required p~rkintia Ro~~uired parking: Rec~uirod parking: 5.5 Rpaces per 5.5 apnces per 18 spnces per $ spoces per 8 spuces per 1,000 aq.ft. 1,000 sq.ft. 1,000 sq.ft. 1,000 sq.ft. 1~OR0 sq.ft. (Rest3urants reqt:iring less parktng may be substituted far re~~~rants rQquiring moro parking. i.e., a restauraiit with tabl~ serviea may occupy spaco entiuec! for a fast foodl restaurant with 1 i customer seat~ or moro.~ -2. PC95-160 ` ~~'~ ~,. .~ 7HE FOREG0ING RES~LUTION was adaptocl at tha Planning Commlae~a~ •neotir~~ ot Novembe~ 27, 199~. • ~~~ 1 s _____ C A WOMAPI, ANAH~IM CITY P ING ~OMMIS510N AT'T'ES7: • ~~ M IS51nN SECh1ETAFtY, NAH M CI'TY PI.ANNIN~ CO S'fAT~ OF CAI.IFaRNIA ) COUN`TY' OF ~RANGE ) ss• CI'1'Y OF AN~4HEI{Vl ) I, Mar~arit~ Solorio, Socretary of the Anahelm Ctty Planning Comm(ssi~n, do horeby cenffy that the forsgoing rssolution wt~s passecJ a~d ado{~te~d at a meatinq of the An~heiin City Plann(ng Commission i~eld ~n Novem~or 27, 1995, by the followin~ vote of th~ membera thereof: q1~~~; COIu1MISSI~JNERS: MESS I pE~RAZAp~~uN, aRISTVL, HENNINGER, MAYER, Np~S; COMAAISSIONERS: NONE qBSEFVT: CaMM1SSit7NEA~: NONE (,p IN Wi7NESS WH~FiEC~F, I have hereunt~ set my hand thi5 ~~ d~Y of ~~ i 9s;:. % ~1~' SCCRFT'ARY ANA~H IM ~ITY PLANNIhG COA~IM{.caS10N ~. PC95-160