Resolution-PC 95-162~~~~ .Q~.~4.~5l,71CL.N N~~, •~ A RCSOLUTION OF TH~ ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING ~OMMf5SI0N AhA~NDINC f~ESfJLU1'ION t30, PC95-121 ADOPl"~D !N CONNECl'ION WI7H CC~NpIT14NAL USE P~RMIT N0. 37J2 (READVERTISED) WHEREAS, on Sopterrtibar 18, 1995 the Plannin~ rommission adoptod Aes~lutlon No. pC~.5-121, !n connection v;lth Conditlonal Use Permit Na. 379Z, to permit a aolf•~tora~o facllity in o~nnjunction wlth a conimarotral ~etaN center at 28t 5-285~ m~SUmbe°1of parl~ing ~spa esVe and hat nomurthea actlojn was tn a resldential zone ba~mdary and m taken by 3ha City Councli; WHEREAS, subject propA~i ~t Will betdemolfshod. ~Commerclal, Lf~nited) and i~s developeci with a 17,66A sq.tt. ret~il shopp1ng cent~r t a WWER~AS, the petitione~ h~s submftteci alettor indicatin~ that a praperty suroey (conducted aftor subJ~ct uso permit was aPproved) shuws the pronerty is almost 1a°,G i~rge~ than origfnaliy boll~vod because it fa actualiy 26 feet tleeper (213 teet ir~stead of iH7 feet d~op); WHER~AS, the petitioner has submitted t~ revised sit~ plan (labeled Revislor~ No.1 of ExhibYc No. 1) using tha correct propP~ty measur~ments and proposing the ~ollowinc~ madiftc~tions to the 3ite plan: {i) Increasing the landSaapFd setback alang l.incoln Avenue from 10 to 12 fe~t; (li) increasing th~ f~ont drive aisle width along l.incoln Avenuo from 26 to 30 f~et; (lii) Increa~~ng tt~e depth of Buildi-tg "Anfr C rta i~floo5 a eas of ithe comrnaheal ce~n er bYiP~ba ~Q`~' on 80 feet ta i35 feet, thoceby ~ncreas g show~ belaw: ~~_____~~fyfn~l _ RQvi ion 1_, ~h~_._._ naa~ ..._ ~~ ____ + 15,315 ~q.~t. 5e".f-s~arage facility with accessory o(tice ~~'~00 87~a~a ~ Police station ~ 200 ~~20~ 0 Shakey's take•aut restaurant ~2G ~~l i -.~~~ ~~~5~--~.._.~------------ 74,aa6 sq.ft. 89,947 sq.ft. +15,~01 sq.it. Tatal (iv) Increasinfl the number of propos~dtpa15g9 Saces,sar2~o dev'ai3on frorrntheao iginaily appo~ed requlred parking spaces from y~5 C~ park(ng waiver. W{-IEREAS, th , Ctty Pl~nn(ng Commission did hatd ~ ptablic hearfng at the Cfvic Cqnter in the Clty of Anaheim an December 1a~ Qg~~ncP with ho p o isla sf of the AnaheimrMu~nicipa~Cafe, duly gtven as r~quirEd by law and fn Chapter 18.03, ta hear and co~sido~ ~~mQndation's $n ca nection thorewit~t~ and amQndment and ta tnvestigate and make flnd(ngs and re ,o Wl~EREAS, saic- Commfssion, after due Inspection, Investigatian and study made by itself and in tts behaif, and ~fter due cnnsid~ratlon of ~fl evici~nce and reports aifered at said hearing, doos tind and d~termin~ the toltowing f~cts: 1. That tha revised sit~ plan shov++.lhe correct property dimensians whlch, due to ~rea~ter property d~pth, r,~an accommodatA a Iarger develupmort proposal than originaliy ~tar.nad; -1- PC95-162 CR2557Dh1.WP ~ I~t , 2, That th~ revised site plan permits incroased building setb~ck~ and an incre~sed landsGape setback a~an~ Lincoln Avonue; 3, 1'hat the ~~adiffcatl~n t~~ the p~rking walvnr (b), relat(vo 4o the propased usea ~nd arld~! parking spaces, has boen rnviowed ~a a 2 bpdeviatlon f om tihe o~aginal~ly approved~waNerM~nager; and that the modffic~ti~n amaunts to an ~ 4. That the pro~osed use, as amanrJed, is pro~erly one far whlah a condttion~l usa p~rmit is ~uthc~rized k~y the ~on(ng Code; 5. That the proposod use, ~~n Whf h~t~ fs propo ed ta be I~ocatgd ~ adJolnin~ land use~ and tho gro~vth and devolap-nent of th~ are 6. 7h~~t the size and shapo of the site for the prc,possd use, as amended, is adec~uate ta aliow the full dovelopment ~f the proposed uso in a manna,r not dotriment~l to tFie particular area nor to th~ p~~tce, health, safety, and gRneral welfare; 7, That the traffic generated by tho praposecl use, a~ amende~, will not i~~npose nn un~tu~ burden upon 4he streets and highway5 designed and improved ta carry the traffic in t!•~e ar9a; and g, Tl~at no nne ~nn~ p t~osl iafn ~r the subj~ctapotit~ionlic hearing in opposition; and that no corres~-ordence w~s rocoived f pp GALIF FiN1A 4~1VIFiUNM~NTAL c~UALI'I'Y ACT FINDING: That the Anahvfm City Planning C~mmission has revlewad the proposal and daes hereby find that th~ No~ative Doclaration pr~eviously approvod in aonnecti~ i with Conditional Use f'armit No. 379?. is adequate to senr~ a~ the rQquirecl enviro~menta! dacume~~tation in c~nnectf~n with thls request u~on finding that tho declaratlon refl~cts thQ Ind~pendant JudgemQnt of the l~ad agoncy and that it has considered the previously approved Negative Dealaratlon together wtth any comments rer,eived during the public review pro~ess an~1 furthe~ 4inding on th~ bas(s of the initiat study and anon tt o envi onmented th~t therA is no substantial evidence that the proj2ct will have a significant effec NvW THEFiEFORE s~ ~f ~~ nOct on~ withtCondiPtilon~+l~ Use Permit Na. 3752, as~folla Vsm~nd Resolution No. PC,g5-121, adapted A. ~'hat tha parkinc~ waiver (b) shall read: (t~) . tion 18.O~i.Q2_O,Q?2_ - ~ f,. 2p.U23a ,1~.(~¢rQ30•031 18,Q6,,Q~ an~4~Q.~~2 B. Th~t Cnnditian fVa. 7 shail read: Mbii .~rp, r!slmner of nark_ing.~.~.~.,G~• (~ required; ~ pro~osed and cancurred wtth by thA City Traffic and Transportatian Manager~ 7. That sub~eCt property siiall be d~velopeci s~bstantially in ac:aordanco with plans and specifications submitted ta the City ai Anaheim by tne petit(oner and whlch r~la~s are o~ mt~ w~~ the Planning f~epartment mark~eci I~evision No. 1 of ~xhibit No. 1 and Exhibit (~os. 2 thraugh 6. C. That a nvw Condicion No. 12 is add~d tu reacl: 92. That the commerci~l r~tafl center shall be limitad to a maximum of 1`ive (5) uniRs. .2_ PL'95-162 fi '~ 4;~ T~lE FOR~G~OING R~~OI-UTION was adopted at the Pl~nning Commissir~n meeting of Decamber 1 t, 1995. ~~i~' ~ ~~ C I Wt7MAN, ANAH~iM CSTY PU1 G COMMIS ION ATTES7: , ~ ~ dZ~4'~ gECRFT4RY, A A6-ICIM rITY PLANNSNG C~MM SSI 14N S7ATE tJF CALIFG~RNlA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) 3s• CfTY QF ANAHCIM ) i, Margarita Solorlo, Soc~etary of the An ai ~~~~~j,ng~ ~f qhe An hoimsCity Pi~nni g C~mmiss on th~ faregaing rssolucfan was aassed ~nd adoptgd held on December 11, 1995, by the following vot~ oi t~e memb~rs thereof: AYES: Ct~MPU11SSI0NER5: QOS E I~~,~8 ~ STU~., SRISTOL, HENNINGER, ~VIAYCFc, MESS , NOES: COMMI5SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NC~NE ~ ~( ~ IN WI'fN~SS WHER'~OF, I have hpreunto set my hand this ~ day pf ! ~ 199~ ~f~~ ~ ~' ' ~ ~ GZ~ld.~c.~-' c'1 SECFiETAHY, A AHEI~NI C~'TY F'IAN~I~Nu CQMMISaION PC95•162 -.3-