Resolution-PC 95-17;,';~~','•,`,~ L::~:1 ,~~~=n~ ~ 17IQN N0. PC95-17 A R~uOLUTION OF ThIE ANAN~IM CI7Y pI.A~ININ(3 COMMISSION TWAT PEl'ITIQN FOR CONDITInNAI. USE PERMI7 N0, 37~1 L3E GRANTEn WhIEREAS, tha Anahelm Cfry Planning Cammission did roce(ve a verifieci Pettcfon for Canditianal Us0 F'ermlt for certain real property situatatl in the Cfty oE An~heim, County of Orange, State nf Caiiforn(~, described as: ~AFiC~I~ 1 AND A PORTION OF PARCEL 9 AF F'AFlC~L MAF~ 92-~C0, PE~ MAP ~~~R N~THE OOF~ICE~O~ H~ Cl~llN'fY ECQRDER OF ORANG CQUN7Y, MAF'S, rAI.IFORNIA, OESCRIBED A~ FaI.LOWS: BEGINPIING AT'THE NORTHEAST CQi~NER OF SAID PARCEL 1, SAID CnRNEN ~EING C~SJ 7FiE SOUTH LINE OF KEa'fEL.I.A AV~NUE A~ SH~GyVN ON SAID PARCEL MAI' 92-260; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEQ. 13' 30" WEST ALONG 7HE NORTH LINE OF SAiD PARCELS 1 AND 9, A DISi'ANC~ OF 103.00 FEET' THENC~ SOUTH 0 DEG. 5~' 30° EaST PARALI.EL WITH THF EAST' I.IIVE OF SAID P~Rr~L5 1 AND 9, R DISTANGC QF 180.00 FEET' THENCE N~RTH 89 DEG. ~3' 30" EAS"~ NO TI-I 0 D GH55A 0 WEST ALANG SAID EASTO{NEI~1 Q 00 FCET THENCE TO THE P41NT OF BtGINNING. WMEREA.S, the City Planning Cornmiss(on dtd hold a publtc he~ring at thA Civic Center (n the ~ity qf Anahoim on February G~ 1995 at t:30 p.m., noticE~ of ~aid public hsaring having been duly Chaptor given as requirod oy law and in accordance with the ~rovislons of tha Anahefm Munlclpal Code, ~18.03, to hear ~nc1 aonsider o~e~ommoridation~`intaon} Actionth ewfth~and~ ~~e perm~t and to invostigatn and ~r~ke findings a WHERFAS, said Commission, after due inspoation, investiSyacion and study mad~ ~y itself and in its ~ehalf, and after due oonsideration of ail evidenc~ and roports ofi`e~ed at s~id hoaring, does find and detormine the following iacts: t. That tha propase~d 8~ 050~085 tof pe mn c~s aiblighment oif ~nlauto ala mitend 3te~efa sa es Anaheim Municin~! Caie Sectia and installation faciliry; 2. 7hat the ~ropas~ci use will not advers~ly aifect tha acijoinin~ land uses ar~d the growth and davelopment of tl~e are~ in which~ tied Cum e~rcial"bZona ~ d tt~ie propos~edf instal atlon willtbe accessory stereos is psrmitted In the CL L to sa' ~ retaii~ ~los; 3. 7~at the sizo a 8 ~n a~rnarme~r not dvtr{mental po te pc~rticu atlareat ~Ar~ o~ he pe.ace'! develaprnont of the proposed u h~alth, safety aix! general weifare; a, 'That the :raffic generated by the propased use w~ll not impose ~n undue burden upon the streets and highways ciesigned end improved to carry the traff~c f~ the area; w1. PCJ5-17 C~i2304MS.wp ~tySC t '~, 5, Ttiat the ~ranting of the ~onditional use rermit, under tho conditions Imposeci, will not be detrimer~t~! to the paace, he~lth, safety and goneral w~elfare of thA citizer~~ of tho City of Anaheim; and ~. That no one indlcatod thai~ presonce ~t said publi~ hoarinfl in opposftion; and th~t no c~rresp~ondance was recoived in opposftion, ! : That ~.~a Anaheim Ci~y Pianning , A I ORNIA ENV_IIi~N.~~`1~AI.s.9.U1~I~LL~-f~-~1N-~-G Commission has reviewed the proposal ta ~ermit establishment of +an auto alurm and stereo sales nnd installation f~cillly on a rectangularly-sha~e~ parGel af land conSistin~ of appraximately '18.6 aCres Incated ax the ao~dheast r,orner of Katellm Avenua ar~d Cuclid StreeY, having apprc-ximate frnntages of t 35Q f~et an the sauth sid~ of Katella Avenue and 600 feet on tha ~ast slde of Eu~fid Street, and further describ~d as 1600•1696 West O(atella Avenue (subject busi gss address is 1f96 We3t Kateila Avenue); and does horAby approve the Negative l3eclaratipn upo-~ findin that ~~ ~d u~claration rAfle~cts ~he indepancient Judgement af the lead agency and that it has cansidered the Negative Decl~retion together wfth any cor~~ments receivod during the public reale nor substa tlalf ev(doncedt at~theh proJe~~t willh h~vefaa~s gnN cant~offe t on~t~e received that there s enviranmont. NOW, THER~FORE, B~ 17 RESnI.VED fhat the Anaheim City F'lanning Commission dc~e~ h~reby gran~ subJeci Potition ~or Condhional Usg Fermit, up~n the followinc~ cor~dltic~ns whlcl~ are hereby faurtid t~ be a~ necessarY prer~quisite to the propose~J us$ of t~e subject property in order tu presenre the safoty :~~ ~d genoral wolfare of the Citizens af the City of Anaheim: t. That no banners or other advertising shall ba displayecl wftPi(n the servlc~ bays facing the public right-of•viay. 2. That tha appropriaie tot ho Water Engineorin~ Divisian, (n~accorda cetwfth Riu e~s1 Afand 2A aftthe service sfnall be pa d Water Utilfry Rates, Ru1es and Regulatians. 3. That a plan shoet for apa~ n e anceti ~geview a d app o~gaid a plan far recyciing shall be submftted to the Department of M 4. That sub~ect prope ~ of A ahQ m byte pe it~onea`and wh'ch plans a eha I~ le w' h hc~ Plann~nfl s u b m i tt e d t o t h e C y ~epartmdnt markad F~chlbEt Nos. t through 3. 6. 7ha~t tha area between the back wall of the soroice bays and 4he proporty Iine pn Euclld Stroet shall be fully Iandscap~d• 6. That prior to issuance of a bull~ifng permit or wfthin a perioci of one (1~ year from the date of this resolution, whlchever occurto i~om e e~safd canditions m~ay be g~ tted in~accorcfance w hi 5~ecti~n E x t e n s i o n s f a r f u rt h e r t i m e p 18.03.09A of the Anahafm Municipal Cocie. 7. That prfor t~ final building and z4n1nQ inspections, Condition Nos. 4 and 5, above-mentioned, shall bta complied with. 8. Th~t apprrava! af this appitcation constitutes approv~l of the praposed roquest only to the e.iteni that it complies with th~e Anah~im pt incl~do any ac on8or tdind~nfls as tc~ omplia ce ar appaovai af tho re~ulatians. Apprc+val does requost regarcling any other ~pplicabfe ordinance, rogulation or rsc,{ulror~~gnt. .,_ PC95-17 s;~,, ~, SF 11' FURTHIER RESOL.VEn that ths Anaheim C~ty PIaG~nii~~ Commission does h~roby find and determine thr~t e~doptfon of thi~ Resolution is expressiy predi~ate~ upon appiir.~anCs compllance with each and ~II of the c:anditians hereinabov~ set forth. Shouid ~ny suah canditlon, or any part theroof, be d~clared Irnrmlid or i~~~~~o alsbhorelntcontaU~ d~a ai~lnbe deemed nul~and vaaci~nt ]urisdiction, then thi~ Resolution, t~nd anyr app THE FOFiEGAING R~S~I»UTION w~s adopted at t'rie Plannin~ Cnmmissi4n meeting of February ~, 1995, ,/ /~ ~-- . ~~ ~~~,~,, %,~-% _~,d`' G~7~X~'~A_, GFiAIRWa AfVPVI ANAHCIM CITY r~i.A NING COMPAI5SION A'T7EST: ~~ -~-1-~~ ~~~ ~ - SECRETAR`f PJAMEIM CI'fY PLANBVINC ~~;OMM15SI0~1 5TATE GF C~L.,IFORNIA i C4UNT1' OF C~RANG~ ) sS. CITY OF ANAFiEIM ~ I, Margarit~~ Soloria, Se~cratary c~f the Ariah~im City Planning Commissfon, d~a horeby certify that th~a fore~oing resolukion wa~ pas~sed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Plann(ng Commis3lon liaid ar Fabruary 6, 1995, by the following voto of the mernbers theroaf: AYES: NOES: P,SSENT: VACAiJCY: COF/IP~AlS510NERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWEI.L, COMMI5SIONEFIS: N~~E COhAiV11SSI0NERS: NONE N~NNIN~ER, MAY~R, MESSE, PERAZA ONE ~EA7 ~.l~ IN WI1'NESS WHEI~EOF, I have hereunto set my h~~nd th(~ ~r~da1+ af R,(.lQ ~ 1995. • !'~ • , ar; ~ c ~~rua ~ECRETA , ANAMEIM CIT'Y PLANNING C(3MMI5SION ~- PG95-17