Resolution-PC 95-23$ ,E1~ ~ L ,~_N_~~l~~~~,-?3 (~y'~~ li,i1. A RESOLU76AN OF THE ANAHEi1-i GiTY ~'IAPVMING COMMISSION THAT PCill'~4i~! FnR RE~CI.AS.rrIFICA~'i0N N0. 8~5-95-~% F3E GFIAN"P'Ed WHEREAS, tha ~Anal~eim City Planning ~ommisyi~m ciid reaeive ~ v~rifled p~tlkion for Raclasgificat(on for rsal ~rc~~~~ty sit~,,~ier1 in the Ciry of Anaheim, County o~ Orange, State of Caiifarnia, descri~ed as follnws: PARC~L A: AL~. TI~f11f RCAi. PR~PERTY IN 7W~ CITY aF ARIAFI~IN1, COUN'1'Y OF GAAN~~, $Tl~l1~~ t'~F ~CAl.1F~1RNIA, BEIPJfa PARC~L ~ UF PARCEL MAP 8fi-293, AS : H(?d'~'hJ ~i~~ Q~ ~RAP ~ILEn IPI L3QCJK 217, i'AG~S 9~1ND 10 AF P~tCEL MAPS, R~V~C1Rl~~S UF aAIE~ G~IJiVTY. q~~p ~(C~,p'T{O~fa '6'FI~.REFRUM ALL ~'HAl' PARTION MUR~ I~ARTICU'~ARL1' D~SCI~I~F,C- fN a~~C REGt1R~Et7,J~ANUARY a6, i990 AS INS'TRUM~n6T Mt~. 90- 04803~ OF Gi~F~lCIAL R~CO~:U~a. ALSp ~XCEF'T1NC'a THERFFRta1~~! A! L 7HA7 PrJRTION N10RF PARTICULARLY DESCF~IB~D 9fV DEEi~~ ~3~~~C3~iC~~[~ ~AS INSI'RUMENI' NUS. ~J3-02Q7227, ~3- 06247'22 A~ID 93-052472~4, A1..L. OF (J~'FICIAI_ RECORDS. PARCEI. E~: I~t3T S 1 THR~IIGf-i 12 IN DLOCk B OF KROEGER'S SUf3nIVIaION OF V'IN~ARQ LC~7' a-' IN T~i~ CITY OF ANAFIEIM, COUNTY OF ORaI~G~, STATE OF M SCELI_ANEC~i%S MAPS, IN THE C)FFIC~ O D H~ CO NN I~EC;;ORD~ OF S O~ CL1UNTY. WHEi~ERS, tha City Planning uomm(ssfon d!d hald a public h~ring at the Civic Cen~t~r in tha City of Anaheim on Nl~rcl~ 6, 19~J5 ~t 1:3Q p.m., r+o4!r~ of ~id pubiic h9aring having Cha ter 18A3 to required by {aw anci !n accordancc~ with the provisians ~f thi~ ~n~h~fm Municipal Codo, p ~ hear and c~nsider ~avidence for and against said propased reciassi~E~ztl~n anr~ tu fnvestigat~ and mal<e finciings and reuom~nond~tions in connection thorev~ith; and W'HERGAS, said Camrnissior~, aft~r due inspQCtion, (nvastigation and study made by itseif and in its beh~lf, an~d aftar due cor~slderation of a~li ~videnc~ ar~d reporis offered at said haaring, do9s find and determine th~ ~allowfn~ facts; 1. That ttoe petitioner propose~ roalassiflca~ion of sub~ect praperty fram tiio ~~nL (Limiteci lndustrial), CH ~Cam~n~rciai, H9avy~ and RM-12Q0 (Resfdent~ai, Niultip~~-Famlly) ZGn4s to the ~S-72Qf~ (Re$identlal, 5ingla-Fam~ly) ~one; 2. That the Anaheim Uei~,ral i~lan desi~n~t~s subject pro}. ~ny fc~r MeciCum rJeyisity Resldenti~l land u~r~s; 3 .~a~1w3~is c n~istant with hs An~ efm Gene~rah Plan for meedium de slty esiden la.i la d Parc~l N1ap Na. 9 . US85; a. That sub.~~ct propdity ts phys4r.~lly suit~blQ for t~e typQ a~d den5ity of ths praposed develc~pmsnt, s~nci a~prc~vs~ csf ih~s reclassHicatiun ~n~i!! ~nc~ ttie detrfinenta! to fish oce or't ~ vwehfar~hof the nor w~ll lt ~dverga0y affe~ct the su~rnur~ding land uso~ u- zhe health, safoq', pea surrotirxJin~ e:ammui~iity; and FC95-23 CR?.319M~.VV1d'P ~ ~" ~~ ~ t ane concerned p~raon indicated his P~°~enGO at ~aid ~ubllc hearing; and tP+at no ,,, Tha Gc~rraspo-uience was rocelved. ~„~ ~~,~ ~TV ar;'r FIN~IRIC~: Thet tho Anahelm City Planning ~ tha ropo su~ ~~ Pr~pA~y fram the ML (lJmitect Inclu~triSlnA ~~ Corr~misslon has revlewed p s~1 to re~lasy{ty 1 zones to r~S°7?OU (Resl~!entta~, (Comm~rolal, hl~oavy) mnci RM•~200 (Rosldontia{. Multiple-Famlly) r,~xlmataly 1.3?. blish a 5-Int subdlvlslon (includtng two nurn C~~f land cansiat ng of appto relocate cwo Family) ~one ta este- (2) singie-famlly movo-on dwellln~s oro an irregularlysh~Ped t~ c~i~ QVQn1e, ,~30 feet on tihe w~st side north sid~ af Lincoln H~onue betweon Rose Stun t and the A.7. & S.F• Rallroad riflht-o • acres locateci an the way, h~ving approximate fronta~es nf 7p7 feet on the north ~d~ p~~~road right-ot way~ ~nd furthes degCrfbed rawo tho Negative Der,laratlon upon fi~xting th:t the of Rose 5treet, and ~~Av~nuen an~1 do s 10 obylap ~T. ~•, ntf that ft has congiderad tf~e Na~~-~ve as 1ppg Ea3t Un:.~l~~ ~o~t J~~ement of the lead a~ency a daclaratlon roflects the indepe • ther wfth anY commonts rscefvad durin~ the p~ ~g~no subst~antial Qvidance that the proJect Deci~ratfan •Qge the b~sis of the Initial ~d~~ o ahY~ Q~~ psm~n~~~~~ that t e will havo r~ ~Ignif,cant OW~ '~HEpEFpqE, BE IT RE50LVED ttiat t h~~ze an amendrnent'ko he ~~nf ~s9 lVlap ~~, PJ hereby appr~e ths sub,~sct Pstitton for Reciasa~fication to ~~ rQ rt from the Ml. (Limlt~ci li~dugt~~~~~ ~N the Anaheirr- Mun!cipal Cade to exciud9 the above~lescr~boa p Ra y ~M-~ ~~e$~~nZ~l, Multiple-~amily) ~an~llow n t co~ditions which r~e h~ eby (~Comm~rclal• H~a~Y) a~ ~~ «~erto preservo the s~fe~y prop~~y ~nto the RS-7200 (ResideMeatpSh~ p~q~ ~~ ~~ ~f ~~~pc 8 propqrty found ta ba a ne~essaN prarequ(s Qf Anaheim: and gonera~ welfaro ut the Citixens of the City sub ect prope-~tY shall submit a letter requo ` i 9~ U~~ ~~~mn No~7 y(p~rmittan9 1. Yt~t the awnar uf I Dwi~fan. (perm-tting c~nstructian af fee artia ~esidn~tialuzior-A})t ~che Zonin~ ~ sovvlce scatio~ within '75 ~uncil r~ on an agcanda fcx ~rtY rove 2. 7hat prior to ~It~ceme~t of an orcflnance ~ezc~n~~9 ~ubJect p op -tY 7he C~y C~unci~ may app conskferatior~, C~ndition No.1, above-mentlon~d, sha{I be completed. pv~, the procedura s~t or disrippr T1~e provisions or rl~ht~ grant~ci bY ov~ a zoning ardtnanco Se~tt ~dn i6.03 085fsh~ll app1Y Ce I~ sgp~ n unless sakl conditfona forth in Anaheim Municipai ~ode mmissla this resaiutfon shall beconne nu11 e~d void by AGtfnn ~E the Pfanning Co within one (11 Yea~ trom the date of this resnlution, n~ such furthar time as the are compltaci w-tth Plann(ru,~ Commission may fl~M. $~ req~ ~iy to the extant that r~val of this App~~~tto~ constitutes appt~-~ ~ the propa i~~e Ciry, Stato s~nd ~ederal 3. That app Zon(ng Code end any othes app~ ~nae or approval of tha it compiles with the Anaheim M~niclpa~ re ulatfon~. Approval does not inclucle ~ ina ce, r gul~tio`n oraequirom~ • 9 rdf ~n other appltcable ord f@QU@8t P8$~ ~4 ~ missbn doea hereby flnd i~E IT FUR'fHER RESOIVED that the Anaho(m CItY PlannEng Com ~~ ~h rer~sly Prodlcated upon aPplicarrt's compl tWre of thl.g ftesc~iut~on is ~xp ~iay~ condteians, or any pan thereof, bo ar~d dotermine that edo~ cou~c ~f comPatent ~urlsdictlo~~ then this each and al! of the condklons hsreina tboviin~l Jfc d9m nt ~°~y y II ~nd void. decinred Invalfd pr u-ysnforceable by Reso~ution, and any ~pprAVa~s harein contAlnad, shall be dcaemud nu IT FURTHEFI RESO~~~~ t~t this rosdudon~s e~on~~ ~~u` ~equi~rAean ordl+~ance ~ B~ ~o , any suc ~nr,i3 et commltmsnt by the ~~y t~ rqzone. tt-~~~ ~~~ Y~ apPr~,ed nr deniecl by th~a C•ih- the City Cou~-c~ wh~t- ~It be a teg Its sole dtscretlon. p(~i-23 -2- ~ '~ ;~ OLUI'ION was adopted at tha Planntnq Carnmisslon rneetin~ ot 7t~~ FQREGO!Na R~5 ~ ~ , ~, March 6. 1995. ~~'° ' /'n , ,~'~1,,'`-~s G~J -~~c...u' ~ ~'!r-'`~~~" ~~ ' • NG COMN11S510N ~GMAIRWOMAt~, ANAWEIM LI rIANNi ATf EST: .~.~ ~ r~ ~~~~._-- -_ S~CRE?A Y, HEiM CITY PI.ANNING CAM~A{SSION 5TA'C~ OF CALIF0~IN~A ) COUNI'Y OF ORANG~ ) ~• C1Tf ~lF ANAME{M 1 cercffy ar ~rita 5nlario, Socretary o~ the Anahe~n'+ GitY P~annin~ Commission, do harobp ~nning ~~ M~ ~ asod and aduptec1 at a m9eting of the Anaheim Ciry th~t the foregQin9 resolttNon wa.- PA th~ i~~oW~ng ~Qtp af tho members therea~: Commisafon heid on March 6, 1995, ~Y ION~R~~ BOYDS7UN, CAWw~~~~ HENNINGER, MAYER, MIESS~~ PERAZA AY~S: CQMMISS NOC.S: ~ ~M SSION~RS: N~NE ABSEN'f: ~ VAGANCY: t~NE SEAT ~~ d~y of ~,_.,~,~: ~-^ ~ I~ WI?N~SS WH~aEOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _ ' "" t g95. ' ~ ~~ ~ SECRETAPY, AN EIM CITY PIANNIlJG COMMISSION pp5•23 -.3-