Resolution-PC 95-24~ q~C~.l~'T N 0~,.~~ -_:J A RESOLUTlON OF TH~ AiVAH~ih~ CITY PLANNING CGMMISSIOf~ '; hIAT PEY'I710N FOR VARIANC~ N0. ti267 B~ GRAN7ED WH~REAS, tho Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission dld roceive a verffioci Petition for Varlanae ~ar ce~t~in real property sftuated in the City ~f Anahe(m, County af (7r~ngo, State nf Califurnla described a3: PAFiCkL A: PARCEL 1, IN TI-IE CIT`f QF ANAHEIM, CAUNTY OF OFlANGF, S7ATC OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP ~ILED IN BOOK 100, PAGES 17 AND 18 QF f'ARCEL MA~'S, IN THE AFFICE OF 'rHC ~OUNTY R~C~7RDER OF SAID COUNTY. PARCEL E: PARCEL.4, IN T'HE CITY OF ANAHEIArI, COUN~'Y OF OF~ANGE, STATE OF CALIF~4RNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN SAO~C 100, PAG~S 17 AND 18 OF PARGEL MAF'S, IN 7HG OFFICE OF THE COUN'!'Y RE~CORDER OF SAID COUNTY, AS ADJUS'TED AND SHOWN AS PAFiCFL 1 ON A LOY IJNE ADJUSTbiCNT PLAT, R~CORDEL~ F~BRUARY G, i979 IN BOOK 13026, PAGE 1493 pF OFFICIAL RECOfiDS. EXCEP7INC YHEREFFiOM: PARCEL N0. 18'11: THA7 ~ERTAIN I.AND IN THE Cl7Y OF aN~1HEIM, CQUN'TY OF 4FiANCE, STATE QF CAL.IFOFiNIA, SMUWN AS PAFlCEt. 4 rJN A MAP RECORDED JULY 15, iy77 IN BOOK 1Q0, PAGES 17 Af~D 18 QF PARCEL MAF'S IN THE OFFICE AF Tt-IE COUNTY RECURD~l~'C)F SAID COUNTY DESCR{BED AS FOLLOWS: BEGI~lN`NG AT 'fHE MC~ST 50UTHERLV CORNER OF PARC~L 3~F SAlD PARCCL MAP; TH~NCE NORTH 1 DEG. 23' 00" E.AST, 40.01 FEET ALONG THE WESTERi.Y LINE OF SAID PARC~EL 3; THENGE SOUTM 82 DEC. 29' 3d" WESI', 39.18 FEET 7~ 7HAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE BOUNDARY OF SAID f'ARCEL 4 7HAT HAS A BEAFlING OF NORTH 1 t~EG. 27' 00" WEST AND A DIS7ANCE OF 43.44 ~EET'~ THEhiC~ SOUTH 1 DFG. 27' 00" ~AST, 42.46 FEET ALONG SAiD CER7AIN COURSE 'f0 THE S~OUTHERLY LINE OF ~AID PARCEL 4; THENCE NORTH 78 D~G. 23' 00" EAST, 37.57 FEET ALONG SAID 50U?HEFlLY LINE TO TH~ POIN7 OF BEGINNING, AS ~ONVEYED TO ORANGE CAUNN FLOOD CONTROL. DIS7RIC't' IN THAT CERTAIN Ql11YCLAIM QEED DATED OCTOgER 9, 1987 AND RECORDED MARCH 10, 1988 AS INSTRl1MENT N0. A8-108288 OF OFFIGIAl. RECOHOS. WHER~A5, t~a City Planninq Commission dki hald a publ(C hearing at the CNic Center in the Ciry of Anahelm on N9arch 6, iR95, at 1:3Q p.m., notice of said public hcaaring I~vin{~ boen duly gtven as required by law and in accordance with tha provisions of 4he Anaheim Municipal Codo, Ch~pier 18.03, to hear and conskler evWence for and e~ainst safd proposed variance and ta inveottgat~ anci make findings ancl re~ommendations in aannectton xherewftt~; and WHEFiEqg. sakl i;ommissfon, aRar due Inspectfon~ investigat(un end study mada by ftself and (n its behaif, and aft8~ dU9 COnSid~~atiAtl Of ail evW8f1CE~ a-'1d rep0l't8 OffB~ 8~ asid h~~Ing, doc~s find and determine the following tacts: CR2320MS.WP -1- PC95-24 1, That th9 patitlaner prapc~ses waivar of the following ~o construct a second wa~~ slgn (77 sq.ft.) far an ~xisting enclosed restaurant: ,Sgctiun~_14~~:Q~..,1 Sl?..4 - .M~ximum n mbor ~f wal! ians. and 18.t~4,06?.O~Q (~, permieted for oach uso In a shopping canter in the Scenic Corridor; ~ proposed) ~~. 7hat there aro speclal circumstanr~e appNcabla ta tl~e proparty c~nsfstir+fl uf fts locatlan and surroundings, whlch do not apply to ather ldentfcally z~ned {~r~~a~rties in the viciniry, because subje~t busino3s t~as throa building facades with vislbiliiy irom La i'alma ~venuo, the parking lot ~f the shopping center, ar7d the SR91 /Riversid~ Fre~way; 3. That strict ap~licatian of tho Zoning Cr~de deprives the property of privllegos enJoyecJ by othor prnparti~s unclAr itiantical z~n(ng cl~ssiflcatian In thp vlcinity bacause previaus vari~nces have been grantod for mure th~n one wall sign per buflding when sald building facades aro visible from more than nne directian without b~th wail~^~~i ens~ en~n~ m~d frorn t~s provisio~ of two wal! sig sbwhen suchibu3 n~ ses includins the ~laron ~ros are visibie frc~m two or mare arteriai hi~hways; ~nd 4. That no ona indicated thefr pres~nce at sald public hearlnti fn opposition; ~nd that Ra correspondence was recelvod In ~ppositian tc- subject pet(tion. A~I C~ANIA~ Vl FtiTA~ ~UAL~,TY ACT FINDING: ThQ Planning Director or his auth~rixed rnprASantativo has detem~ined that the ~tAposed project located at 563~ East La Palma Ave~~e, Sufto E, falis wfthin the dofEnition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 11, a5 de4ined (n the State ~IR Cuidolines ~nd ls, therefore, cateflcrica,lly exh!npt from the requlrement to p~o~r~e ~n EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 17 R~SO~VED 4hat the An~hoim City Plan~ing C~mmissian do~a~ he~eby flrant svbJ~ct Potition 1or Variance, upan the 'ollowin~ conditlons which are heraby found to be a no~essF / pr~roquisite tn tha propos.ed use of the ~ubject properry In order to proservo the ~+feYv and ~9neral wolfara of the Cftizens of tha Cfty af An~hefm: 1. 'Tfiat the existing wall sEgn on the sai~th butlding elov~tion shafl be temoved in its entirety (InclUding the extort~l Illum{nation lamps). 2, That sub~ect prop~rty shaN be developE~l substantlaliy in accardance with pians and spc~cfficatlons submitted to ttie Ctty aF Anahe(m by the petition~r arxJ whi~h plans are on file w9th the P~anning Departm~rrt nlarked Fachibit Nos. 1 through 3. 3. That prior to final bulldfng and~~$ ~~, ~~o~~~on Nos. 1 hand ~.~, ~bpv~fR-em~~n~d, ~~~ ~~0mplied this resolution, whiche~ver oa with. 4. Tha~ approval of thls ~ppl~attan conatnute~ opproval of tlie praposed requsst only ta the extent that tt compllaa with the An~hRim Munlcipal Zo~ing Code anci any other appllcable Ciry, State and Fedsral ro~ulations. Approval doeA n~~+t'i~cl~ or~,~nCea r gu at~ia 9or~requirement~nco or ~ppraval of thQ reguest regardi~g a~y ot c3r pp Ei~ 17 FUR'~HER ~ESOI.VED that the Ai~aheim Ctry Planning Commissinn doc~s herehy fUid and dotarmine ihat adoption of th~s aesolutian Is exprc~ssly {xedlrated uPon app~~~ant's compltancs with ~ach ancf ~I~ of tha condftions hereinabova set ;orth. SF-auid any such t;oncJitlon, ar a~ny patt theroot, be decla~c~c{ inwelid or unenfcxcea here n c.~or a~~~s~hamll bo ciee ed nul! and vo d. ent ~a~rF~dtctjon. then this Resdution, and any a~rovals e -2- PCJS-2a ,~ ,~ 7HE FOR~GOlPJG FiESOLUTInN was ~dapted at the Planning Commiasion meeting of March 6, 19~a. .~ -' l~--- r',r 1 `,~/,7~/I ~._~~~' ~,~` "~-r// ~"'"'- A'NAWGIM CITY F'I,ARINING CniVIiVI~SSION CHAIRW MAN, AT1'EST: ._._.~ ~ f~,(.Q ~_~ COMM{SSiON uECFiCI'A1~Y, AHEIM CITY PLAN S7ATF OF CALIFOF~NIA ) ~OUNTY OF Ot~ANGE ) s~• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita S~lorio, 5~retary ~f the Anahe(m City Planning Cornmission, do hereby certffy tF~at the fare~oing r~sc~utiun ~~ b t e fallw ing vat~of the m~mbars~tl ersof~~hAfm City Planning Commisslon hold on March t3, Y AYES: COMMISSIONER~: BOYn~TUN, CALDW~LL, HENNINGER, MAYER, PAESS~, PERAZA NOES: CONO!~I~SIQNERS: NOhiE ABSFNT: COMM{SS10N~Fl5: NONE VACANCY: ON~ S~AT IN Wl7NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~ day af ~~~-~-~ ~ 19A5. ~~~.,_ ._-""~ ~~CR~T RY, AHGIP~JI CiTY PLANNIMG CQ IMM SSION ~a. Pcs5-2a