Resolution-PC 95-25~ RESOL~!T~ON NO PCfl~-?5 A RES~LUTION APpROVING MOD F~ICATION 70 ~~ ~QM~~SSION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2743 (I~EADVERTISED) AND AiUlENI7MEN7 TU G~RTAIN C~NDII'IONS OF APPRQVAL WI-IEREAS, on Jul~- ~2,1985, thc~ An~halm Ctry Planning Cammissir~ii ~ranted Conditionai Use Permit Na. 27~3 (parmt~ting a rP~nilmum st uct ra!` a back) under Resoilut o ~ No. PC85-~17G; ~~nd t at Cfty mexfmurn buildiny hcafght. and ~9 Council toak no furthor act{on. SubJec~Q~oh ~~er Staeet ~nd ~~p~hwest cornAr of Via Burton and Baxter Street and furthor described as 1ti4 WHER~AS, 4he petltfoner hasu~l c atcaea s faclltty and~hae two Utl aue een ~ tru ks wouid be located service ta customsrs using subJect p 9 at the scuth of the property bohind ths back gate; V~Ih1EREAS, the Cfty !'I~nn{n~ Commissfon did hoid a public h~aring at ths Givfc Conter in the City of Anaheim on Mar~ch 6, 19~5, at 1:30 p.m.> notice of said public hearing having bC~~~ ~~ 18 03, as required by law andVn~~~ce o~r and a~g~ins s~fdip oposed moci{fic~t o~ ta ~Conditlonae~Usa Permft P~r~. to he~r and consider o 27~3 and to invo~tigate and mako flndings and recommondatlons in connection therewith; and WHERFA5, s~id Comrniss~lpon o~II ov don e~an`d reponstoffe~ed at said hear ng, doeg ffnd and in Yt~ bahalf, and s~fte~ due consido and dotermine the fallowin~ facts: 1. That subJect condit(onai use Is being exerci~,sd in a mannor not detrim~ntal tn ~tha particular area and surroundin~ land usss, nor Rc~ the put+lic peace, h~?Ith, safety a~d ~enerai welfare; 2. That cne proposa~d uso W~al`~°osad to be I~~ e adJotning larxi usos and the growth ancl davelopment of the area In which Yt is ~ p 3. 7hat the size and sha~a af tha sitQ far th~ ~'oposed ~se is adequ~ta tv allaw the full ~evelopr~ent crf ttie prnposal fn ~ manner not dotrimontal to tha particulai~ area nor to ti~e peace, health, safety and gene~f welfar~; 4. That no complaints have been received by the Coc~o ~~orcem~nt Division ~onceming the subJect storage facility; arxi 5. That no one ir~dicated thoir prosonce at said public t~aaring in oppasftlon; and that na carrespor-c+ence was recetved in opposftian to the subjact petition. ~„~ NI ~NVIRONM TAI. ,~TY ACT _ INLDf ~: Th~t the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed tha propn ~A v$~ Permit No. f2~703has adeGuatet io se^Ie ~gbz~~e rrequired apnrovad in ccxmoction with Corxlrt o ornironmenta~ docum3ntation in connec~on a~ ~hat it hasycons dered' xhe Ne~at e~lac~ar~tion togeth~r independant Judgem~nt af tF~ le~d age cy tivfth any comments received during the pub~lla~Qisennps bstantial ev~idencet'hat ~hehproect vu~il~h~vei ai study and any comrnan~s ~4cofvad that t e gi~nificant effect on the envirc-nmen~ .1 _ pC95-25 Cfi232S MS.YU~ ~ NOW, 'TWERE'~4RE, BE IT RESO~.VED that the Aneheim ~Iry Planning Comml~alon does hereby grant subJect modification ta Conditlonal Use Permit No. 27'~3, upon the iollowing added conditions ta ResolutiontyooP~C~ In7orclor to p es~rvo t e~saf~t~ and general~ e~fareraf thot Cit zolns of he9City ~of of the subj~c p p nY Anaheim: 2a. 7hat the propased mAVing truck rentaf is hereby approved for a periocl of two ~2) ye~ra untll March 6, 1997. 25. 7hat theom h~mentai t ucks shall.b~uparm ttad inkany of the requfrod c s om2er/ m~! yee pa~rking pa k(ng spaces I~catoct on the north side af the property. 26. That the operator af subJeM fiacility shaa~~ t'~aY fo~ the aost of any Codo Enforcemani inspections which may be required to addross existing Codo vinlatlons. THE FOREGOONG RESOLUTIOh! w~s adopted at the Planr~~ig Commissfon meetfng af PVlarah 6, 1995. ~ ~ r/' " 2.~ ,~~%i ,,~/~- ~ ~~, '.~r.~c...' ~ ~ CFIAIRW MAN, ANAHEIM GITY~IANNING COMMiSSl4N ATTEST: ~~R~L~ SECfiETA , AMEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~STATE OF CA~IFORNIA 1 ~OUNTY OF ORAfVGE } s~ CITY OF ANAH~lM ) I, Margarita Solarlo, Secretary of the~ Anahelm ~City Planning Cammission, C~U h8Tf3L~y C81tIf~l that the forogoing resolutian ~vas pa.s~ed and adc~pted at a rrieetinfl of the Anahnirn City PI€~nr~ing Cammission held on March G, 19~5, by the foflowing vote af tF~e mernbe~ ther~of: AYES; COMM1S.cilONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELI., HENfVINGER, MAYER, IVIESS~, PERAZA NOES: CUMMISSION~RS: NONE ABSENT: GOMAIIlSSIC~N~FiS: NO~IE VACAMCY: ONE S~AT IN VVlTi~IESS WHER~OF, I have herounto set my hand this ~,GI.S~-- day of ~E, _~_._._.-~ 1995. . ~ ~~~ ~~ SECREfA , HEIRA ClTY Pi.ANNING COIti11WIS510N -2- PC9~-25