Resolution-PC 95-33.J ~~~ '~I 1. ~I~~~ ~ RE~OL.UTLON N~,1.,rP~e.Q~.~ A HESOLUTION OF '~HE ANAH~IM CITY Pi.l~1NNING COMMISSION THAY PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE P~RMIT N0. 37a9 BF GRAN7GiD WMEREAS, the Anahelm City Pl~nnin~ Commiss(on di~d recefve a v~rlf(ecl Petitlon for Condillonal Use Permlt fnr certt~l~7 re~l proporty situ~ted in the Cfty of ~lnaheim, County ~f Or~nge, State af Califorrola, described as: PARC~4 4, OF ~1 MAP FILED IN BOOK 177, ?ACaES 28 ANl7 29 OF PARC~L fNiAPS, HCCORDS OF OR/1NGG CUUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the C(ty Planning Commisslon d(d hald a public hear(ng at th~ C(vic Centor in thc~ City of An~heim on Marr,h 20, 1995 at 1:30 p,m., notice of safd pubUc h~aring having been duly g(ven as requ(red by !aw and in accordanc9 with the provisions of 4he Anahaim Municipal ~ode, Chapter 18.03, ta h~ar and considar avidence fnr and agt~(nst said proposed conditional uso permit a~d to investic~ate and make fina~ngs and recommendations in connectlori therewith; and WH~REAS, safd Commissfon, after due Inspecticm, invostigatlon and ~tudy made by Itself and in Its b~ehaif, and after due aonsideration ai all Qvidence and roports offered at said hearing, daos find and dotermina the followinQ facta: 1. That tha proposed use fs pr4~Qriy one far which a conditlonal uso permft is authorized by Anaheim Munfaipal Code ~e~t(on 18.fi1.050.605 to permit ~ business offico (n the ML tLimited Industrial) ZOng; ?.. Tha~ the pruposed use will not adversely affect the adJoining land uses and the growth and developrnent of the arva in which it is pruposed to be lacatad; 3, i hat tha size and shape of the ~ite for tho propased use is adoquato to allow the full development af tho proposed use In a manrier not dotrimenta! to tha particular aroa nor to the poace, health, safety and ge~eral welfare because, although thers will be customer senrice activities taking ptace at this Iocatfon, the majority of activtty will inv~lve administra4ive and wareh~use functions; and that the number of available parking spacas is 61 ~'o m~re than requ(red by Cocle (G3 s~x'~cos re~u(red; 102 spaces proposeci); 4. That the traffic gene;ated by the proposaci uso wiil not impc+s~ an undue burdQn upon the streeis and hfghways dESigned and impruved to carry the traffic in thQ area; 5. Yhat the flrantfnc~ af tha conditionai use pormit under tho conditions imposed will not be cietrim~ntal to the peace, health, s~fety and general welfare of tho cltlzen: crt the City of Anaheim; 6. Thac r~o one ind(cateci their pr~sonce at said public hesrlnq in appasitton; and th~t no correspondenae was receivecJ in opposition to the subJect p~tit(o~. CR2333MS.WP -1- PG'95•33 ~~, ~~~Ay~NVIRONMF..N'~8,1~.44~.A4~LY,ASZ~-NQ.lN~i~ 7hat th~ Anaheirn City Planning Commission hms revlewed the propos~l to permit a businoss office in the ML. (Limitod Industrial) Zane ~n a rectan~ularly-shaped parcol of lancf consisting of appr~ximat~ly 1.34 acres havin~ a fror~ta~e of apprUximately 274 feet ~n the eask sido of Bra~hor StrHet with a maximum depth of approximetely x00 feet, being loc~tod 810 f~et n~rth of the certerline of l,~ Palma Avenue ~and further descrlhod as 14q0 N. Brasher Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon firiding that tho declaration r~flects the fr~dependent Judgement c>f tho lead a~tency and that (t h~s r,onsiderod the Negatlva Declarati~n togother wfth any camments receivod ~ecei gd that there is na s bstantlal ov denGe th tn he project~will of tha initi~l study ~nd any coniments have a significant off~ct on tho environrr~ent. NOW, TMEREFORE, 6E IT P,ESni.V~D that the Anahoim Ctty Planning Commission daos hereby ~rant subJeat Petition fUr Cie d~tt~n~ I U~se~~~ruso~ofpheh ubject property ini ~ de to p e e`rveehe fou~d t4 ~ie a necessary prerequl~ p R safety and gene;al wsifare oi th~ Citfzens of tha City of Anahoim: 1. That a pian sheot far solid waste stnrage and cullection and a pi~n ior recycling sht~ll bo ~ubmitted ta the Department of fJlaintenance for revfew and ~pproval. 2, That prior to (ssuancQ af a building perrnit, th~ appro~~riato trafifia signal asses ~ment teo shaii be paid to the City of Anaheim in a~ arrrount as ~stablished by City Councfl Resolution. 3, That subJect prnp9rty shall be develnped sub~tdntially in accorda~ce with plans and sp~cificatinns subrrsitted to the City of AnaP~eim by the patitioner and which plana are on fila with the P~anning Department marked Exhibit Nas. t and 2. 4. Tti~t pr(or to cosr-mencement of the activity authorized by this resolutfon, or prfor to issiaance ot a building permit, or with(n ~ perlocl of ane (1) year from tl~e cJato of this resoluti~~n, which~v~er occurg first, Candition Nos. 1 and 2,~aa o~eem~anted in ac~lorcia cemwith S~ctUon~ 8 03 03p of th9 An~he m ~o complstQ safcl conditions y 9 Municipal Coda. 5. That prior to commencement ~ir th C~nd'Rio + No.I3, abo~e-mentianfQd, sht~ll be cofmpl~led with r~~n~ ins{~ections, whichevar occurs , Ei, Tiiat approval of thl3 ap{~lic;ation constitutes approva! of they ropased ~~Cable CityyS at ~nd Fede ~ it complles with the Anaheim QViunicipal 2orsing Code and an other app r~val nf the regulations. Approv~l does not include ~ny action or tindings as to cornpliance or app request rea~rding any other applicable ordinanc~, regulation ar rPquirem~nt. 8E 17 FUR71-I~R RES4LV~D that the Anah~eim City Planning Cammission doea hereby Find and determine that acfoptfon of this Reso~ution is expressly pr~ciicated ~an applicanYs ~ompliance wtth oach and all oE the condltions hc~reinAbove set torth. ~liould any such condition, or any part theraof, ar~ declared inv~f(d or unenforceable ~y then~ ni j~udgr~nenbe ~Q~m~~n~l~and v~ofd~nt juris~.llr.tion, then this Ra:aolution, and ~ny approvdis herein co ~ -2- PC95•33 +~, ,'i~~ THE FOREGOING ~iESOLU710N was acloptad at tha P~arniing C~mrnissian meeting of March ~0, ~ J95. / .,~_.,.. ,~ ~ , 1..-~,'~[.c..-~.,c..J GHAIRWO AN ANAhihIM CIT'~ PLAN ING COMiMISSI~N ATl'EST; ~n.~b . z__._._..._. S~CRETARY, A~ EiM ClTY PIANNIIVG COMMISSIrJN ST~T~ OF GAII~ORNIA ) COUNTY AF aI~ANGE ) ss• CI'rY OF ANAHEIM ) {, Margarfta So~orio, SecretAry ofi the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commissian, da hereby cortlfy that the for~a~aln~ resolution was p~SS~ e folio~winptvote of the~m~ be s theroof: he1m City Planning Commissian held an March 20, ~t9~5, by 9 /~y~g; COMMISSIONEFIS: (3n N~ TUN, CALDWELL, MENNINGER, MAYE~t, M~SSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: N4 ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANCY: ONE SE~1~' . I h~ve hereunta set my hand this ~~y~~~aY ~f IN WITN~SS WNERF~P~ , 199~+. . i J~~.~~~~~ ~--- ~,.~t~______ ~ SECRETAFtY, L4, AHEIM CI7Y PLANNING CAMMIaSIpN .~_ PC95-33