Resolution-PC 95-35i'!( ~P` ~~, RESU~.~JQl~. -~~~.p~~~ A R~SfJ~ATi p~~ QN FOR VARIANCE' P~O. 426g BE p~N ~p $~ON WHEREAS, the AnaP~e~lm~ jn~hE~ City of An heimi Countyrofg0 a goe5ta e of tC~iffornpa Variance for certa~n real property situ clescribod as: THE SAU7HERl.Y 46.3A FEET' OF LAT 9, BLACK A, OF TRAC'f 131, A5 PER MAP RECORDE~RANGE COUNTY, CA If~ORN A~ MISGELIANEQUS MAPS REuORDS 0 WH~REAB, the Clty f'lanning Commisafon d(~ hoid a publia hearing ~.t the Civic Center in the City of ~lnaheim un March 20, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearir~g having ~Chap elr 8~ 0~, as requfred by law and in ~ccordanc~ with the provigions of the Anaheim Municip~i Code, ta hear and consider evidance far andtheaewith ~and opased varlance and to invest(gate and maka findings and recommendati~ns in conn~c4ion WHEF?'cAS, said Commi ti nnof tail ev(dence and~ Q~portssoiffered at aid hearir~g, daes find and in its behaif, and after due considara and detormine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivors oF tha followfng ta retairi a 590 sq.~t• apartment above a detached 3-car garage: (A) ~l~n~...t~^~4.~..1.~:5.1.~ (g) ,~tfons 18 ~4.063,.,_._~~? an 1,1. (C) ~g~tiQri 18. .Q50. 12. 12~ 1Q.06.080 ~.' ~t. 6. 1 ,~„nd 18.81. ~Q Minimum flo2r area. (~q,~g.it required for 1-becfroor~ dwalling; ~~~,it. exlsting and propo~ed) Minimt!m structurai s t cl . (9 feot ret~uired from north praperty line; 5 feet oxEsting and proposed) hAlnimi ~m numb6P Of ~$Ck(~,~$~~ (~ required with minimum 4 cover~d; 4 existing and proposed with minimum.~ covered) 2, That waivers (~ ~ans(ze~ shape tapography,~tocationaor sueoundi~gs, whichldn no ap{~ y apnlicable ta the property suc to other identi~ally zoned prnp~-ties ir~ the vicinity; 3. Thut waivers (A) and (B) are denied on the basis that strict applicatlon of the Zoning Cocle doss not deprivR thF property of privile~es onjoyod by other propertios unclsr identfcai zr~ning classtficatio~ ~ (n the vicinity; 4. That walve~ (C) is denied on tY~e basis that ~pproval would c~us~ fewer atf-strae~ park(n~ spaces to be provided for such us8 than tl and Aason~bly o~eqeeabie co ditiot s of ope at ant of such iuseg etirlbutable to such use under the norma _~ . PC95-35 CR233aMS.~/VP S ~, .,~ '4~I~, ^:~ ~'. 1l,~~S,. ,. That waiver (~) ~ onehoe~ ubilc streetsi(n thet im edlato vpcinity of the propased use; and compotit(on f~r p~rking spaces up p f. 7hat three (3)i pe~apne~ind~pSlj'~d t~~ ~s~~~ectnpetttiora~d publlc hearing In oppositlon; a~~ chat no carrespondence wa~ ror,e pp ,s AUFORNIA ENVIR A~~~N7WL U~A T' F~NA1N-~~ That the Anahoim City Planning Commission has roviewod the proposal for waivers af minimum floor area, minimum structural ~~tback and mfnimum number of parking spaces on an (rrQgularly-3haped pnrcel of land consfsting of approximataly 5,750-square foet, having a frontage of approxim~tely 46 feetroxi mtei ~300t ee~south of he centerline of maximum depth of approxfmatoly 130 feat, being located app Y Center Streot and furthar de~cribed as 122 South Walnut Street; and doos hereby approv~ the NegatNe Declarat(on upon finding that the doclarmtion refie:.ts thc~ ind~pendont Judgemont of the load agency and that if has cansidered the Neqative aeclaration 4ogeiiier with any commonts rocefved cluring the public review process and further finding onrt~heCba1sils~OA eha siginfff~ant effoct on the envi unment ~ved that th~re is no substantia! evidenco that t e p j NOW, THEREF~RE, BE IT RESOLVED that tt~e Anaheim City t lanning Commission does hereby deny subJect Petition for ~~arianc~ on tiie basis of the aforomentianed findings. THE FOFiEG01NG R~SOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commfssfon meeting of March 20, 1995. ~~%y~ ~ /' , _ G~C:.~'v~•¢-t~-'-- t HAIRW~"~11AN, AN i-IEIM ITY P NNING OMMISSiOlJ ~1TTESY: , ~~ ~~~~4P ~ 6~Cfi~'fARY, ~1 A ~ EIM CITY PI.ANNING CQMMISSION S'fAT~= OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY O~ OFlANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anahoim City Pianntng Commission, dn hereby certify that the fore~afng resolu~ion was passed and adopted at a meetinc~ of the~ Anaheim City Planning Commission heid on March 20, 19J5, by the fallowing voto of the members thereof: AYES: CONtMIS510NER5, B~O~NE 7UN, CALDW~LL, HENNIN~~R, M~AYER, b1ESSE, PERAZA NO~S: COMMIS510NERS ABS~NT: COMMISSIONER5: NON~ VACANCY: ONE SEA,T HEREOF, I have herounto set my hand this ~r~ay of IN WI1 NESS W .~, , 1995. • ~ _~~ ~~~v~ SECRETA~iY, AHEIM CITY PI.A,N G COBVIMISSIDN .2_ PG'~35-35