Resolution-PC 95-38~ S~ , ~~~..~~..~.ics~s~ A RESGI.U'fION fJF TW~ ANAHEIM ~'~ ~Y PLANNIN(~ COMMIS310N APPRC~VING REVIS~D PLANS FOA ~ONL~ITIONAI. USE NEFI~AIT NA, 1374 (REAUVEFiTISE~) Wf•IERFA~, on Fobruary 5,1973 the Pianning Cammissior~ ~appravad f~onciitlonni Uae Permii No. 1374 permitting tho following In an existin~ commerclal affice complex at 13GQ S~utli Anaholm Boutevard In the ML "4lmitc~tf Industrial" Zone: (~) A non-inclustrial training center; and (b) Retail dlstributfn~ iirm~, pr(marily serving commerce ~nd Inclustry, with only incidentfll servica to the ~one~l pubiic; arid (c) aorvias business firms, including businesa and proFeaslonat offices, prim~rily soNing oommerce ar~d industry ~vith anly incldental serv(ce to the genoral publlc; and (d) A.n additlon to a 2-story Qffice bulidin~; and (e) Waivers of permitted use~ and minimum number of parking ~{~aces; and that no furthor actlon was talten by the City Cauncll. WHFREAS, ~iesolutlan No. PC7~-32, adoptod in connectlan wlth subJect c:onditlunal use pormii, contains two conL4tlpns (Nas. 9 and 10) which specNy that es~ch proposod use be s~~bmitted to the ~lanninp Departmontrkon'es~avai~lable;pand that su~ch p opo a~s m y al oil~e submittod tortho Piann g whethor ~uffici~nt pa q Commiasion far a doterrnir,~ation. WHER~15, the petitioner has submltted revised pi~ns to estabtiah a court repr~rtin~ cAllege in tieu of the prev(ously approved non-Industrlal ira(nin~ center; and that sald plans shuw that tha originally approved 2•story, 15,600 sq.K. oHice building addit(on will not be conStructed, that the pro~x-3ed court repo~ting cAllege wiil be lo :ated In the 2-story 1 J,300 sq:ft. building (west building) and that tho ea.st bulSding (16,8U0 sq.ft.) u~ill b~ used for individuai off(cos. WF+EREAS, tho ~Ety Planning Commiss(on did hold a public he~ring at the Civic Center ln the City of Anaheim en March 20, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice nf said pu~IfG hearing havln~ been duly glven Chr~ ter 18.03 as requirod by law and in sccordance with tt~o provis(ons of the Anahefm Munlcipa! Code, p , to hear and conside~ ~e~inns in connect~io`n th~ wtpth~and thatvsaid public hea ingi as cioMinusd athe findings and r~com e Aprfl 3, 1995 Pian~ing Com~n(ssion meettng; ~ncf WHEREAS, sa(d Cammission, ~fter clue Inspoction, irn~est(gation and stUdy mada by ttself and in its behalf, and atter due co~sideration of all evidence Rnd reports of#ered at s~W ha~rU~g, does find and dstormine the f~llowtng facts: 1. That the p~tftlonor has submitted a letter reparding operatlon of the prnposed court reporting college (west buliding): Maximum students: 200 Haur~ of op~retion: Nionday thraugh Frfday: ~~a~m' m ~op n OQ p.m. 'Tu~sday through 7hursday: 6:00 p. -1- PC:95~38 CR2341 MS.wp 1 , Y• ~%. l i~ 2. That Wlanning Dep~rtmont ~taaWn and 21 t tidv~-galln~) shrubs but ~h thsalc! i~ndscapi g h~as fandscaping consists c~f eight mature trAee, ~ not be~en maintalnod on a r~gular basls; a. Thet eliminatlan of the prevlousiy ~ppr~ved 2•stoN, 1b,600 sq.ft. ~ffice buildin~ ~dditlo~ renders the overall prr~Ject loss inttms~ in t~rms ~f use ~nd parkinp demand; d, That the proposed caurt roporting collogR wlll rasuit in an improved parking supp~Y 1~ Gomparison to ~he parkinq wQ~ver which ~w~7~P~~g~o ~ inally o proved~ and 9 proposed requos4 wlll attaln g8°~6 of the Code requlred parkiny vorsu fl 5. That no one ind(catad thelr prc~sence at said publlc h~a~in~ in oppasition; and that no cnrrespandence was received fn oppGSi~~~n to the subJect patition. ~ALIFORhIA_ F~__~.VIR .n~lM ' T~A a~~~~~-~~' That the Anaheim City Pl~nning Cornmissian has revfewad tho propo~l to establish y court repoC i~~nof lanld~COnsfat ng~of app oximat ly approved non-industrial trai~tiing centar on an irregularl -shaped pa 2.3 acres, havin~ an appruximate frontage of 260 feot an the aast slde of Anaheim Baulevr~rcl, ha~~ing an approxfmate depth of 320 feet, bein~ located approxim~tely 1?_5 feet north of tho cent~~rpve thel~Ne~;ative and further doscribvd as 1360 South Anahgim Bouievard: and da~s heroby app Declttration upan finding that the declar I~a~t(an tct etheriw h ai~i.~yr ommen se ece ted dur ngghe pul~l ~ tnat it has con3idar~d the NeQative Doc o9 roviow process and further flrrding on the baais af th~ inltl~al stur:y and any cdmments reaeivet1 that thera is no substaMial evidence that the proJect will hav~ a significant e(fect on the ern-ironment, NOW, 7H~REF~RE, SE IT RESnLVED th~.c tt~a An~heim Clry Planning Cammi~,sinn dAes heroby determine that tho propo~ed court ~eportin~ c~lloge fs In substantisl conformanco with tho non- industrial trafning aenter originally approved under Gonditional Use Permit No. 'i37a; And tt~at Resol~tion No. PC73-32 is heroby amended to add the foilowing conditlons: 12. That tho existing IandscapU~q shali~ub~un ~ io~ ~~ontng ivisfan ot he Planfng Der~artment for thAt final landscape plans shali bg revlew and approvai by the Pianning C~mmisslon as a"Repons and Recommendations" ftAm. 13. That the tot~l enroilment shall not exceed two hundred (20Q) st~xients. 14. That the proposed offico uses permitte~d in the east buiiding shall be Iimited to thA fallowing: (1) P~cc~unting - Bookkeeping, Ct'A F(rms or tomporary CPA Flrms (2) Advertising (3) Appraisors (4) Attomeys (g) Banks Ku~hles, Etc. (g) Brokors ~ Reat Esta~e, Business Oppo (~ Business System Companies (f3) Communicatio~ Ccrosultants ~~j Com~uter Analysis Firms (10) Credit Repurting Agencies (11) Deslgnors - tndustrSal, IMerior, Graphfa (12) D~velopmerY Companies (13) FRCility Maintonanc~ and F~anning -2- PC9.°i-38 :~ ,;~. (14) InsurancA C~mpanlea/Agencles (•15) Inventary Servicea (16) Leesing Cam{~anles (17) Man~gemont Consultants/Companies (1 S) Marketing Re~earch (19) Pc~raonnol A~encles (20) Qualiry Cpntral Analysis (21) Sales OffiGes (which serva tho indt~striai area) (22) Secretarial and ~usiness Servicas (23) Any ugo permltted under Zoning Cucie~ Sectlan 18.61.020 "Permitt~d Primaiy Uses and Structures," subJec:t to ~II oondition~ af said S~ction. t5. Tha~t tho nwner of subJect properry shall submit a lotter raque.~tirig terminsation of Corulitianal Use Pormit Nu. ~4a9 (to pormit a 2~0-untt singla roam occupancy "SRO" residentfal hotal) to the Zon..~g Division. 1 fi. 7hat subJect property ahall be develop~d substantially i~ accordr~nae with pians arxl ~{aocifications submftted ta tho City of Anaholm by tha petttione~ a~d which plans are on ffl~ with ~he Planninc~ Dep~rtrnent m.arked Revia(on No. 1 oF Exhibit Nas. 1 and 3, and the two floor plans f~r the front (west) building submftted at the April 3, 1995 pubiic hearing and sa-dated. 17. That pr~oc to comm~ncement ~f the activity autho~Ized by thi4 resulution, or prior to issu~ncs of a builcling permft, or whhin a poriod of ano (1) y~ar from the date of thts resolution, wi~ichf~~~er ~ccurs f(r;~t, Condli(on No.15, abov9-mer~tlon~ci, shall be c~mplied with. Extensians far fuKtier t~mo to camplete sa(d ~canciit(uns may be greMed In accordanc~ wfth Sectfan 18.0~.090 of the A,naheim Municipai Code. 18. '~hat prior to commencemont of the Activity authorix~d by tri13 re3olutlon, or prior to prior to issuance of a centficate of accupancy, or prior to flnal buildin~ and zonin{~ Inspect(ons. whiahever occurs first, Condit(on Nos. 1?. a~xi 16, ~bove-m~ntian~, shall be compliod wfth. 1 g. That approval of this application c~nstitutes a~-pravai af the praposed requASt only to ~ha extent that it compiles witti the Ar~ahefm Munfcipal Zontng Cade and any other applfCable Ciry, State anci Federal regulations. Approval daes not lnclude any a~~tion or finciings as to com~{fance or approval of th~ request regarding +~iny other applicabie ordlnance, re$ulation or requirement. 6~ IT FUR'TM~H RESOLVED that thr~ Anaheim City PlAnning ~:ommission does her9by find ~nd deterrnine that adoption o~f this Resalutian is exp~e.RSly predfcgted upon epplicant's Compllanco wlth each and all of tho conditions h~refnabove set forth. 5hould any such conditian, or any parc thore~f, be declared lnval(d or un~er~forceable by th~ fin~l judgmertt of any couri c~ competern Jurisdfction, then this Resaluilon, and any approvals herein contained, shail ba deemed nui! ~nd vvid. THC FOREGOINC aESOl.UT14N was adopte~l at th~ Pl:~nning Commission maetin~ aF Anril 3, 1995. / f ~i~r~Z'i~.t"~J .C/~t~ -,~~ IRWO AN ANAMEI~IA ClTY UINNIN CG OMrJIISSiOf~ ATTES7: « 1 SECR A, ANA?~EiM C! Pl'Y LAl~1MINC3 COMM SSI IQN ~ ~. PCJ5-38 ,r {~I~il STA7E OF GALIFORNIA ) GpUNTY ~F OR~INGE ) ss. ClTY AF ANAHEI~JI ) 1, MargRrita S~lor!a, Secr~ry~n~t a~ppe~ ~a A~ry~~~i~g uCoh~ ~AnaholmpClty F'lann~l g that the f~regoing resolutian wes pas Commissl~ri rield an ~pril 3, 199~, by the folic~wing va4o of tho membt~rs thareof: AYES: COMIMISSlANFRS: F10YDSTiJN, CALDWELL, HENIdINGER, MAYER, MESSE N~ES; COMMIS51aNERS: NnNE ABSENT; COMMIS510N~RS: BU5TWICK, PERl~ZA tN WITNESS WWEREOF, I have hereunto 3et my hand this ~~ ~~Y nf ~^ ~ 1995. • . - ,RE'T,".`! (, A AHEIM CITY F'l~1NNING ~OMMISS{ON SC~' ~ I~C95-36