Resolution-PC 95-413j~ ~ ,~,,~Q~I~Tf .QN PJO PC~5-41_ A RESOI.UTION OF 7HE ANAH~IM CITY PIANNING COMMISSIQN Th1AT PETITION FOR CONQITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0, 376Q BE ~RANTE~7, IN P~AT WHE rtEA S,~o~~~n real prope-~y slituated in aha City af Anaha m, ~ untyrof Or~nge~State Condfqionai Use Po m of CalHarnla, described as: LOT 2 IN F~LOCK "1" OF ~RACT N0. 304, IN THE GfTY OF ANAHI~IM, GOUNTY PAC~E 50,GOFSMISC~ LANEO SRMAPS SIN~TM ~OFFiCE OF ~THE COI;NTY R:;:;CORD~f~ OF SAiD Ct~UNTY. EXCEPT TI-IEREFROM THE WESTERLY 2.75 FEET TWER~OF. WFaEREAS, the C1ry planning Commission did hold ~ publiG haaring at the Civ;c Conter Iven in the Ciry of Anaheim on Aprll 3, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of said public hearing havfng bCha~ e,r 8.533 as re~uired by !aw and in accordance with the provisi+~ns af the Anaheim Municipa! Cod~, p ~ to hear and considor evidencs for and aflainst said pro~~osad conditional use permit and ta Investigate and make findings ~nd rACOmmendations in connection thcrewfth; and WI-I~fiEAS, ~aid Commission, after due inspeGtfon, investlgatian and study made by Itself and fn Its behalf, and a~ter due considoration uf all evidence an~i r~ports o~fered at said hearing, dnos find and determine the following facts: 1. 7hat t~h ep~~~ap~ 1~8.45. 5Q.060 anci 18 03.030.OE Q t piprmt'an automobfle sa esr ot wfth Anaheim IVlunicfpal G a temporary office trailer with waiver c~f the following: Section 1.45.0 - Minim~m refuse atoraaQ r~~uirements. (p ~al bin trash st4r~a~~ required; ~I. ,~sidentia! treah r-~e~tacie storaae area prop~sed) 2. That therA are special circurnstanr,~s applicat~le to the property consisting of its s(ze and the 9xtent of Its improvement, which ~io npt apply :a othor fdentically zonod properties in the vicinity, which circumstanr,es do nat m9ri~ the provisinn af dual comme~cial trash bins; and that the proposec! ~fifice build(ng and 10-foot wide Iandscap~ bufter adjacent to Anaheim Boulevard wiil bs a visual (mprovemenx to the area; s. That strict application af the Zonlnq Code dep~i~res the praperty of prfvile~es on~oy~d uy other pr~aperties uncier identical znning classffication In the vicinity becattse ather comme5~clally zoneci propsrties on the viciniry also utilize the hfp~ c~f trast~ storaga rec:eptacla propASecl by the ~+ppUcant; ~ 4. T~ Zonin ~Code,a d that bthe tempr~~ xry office t~ilerhs not Iistedtthereir,sasRbe nig i~s authorixed by the g permitted ~se; 5. 7hat 3he aropc~s~ use is heraby approved, !n part, to penri4 the automoblle sales lat and ; to dei~y the temporary office traller, ; -1 • PC'95-41 CR2344fNS.WP ~' ~ , 6. That the proposec! us~, as approved, will not adver~ely affect the adJoining land usea and the grov+~th and develapment of the area in which k Is proposed to be lacatad; 7. That the size and ghap~ of tr» sit~ for th~ propa~ed use, ea approved, is ~dequRt~ tA allaw the full devbia~ment af th ~neral wef re;~ ~n ~ manne~r not detrirnenta~ to the particular aroa nar ta the peaca, heal4ti, safety, ~nd g m. Tr~at the tr~ffic generatod by the propased use, as ~~provecf, will not impose an undue burden upon tho streets and highways designed and imaroved 3o carry the traffic In the area; 9, That t,ie ~ranting of the conditlar~l uso permit under the conditlons imposaai will not bo detrimental ta the peace, health, safety and ger~era! wel~are cf tho cfttzens af tho City of Anahelm because there wiil be na servicing of vohicles on sfte; a~d 10. That no ona Indicated 4helr presence at said public hearing In opp~sition; and 4hat no correspondence was receivecl in opposftion to tho subJ~act petitlon. C~LIFQR~IIA NVIF3C~NMENTAL ~U L.Q I'fY A.~ p0 : Thatthe ~.naheim Ciry Planning moblle sa~es fot wfth a tem~oreN afflce trafler C.:,mmission has reviewed the praposal to permf~ an aut~^ wit4~ waivor af minimum rofuse storage requirements an a rectangularly-shaped parc~i of land consistirig of approximatAly 0.16 acrQ havinq a frontago nf ~pproximatoly 50 fe~t on ~oximatelgi95 fea northiof Boulovarcl with a maximum depth of approximately 145 feAt, bein~ locat~ app Y the centerlin~ of North Street and furth9r described ~s 804 Nonh ~r~aheim Baulevard; and does hereby approve tho Ne~ative Decl~ration upon finding that the rleclaratlon r~flects the ~ndePandent judgemont ~f tho lead agency ~~d ~~t it has consfdered the Negative Declarat(orr tagethor rvith any commarits received during the public r~vlow proce s~a ~~f dvtaQnae that theh p~ect wfll~ havoQ~SS~9 ~~ ta~ Eect on~t" e r~ceived that there is no sub environment. NOW, THEREPORE, p~E IT R~S4LVED that thQ Anaheim Ciry Planning Comm(ssion does hereby grant subj~ct Fetitian for C~nditianai Use Pormft, in Part, ~P~n the following conditiar~ilw~~~~ a~p hereby found to be a nacessay prorequlsite to the praposed us~a of 2hs subJoct property preserve the safsty ~nd ~aneral weifare of the Cftizens of the Ciry of Rnahalm: 1. That the use of a puhllc ~ddress (F'.A.) system shnli be prohibitarl. 2. Th~at there shall bo no on-site ~uto rapalr or detailing permitte~d. 3. That the use ofi flags, pennants, balloons and banners slu~ll only b~ ~rmittad on a temporary tsasis and shall be su~Ject ta first obtaining a apeci~l Events ~Pm~ from 4he Cfty of A,naheim. a. Zhat tho deueloper shali ; ubmit a Wate~ Glualfty Mar~agement Pian MIQMP) sperffically icie~tifying the best management Q~pi~a~~~~~~s~ h~~~ °QS~hs Publlc W~r~ka Depa~mlBn~t,n Developme t w~ter runoff. The W SeNices D(vision, 9ar review ~nd approval. 5. 'fhat a fiee, in the amount of two hundrad eighty fivA dollars per ona thousand ~quare ~eet of buiiding area ($285.00/1 ~00 sq.ft.), sMall bA pafd ta the City of Anahelm for sewer capacfty mitig~tfon. g. That subJect properry shali be developed substant~iliy U acCOniance with pl~ns and sPeciflcations submitted to the City of A-ra~h~ Sm,b h~du h9~ ~~n~r and wi'~ich p4a~s ar~ on file with the Pianning Departm~ne marketi Exhibit 9 7. 1'hat subJect use shali be estabilshed in ~ permanent bui{ding. 8, That the IlgMtng in the parkin~ area af thA premises shaii be directHCi, pasitioned a~d shlelded In such a m~nner sc~ as not to u~rea~sonably illuminate the window area of nearby rasidencos. ,2. pC95-41 , ~,, ~ ~ ~ 9. 10. ~1. 12. 13. ~ a. Yl~~~t no more than of~~rstshall not$ elrf~r~ w(~tf~tlequfr~ed park~ingn t6~o slt~ at any time. Such storage pnd dispiay 7hat all signs on the property sht~ll maot atl applicabl~ Code requlremonts. That landsc:ape and lighting ~~Ians ahali b~ submftted tn the Zoning D{visinn of the Pi~nning Depariment for review and ap~~rc~vel. Th~ landscape plan shall Include fa3t qrowing ground Gover (e,g. Croeping J~asmine) and ~ minlmum two (2) foat hiqh landsc~ped k~erm acceptabl~ to Planning sta~f. 7hat prior to commencQment of the ractivfty auth~rized by this rosolutic~n, or prlo~ to issuanr.,~ of a building psrmft, or within a peri~ of one (1) year from the date of th(s resolution, whichever occurs first, Cor-c~int'Ita18 ~~~~d~c nditions my be gran~ed ~n acclordm ce~ w`(th Sotctia~8.03 O~Ofof funher time to co p the Anaheim Mun(cfp~l Code. Thdt prior t~ final bt~ilding and zoning Inspections, Condition Nos. g~nd 8, abova•mentfaned, shall b~ complled wlth. That approv~l of this appl(catiqn con~ti4utgs approval ~f th~ proposed requesti ~nly to the extent ti~at ft compl(QS with the An~-haim M~inicipai Zon{ng Code and any other applicabie Ciry, State anr~ Fedoral r~gulations. Approval daes not includo ~ny action or flndings as to cc~mpltance or apprava! of the roquest regarding any other applfcable ordin~nce, re~ulAtlon ar roqulremont. BE 11' ~UR7i-IER RE50LVEn ttwt the Anaheim City Pisnning Commis~lon doos hereby fliuf and determino that adoRtion ot this Resalution (s ex~~essly pr~dicaterl upon a~pllcant's compilance with eacl~ and aU af the conditfon~ heroinabove set farth. Should any such condition, or ~ny part thereof, be daclared invalt~ or unonh~r ~Igbhereintcqntain'odtls ~al~ be rloemed' uipand voide~t iurisdiation, ti~en this Resolution, and any a~pp a TW~ FOREGOING RESOI.UTlON was adopted at the Planning Commiaslon meetlnfl of April 3, 1995. ?Q G~~~~~ ~.. E.~____,~~~~~ ~. CHAiRWOMAN ANAHEIM CITY PIANN~NG COMMI~SION A TTEST: ~ SECR AR , NANEIM C17Y Pl~WNING COMM{S51nN STA7~ OF CALIFORNIA ~ COUNTY O~ OFtANGE ) ss. CI'TY OF ANAMEIM ) 1, MargFarita Sdoriu, ~ecret~ry of the Ar~haim Ctty Pianning Commissiun, dc~ heroby certify 9 that the far~gofng ~ A~~t~~~~5, by th~ oUowir g vMeof the membsrs~hd eof: ~hQ~~n Ctry Plar+n ng Cornmission hdd o p ~ AYES: Nt~ES: ABSENT: COMMISSIONEFiS: BOSTWICIC, ~30YD5TUN, ~AIAV'~ELL, WENMINGER, MAYER, MESSE C,,G~AUlISSiONEEiS: I~K~~E COMMISSION~RS: PERAZA ~ . iN WITNESS WN~REOF, ! have hereurno s~t my hand thl~ ~~'~aY ~ 19~J5. ^w ~ -.~u -v~ ~---- .~.~~ rllY PIANPd1~1Ca COMMISaION ~, ~._ PC9a-41