Resolution-PC 95-43~~ ~ ~~so~ur~~t~',9~~43, A RES~'JLUTlON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PI.fihJNlNia COMMISSIQN MppIFYING VARIA C~~p~IONAI. USE PE M TL ~ 27~RMIT t~0. 1936 A~Ip WHEqEAS, Variance No. ~61 (tn erect an 18•unit rnatel) was a~pproved by the Planning Cc~mmisslon on June 17, 19~.57 in connectfan wfth Resolutlon Mo. ~5~ • WHEREAS, Conditional Use Fermft No. 1936 (to expar~ an exiating mo#el with w~iv~r o# maxirnum structural height) was flrantod by the Pianninq Commission on Febru~ry 26~ ~9791n conn~ction v~ith Rosolutlot~ h1o. PC79-39. WHEREAS, Cor~dftianal Uae Permit Na 2751 (to construct ~sn 18-unit addition to ~n existing 37-unit mptel) was approv~ci by tho Piannin~ Gommission on Jar~uary 6, i9~6 in cannection with Rvsolution No. PC86-10. WhiEREAS, on February 22, '1995, the Plannir~g Camm~sQ~on, by motian, sst thls matter for publio hearing to conskler the revc~atian p; d~e~ to the use fo~whi h s cht pprava`i a~s g ne~ it~i o~. 1 9 3 6, ~ n d G o n d i t l o n a l I J s e F e r m i t N o. 2 7 5 , exArcl~ed in a manner which may be detrlmental to the public health, peace, sa f e ry o r w e l f a r e, o+~ s o a s t o constitute a public nuisarice. 1995, 4he propercy ~wner of recorcl an~ the caurt-appofnted rece(ver, WHERGAS, on f~~arch 17, hc~Ir.ier, user anri/A~ paPmlttee of the s~blec~o%p~rt the r~voca4lQni aWm(odtflcation t~of Var(aincef No. 76i, ~lacF ~nd ttme of tha pubiia hoaring to Conditinrsal Use Permit No. t93t.~, and/a~ Co~d~~0na! Use Permtt No. 2751. WFiE.REAS, on A9arch 28,1 ~5, the cnurt~appo~ntec~ receiver notifiod the Planning Departnnent 4hat thv property had boon sa4d and is no ~ongar in receivership. The new prr~pertY owner, Mr. Prahalad Bhakta, was natifiad an tv1arch 28, 1895, viaof Variance Na.f761,dCoruift o~a! ~~ t'ermit`No. 1b936 aend/o to co~sid~r the revocatic~ o~ m~odiN~ation Conditional Use Permit No. 2~5t. WHERF.,~S, the Ciry Planning Carnmission dld hold a~ublic hearing at the ~iv~~ Center in the Ciry of Anaheim u+~ AprH 17, 1 g95, ~t h thd p rovisi njs of th9 Anahefm Municipa a~Cade,~ChaR e'r 8~03, as required by iaw or+cl in accorciance ~vit p ta hc~ar and cansicier evider~o Eor and again therewi~th~ aPUI ~mendment and to fnv~stigate anrl make ffndings ai~d recommendations in connectfo W~~IFREAS~ said Commission~ aft~{ evidetnca ~tnd repoKst~offerecl a said hearl g does ~inci and in its behalf, and after due consbisratfon ak and determine the following facts: 1, 'Tn~t tho A+~ahelm F'olice Depa ~me~n nt a d orcaDs for sorvtae aver~ t ei pasttseveral y ajrs~ p~ope ~ t y h a s b~ e n a c u n t l r u a l s o u ~ c e a f c o p / 2. That subJect propA r ry, in i ts p r es e n t c o n d i t l o n, c o n s t f t u t e s a publia nu;s~r~r..e ~ defined in Se~ t ion 6. 4 4. U i 0 ( N u i s a n c e s) o f t h g A n a h e i m Munir,i pal Cc~de• roved varlance and condRlor~af use p~'rmhs were grented has 3, That th~ use for whi~h tho ~pp be~n so exercisvd ms to be dotrimentai to ih~e public haaith and safety, and so as tm conatftute a nuiganca. -1- PC95-43 CR2:~53MS.VVP 1`~~ /~ , 4, Yhat the use fnf which the apprav~d variance and conditiona~~ use ~ormits were granted ia being exercised contrary ta tho terms or co~ditinns of such epprovals, ancl in vi~lation af Stata or lacal statutes, ordinances, {aws or regul~tlon:s. 5, 7h~t modification, Including the imposltion of additlonal co~df~.ians of approval, is reasonably neceasary 4o protect the nubllr, peac~, k~ealth, s~fety or general welfare. ~, 7hat tho use fo~ whlch the approved va~ian~:e and condl~ional use pormits w~are grant~d ~s being exarcised in such a manne~ whlch t~ ~~w'u gn poilceyrQSOUrr,es and the GitYt$ glAneral fundthe subJec4 property, cauaing a dispropu~tl~-~a P° 7. That twenty ri~t~ (22) p~p~e I-~dlcated tFrei~ oregl naturos~ln~ pPosit onara dithatno nthe~ that a petition wa~ submitt~d with fou g~~0 t~the aub~oct petit on. r,orreapondence was roGeivod in oppo ~,~'~a~;~A ENVIRt~NM~NTA4 ~UAI-ITY °f''1' FINDING: The Planning D(rector or his authorized repregentatfv~ has dotermined that E~~ Gu deli~nos a,nd is~the efoirethca ego~~icalry exempt f om+l Exemp t i~ n s, C l a s s 2 1, a s d e f 6 n e d f n t h e S t a t~ the requireme~t to propare an ElR. NOW, THE~~~~~~~ g~ ~~ RESOLV~D that thQ Anahe~m Ctry 1'lanning Comml~,sian rlQ~s hareby modlfy Vartar~ce No. 761, and Conditional lise Permit Nos. 1936 and 2751 to atid the iolla`+ving condftions to each petftion io~ additlan to any aulsting condltiona af appravai: 1, That a minimum of one (1) Ilcens~cl uniforrt~ed seaurity guarci, appraved by the Anaheim Po11ce Departmant, shall be provkledt~ fn~h~ pn orSadJac nt t~tlhe subject~prapert,y y~Sa~d se urity ~tua~rd vandallsm, trespass and/or io g p ro riato by the Anaheirn PalfcQ DepaKn'+ent• shall ~tay on~lury as determined to be app A 2. Ttuat the awnor/manager shall maintatv ff~~ ~r~~r's Iicensegor egal kientificai.~i~nyand vehiG e includQS the full name, address, an~ e registration number af ell rotiistered$ u~ ~~ shstemt shaRf begmade~avaliable upAn ~dem~r-~'J bYra Y e~nd that sald guest registry or gu Y police officer, code enforcgment cafficer, or Iiconse inspector of th~ Cfty of Anahe(m. ~. 7hat gusst rooms shall not bo ront ~~e~da sr excl dlnq h9 occupancy of one (1) gmana9e~'s~unhi nc~r for mo~e than ~hirty (30) conssc Y by the motei manager. 4. TPi~t overy qccupied guost raom shall be provided with dally mafd seni{ce. 5, Thak the awner and/or managemerrt~nhal ~~Iicit ng ~tar9engaging in tho a cumf p o~stitution, or a y prostitute for the purpasos of pande fl. person for the purpose af sel~ing, buyin~, ~~ oth~e~ ~~A ~~~tiig'g a criminaul for~ Immorat tac~. ~n illegai drug or co~rtrdl~d subotanc~~ or fur the p pq 8. That na gu~st room sha.ll be rar~ted or 19t ta an~ parson under aighteen (18) years of $go, ve~ified by ~ vaJEd ~river's Iicens~ or other legal tdent~iaation. 7. That ali avail~bie roc~m ratas shal{ be ,p~ra~mi mo ~~~~g~~ent sf ali~cocmply w,lth~the ~ ov sla sI of ar~~, and th~t ths propertY owner A/ S~ction 4.09.01Q of tho Anah~irn N!-~~icipal Code (A.Nl.C.) pe~ta(n~ng to tih~ posiing of roam rate~. PG~5-43 -2- .,,~.. ~ nr r ,,'~N' 8. 9. 10. 11 12. That the property ~owr~er and/or motei managemen4 ~hall camply wfth the provfsfons of Sectfon 2.12.020 of the A.M.G. pertalning to tho o~orator's collection dutlos oi transient occupancy tZxes. That the subJect proparty, buildings and ~~cessary structurea shall, within sixty (60) days from the date of this rssol~ation, be larought into c~mp~iar~ce wlth the statutps, ordinancos, laws nr regulatians of tho State of Califarnla, as adapted by ~r~v ~it~y of Anahoim, including the U~iform Bu~iding C~cfo, Uniform Mousing CodR, Unlform~F~'~ b~~0~~n~f~tly r~aintaiine Cher~a(tortiin comlpiiance wtM sach Unifarm Meohanical C~de, and s p statutes, ordfnances, laws o~ regu'atlons. That the praperty shall be permanently malntained in an arderly fashlon by providing regular landscapo rnalntenance, remavai af trash or ~iebris, and ramov~l af graffiti within forty-eight (~8) hours from time ofi occurrenr.e. That tho property owner shall pay the cost~ af Code Enforcernent inspectfons ance~ oach month for the first six (6) months from the d~te af thi: rosolution, and as ofton ~S the Cita's Code Enforce~ment subJect prAperty is brought into r,ompliance, or as deemed necessary by Y Division to gain and/or maintain compllF~nce with State and local statutes, ordinances, laws or regulations. That Varfance No. 7G1, Conditia from the da e`t of this resolut~lon~ on`t Octobo3ei 781996. ~ 2~51 shall tQrminate eighteen ;18) months 13. That ~; statem~nt shall be printed on th~ face of the guest regi~tration card to be complated by the guest when registering, advfsing that the rogister is open ta in~,pection by the Anzhdim f'oHce Department or other City of Anahelm parsonnel for law enforcement purposes. THE F4REGOING RESOLUTIQN was ~doptor.l at the Planning Commisslon mvatin~ of April 17, 1995. ~ „, ~~ CHAIRlNOiVIAN, ANAHE M CI PLANNING CaMMISSION ATT~ST: L~ ~ ~ECRETARY, NAHEIM CITY PLANNING CdMMISSION STATE OF CALIF4RNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCE } ss. CITY OF i~NAHFIM ) i, Margarita Solorio, Secrotary of tl~e Anaheim C(ty Planning Commission, clo hereby c~rtify that the foregoing resolutian was I~b S the follaw ng vot e of the members the ~a nahefm Gity F'lanning Commissfon held on April 17, 1995, y AYES: COtJIMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, HENMINGER, MESSE, PER/~ZA NQES: COMMISSION~RS: NONE ABSENT: CAMMISSIONERS: CAI.DWELL, MRYER IN WI7NES~ WI-IEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand this ~,,,~ daY of IY~(~~~ 1995. . ~ SECR~1'A , AHEIM CI71/ i~I.ANNING CAMMISSION ~- PC95-~3