Resolution-PC 95-45~ ~' ,~ R~~~.~..1~..Q~..e.St9~ A RFSOLUTI~N OF TW~ AVAR aINC~ OP 270 BE ~ q~M~p510N THA7 ~'ET1710N FOR WHEN~AS~ tho Mahefm Ctty Pi~nnin~ Co fieim i~u~~n y of~Orenge,~ ~`~a e ~ gt~lHomla V~rfance for certain r~al propdKY ~~u~tod in the Clty of Ana , dASCrib~d as. {N THE CITY Qh AtJ/aF~FINI~ COUN'TY OF ORI~NGE, pARCEL t : PARC~~. C, STATE OF CAL.IFORNIA, AS 5HOWN ~~DUNTY ~ C~RDE dF SA D~rJU1VTY. PAHCEL MAP~, IN'fHE OC~ICE aF Thl~ PARCEL 2: THAT POR'fION OF ~ 70V-INS r 4 SO.ITH, RANCF 0 WEST, "17Y OF ANAI-IE{M, NORTHWEST QUAFi7~R OF ~EGTION 3, IN TI-IE RANCHO .'~-AN JUAN CAJON QE SANTA ANA, .- COUNTY QF ORANGE, S'f'ATE OF CALiFUSN~~pS~ N~N ~U~~ CE OF ~THE 00C~K 51 PAGE 10 dF MISCELI~-NEQ COUIJTY REC~RDEH ~F SAID COUNTY, DESCF~~~~~ AS FOU..U~1V5: 7 BEGINNING AT A POiNT ON TME SAj ~~~U~,F ~ES ~QRN~ p~E~ OF; pt~ARTER, EAST ~2".d0 F~Ef FROM THENCE NO~i7W 491 •5~ ~E~ ~'~`R~~TH l.1NEf OF THE NUR7N 1 5.UA A~ ES SOUl'HWES? ~UAR'~Ep TO 7HE SOU TNEREOF; THENCE h~ST 520.?'0 ~~~T A HENGE I5~ Q t'~ ~~ Q~ F~ O WE SOUTh1EAS CORNC-R 0~ ~AQ~ ~OUTHW~SS C~UART~Ft; 7HENCE WEST 518.90 FEC~ 'f0 THE PO1NT OF BEGINNING. EXC~P7 7HA'C F'ORTIOiV THEREOF LY ~O uRANGE COUPiT`f F p~CJ CONTROl. TH~ I. A N ~ L 1 F S~ R ~ B E D I f~ T H~ D E E D DISTRICI', RECORDED JANUARY 2~, 19fi0 IN BOOK 5~68~ ~' a G~ 3~ Q' ~ F F I C I A L R~CORDS. WHER~AS, tha C6ry Planning Gammtasfon dfd holu~a~~ hQ ~hga~~`' ~n~ beQn duly g~e~rag the Gity of Anaf~eim on May ~, ~~~~ e.t 1:3~ P~m•~ notico of said p C~Q, Ghapter 18,03, tr~ requir~tl by law and in accardance with i st sa~J ip onposed aria~~ce1~nnd to ~i pe (gate ~nd make findings i~esr end conskier evidence fo` ~~d 89~ and ~ecommenda'•ions in ~onnectton therewtth; and ~do by Ks~f WHER~AS, satd Commissian, nft~~ ~ue ~nsPoct~pn~ ~nvostigation arxi study f and ~nor due constderatipn of ail evider~ce and re~orts off9red ~t s~id Ptiea~ing, ctoos find a~ut in its beiial , arxl determine the followEng tacts: That the petitloner requests w~fver ~of the i~llowin9 En nrcier to construct twa freestar~d~n~ i. monurnent sl~ns: SRCtion 1~8 ~5.0~.1-Q4~. '~""`~- and 18.61.0~ i (r~nauc{~mum~4l1~P~~ ~~Rf°~~~~~ p(;95-45 .~. CR23fi0MS.W? N~ ~ ,~~ ~. That there ara sp~cial clrcumst~ances appllcable to the property cans~~ting af its alze (which !s larpe) and its I~aation (aclJolning t he two h~l es of h~l bu~in~ss pa k)~which clr~ mstar-~es do ~ P~ Y a n d c r e a t e s a n a t u r a t s o p a r a t l o n a f t to o4her id~ntically zoned prapertlos in the vicinity; 3. Th~t strict sppllcatior~ a~ the Zoning Code dep~+os th~ prop~My of privileges onJoye~d by ather prvperties under ldontfcal zonin~ alasstfic~tion in tho viciiiiry; 4. 7hat the Rruposed si~r~s are for fd~ntiticatia~ only, not !or advertising ~to d%w customers to the site, end that ~1c1 aigns ar~ singie faced ar.c1 deslgnate only the name ~I the clevtalapmont wlthot~t any lntern~l ii~htfng; ~nd L,. That na ane fncficat~d their pre~ence at oairJ p~b11c hearin~~ In opposftion; and that r+o corre~pand~n~o was reaeived in apposition to subJect petltion. ~a~ icr»tt~~t~ FNV1FiONM~1~SWAI ITY ACT FINQII~a: The Plann(ng Diroctor ar his autho~ixed represont~thr~ ha~ detenntnad that ~~pGuideli osran~ is~thero oroth~ e9orlc.~lly exempt fr mI Exemp2l~ons, Class ~ 1. a~ dvfined In the Sta e the requiremont ta preparo an ~~R. ,-., NOW, ThIER~~ARE, B~ IT RESAI.UED that the Anaheim Ciry anning Commtssion aes hereby ~rant SubJect Petition for Varlance, upon the follawing contiitio~ Q tle~ ~o preservoythe safetyband nACessary prerequisite t~ ths propased use of the subJect pr~perry g~nerai walf~re of thQ Citlzens of th~ City of Anaheim: 1. 7hat subject propart}/ ahali be developted s eb~,on~a eY~ ~~ic pians are ~afile wiih h~CiF'lar~n~ng submitted to thQ City ot Anaheim by p ~epartmont rnarlced ~xh9bM Nos, 1 and 2• 2. ?hat prlor to final bu(Idin~ and zoning inC~e ~f~jon Noy 1h`aboverme~t~ionec~,~~hatl~bercomplied v ith. thls rosolution, wh(chever a.cum first, Extensions for furthar time ta comp:et~8 ;d condition may be grantec! in acaord~nce with Section 18.03.Q80 of the Anahelm M~antcipal C 3. That appraval of this applicatiori constftutos approval of the proposod ;f~~e'~ ~~` ~y $~ e and Federa~ it ~omplles wfth the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Cocie and any ather app y' ravai nf tho ~egulatlons. App~u ~ 01h~~ ~~ If~bl~ o dinance, regulat~lar4or~Aquiremen ~nce or app request regerd(ng a y pp ~iE fT FURTHER FlESOlVEO that the Annhaim Cky Planning Commi~sant s cornpl ance w~ a~c1 determin~ that adopilon of this Resolution is exprRSSly pr~cficated upon app ~ any ~rt ther~of, be oach and all of tha conditions harslnabov~ sot forth. Should any such con~iition~nt urisd(cttor-, tt~en thi~ declared invalid or unonforceat~a by the tinai judgmant of any court of comp~t~a 1 Resalution, and ~any approvals horein contaln~d, shatl be deem.ecl null ancl vokl. 7HC ~'OREGOING RESOLUTION was tud ~t the P{anning Gommisslon meetinq af Ma~y 1, 1995. ~,~,.a~J~i~r~ ~~ h1A{RWANAN, AMAHEIM GRY PLANNlNC COMMIS~ION A7TEST: ( ~ V „~..,.___--_____.- SECR A~iY f A AHElM ITY PLANNING C4MMISSIOIN ~ PC95-45 _2. ~ ~ 1'~ ,,,~. STATE OF CAl.JFORNIA ) COUNTY Q~ ORANGE ) ss. ~I'd"Y OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Margarita Solorio, SecrAtary ~f the Anahelm City Pl~nn(ng Cammission, do here Planniny th~t the fore~oing resolutian was pas.sed ~-nd adoptad at ~ meettnq of the Anahoim Clry Q Cc~mmissian t~eic~ an May 1, 1995 bY the failawln~ vote af the members thsreof: AYES: NOC5: ABSENT: 199~. COMMIS5lONERS: l~OSTV1f~CK, BOYDSTUN, WENNINGER, MAYEF~, PV1~SS~, PERA"l1~ CAMMISSIANE~~: NONE COMMISSIUNERS: CAL(~VJELL iN ~ VITNE~S V'1HEREOF,1 have herounto sat my hand thia ,~ day of ,~1~~~ ~ ) ~~C.16.~~- `~~~~..~~~ -- ~ 'E~'ARY/ NAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMiSS14N S~CR , ~' PC85-45