Resolution-PC 95-46^ !r M1!1 ~~W~ ~.1~~•~~~~ A R~aC)LUTIOPJ OF THE ANAHEIM CiTY ~'LANN~(~IC CAMMI~SION THl~il" PET1710N FOFi C~NDITIONAL US~ PEWMIT NC~. 3753 BE GRANTED WHERF..aS, the Anahelm Cifij Pl~nni~~ Commissian d(d recelve a ver~l~acl Patiti~n for Cor~ditional USe Parmit f4r Certain real pra~erty situated in the ~City ~f Anaheim, County of ~range~ State uf C.~lifc~ml~, describod as: LOT'S b81~1ND 59, OF TN~ EUCALYPTUS FOREST TFiACT, IN TNE CQUNT( UF ORANGE, 57AT~ AF CAUFOFiNIA, AS PcFi MAP RECORn~Q IN BAOK w PAGE(S) 29 AND 30 dF AAI~CEI~I.ANE~US MRPS, IN THE OFFICE f~F 7HE CnUP~ITY RrCORDER l~F SAIQ COUNTY. WIaEREA5, the Gity Plannirig Cammis~ion did hold g publi~ Mearing txt the Chric ~enter in the ~ity of Anahel;n an M~Y t~ 1~3~5 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hc3aring ~iav(ng bC~n p e~~ $~ 0~ as required by law anci in ~cc for and a`ahnst said p~opc~se~tcondit(ona usouperm `and to investigate and in hear and ~onsider ~avtdenco 9 m~ko findin~s arrd recommendatlons in cr~nne~tlon therowith; and WH~REA~, s~(d Commi~sion, afte~ due ~nspection, Invostigation and study mada by tcsel~ and in fts behalf, and after due C4i~sideration af all evidence and raports offered at sald hearing, does flnd ancl dc~termino tha f~liawing facts: 1, Tt~at the proposed use is properly one for which ~a cunditlAnal use permit is ~uthorized by Anaholm Municip~l ~~ade Sactian 18 ~hicl~e wash n~ fac iry~ uehide repair~, A x~ Af~aie uses) ~Ing outdoor storage o~f vehlclos, fuelirig islands, 2. That the proposod usa will not adversely af~~ct the adjofninp iand us~s and tha, growth ancl dovetopment of the area in wh(ch ft is proposed to be lacatai because ~ ~s ~omPatft~le wnh the surroundirig Indust~ial land use~ and with tho ~~neral P{an larui usR design~tion of Umitet~ inciustrial; 3, 1'hat tho size and shapo of the site far the praposed use Is adet~ua4e to allow th~ full developma-~t af the pruposad use in a manner not detrimeMal to the particular are~a nor to the peacA, healih, safety, and y~nora! welfare because the subject propeny consists c~f two parcels which wili be utifizai as or.e property and that ~aid two propert(es wii; be jofned thruugn rocordation ~af ac reciprocal access agreement; 4. That the traffic g~erat~ci by the prnposod use will not Impos~ an undue burden upon tha streets and highways desi~nod and ~mpf e~ u°ements~for parkingtand that vehfaa3 boingrscorod wi1~ Ibe malntenanc~s hacility exceeds Zon(ng Cod eq maintained i~ thelr ~wn deslgnatod aroa; ,y. That tha grantin~ of the canditianal use Pemnh ~nder the corulEtionz Imposed will nat bn detrimentaf to the peace, heaith, Safoty and genoral woifare af the citizens of tha Ciry of Anaheim; and b. That no one ~~n1~t ~~Ion orthe ubjoct patiptlp~Ec hea~ing in opposltlon; and that +~o correspandonce was receiveci ~ opP .1 _ P~ls-~ CR2361 DM .~ M ~ i ''~ire,~', ~h~C.~,RhJIA FNVIRARME"~'fAL QI.~A~ ~N AG'~-E.I~4~Ij~,: 7hat the Ar~ahelm Cit~- r~~anning Commission h~s reviewec! the propo~a! t~ p~rmk a truck malr~tanance faciliry (includin~ outdoor stpra~e o~ vehicles, fueling islancls, vehicle wmshing facilitu, vAhicla renalr, ttncl office uses) on ~ raatt~ngular~y shapod parcel of land ~onsisting of approximataly 1.8~ acrAS~ having an a~.~praximate frontage of 264 feet on the south sid~ of La Cresta Avenue, having a maximum dep'h of rapproximately 310 feot, bafn~ located approximately 785 feet east of the centeriine af Blue G~im Stre~¢ and ~urther described as 2860 and 2870 ~ast LR Cros~ta Avanue; and daea he~9by ap~rova the Neg~tive Declaration upon find(r~g that the declaratlon reflecrs tl~~ lndonendent Judgemant af 4tig lead ag~;~cy and thtat k i~~s coi~sid~ered ~he NeQativa Declaration tcgether w(th any no~m~mnencommonts eceh od that ther~ ~s~ ops bsta~tistl evidence~thagthe tho basis of tha inftial study a Y prAJect wlll I~ave a sigr,fficant effec:t on the env(~onrnent. NOW, THEREt=ORE, BE IT ~ESOLVED that the Annhaim CKy Pl~nn(ng ~~mmission do~s heraby grant subJect Fatitlon fUr Cond~t ~~ ~ raS osed u~uof the sub~ect property iniQa der to p e erv~ tho f o u n d ~ a b e a n e c e s s a r y p r e r e q u i s t t e p p safery and ~yeneral welfare of the Cit(zen~ of the C(ty of ~".nahelm: 1, That th~ prnperty owna~~h` ~Lfai ~ e~ta Avenue ~ from IRS A-43 OOOg (Res dent a~ Agric ~ u,ral) to ~IL the~ proporty at 2850 (Limited Indu~tr(ai). 2. That prlor to approval of a grading plan or i~suanc~ of bui{ding permit, whtcriever occurs first, tho dev~loper shal! submit a wa~er quality er-anagemer~t plan (1NflMF'1 spocificaliy identiiyin~ the best management pr~cticeshthl t~~will~ ~e~f~ tl ~~ the publ cntW~rks D'eG+anmentluDevelopment S nrices runo~€. 7ho WQMP s a D(vision, for r~vi~w and approval. 3. 1'hat a lot line ~djustment ~Iat (ta merga the two [2J existing lots ar to adjust tho proporty Iine to ~dmpiy with Fire Cales as relate~i~tW t~he~lo~cat ov~f~y thor Ciry Engine~r51 Sald Iotaiina dtu men to Zhe ~t~bdivlslon Soction for re pp shall then k~e recorded in tho Off(co of fho Orange County Recorder. 4. That an unsubordinated recfprocal accesa anci parking agreement bdtwo~n the two (2) propetile:~, in a forrn sa4lsfactory to t~a ChY~~a~n~Q~manll sh II be subm tt~d to~th~effZon nfg Divi~afon.~~ ~unty Reco!der. A copy of th~ reco 9 5. That the maint~nance ~f vehicles shall be conducted wholfy inskte a buildin~!. C. That tne vohicle and equipment scorage area shal{ be tuliy and permanendy scrAanod from public vlew th~our~h the use of solid fencing and landscaplny. 7. That subJect property shall be developed substsantfa,ily in accorciance with plans ~and speciflcatluns submNted ta the Giry of Anaheim bhroue h~itioner ~ncl which plans are on file with the Planninq qepah~m~nt marked ~xhibit Nos ~ 8, That the appAcant :~h~li ~ubmit a~ emof ~~te t~he compiPp~ scrE nhng of the qEulp ner~t sta age area apprav~l by staff. S~id plan shat! d iram publ(c vlew. .2. PC95-4fi ,:~. ','.'~~' i~. That prior to -~suance af a bullc~ing permtt or within a~orlad of ane (1) yoar Prom the date af triis resolution, ~Nhichever Q~~ for furthe ~imc~itA complete sald co dit~lons m~ sy ba gr~nted 1~ccord~ ce compii~d w-,th. Extenslons wtth Sectic~n 1 g.03.090 of tNe Anahelm Mur~icipal ~ode. 10. That prtor to final butlding anti ::oning inspectlons, Condition Nos, 6 and 7, abave-montioned, sha~l be c~mplie~d with. 11. That approval of this appllc~tion consti-~~tes approval of ther proposed il q~u`e~t~~YS°~te a d Fede al K~~r~niles with ttie Anaheim Municipal Zaning Cucin and any other app regulatfons. Approval does a t ~~~b o~o dinoncenregulato~~ oarequlromenitnc~ °r approval of thA request reg~rdirig any nthe pp 8E IT FU~'~MER RESOLVED that tho Anahelm Ciry F~lanning Commi~noig C~~plianc~a vvith and dotermine that adoption Af this ~te~alut(on is oxpressly predlaAted upon app 0 rt thereofi, be each and all of the aonditions hereinabove sec forth. 51~ould ~ny such canditlon, r any pa dec~~;red invalid or unenforcoable b~ tcontained~s allnbe deemEC! null and voldent J~arisrllctfon, then this Resalution, and any approvals here 7'HE FOREGOING RES01_I.ITiOPJ wms adopted ~t tho Planning Commissio~ meeting c~f t,Aay 1, 1995. ~~~ ~/~~ G~~" _' - i 1 GHAIRWOMAN ANAHEIM Clfl' PL-~1NNING GOMMISSlU(N A7TEST: , . ~ ` ~0~ SECRETARY, AN EIP~A CIiY PLANNING C~~MiV11SSI0N SSATE uF CALIFORNIA ) COUPJl'Y OF ~RANGE ) ss. ~I'fY OF ANAHEIPN ) i, Margarft~ Snlo~io, Secr~tary af the ~lnahaim Cf4y Pianning ~mmissl~n, do hergby cer~Hy that the farogaing resolutian was ~pa`~~o'~o~in ~vot of the mem~bo ~ he eofAnahefm City Planning CommisslAn held an May 1, 1995, y ~ AYEa: COMMISSIONE~ NONE ~G~' s0Y0~1'UN, HEi~1~IINGER, MAYER, MFSSE, PERAT~1 N~~S: COMMIS5i0N~ ,5: ABSCNT: ~O~A~4lSSIVNEFiS: CALDlNEL.L ~ ,~ , ~ IN WlTNESS WFIEREOF, ! F~ave hereunEO sat my hand this ~_ day of Q 1995. . ~ ( ' ..-~-= SECRETA , AHEIM C4TY PLANNIlVG COMMISSION .3_ PC95-46