Resolution-PC 95-5,~`. ~~soi~ll.I~?.L ra~. P~.~ ;,' A RESOLUTION 0~ 1'hIE ANAHEINI CI7Y PI.ANNING COMMI~-SION TWAT (~ETITION FOR CONDITIONAI. USE PEFiMIT N0. 3~34 F3~ GI~qNT~D WhIEREAS, tho Anahe(m City Planning Cammission ciid roceive a verified I~otitlon for Conditior~ai Use Permft for certaln raal ~r~perty situatod in the City of Anahefm, G~unty of Orange, ~tato of California, do~cribed as: TH~ SOUTH 130 FEET MEASURED A7 RiGHT AfVGi.ES TO'T~IE SOUT~i LIN~ OF AI~L THAT P4RTION OF THE UVEST 5.13 ACFi~S OF Thl~ NORTH I-IALF OF 7HE NORTHW~ST aUART~R OF 7HE NOR7HEAS7 ~UART~F~ Or 5ECTION 2d~, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTW, R~NGE ~ 1 WEST, SAN E~ERNARDINO BASE AIVD M~RIDIAN, IN 71~1E R~1NCH0 LOS COY07E5, CIl'Y OF 4NAH~IM, COUNTY OF OFlANGE, STA7~ OF CAI.I~ORNiA, DESCFIIB~D AS FOLLOWS: gEGINNING AT THE NC~RTH`NES7 CORNER OF 7HE NORTM~ASl' t~f1ARTER OF SAiD SECTION 24 AND RIJNNING THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WES7 LIN~ OP SA,ID NORTHEAST G2UAR1'FR 32H.90 FEET; ThiEM1ICE SUUTH 89 DEG. ~9' 42° EAST 1~J2.71 Ff~El'; 7HENCE NOFtTH 0 DEU. ~12' 35" ~AST 328.97 FEET' TO A ~O1NT IN THE NOR7H LINE OF SAIQ NQR7MEAST :rUARTE~; THE~iCE V'='EST ALONG 7HE N~JRTW 1.1NE ~JF SAi~ NOl1THEAST ~UARTER 192.71 FEET TO 1'ME F'OINT OF ~EGiNNWG. EKCCPT THE NOFTH 198.~7 FEET TH~FiEUF. WHl~REAS, the City Planning Commissi~n dfd hold e puhlic hetarin~ at tha C(vic Center in tho Cfty of Anaheim on Jn~utary 9, 19~95 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said pu~t(c hearing having been duly gEven as required by law and in accardance with the provisions of the Annheim Municipal Code, Ch~ptar 18.03, to hear and ccnsider ~~~iderice for and against said prapased aonditlonal use permit and to invostigate and maks Efndings and recammendations in connectfon therewith; an~ WHEREAS, s~ici Commission, after due Inspsctic i, investigation ar-ci study mado by itself and in its behaif, and aftQr di~a conslderatfon Af all svldenca arxi ~eports affered at said hearing, oaes find and determine the fi~lowinq facts: 1. ?hat the propos~d use (s properiy one for whlch ~ canditi~nal use po~rntt is authariz~d by AnahAim Municipat C~cle Sectlan to retafn a conv~nNmce market with ~ff-premisos sale and consumption of aicotioNc t~x3vqrayes. 2. That the {~roposed use is prop~riy one far which a conditionai usp pormit ts auYh~rizad by the Zoning ~c~de; 3. That sut~ject busine~ v+as originaily Ilcensed ~s a liquor store which ovolvEd into a conventence market which tho owner wishc~a to rataln; ~ 4. That the propo3ed ias~ will not ~de~~ni~ h ch it Is ~ posed orbeitlacated because ftrwill +~ use4 and the grawth and d~velopmont af tha ~ p ' be camp~tfbla with adja+cant ~xist(ng and propased ret~il uses; C~2274M5.wp -1- PC95-5 , :~,~'~ i~~ 5, 7hat the slza au e i~~P ~~°~~~~e not detriment~a~t~U te particuisar area n~~ al he peacell de;~alopment of the proposed h~alth, s~foty, ~and g~noral welfara; 6, Yhat the tra~ic gsnerated by tha p-•opused us~ will not impase an undue burclen upon the streets ~nd highways designeci ~nd impraved to carry the tratfic in the ~trea; 7, Tf~~t the 9r~ alth9 safet~~ a d geineaal welfar~e o~( the ~itizs~~s Af the Cfty of An~hellmn and e aetrimental to the p~ac~, he ~ Y 8. That one p~rson indicated his presence at sFtid publi.r, liaarin~ in oppo~ltion; and that na corrQSponcfence was receivacl (n opposfcion to the subJect petition. ~~LIF4RhJ~.~N`{LQ~.F~J.f~~~LJI ,Q~ ~'ry ACT F_I"JDI~: Th~t tha Anahoim ~tty F'lannln~ Commiasion has revic~wad the p~ opasal ta rstain a convenienoe markot wlth oN-premises sais ~nd consumptlon ot alcaholic bevera~os on a rectangularly-shaped parcol of Iand consistin a~ing arm~ucimum 0.4 acra, having a fronta~a of approxlrnatoly 12~ feet an the east side of Qale Avanue, depth of approxim,~tely 147 faat, being locc~t~d apprrximately 210 fnet south of the ~enterl(ne of Bali Road and further d~scribe~l ~~ 121ti Sou4h Da~a Avenuo; and do~s heroby approve tho N~gative Declaration upo~ finding th~t the decl~ratlQn reflacts the ind~pend~nt Judg~n~~nt of tha lead agonay ~nd thet it has consid~red the Nogativo DaclarAtian together with any commonts rocoived during the publlo rov{ew proc~ss and itirther finding un the basis of tha inlt(al study and ~~y commonts rec~lved ~hat there is na substanti~l evidence that the project will i~ave a significant effect an thQ envfronm~nt. NC~W, THEREF4RE, SE IT RESOI.V~D that the Anaheim Cfty Pianning Commission does hereby ~rant subject 1'Atitio0 8°uislte tot tho p oposvd uiseuoi~ ha sub e'cW, ra~aertyiir~i o dor tp ~@ 8`NQ th8 f~ u n d t o b e a n e c e s s a r y p q safety and general welfarA of the Citizons of the City of Ana he im: 1. That the display or sale of knives Ar any item cansidered a weapon by ~the Anaheim Polico Uepartment shall be prohibited. 2. 1'hat there sh~il ba no vfdeo games or other cofn-operated dov'ce~ permitted on thp premi~es. 3. Th~t plans shall be siabmit4ed to 4he City Traffic and Trans~ortat(on Mans~ger for hls revlow and approval shuwing c~ k~nr-~ta dardstand d~tveway IQOCaQOns.g, SubJec~t property sihall Nhere ~on be 602 pertalning to pa 9 cJevel~pc:d and ma(ntained in c~nformanr.e wftP~ said pians. 4. That trash st~araga ~Cen acca`rc ance wth a~~p uved paans o ~ fiie wfth safd D~tpartn'-enth~ ~BA~~mant af titalnt~na ce 5. That a plan sheet f4r 3r~iid wa~te stara~e ~nd collectio o a d a pian for recycling shaU be submitted to t h s D e p a rt m o nt of Maintananc~ for revi:~w and app F. That subJect propCftY ofaA aheim byp e p t ti~ner "and which plans a ehon) f;lo with the Plann~ng subntitted to the y pQpartmem marked F.xhibit Nos. 1~nd ~• 7. Yhat the driveway loc; +ted on the nortti side af the proparcy shali be racanstructed ta c~nform with currant Enyin~aring Siantlards. S. That the signage o~ subJect ~raperty shali t~e brau9ht into cor-formance with City c.~ .= ~ahe~m Cades. _2_ PC95-5 ,• u, ~., ~lf; I,Y, 4LM 9, That Cade EnforGemont wlll in pocsb t iho p oper~y ownor r~thly bttsis for ~~t~riod of slx (6) months. aaid inspectlons shall be pa d Y 1 p. That Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6~ C~otlthis es~lution.tioned, sliall be aarripllecl wfth witfi(n ~ perlod of forty f{ve (45) days from tt~e da e 11. '~hat approval of this appli~cation constftutas approval af tha propnsod request oniy to 4he axtont that It complles with 4he ~naheim Municipal Zoning Cad~a and any other appitcabla Clty, State and Federal regulatlons. Appraval does & t ~~cabl~e ord anoe,1regulaton aa squliam~nit nce ~r approval aE the request re~arding any other pp BE IT FUf~THER RESOLVCD that iho Anaheim Cfty Planninc~ Comml;sion does hereby find and ~~terminn 4hat adoption of this F1esolutlon is er.pressly prAdlcatod upo~~ applicant's camplfanco with h conditinn, or any part thoreof, be oach and all of the condltions her~inabove set forth, Should any sur, declarad invalid or unanforaeabla e nicontained~s ~Ilnbe daemed nul~and vo(dent JurisdlcNan, 4hen Ahis Resolution, and any approvals hH 1'NE FI~REGOING RE~~JLUTION w~s ~dopted at the Planning Commission meeting of January 9, 1995. ~ . -~~~~ ~. ~C-~' ~ F-IA~RW MAf~ ANAhiEiM CITY F~lANN CGNI bMMI~~ S ATTkST: _.~ ~ .n~...~~ eP ~ - SECRETARY, A E!M CITY PLANNING COMMIS510N Sl'ATE OF CAUFOF~NIR~ ) COUNTY Of'' ORANGF ) ss, CITY OF AIVAHEItiI ) 1, Mar~arita ~alorio, Secretary of the Anaheim C;ity 1'lanning Commission, do hereby certffy that th~ foreguing resofutfon ~w 1~~; b~ti~e goilawf gte otetof the members ho eof 118~m Cit,y Planning Commission lield on January , Y AY~S: COMMI~SI4NERS: NO~N~STUN, CALDWEI.L, HENNING~R, MAYER, MESS~, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: CQP~AMISSIONERS. ABSENT: COMA415SIONERS: NQNE IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, I h~vQ iiereuntn set my hand this ~Jr~~ay of C(/ G~~ 1 ~J5. ) f ._-.,-.-. ' SECRE:T RY, NAI-IEI CITY ('LANIVIN~a COMMISSION -3- PC95-5