Resolution-PC 95-50~~~';~ .~~` )I Ir~1T_ION ~ PC~S:~.~t ~t,',~, , q R~SOLUTIAN 0~ NDI7 ONAL IUSEIF'ERMlTNNO. 37G0 MB I G AN7~D TMAT P~1'ITION F~R CO W W E R E A~, t h~ A n m h e i m ~ i ry P l ann`n~g~ n~the City of A ahe lm~ C o u n t yri o O r ar~i~ el~ S t at e Conditivnal Use Permit far aer4.aln real propoKy situa af C~Ilfornla, dascrfbed as: 7{-{~ W~ST 203.A0 FEE7 OF TH~ApD TIaN9AS 5H0 N ON A M P5R CORDED 1.pT S OF FIEL~N ANL~ LYlJUhi S IN {3UOK 4a2, PAG~ 158 OF DEEDS, R~CO~~DS OF L~3 I~NCEI.ES COUNT`f, CAI.IFORNIA. WHEHEAS, thv City F'la~ning Comm` ~tlce of sa~d publ~ic hlearingrhavingtbee iduly givten In the Ctry of Anahefm on May 15, 1995 at 1:3~ p.m., ter ifi.03, es roqulred by law and in accordance Wrth t t saidv~ropASed co ditiona use~permltl nc! to nvostiqato and tn hear and cnnside~ evidenc:e fa~ and agains P make finding~ and recommendati~~s In connectfon ~herewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due nce and eportssofferfed at said hearir 9, dne find and in its behalf, and after due cansideratfon of all evide and determ!ne the followin~ facts: 1. That the propased use is properlY ~n 1f 4 050.195 to piermitla autiomotive~servhceistation An~hoim Mun(clpai Code Section318.44.05p.07U and 8 with sccessory automotive repair and a convenience market with waiver of the following: ~~i.,im~im lanc~s_~~ina e~t syr~. t~9fr Ilt~9~~. (a) a~. ion _~a na.~0.Q13 - ro osed~ Qn ~g 44 ~6~,05Q 7 4r roquired along F3roadway, ~ p p ~7 r es required alang Euclid 5treet, ~, existinp and prapasec!) ,~lnirnur~ lan_ds^a^j 9~d~~ior b ~!n arv linos. ~b~ ,~g tt~, _i~:.4~9.~3~ ' a. ~~,yyolls requirec! alon~ east .,.,,~ , a_a~.OS~3.05Q prop~ g.fc~~ot. wide c t~~!~'~ proposQd) iicable to the prdpy nY si.ich Rs srtfAg ~~a he 2. That there are special circumstanaes ppP to other idnntlcall zoned prope topoqraphy, locatfon or surroundings, which da not a ply vicfnity; ilcation af th~ Zonin~ ~od~ deprives the propertY ~of pr(vileges anjoy~d bY 3. That strict app other propertleg under identical zoning classlficatfon in the vicintty; 4. That refurbishing the servico station wili improve property tE~at is aurr~ntty in disrepatr; ~. That the proposed use wil{ not adversely aff~~~h8 adjo(ning land use~ and the grcwvth arui deuelnpment af the arQa fn whEcii it is proposed 4o be 1oc PC95-50 •1- cRZS~ati~s.wp ~ i4~,• A /~~ ~~~ ~, 'That the siae and in a manno~r n'ot dotrimon alto t~ partl~g~ atl ~reat noo ~II he pe~c~ll devolopmont ~f thA proposed usa Yiealth, s~f~ty, and gerieral welfar~; l', Th~t the traffia geno~ted~by~4h~Q~Ca ~ the tral'f ciI`n t~hn ~roa° an undue burden upon th:~ streats and highway3 desfgned a d p g. That thp graritln~ o fe~ o~co~~ndit~ing a`i welfa e of the cftizens Qfthe City of Anahelmr~ande detrimental to the peaco, health, sa y 9 g. 7hat no c~ne ~`n~ o t~o i~,on orthe sub~oct petitionlic haaring in apposltian; and tt~at no c~~rrospondenco was r~ecelved pp ~qG~ - _ o~~~VIRONME TQI,,,~Al.f~ AcT FINDING: T'hat the Andheim C(ry P~ann(ng Commissian hds roviewed the proposal to ~ermit a automotivo service st.~+tlon with ac~assory autamotive repair ar~d a convenience market with waivers of minlmum Iandscapin~ at streot frorrtagos aixl minirroum landscaping alang intarior baundary I{nes on a rectmn~ul~rly-shaped parcel of land cansisting of approx(mately 0.51 acre laaated at tlie northeast corn~r of Broadway and Euctld Street having a approximate frontages of 150 feoY on the east sidA of ~uclid Str~et and 150 feet anrove h~ Ne~a l~a ~rt-adway and further describod as 260 South Euciid StreAt; and doe~ heroby app 9 D~clarat(on upon find(ng that tiie declaration reflects the independent Judgament of th~ lead agency and thai it ha~ consideracf tho Negative Deciar~tion togAther with Rny commanta received dur6r~g the public revlew process and further finding on tho bt~sls of the initial study and ~ny comments reaelved thati thera Is no aubsiantial evidence that the project wiN have a signiflcant effeat on the envfronment. NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT ~IESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ t~ommission does hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Coeid~ the I op~s d usQUOf~th subjelct p~operty in( order to p e erve th~ f o u n d t o b e ~ n e c a s s a r y p r e r Q q u P safety and gener~i welfare of the Citizens of the Gfty of .Anaho im: 1. That the developer shall submit e w~tor quality management K-lan (W~MP) specHically identffylnq bost management prACt~e~~~ ~hdWilbe Submitted ta the F'ubificnWorks Depar~ment~`U elopment stormwater runoff. Tho Services Divislon, for rev(ew and approval. 2, Th~t the exterior of the service 3tRtian building sh~il b~ ropalnted. ~. That a ptan sheet for solid wast co f agQ ~W ~n~~ ~pp~pvaa ~ P~~n for n:.ycl(ng shall be submitted to 4he Department of Maint~na 4. 7hat no b~nners or othe- advertising shall be displayed within tha service bays facing eitha~ Broadway or Euclid Street. 5. 'That ~ny pro-~osod frees4anding sfgn an subjoct ~ropany shaii be a monument-typo not exc~edinq elght (8) feet (n hefgh4 and sh~~`mino adequate line~iaf-sightW and appraval of the City 7r~Hic and Transportatian Man~ger 4o de g. That subjer,t property s f~A aheim b p~ p~t~~~onefafl~y a Wh chdplana ara on illd wi hs heCPlann~n~ submitted to the ~fty o Y Oepartment marked txhibi4 No. 1. .a' P~95-50 ~ ~~ ~ 7, That, In accordance with Seotlo~~ enar05satisf ctory t the P a` ning'DiaeCOand th~erCtty'A~tn ney, shall record an unsubordin~tR~l ac~roeing to remove all structures, IncludiUn98 utiva rmonth~.~r~ sA ica~ ~tathoneahall , botcronsiderod is closed far a period of tw~ive (12y ~ closed during an~ month Ir+ which ft I~a apon for less than Stftean (15) days. g, That no mlcoiiolfo beverago sales shall be pormi4ted. g, That tho app~~~ent sholl pay for 4ho pl~ntin~ of twc~ (2) minimum tliirty (~0) foot hlgh Washingtonla Robusta palm tre~s as required by tho Anaheli n Redevelapmant Agency. 5aid Gost shall nat exr.eed a tatal ~f two thousancl four hundrod dol!ars (~2,400)• ~p, '~hat this Conditional llse Permtt is flrantod ~SU~bJect to adaptian of a zoning orclinnnce in conriection with Reclessfflcation Na. fl4 9~ ~, noW ~ ~ 11, That in the event thm sale of praparod food It~m$ ~s proposed, a rovised parking plan shall first bo subrriittod to the City Traific Englneering Divisfon for review and appraval. ~2. That prior to commencament of the activit; ~~ar from the date of thls~ esolutlcsrn~ whichever occu s building perrnit, or within a period af Ane () y first, Conditlqn Nos. 1, 3, 7, S and 10, a~a~e~e n~ant d~inhacico dan epiwi h Sarctlon~l8.q•3.~090fof turthor time to complete s~id conditlons y ~1 the Anahelm Municipat Code. 13, That prfor to finai buflding and zoning inspections, ~~ndition Nos. 2 and 6, abovQ-mention~ul, shafl be complied with. 14. That appro~al of this npplic~ti~n Gonstitutes a~proval of the proposed requa~t ~only to the ~xtent that It cvmplies with the Anahoim Municipal ?~do an actian or flndings as topca ~I ancte~osapproval Fedaral regulatlons. ~pprUVal does not inc Y of tiie re,qi~est rogardin~ any other applfc~ble ordfnan~o, regul~tion or requfr~ment. B~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planr~ing CommlCSASnos ~o~pliance wfth and c~etermine that ~d~Pi i~ ns heres abovletset ft ~th prShoui~! any such conditon, or any part thereof, be each and all of the c~nd t o dsclared invalid or uneniorce~bie by tha finai Iu~ShallnbA deemedl ul~and voident jurisdiction, then th s ResolutiAn, and am~ appravals herein cont~ined, THE FUREGOINC RESOI.UTION was adoptgd at the Planning Commission meetin~ of May 15, 1995. ' ~„„ . , ---~ ~ u .~2.1~~ CIiAIRW MAN ANAHEINA CI PtANNING COlVIMISSION ATTEST: ,~-, ~, ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ SECRETARY, AhIF_iM GITY PLANh1~NG G4MMISSION .~. PC~5-5d i~ `` ~' ~ ~ ~~ STAYE UF CALIFURIJIA ) Cpi INTY 0~ ORANGE ) ss. CITI' OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorlo, Ser.retary of the AnaY~efm City Planntng Commisslon, do heroby cenlPy that the foregaln~ resolutlon was pass9d failowin ~voto of the mombers therenf ~~~elm G~ty Plannln~ Commission held or+ May 15, 1995, by the o g AYES: COMMISSIANERS: BOS'TWICK, DOYDSTUN, ~ALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, pERAZA Np~g: COMMISSiQNERS: NONE ABSCNT: CON9MISSION~R~: NONC ~~ day of ~ IN WlTN~55 WNER~OF. ~ h~ve hareurta set my hand this ~ ~~~_...~ 1995. , ~' ~. u ~, ~ , -- ,~~ n-~,Q,~. SECRECAR ~ i~ EIM CITY PL,ANNING COMMISSlON ~- PG'95-54