Resolution-PC 95-53~ F~ C S Q ~I11 .Ql~l..`Qs....~~` -~ ~ ~'~; +. A RE50LU1'ION OF THF ANAHEIM CITY i'LANNINt~ GOMMISSI~N TI-IAi' PETITION rOR CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3763 B~ GRANT'ED V1IHERE.~1$, tho Anaheim City Pl~nni~n~ ~ammissi~n clid raceivo a ver~ffied Patitlon for Conditional UsA Permit for coriain real praperty sltuated In the City of Ana{~91m, County af Or~ange, Skat~e af ~alifornin, dascribecl as; PARCEL 1; LOTS 17 AND it3 OF'TM~G n.A~ STANTO(~ 7~iACT, IP! THE CITf AF ANAHCIM, ~~~ R CORDEDANGF30UK 5 P GES 23I ND 24~, MISCE I.AN OUS MAF 7HER MAPS, I~~CORDS Oi= Ot;ANLE CAUNTY. EXC~PT THAT I'Ot~TIAN OF ~AID L.O7 ~7' INCLUDED WITHIN THE FOI.l.OWING DESCRI~3ED LINES: E3EGINNING AT A P01NT ON TFi~ W~S7ERLY LIN~ OF SECTIOIV 19, TOWNSHIP a SOUTF~I, RANGE ~0 WEST, IN ThlE FtANCHf3 LUS COY4TES, AS SN~OWN ON A MAP 7MEREnF RECORD~D IN ~OOK 51 PAC~E 10, MISCELIANEOUS MAPS, SOUTH p DEGREES 38 MINUTES 44 SECONpS EAST 441,5q FEEl' ~FtOM TME NUFiTHWES'T CORNEFi nF SAID SECTION; THENC~ N~RTH 89 DEGREES 14 MINUI'~5 54 3ECONDS EAST 572.84 FEET 70 7HE WES7 LINC aF L07 14, iPl SAID P. A. STANTON i HACl'; 7MENCE SOUTH 0 DEGF~EES 3~1 MINUTES 40 SECONDS FAST 3a5 FE~7 ALONG THE WEST LINE O~' LOTS 1a ANq 15 IN SAID P. A. STANTON TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 54 SECONDa EGR~ES 8 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST 345.OO~FEET 70 THE NOF~TI-I 0 D POINT OF 6EGINNING. Ai.SO EJCCEPT TFiAT PQRTION 'THEREOF LYING EAS7ERLY OF A I.INE PARALLEL WITH AND EAS'tERI.Y 203.00 FkET FI~OM 7H~ WEST~RLY LINE OF SAIQ SECTION. WHEREAS, the Clty F'lanning C~mmission did hold a public hearing ~t tfie Civlc Genter in the City of Anahofm on May 15, 1995 at t:30 p.m., notice of said pubtlc tiearing having bee~- duly glven a, required by law and in accordaa ~ a iahnst said proposedtco dit onam~se parmtt and to~ nvestiyate and to hoar and consider evidonce fo ~ make flndings ~:nd recommond~tfons (n connectfan therewith; and WHERFAS, sa(d Commission, after due inspection, investigatfon and ~tudy made by ftse~f And in its behalf, and a~ter due considoratipn of all evidenco and repnrts oFF9red ~t said hearing, does fincl a~d detarmine th~ tollUwing tacts: 1, That the prapossd18 44 05U.~195It ~expan~ an exist ng conven{en oemarketa~horized by An~haim Municlpal Gode Section 2. That thA proposed use will not adversely offoct ihe adjoin(n~g land uses and the growth and development of xhe area in whic h ch it wilni be oca ed las wteel~l as wi hthe surraundfn~ ne(ghborhoodh~ commerciai shopp1n~ center in ~ 3. That appr~vat of th~ proposal is ~onditioned upo~ no food being prepared and sold in the convenience market w(thout a v~~(ance for minimum numbor of parktng spaces first being abtained; ~1. PC95-53 CH2376MS.WP ±) ?~ ;~: ,~. 4, That tlie aizo and shape of the site for the prApased uge fa adequata ta allow tho full r~evelopment of the proposed use in a manner not datrim~ntaf to tlie p~rticular ~rea n~r to the pe~c~, health, s~fety and ge~~eral welfare; 5. That the ~ra~fic generAted by the proposad use wifl nnt imposs an unduo burden upon ths ats and highways dos(gn~d and improvocl to carry the traffic In the area; 6. 7hat~ CQ h~~Ithgsafoty ~nd qeneral w~lfape of~tlia cftizen~ of thetiCity f A ttha mll and ~8 det~imental to the p ~ 7, That na ona indicated thair ~are~enco at sald publlc het~ring (n opposltlon; ~nd tl~at no c~arrospondence was recelved In oppositlon to the subje~:t petftion. rq~.~ 0..~,Nl~ENV, I~d~nFn~Ta~ n~qj~~~ AC'T FINDINC,: TFiat tne Anahelm City Planning Commissir~n has roviswed the pro~osal to expancl an exlsting canvenierice ~market on e rectangularly-shapcad uarcel of I~nd cor~slsting of ~pproxim~taly 1.4a acres located at the n~rth~aast cnrnar ~f Winst~~~ Road end Magnolla Ad~nue, h~ving approxim~te front~~es of 132 feet on the north ~ide of Winston RoAd end 490 feet an the east ~ide of N9ag-~olia Avenuo and further describod as 1330-1332 :'outh Magn~ifa Avenue; and clo~~fi hQreby ap~rovo the Negative Decl~ratlon upon f(nding that tho deci~ratlon raflects th~ independ~nt Judg~ment of the lead a~oncy and that it has considared tho Ne~ath;a [3eciaration tc~gether with any comments receive~d during th4 pubiic roview process and further findin~ an the basla of tho Initial study ~nd any camments roceived thet thnre is no substantial ovldance thac the project wfN have a signific~nt effect on the envlronmont. NOW, THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVED that the AnAholm City Planni~g Commisslan do~es hereby grant suk~ject P~tltfori for Canditionel Uso Pa~mit, upon the fc~llowing condtdnns which are hareby faund to be a ne~:essary praroquisito to the praposed use of the subJ~ci p~aperky in order to preserve tha safety and gonaral welfare of th~ Citiaens of the ~City of Anahaim: t. 1'hat the hours of subject business shait be limit~d 40 ~:0~ a.m. to $:00 p.m.„ as speclftod by the p~tftfoner. 2. That subJect prop~rcy shnll be devQlopod substRntlally in accordance with plans and sperlf(G~tlons submitted to tho City of Anaheim by the petitiuner and which plans ar~ on filE~ with 4he Wlanninp Uepartment marl<ed Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 3. That there shali be no fao~ service at this IoGation. 4. Thet there shail be no ~ool tablos or coin-o~erated games nialnt~ained upon tha premises at ~r,y Alme. ,. That there shall be no coln-operated tolephone~ mainta(nec~ outside the building and on ihe pro~erty controliod by the applicant, as required by the Anaheim Police Department. 6. '~hat sales af alcoholic baverages shall be permitted only be'tween t'~e hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 ~.m. 7, That prlor to final building and xonfng inspectfons ar with(n a pArfod af one (1~ y~aar from the datr~ of this rasolutif n. ~hort irra~to camplete sa6d icand ons~may bo grantied in ~aa oirdance wnhe ctiA Extensfons or u 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municl~al Code. 8. That approval of this application consthutes approval oi the propased request oii~Y ~tate a d Fede f it complias wfth tha Anahefm ~lunicipal Zoning Code and any Qthe~ applieable C y, regulations. Approva( does not inc(ude any action or flnding3 ~s to compliance or appraval of the request regard(ng atiy othor appl(cabla ardinancQ, re~ulation or requirament. .2. PC95~53 .~,~. ; ~~1 BE IT FUI~THCR RESALVED that the Anaheim City Planninc~ Cammissioi~ daes liereby fiind an~i determin~ that adoption of this Resolut(on is expra3sly preciicated upon appNc~nt's compllanco with ~RCh and all ~f the conditions heroinabove set forth. Should Any such oondlkion, o~• any pari thereof, be deci~red im~alid or unenforceablo by tha ffnal Judgment of any court of campt~7ent Jurisdictian, th~en thls Rosnlution, and any approvais herein contafned, si~all be dnemed null and void. TH~ FOREG4ING RESOLUTIC~N wAS adopted at the Planning Commisslan meeiing pf M~y 1 ~i, 1998. ~~ , ~ ~~~-~~ I~(AIRW MA~J ANAWEIM ITY P NING COlu1MISSION ATTEST: . ~ . 0 S~CR~T'ARY, HkiM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFQHNIA ) COUNTY AF 0{-lANGE ) ss. GITY OF ANAHEIM ) !, Ma~rgarita Solarlo, SocrBtary of the Anahe(m City Planr~ing Cammissian, do hereby certlfy that the foregoing res~lutlon was passed and adapted at a meeting ~f the Analioim City Planning Commis~lan held on May 15, 1995, by tha follawi~g vota af the members thereaf: AYES: C~MMIS810NERS; 80S'T'4'VICK, Bc~YUSTiJN, CALDWEL.L, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PCRAZA N~IES: COMMISSION~RS: NANE ABS~NT: COMMISSIANERS: NQNE !N WITNES5 WHEREOF, I have herounto set my hanc~ this ~'d~y af ~ . 1995. ~~,(~ .,~~ ~,~,(,~' y~ vu (C.~.O SECPEI'ARY, FIEIM CIT`( faI..ANNINC CON9MISSION .~. PC95-53