Resolution-PC 95-57Lc •l~, ~~ ~ % ~ R~SO TION IVO. PC~J5;;~7_ ~ RESOLUTIC)N OF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PIANNiNG COMMISSION AMENUING CERTAIN CdNDiTIC)N3 OF API~ROVAL OF R~SaLUTIaN Np, PC94-45 ADOW'~~D IN CONNEC'TiON WITH CONDITION~L USE PERMIT N0. 3670 WHEREAS, on A{~ril 4, 1994 the P{anning Comm(sslon apprnved Conditional Use Permit No. 3670 for a poriod af one year undc~r Resol~Rion Na. PC~4-45 to pArmft on-promises sal~ and consumption Af aicohollc: bever~ges within an existing restaurant/bflliard cent~r wfth mu~ical ontortainment un praperty located on the Aast side of Boach Boulevard, appro:: nately 1,050 foet north of 4he ~enterline of Lincaln Avenue, and furthor d8scribed as 31a Nortt~ B~ach Boufevard (form~riy Tha Eleatric ~ircu~), and that no f:irther action was taken by the Cfty ~ouncil, and WI-IEREAS, I~o~olutlon Na. P~9a-~15, adopted in ~connection with subJect uss permft, ln~I~cSes the following condftlons of approvai: ~, 7ha4 this condftlonal use permit shall expire one (1) yaar f~orn the date of t6~ls r~soli.ition; pravided, howaver, that th~~ concJitfon may be amend~ci or doleted upan request by the petftioner In canjunction with a future public hoaring. a. That the operatar shail not chargA an admittanae fee prior to 9:00 p.m. 5. 'fhat ra minimum af two (2) uniformod and IicensEd security ofiicers, performfng security dutios exclusEvely, shall be present fo monitor activitiss both insida the restaurant and in :he parking lut during ail livo ~~rformances. ~. 'That subj~,ct property shali be daveloned substantially in accordanao with plang and spocEfications submit~ed to the ~ity of Anaheim by the petition~r ~nci which plans ~re or~ file with the Planniny Departmant marked ~xhibit Nos. 1 anci 2. 14, That there shall bo no bar or loun~e area upon the licensed pran ~.~ ^s maintafned far the purpose o~ sal~, servica or consumption af alcohulic b~ve, ,.~s directly to patrons for consumption. 1 g, That the r~ppilcar~t shall pay the cosi of Code Enfarcemern Qivision inspections for a rna:imum oF ance a wsek during the flrsc sixty (SO) days of ~peration aru! once a month ther~aiter. WH~R~AS, the petitioner r~quests the following amendments to sa(ci conditiQn af approval: (A) DeletQ or am~nd Condltion Nn. 1 to pQrmit the cantinue~ aper~tion of a restaurant/biiliard center wfth an-premisa sale and ~onsumption of aicoholic beverages and II~e entei~tafnment; (B) Amend Condition No. 5 to eliminate the raquiremc~nt fnr ijnflormod security for I~ve perft~rmanaes which Involvo a 'disc jockey' only; (C) DeletEon of Condftion No.14 (n Its r~ntirety to pemnit Ratrons whose primary pt~rpose is to play b~ill~~s, sar.lali~e or dancg to purchas~ an alcoholla b~ver~ge witho~~t having to purchase a fut! meal or occupy a table ••vithin the restaurant pArtian of the facllity; and (p) Amend Condriion No. 18 to r~duce the numb~r of coda enfarcem~nt inspectlons to na ms~ro than three (3) (nspections during the first sfxty ~6U) days af ope~tEon and none iher~fter. C~2382DM.WP -~- ~~:95-5a ~ ~. ~ WhIER~AS, the Cfcy Planninc~ CommissSon did hold a publlc hoaring at tho Civic Center in tha City of Anaheim on May 1, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearin~ h~aving beon duly given Chaptnr 18.A3 as required by law and in accardance with the provisfons of the Anahei~r~ Municipal Code, ~ to hear and conslder ev{dence for ann~Ct~lonnthe ewithr and ~t said public hearing wa~ c~ntinued othe f(ndings and ~acommandatluns in co May 31, 1995 Planning Commissiun meeting; WHERCAS, sald Commi ~~on of all evidenc ~nnid r portstoffered at aaid hea ng, doe3 Ind ~nd in it~ behall, and aknr due conside anci determine tho followin~ fac4s: 1. That said permiE is beingli~ e~ace~ he~~lth, safety a.nd ge ereitwelf~ree pArticular ~r~~ and surrounding land uses, nar ta the pub p 2. 7he praposed uss, as arnonded, !s a proper use fnr which a conditional ugo permft is autr~arized. 3. Th~ praposed use, as col~d ~ u°~ ~~pr ta the peace,~heolth,rsafety~c~nd genor~l~welfar~~ of to the particular area and surrounding the surrounding community. 4. 1'hat a one-y4ar time lirr~itatfon will gtve the Commisslon an ~pportunity to rAView the activfty associated witl~ the use, as amendeci. 5. That na one ~ndi~r~.aQOd os(tian to 4he subject ipetpituonc hearing in oppositlon; and thot no cnrrespondenca was rACeived pp c`n,~ IFQRNIA EN IF~ M NT t ini ~~ AGl' FINDIN~. T{~at th~ Anahefm City Pia~nning Commission t~~s r~viewed the propoWed ~ondil on~iSUsg Permit Na. 3670 i~aadequ te to se~rve~ astthe previously r~pproved in connection requlred environmental document~tion in connectlan with thls roquest upon finding that the declarati~n reflects the independ~nt jud~oment of the le3d agenc,y and that iY has considRred the Negative Declaratlon 4o~~ther with any comments ~eceivled dQ~rl~rig~Thi~~~ b~ere is na s bstant al ev dencefi4hat, he p oJec.btawifl o f t l~ e i n i t i a l s t u c i y a n d a n y c o m m e have a signifir„ant Qffect on the Qnviranment. NOW, THEREFARE, 8E IT R~SOLVED thai the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission does hereby amend Condition No~. t, 3, 5, 6 and 18 of Resolution No. PC94•~SS to read a~ follows: 1. That tnls condit4onal usv permft shall oxpire arae (1) yoar from the date of this ~esolutfan, on May 1, 1996. 3, That patrons a~~~ ~n~~r~ora ain iadmittan~e t han'y p rtion of ths stablishmentr Ghar{~s or admittance feo 0 9 erformin 3ecurity 5. That a minimum of two (2) uniformed and I(censed s~curity offfcer~, p ~ duties excfusiv~iy, sh~li be~p ~ gu(P~ by thetAnaholm iPolice~Departrnont ~~Staurant and out,i~e iri the parking lot, a q 6, 7het subject propercy shafl be developed substantl~lly in acaorciance with pfar~s and specificatlons submitted to the ~it~ of Anahoirn by the petftioner and whfeh plans ara un ~le wRh the Plannin~ Dapartment markod Revision No. 1 of Exhibit Nos. 1 and ?.. .2~ PC95-57 ~,' ~i 1 a. 7hat the applicarrt shall pay the cost of Code Enforcement Dluision inspectlons as required by Code EnfarcE~ment staff. and, that the Pla~ntng Commi:;sion adds tt~a follnwing new eanditions: 20. That the business owner shalf bfl r~sponsi~:le far malntainlny tho apprn~riate number of occt,~pants in tha building. Whon the ~ccupant IaacJ reaches sovent~ flve porc~ni (~5°6) or more 4han tha p~~tad maximum occupent ioad,,th at p~ belowithe posted amoun ith counting de~rlces at each entrance to ma(ntain the occupant lo ~d 2i, That prior ta commonceme'~ f~r 4 Conditita rNo.i6, abave-~mentionied, shaN be camipl~isdnwlth.ni~g inspecttons, whlchever oacu s , AND PUC~THER BE IT RESOLVED that the An~heim Planning Commis~fon doos horaby deny tho request to aeletA Conditinn No. 14. THE ~OFlE~OIt~G RE~OLU'1'IOt~ w~g ad pted at tho Planning Corramission meetir~g of May 31, 1 y95. ~~,~~ • fJ , y~~~~ i~.,.d/ G~...~.'l• - HAIRW MAN, ANAHEIM CI7Y PI.A NING COMMIS510N ATTES7: . , ~~_.._..._ SEC'R ARY, NA{-ICIM CI'fY PLANNING CAMNIISSION STA'fE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY ~F ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANANEIM ) I, Margarita Solo~io, ~ecretary of the AnahAim Clty Planning Commisslon, do her~by c~~tify that tho foregofn~ resolution W~~ b s~he foliowing vota of the membors t{~ereof:n~heim Clty Planning Commission held on May 31, 1995, y p~y~~; COMNIISSI~NERS: OSS I P~,R~ STUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, NAES: COMI+AI~SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONCRS: NQN~ ~---. IN WITNESS WHER~OF, i have hereuntr~ sst my hand this _~__ day of ____,,,,_~~ 1995. ~ ~,,~ c~~~~- SECRE7ARY, AWEIM C17Y LAp NNIN~ COMIIA1SSl0N .~~ PCJ5-57