Resolution-PC 95-66r ~ ~~~M 1 ~~~F~.~. A RESOl.U710N OF ThIE ANANI~IM CITY PI.,ANNING COMMIS510N AMENDING ~iESOLUTION NOS. PC78-287 AND PC79-17 ADOPT~17 IN COPVNECTION WITW CqNDIT6QNAL USE P~RMIT N0. 191~3 1-'VHEREA5, an Dec9mber 4,1978 the Wlanning Commis~ic~n ~pprovod Condf4lonai Use P~rmit No. 1918 (to ~ermit a traflar rentel aritl loasing f~cili4y with wafver of r~quired enclos~are of ouldoor uses) ~ander Hesoluti ~ tha cent.e~line of E~s~St eet~ sacnd~furkl er de.g bad as 9 8 East Vermonte3treet~andathat 635 feot west o no further ~ction was taken by the City Counc!I; WHER~AS, on Janu~ry 15, 1979 the Pl~nntng Commi~sfon adoptec! resolution No. P(:7~-17 arnending Resolutfon No. PC7818~, nunc pro ti~nc, to add two conditions that wer~ inmdvertently omittod, and that no furth~~ acxion was t~kan by th9 City Council; WHCREAS, the ~etitfonor submitt~d a request to establish a contractor's storage yard for ~ concrete company~clih~ ~th Sexist~ing 900 sq.itflbu d~ingrw(Iglrbo u ed for~ h~f~r off ce aperat ans~riais used by the campany, a WH~REAS, the City Planning Cammission did hnid a public hearing at the Givir Center in the ~Clty of Anaheim on .funA 92, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notic~ af said public hearfng having been duly given as requirvd by law and in accard~nce with the pravision~ of tho Anaheim Municipal Code, ChaptAr 18,03, to hear and consider evidence for and r~gRinst s~id prnpc~~e~c1 amenclment ~nd to investigate and make findings and recommend~tl4ns in cannection ther~w{th; ~nd WMEREA~, sald Commissian, si'~r due inspQC:tfon, invostigatfan and study made by itself and in its aehalf, and after due c~nsideratipn of all evkience and rAports offorod ~t safd h~aring, does ffn~f and determino the foilowing facts: 1. 7hat the conditio~al use and waivers for which approval was ori~inally grt~nted have not been detrimental to the publlc heaith or safety, nQr havo they constitut~d a nuisance; 2. 7ha: the use, as amendad, is properly one for which ~ c~nditfonal use permit i~ authorizod by the Zoning Goc1e; 3. 'That the use, as aEnended, will not adversely affert the adjoining lar~d usvs and the growth and c~evelupm~nt ofi the ar~a In which i~ is proposed tA be located because (a) tho previnusty approved otrtdoor use has existed Qn the praperty for d numb~r of yeRrs wfthout problems, (b) the nroF~osed contractor's storage yt~rd is compatibl~ with tMe surrounding industrial ne(ghborhaod, and (c) the petitioner will improve tha appearance of ;;ub~ect property by remaving the pole sign ad~acent to Vermant Street, u~gradin~ oxistin9 landsa~ping and reh~bHitating the axist(ng ~ffice building; ~l. Th~ :t the size and shape af the slte for the use, a~ a~renclecl, i3 adoquate to ailaw tt~e fu11 dev~lopmant af tha proposed use In a manner ~ot detrfinental to the par:icular area nor to thR peaco, hoal~t~, safFty, ~nd gengrai welfara; 5. 7hat the t~affic ~pener~tecl k~y the use, as amended, will not impose at~ ur~due burdsn upon tl~e streets and highways d~signed and impraved to carry the traific {n the area; CR2396N1S.WP -1- PC95-S6 . ~';~a;- ~i~~4wlt~ I'~~~ ~. 7hat the granting of the conditional use perm(t, as am~ndeci and und~r tha r,onditions ~mpasoti, will not be detrimontal to ti7e poece, he~lth, ~afoty and general wolfare of th~ citizons ~f the City of A~iaholm bec~use the praposed contr~ctor"s yard for ~ho stora~e of trucks, matarials and equfpment is essentlally th0 sarrie Opr gtara etiof trallars mn~ +equipmant~, Incluciing treflers typically lused with t actor~- w h i c h u s~ i n c l u d e d o u t d 9 t~ailer riys; and 7, That ~ne (1) peraan indicatad hls prosence sat said public t~oaring in opp~sitior~; an~ that na correepondenca was recoiv~d In apposlxion to the subJ~cc petition. ~,~FOFiNi,9...~:NVIRnN~."~ ~'A4 Q~~I I~G7 F N: That the pnaheim City Wlannin~ Commission has reviawed tho proposal and tloes horeby Pind that the N~agativ~ Doclaration previausiy approved in connectir~n with Cand!tlanal Use PormEt No. 1918 is adequate to seNe as tho requirod onvironmental daaumaiitatlan in connection wfth this request upon finding that tho declaration rQflocts tho Independent Judg~rnent of tha lead ac~eney ar,d ~that it has eonsiciArad the Negative Deelaratian together with any comments reconts recefv dtkthatut `are~isAn p ubstantial fev denc(e that ~hehproJact wfllhhavet` al study and any comme significant 9ffect on the Anvironment. NOW, THE~i~FOHE, f3E IT R~SOLVE~ that ~he Anahelm City t~lanning Commission does hereby 4ak~ 4he foilowing actfAns in: A. Arr~end RosoluNan No. P'C7a-287 ta permft a contractor'~ storag~ yard under the autharity af C~de Section 1a.61.0a0.502 instead af a trailer rental and leasirig faciliry; and B, f~mend the cor~ditlons of approval cantained in Resalutfon No. PC79-17 in their entirety to read as foilows: 1. That all materials shall be st~red below the top af tlie existing rence line. 2. '~hat tho existing pole sign shail b~ removeol and any nQw freestanding signage shalf be limited ta ono {1) monumont sign not Qxceedinp elght (8) feet in haight. 3. 7hat thR existing fence slats shall be repiaced wfth PVC (polyvinyl chlaride} type slats. 4. That subject praperty ~hall be dev~lopc~ si~bstanti~lly (n accordanco w~fth plans and specifications submitted tu the Cih~ of An~hAim by the petitioner t~nd which plans are on ffle wfth th~ Planning De~artment mariced Revlsfon No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1. 5. That priur to commencement of tho ectfvfry att~horized by this r~salution or within a perfoci of one C~ndftion Nos. 2 3 and 4, (t) year iram the date of this re3oluti~n, whichevor occurs flrst, . abovo-me ~ni~ ~n ~clcn dancopw h S ctiont~~0.03 090 of thaeAnaheim Mur~ici~palSCode. nditfons may be g 6. Th~t approval of this ~pplication constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it c~mplfas with the Anaheim l~iunicipal Zonln~ Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval do~~ not include ~ny action ar findings a~ tc~ compiianae or approvai of the request rec~arding any ottior applicabie orcilnance, regulatfon or requfrement. BE IT FURTFIER RESOL~: ED that tlie wal~er of re~~uirad en~l~sure af outdoor uses originall,y permitted under Rosoltdlon NQ. FC7&267 remains in fuif force anci effect; -2- PC95-66 ,~,. ~i~~ , ~,, ~3 ( ~t•'; ~~' THE FOR~GOIPVG R~SOLU710N was adapted at tr~e Planning Commission meeting of June 12, 1955, ' % ~ A ~~ ~ f ~~ ./L~('~l.dJ J ~`- ~"~=ai ~ ~..~ . ~ CHAIRW MAN, p~!AW~IM CI~ PLANNING ~AMMISSION AT1"EST: ,~_~r~ , {~ii.l~ aECR~TARY, AHEIM CITY PL.ANNIfVG COMMiSSIQN STA"fE UF CALIFORMl.4 ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHCIM ) I, Margarita Solorfa, Socretary of tho Anaheim City Planning Cammisston, do hereby ceitify that the tar~goinq rasolution was pr~ssad and adoptoci at a meQting of tha Anaheim City Planning Cammission h~ld on J~ene 12, 1995, by the fallaw(ng vote 4f the members thereaf: AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: BOSTWICK, 80Y6STUf~, CAI.DW~I.L, HENNINGER, MAYER, PERAZA NQ~S: GOMMISSl4NGRS: NON~ AI3SENT: COMMI~SIONEFiS: M~SSE fN WITNESS WNERFOF, ! have horaunto set my hand this ~~~day of _ ~Uy~._.._~, 1995. Gl. ~ G-~~ ~' fv.~ SECR~'TARY, HEIM CITY PLANNING COM^~ISSION -3• p~:95•Fi6