Resolution-PC 95-69'e~ ~;}:~.''.,; ',~~~' ,''~;' RE Q~ TI N N0. PC95-69 A I~~SOLUTION OF ThIE ANAI-IEiNf CITY PIJ~NNING COMMISSION TNAT PGTITI4N FOH CONDITIUNAL U5E P~RMIT N0. 3764 BE GRANTED WhIER~AS, tha Anahelm Cfty Plann(ng Comrnisslon dfd r~ceive a verified Petition for Conditional Use P~rmit for certain raal property sttuated in the City of Anahelm, Count~ of Orange, State of Californla, described as: THAT F'ORTION OF LOT 22 UF Ti~~ ANAHEIM EXTENSION, CITY OF ANP,HEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFOi~NIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF ~URVEY MADE C3Y WIL.LIAM HAMEL, AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER l~F LOa ANGELES COlI~1T`(, CALiFORNIA, A COPY OF WHICH 15 RECORLIEQ IN BOOit 3, PAGES 163 AND FOLLOWING ENTITI~CD "L4S ANGELES CCJUN7Y MAPS", IN 7H~ OFFICE OF TI-IE COUNTY RECOFiDER OF SAID OR~INGG COUfV"(Y, DEsCRIE~E~ AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTEFlSECTION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF TH~ A7CHiSON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD C0. RIGHT OF WAY (10(1 FE~`1' WIDE) AND A LINE Pl~RALLEL WITH ANn DISTAN~' NORTh~ERLY 53.~0 FEET, MEASUREA AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM T'HE CENTEf~I.INE OF BALL ROAQ; THENCE NORTH 15 DCG. 23' SG" 4NEST ALONG SAI~ EASTERLY UNE A DISTANCE C1F 203.12 FEEMi'; '~HENCE NORTM 74 LEG. 36' 54" E~-ST A DIST~INC~ QF 83.OQ FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15 DEG. 23' 56" EAST AND PARA~L~L WITH SAID EASTERLY LINE A DlSTANCE OF ?.25.87 FEFT TO THE AFOREMENTIO~IED LINE VJf-11CH PARAI~LEL WITH AND pISTANT NOR7HERI.Y 53.Q0 FEET, MEASURED AT HIGHT ANGL~S, FROM SAID CEN1'ERLINE OF QALL ROAD; THENCF SOUTH s9 DEG. 56' 2a" WEST ALONG I.AST MENTIUNED LINE A DISTANC~ GF 86.07 FEET TO 7HE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cor-7irissien did hol~ a pubiic hearing at the Civlc Center fn the City of Anahefm on June 12, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., natice of said public hearing having been ~luly giv~n as required by law and in accordance with the provfslons of the Anaheim Municfpal Code, Chapter ~ 8.03, to IZear and consider evldence far and aga(nst said proposed conditlonai use pormit and to investiyatp and make findinc~s and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, safd Cammission, afier due inspection, investigatian anti study made by ftself and in its behalf, and after due aansid~ration of all evide~ce and reports affered at said hearing, does find and dQtermine the followfng facts: 1. That the propos~d use is prope~ly one for wh!r,h a conditional use permft Is authorized by Anaheim Municlpal Cpde Saction 1~.61.0~0,070 tc~ permit an automotive vehicio repair facfiity with wafvor ~f the fAllowing: ~~~ign,~,i$.Q6.Q5~O.Q7~ - M nim m~.mb~r of ~arkin ~~aces. ~•06,080 28 @~ required; 1$~,aaacas existing and proposed) ~n~ 1$.~1.0~6.Q50 2. That the proposod waiver of minimum number of parkirtiy spaces has been substantiatad by ihe subniitted parking study, which w~s revfewed and appr~ved by tha City Traffic and Trans~ortatfon Manac~car; CR2399MS.WP -1- PC95-69 ~p, ~' `h °~S: , ,!~ ;; `,', , ~'' ~~. ~ ;;. That the parking waiver, under the c~ndltlons Impo~ed, will nnt cau3e fawer nff-str~ot ' parkin~ spaces to bo pravided for such use than the number of such s~acos necessary ta accommodste all uehiclag attribut~ble to sucli use und~r tha normal and reasonably fores4eable conditions of aporRtlon ~ of such use; ~~ 4. That the waiver, under the conciitions imposed, wlll not incroase the clemand and `~ competltion tor parklii~ spaces upan the public atreets in the immediatQ vlcinlty of the prnpo~ed u~~; i+ 5. That the waivor, undor tho conditlon~ Imposc~tl, wfll not Inoroas~ the dnmand and ~ compefition for parkir~~ spacos upon adjac~ant prN~t~ propeny lii the Immediate vlcinity cf tho ~ropasod k, use (which propeny I~ not expr~ssiy prwvided a~ p~trkln~y for such uso undor an agreement In compllanco wfth Sectinn 1~.06.010.Q?_Q of tnis Ccu~o); 6. 'I'h~t tha wl NQ" ~~nfl{cts,~withinithe off-st~ eetdparking arleas or lot provlded forisuch uise; aIr po114itlnn, ~~r traffic c rcu 7. That the waivar, undor the conditions impased, wfll nat incrQaso traffic cangostion, noise, air pollution, or ir~pecie vehicular ingress to ~r e~ress from adjacent p~openfes, upQn the public streets in the Immedfate v'cfnity of the proposed u~e; g. That, unioss cond(tions ta the contrary ar~ expreyaly imposad upon the granting of any ; parking waNer puraua+~t to this Section by the Planni~~g Commission or Ctty Council, the granting of any such waiver sh~ll be de~med contin~ent upon aperation of such use in canfarmance with trie assumptions relating to the operation .~nd Intonsfty of the use as conta(nod in tlie parking demand study that formed tho ba3is for approvai of seid walver. Exceedfng, vlolating, intensifying or othorwise devi~tin9 from any of said assumptions as cont,~inod in the parking damand study shall be deemed a vfolatfnr~ af the express cnnditions impaaecl upon sa~id waiver ar-cl ~ay result In tennination or malification pursuan~ to the provisions of 5action 18.03.091 Hnd 18.03.092 of this Code; g. 7hat th9 piop~i~seu~e ~s ~gam~~Ible wfth~he 3~urroundii g`tlla d uses and the Generral P an t h e Z o n l n~ C a' l e, a n d t h a deslgr~ation of Gen~rs~ Industrial; ~0. Thatthepmpisa(o eE'~'~~s due ta the mpact of he widening ofrt eilS~nta Ana~Freeway Anaheim Boulevard to subjec p p~Y (Interstate 5); 11. That the proposed use wfA hot advorsely affect Zhe adjoining I~nd uses and the growth and development of the arRa in which It is pr~~r~sod to b~ lucated; "~ 12. That the slze and shapo of the sito for the proposed use is Adequate to allow the ful! development of the proposed use in ~ manne~ not detrimental to the particular area nor to the poace, hoalih, saf~ty, and general welfare beaause of (.~) th~ pro{~osed interfor modificationd `ab ut JO°b iof te number of vehicles to be repaired, (c) an ~vera;~e of 6 to 10 customars per day, () customers being Aeet accounts not "walk-in" clier~t~le, and (o) the proposecl number of employees; t3 That the traffiC generated by the prc~posecf usa will not Impoae ~n undue burden uoon the '1 sireots and hf~hways dosignet! and improvod to cairy the tra~ia in tha ~rea; 1~s. That the flranting of the condltiond use p~rmit under tne conditions imposed wili not be detrimental to the poace, hAalth, gataty and genare~ wE~Eare o~ the cittzens of the City c,~ Anaheim; and 15, 'fhet ro ond indicated thelr presence et sAk1 public hearfng in opposition; and that no corres~o~xlence was received in apposftfon to the subiect netitin~. _2 PC95•69 ~1f ~ 4,1: `,,'~ ' CALIFC~RNlA ~ v~rJ~,F~„~I f~.Sl~ ~~CT.F.! ~TL. ~NG; That tho Anaheim Ciry Rlanning Commission has revlew~d the propnsal to permit an autc~motive vohicle re~air fa~:ility with waiver of minimum number of p~rking spacos ~n ar+ Irregularly shapad parcol of land c~nsiating af appruximately p.44 acre, having an approximat~ frantaqo of 86 feet an the ~ortti sldo of B~A Rc~ad, having a maximum depth of ~pproximately ~28 f~et, belnq IocAtecl approximately ~15 fe~t wast of tha centerline of L~wls St-~eet Rnd further dascribed e~ 8Q1 Er~~t ~3all R~~d; and daes hAr~by ~pprove thg Noqative Decla~atiun upon fincling that the declaratlon reflects the independ~ni Juci~ement of thA le~d ~gency and that It hag consldered the Noga~tive Declaration togetho~ with any comments rer,el~~ed durinp the ~ublic rAView ~roaess and further ~lnding on tho baais of the (nitial study and any comments receivad that there Is no substantial evidence that the proJect wlll have a si~nii~lcant effACt on tiio environr~~ent. NOW, YHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~at the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commissinn doos hereby grant subJect Petitinn for Canclitional UsA PermR, upon tho frallowing condttions which aro heroby found to be a nec~ssary prarequisite to tha propased use a~ the subJect propeKy in ordor to prosorve the ssafety and general welfare ot the Citizena of the City of Anaheim: 1. That al! repalr activities shail occur wh~lly insido tho building. 2. That any proposed freeatandEng slgn on subject property shall be a monument-ty~~e not exceeding eight (~) feet ln height and shali be subJect to tho review and approval of the City Traffic and Trans~o-t~tion Mt~nager to verify adequate Iines-of-sight. 3. That prior t~ is~uance of a building permit or within a period of onQ (1) ye~r from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1~nci 2, above•mQntioned, shall ba complied with. ~r.tensions for furcher time to complet~ said condftians may be granted lii accordance with Sectlon 18.03.09t1 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 4~. Th~t sub)ect praperty shall be developed subst~nti~lly (n accordanae with p~ans and spocificatlons submittecf to the City af Anaheim by tha petitloner and whEch plans ar~ on file with the ~'lanning Department marked Exhibft Nos. 1, ?. and 3. 5. 7hat prior to finai buildinq and zonin~ Inspoctfons, Condition No. 4, r~bove•r~entloned, shali bo complied with. 6. That approval of this applfcation cnns~titutos approval of the proposed request aniy to the extent that ft complies with the Anahefm Mi~nOcipal Zon(ng Cnde and any other applicable City, State and Federal rogulatlons. Approval does nut include any action or findir-gs as to compliance or ~pprova! of the request reg~rding any ather ap~lica~le ordinanca, regulation or requirement. BE IT ~UR'f HER RE50WED that tho Anaheim Ciry Plannfng Commis~lon does here~,y tind and dotermino that adoption of this Rssolt~tion is exprdssly pr~dicatecl upon applicant's complianco with each and all of the conditlons hero(nabova set forth. Should ~ny such condltion, ar any part thereof, be declared inv~lid ar une~for~eable by the final judgment of any c~urt of competent jurisdiction, thon this Resnlutlo~~, and any approv~ls herein containAd, shall bo deem~d nult and void. THE FOREGOING FtESOi.UTION was ~doptod at thc~ Planning Commissior 3gii~ig uf Juna 12, 1995. ,~~,, ~t~.; " c ~c.-~~--~~-: CHAIHW MAN ANAHEIM CI Pl.ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~i,~~~,_1'-~ ~ 1LU~ SECRE7ARY, AHEIM CITY PLANNIPJG CO~MlSSION 3. PCyS•69 .~~ y~;. +Q~~ . ~. ~~~ l4,. .~'~'i~ ~fU. ~,~'l~.Yl~~t~t~i ,~~' +~,~.: S7ATC OF C~1~IFOWNIEI) GOUNTY Oh ORANG~ ) ss, G!1'Y 4F ANAHEIM ) I, M~rgarita Soforfo, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commissian, do heroby c~rtify that tha foroyoaln~ rosolutlon was pasi~ed ~nd adoptod at a meeting of tih~ Anaheim City F'lannin~ Gommission held on Juno 12, 1995, by the following vote af the mernbers thereof: AYES: COIVtM{SSIO~lERS: BOaTWICK, BOYUSTUN, CALDWEI..I_, H~MNINGER, MAYER, NERAZl~ NOE~: CQAAh':SSIONERS: NOtJE A~S~NT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE iN WITNESS WH~REOF, I have hereunta set my hqrd this ~~~~' day of ~'' _ 'I 995. ~ ~~Iz(.~ SECRETARY, A MEiM CITY PIANNING COMMISSIAN .q. PC95-69