Resolution-PC 95-73,;';;'. , '~ ,~,(~1 ,j~ON N . PC95;~ A F~ESOLUTIDN OF 1'W~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMIS510N THAT PETI710N FOF~ RE~LASSI~ICA710N NO. 94-~J5-1 ~ t3~ GRANTED, UNCC~NDITIOI~ALI.Y WHEFt~AS, the~ Anah~im ~Giry Plannln~ Commisslon did receive a verlPled pot(tian ior Reclaasiilcatian for real proparty aftuatad in the Cfry of Anahoim, Cc,unty of t~range, State of California, describod ~s tollows: LOT 17 OF '1~RACT 3267~ ~iV TWE CITY OF AN/iH~IM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, ~TAT~MISC;FLILAN~OUS MAPS, 1^N THE OFFICE OF THE G~UN7Y RE~CORD~Fi 42 OF OF SAID CQU~~"~. WHEC~~AS, the City Plarniing Cornmiss(an dkl hold a public hearing at the ~ivia Center in the City of Ar~aheim n~ Jun~ 26, 1~'35 at 1:3~ p.m., notice of saW public ho~rln~ hav(ng ~~p`e~ 18 Q3 ~ to r o q u i r e c l b y l a w e n d I n a ccordance wiih ~the provlafons af the A~ahaim Muni~i~a~ Ccxie, ~ h e a r a n d c;onside~ evidence for and ag~~nst said pr~pas F x i rec lass i f i c~ t' o n a n d t c ~ f n v e s t i g~ t e a n d m a k e find(ngs ~nd racomn:qndsations in connect~c.~n t herew i tEr a r u! WHE~iEA~, ~~con~ deratiunnof aU r~ ldenceeand voports offetred ~ s~Id hearf~g, daes find and ln its behalf, and atter du and dateRnine the following fac,t~: 1. That the petitioner p~~aposes reciass~`icRtior~ ~f subJact ~raperry irom the CG (Commercial. Genar~l) Zane to tfie CL (C~mmercial, ~tmita~i) or a less inter~re zone. 2. '~hat the Anaheirn General P~.an dasi~nates subJ~ct ~roperty fo~ G+aners~l Cammercial lend uses. 3. That tho propo~ecf reclt~ssiflcation ot : ubJ~ct prop~~'ty (s necassary and/ar desfrable for the orderly and praper devel~pment of the community. 4. That the prop~ e~ ~~~ s~if~,ogje proximi~j to suh~oc p~operty~and to ahet ones and thaji~r their pennitted usas locally es permittod uses genera-IY establ~shed throughout thR Cnmmunity. 5. That no une indlc~t~d their preaence at safd public hearing in oppositicn; and that correspondoncA was received in oppos~tion ta subject peiition. ~g~F R~ NIA ENVIRfJ.N~,~L`~~AL QUALITY AC'Y FINDIN : That !he Anahefm Cfh~r Plar~nEng Commisaion has revlewaci tho propo:~~ to recl~ssfly sub~ect prapeKY trom the CG (Commerclal, Cen~r~l) t~ the CL (Commerctal, Umited) Zone to ret~in +~ 600 squaJe foot expnnsion of an exfstina mini maricet on a rectangula~ly-shapad parcel af lancl c~nsistinq of approxirnately 0.~1 ~ racre locat~l at the southwest ~omer ~f Ora~gewood Avenue and Malful Drive, h~aving frant~ges of approximatoiy 48 feet on ti~q south slde of Or~ngow~c~d Avenue and /05 fe~t on the west side of ~dailul prive and furthe~ describe.'~ as~~~ t at O r a n p a w o a~ A v e n u e U n ft s B and C; and does her~by approve the NegatNe Declar~ttan upon ti. ~ t h e t h e d e c l a~ t i o r. r eHects the indeppn~ient judgement of the loa d ~genc y a n d t h a t ft I ~ a~ c o n s i d e r Negative Declara ion together wfth aiiy commsnts rece iv e c l du r i r-~ t h e ~ u b l i c r e v i e w p r o c~ s s a n d f u rt h e r finding on the bagls c-f the inliiat atudy and r~ny comments received th+at there is no subst,antiai evidence that the proJect wlll have a glgnificAnt effect ai the ernlronrnent. NOW, THE~E~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tl~e Anahefm City P1an~ing Commisalon daes heroby appr~ve the subjoct Petltfon fcK Reclas~itirAtion to authorize an amendment to the Zoning Mep of !he Armhelm Municipai Cade to ~:'du-.ie the abave-doscrfbed txopei'ty ~rom the CG (Commerci~l, Generaq ~nd io incorporata safd desa~ibed FropertY inta the CL ~Com~nercfal, Umitod) Zon~t, ur~conditlonaliy. -1- PC95-73 CRaaoeMS.wP ~ ~ BE 17 FURTNE6~ RES4LVCD that apprava! of thla appNc~tic~n ~constitutes ~~proval Uf tye propoaed requnst only ta th~ extont that it complles wfth th~ A~~aheim Municipal Zoning Cncio and ~ny othAr appifcable CRy, State ~nd Focleral regu{ationa. Approv2l doas not inr,lude ~any action or rindings es to compliarice or apFrov~l ~f the r~queRt rege~~dln~ any othor ~~plicabio ordinance, regulatfon ar requir~~ent, gE ~T pUR1'hIER R~SOLVED, that thls readution shall not aonstit~~te A rezon(ng of, ar a commttm~nt by the City tn rezone, 4he ti e~ act~whc ~ma~ ba app oved io~ denil~d by'the City Cou cil at the City Cauncil whiah ah~ll be a leglsic~ tts ,~ole discratlon. 7HE FaR~GC3ING RESOLU7IQN waa adop2oci at the Planning Commissi~n m~eting af June 26, 199b. / ~ ~~ 4 ,,C.~.^.-''L•,' ,;' ~~~~,------- ChIAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CI PL~-NNINU COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ • ~~ yy~~~ _ ~ f ~ _ ~~ 1~ ~ !: I + ~'°_" ~ , PL,ANNING CG MIS510N ~CRE'T'AF~Y, ANAWEIM CI STATE OF CALIFQRNI~ ) COUNTY OF UfiANaE ) ss. ~IlY OF ANANEIN9 ) I, Nlar~arit~ Sv~ario, Secret~ry of ths Anahoim City Pla~n~n~ Cornm(ssior+, do hareby cerYtEy that the fu~egofr~9 ~~g~~~Qn W~'~ p~st ~ foliow ng~voto of the mambe sthe Qo Anahelm City F'lanning ~amm(asion held nn JunA 26, 19~'' bY AYFS: CQ~vIMISSI0NEM15; ~ON~ ICK, BO`rQSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGEFI, N9ESS~, PERAZA NOES. COMMISSIONERS. 0 ABSEDJ7: COMMISSIONEFiS: MAY~R IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I r~avs horeunto set my hand thia ~ daY of ~ _~ ~ 1995. ~. - . r . ~~ ~ ~ , i r `Ci~~L.. ~r , ~ ~' PIANNING Ct~ MISSION CFiF7ARY, ~1NAWEiM Ct _2_ pCg~',-73