Resolution-PC 95-74~; F~~,S~UTION ~,~,, F~C~-~ ~ A~iESOLUTION OF 'fHE ANAHEIb1 CITY PU1NNIlUG COiVIMISSIC)hJ 7MAT PETlTIqN FUR CONDITIONRL USE PERM17 N0. 37~1 ~~ GRANT~p WHEREAS, the Anah+elm City Plann(ng Commission did racafve ~ vorifiocl i~etftJon fc~r Condikional U~e F'erm(t tar cert~in real property situated in thQ Gity of Anaheln~, Cou~^ty of ~rang~, State of Csi~fornla, described ~s: i.1~7 17 OF TRACT 3287, i(~I 'THE CI7Y OF ANAH~IM, COUPJTY OF ORANCw, SYATE O~ ~ALIFORNIA, AS PER MAI~ RECORDED IN BOC-K 1Q2, t~AC.y~S ~'i AN[3 4?. OF MISC~LLANEOUS MAPS, IN 7HE OFFICE ~~F TI-iE COUNTY RECOHD~Fi OF 5AID COUNTY. WHEREAa, ihe Gity Planning Commis~lan dki hold a public hearing aC the Civic Ctntar ir+ the Ci~y oF Ansheim on June 2g, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., notice af Raid pu~ll~~ hearing having been duly givan t~s requlrec~ by law and in accord~nce with tho prnv(sft-ns c~f the A~~aheirn Municipsl Ccxlo, ~hapter i8.03, to haar ar~d aons(dAr evidenc~ for and against safd prop~sed conditiona4 use permft and to invostigato ~nd make findingR ar~~ rec;onimendatlons in c~nnection thorewith; and WHER~AS, said Commissfon, aitQr due Inspec!(on, irivestlgatl~n and study mad4 by itself and in it3 beFialf, and aftor dua consideration of all evidence and report~ offered at safd h~aring, daes find ar;r1 doterm{na the foHowing fi~cts: 1. That the proposed uso is properly ons f~r whic;h ~ conrJitiona! use permit Is autharizod by Zoning Cod~ under autharfty af Coda Section 18.4i.050.t95 to r~;ain a 6QA sq.ft. expans~on of an oxistfng minl market. 2. Th..~t tt~e prpposed uso wiU not edversely atfect tho adjain(n.y land uses anc! tho growth r~nd devela~~ment of tho a~9a !n which it is proposed to ~e located; 3. Thet tha sfze and shape of tho zft~ ~or the proposed use EQ adequats to ailc~w ~he fuH develo~ ment of th~e propo~ed use in a manner not detrimental 4o the Nar~icular area n~~ to th~ peace, h~a~th, saf~ry, and goneral welfare; 4. That the traffic generat~d by tlle prc~posed uso v~ill not impose an undtie burr~en upon the streets and hi~hways designed and (mproved :n carry the traffic in the area; ~nd 5. That the grantintJ of the conditional use permit undor the carulitions impused w(fl not be detrimental to the peace, heaith, satary e-xl gener~l weif~ro of the citizei~s of the City of Anaheim; and 6. Thnt no one Ind(iated their presence at said public hearing in oppostt(on; and that one letter In oppositiun to the subject p~tft{on wa~ rocefv~~d. ,~gI~FQQ,~J~~NY(AQNMENTAL ~UAUTY qS'jf~.,P,I~,J[yC,~: 7hat the Ar~xh~im Cfty Piannin~p Commissian has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject propariy irom the CC~ (Commorci~l, General) to the CL (CommorcGal, Limited) Zone to retain a f,G4 ~q.ft. exp~nsion af ~n existin~ minl markot on a rACtangule~rfyshaped pa~cel of Inr.d r,ons(sting ct approximately 8.13 acre lacated at the southwest camer of Oroingewood Av~nue anrJ Mallul Drive, havfn~ apl~rpx(mate irontages of 4a feot on the south s(de of Orangewood Avenut~ and 108 ft~t o~ the west side of Mallul Drive, and furtner d~scribxl as 70Q West Oran~ewood Avenue, Units B~nd C; e~nd does here~y apQrov~ the f~eg~tive Declaretian upan findiro~ that CR2409MS.W6' -1- Pq('r74 ~ tha declaratilpn reflects the ind~pendent judgemant of th~ lead agency and tMai It has consldered th~ Neflative Dec{aratlan togot~er with tt~y comments racelvad durinfl tha pubifc rdview proce~s and furth8r finding an the basls of the inftia~iflcant off ct n the envir~nmentved thaZ there is no substantial evidonce that thA pr~aject will have a sign NpW, TN~Ef~EFOFiE, B~ IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslor~ does horeby grant s~ibJect Petftian for Cor~clitianal Use P~rmtt, upon the faliowing condOtion~ which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequin{to to th~ proposed use of the subject pr4perry in order ta preserve the st~fety and gener~l wolfare of the Citizens af the CFty of Anahalm: 1. That thero gha~~ be nc~ pub{ic pay phanos parmitted on any exterior port.iran c-f thA ~roporty. 2, '~het the haurs oi subJect business shall be 1(mitod to 7:Q0 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., daily. 3, That subJoct property shal~ ~helm bQt~he petii4loneir~land whf hdplans aroho ~~file witli th~``Plann~ng submitted to th~ City of A Y Dep~rtment marked Exhibft Nas. 1 through 3. 4. Tha~ trash atorage areas shail be provldod ar-d malnLaineti in a loc~tion acceptabi0 to the Dopartment of Maintenance and fn accorda~ce ~-vfth approved plans on fife with aaid Dapartment. 5. That vi~o~ sfiall be plantetl along the westerly chainNnk fence at the rear of tha prapnrty ta screen tt~e view of tho back of the store from the residc~nce to the w~ ~t• 6, That afi appropriate buliding permits shall ba abt~ined fo~ the expansion, as requlrsd by tho Buficiing Divisian oF the Planning Department. 7, TMat Condlt(An rJos. t, 3, 4, 5 end 6, abovo-merrtioned, shail be campleted within a pnrfc~d of ninety (g0) days from the ~ate of this resc~lutian. 8, That apprav~i of this appllr.ation ca-~stftutes approval af the propoaed request only to the Axtent that it complies wRh the Anahoirn M~inicipai ZanUg Cade and any other applicable City, State ~nd Feci~ral regulatlon3. Approva! does not i}~~ e9~~inance11regulat a n oa equire~man~t ncA or ~ppraval qf the request regarding any othe app BE !7 FUR1'HER RESCLVED thHt the Anaheim City Planning Cornmisslon doss hereb~/ Wind and doterm(ne tha~t adoption of tl~is Resolution is expressly pra~icaied upon applicarit'3 complianr, ear,h and all of the condi~lons har~einabave set forth. 5hould any such candition, or any pnrt thereof, be declare~! invalid o~ unentorcor~ble bi t~o~~ined~shallrlbt~ deemed nul and void9nt Jurisdiciion, then lhis Resalutian, and any appruvals he e y THE FQREGOING RESOLU710N was adopteci at the Planning Commission mseting of June 26~ 1996. ~ „ . ,~/~ / ~/~~ '~2.~ ....~~~c..d.J j GC-~-'(-{.t•~.tJ ~~ ..__~ CHAIRW MAQV ANAHEIM CI'i'Y PLANNING ~OMMlSSION ATl'E$T: , ~ /~" u,~..~~~,~ ~ ~Y~ ' ~~ Y-'~- i CRETARY, ANAHEIM CI Pl.ANNING COM ! SION -2- PC95-'74 CR24U9M$.WP ~ ~ STAT~ ~F CALIFORNIA ) COUNTI~ OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEiA~ ) I, Margarlta Salario, Secretary of tho Anahnim Clty Planning Camrr~issian, do h~reby certify that the foragain~ resoltnlon 995 nb~ te fol owingpva e of the metmbe ~tthereofnAheim C;ity ('lanrd~g Commisslon hold on Jun~ 26, . Y AYES: ~OMMIS~IC~NE~iS: N~N~ ICK, ~OYDSTUN, CALDWCU., H~PJNiNGER, MESSE, PFRAZA ~nEg; ~OM~AIS~It7NERS: ABSENT: COMMISSI~ON~RS; MAYEFi , ItV WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this ,~v dmY af ~ 1995. l - .~~~~,~~~.~~~=~'~ ~ -CREI'ARY, ANAWEIM CI~ PI~++NNING ~COhA ISSfOPV _~. Pf~S-74 CR2409MS.WP