Resolution-PC 95-83~~ ~ g~~,TI~N NO, i'C95•~~ A FiESOLUTION OF TH~ ANAH~IM CITY PLAN~IING GUMMISSION AMENDIN(3 CERTAIN CONDITIANS 4F APPRnVAL OF RESOLUI'ION Np. PG94-99 ADnPT~D IN COI~NEC'fiON WI7H CONdITIONAL US~ PERMIT N0. 3701 WHERE~15, on July 25, 1~4, Plannlny Cornmissfon adopted Resolucion No. PC94•99 in cort~eation with Contlitinnal Use Parmlt No. ~701 permit4ln~ two t~mpurary trailers with wala~er af minimum Structu hlat~no furthe ~ctiori was ak~n by tho City Counoday~~r`~f ~~I ~ eQS ?~~ nacontai s hA f Cowin~ Road, cond(tfon of approvai: "1. Ths~t this conditlor~al use pe~rriit shall tsrminate one year from the dat~ of thi~ r~-soi~Kion, an July 25, 19~5,N WHEREAS, th~ property ~wner, Dou~ Browno, has submittad a letter requesting r~n additlon~l ,yoar ta retain the temporery trailor untll a pr~blem with tftlv insurance is resolved and constructiun can commence. WHEREAS, the Ciry P{anning Gommisalan did hold r~ public hearing at the Givia Center in ~the Clty of Anaheim on July 10, 1995, at t:30 ~,.m., notlce af sakl p~ibiic h~aring havin~ been duty givon as requlred by law and in accordanae wtth the provlsions of the Anahelm ~~lunicipal Code, Chapt~r 1a.03, to hear end considor evicJence for and against said propo~ed amendment and to investi~ate and mako findings and recommendations !n connection therewlth; ~nd WH~REAS, said Commisalon, after duo inspectlon, (nvestig~ttAn and study made by itself ~nd in fts wahaif, and after due conslderation of all evidence and reports offored at said hearing, dc~es find and determine the foilowin~ facts_ 1. That, in compilar~ce with Section 18.03.Q93.Aa1 af thR ~oning Cod~e, subject conditfanal usR permft ts being exerciAed in a manner ~iat detrimenttal to the particular area and siarround(ng land uses, nor to ti~e pubUc peace, heatth, safety and gene~al welfare; and 2 That no one icxlicated their presenco ~t s~+k1 public hoaring In opposi:ion; and th~t no correspondance was roceived In oppasition to the subject petition. ~Ll RNIL~~NVIRO ~T.~i~ ~~~ FINDING: 7hat the Anahelm City Plannfna Commission has rsviewod ths p~ oposal and does hereby find that tho Ne~tive Qeclaratior~ previously appmva~d ln cannection wfth Conditionat Use Permft No. 370t is adoquate to serva as tho required ornrircnmentt~i dxument~tfon in connection with thi~ request upon finding that the declsrat(on reHecta the indepenclec~t judyement of tho lead apQncy and that R has considered tha Negative Declars~tlon topethQr with any comments receivod during the publ(c r~~few procosa anci further Find(ng on tha basis af tha inttta~ ~tudy and any commeMa received that th9re is no substaMlal evidence that the proioc.K wili have a signNicar-t eHoct on th~ environmenL NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannlr-g Commiagion does hereby amcand Condition ~io. 1 of Fiosdution No. PC94•99, adopted in connection wfth CondEtior~al Use Permit No. 3701, to read as idiows: Ti1at thls concfftlonal use Pa~m~t shall termlr~te one (1) year fram tt-~ dato of this resc~l~(o+~, an Juh/ 25, 1996. Ca2428M5.WF' '~" P~ ,~, ~~ TH~ ~OAEGOIN~ RE aOLUTION wa~ adopted ~t th~ Qlannin~ Commisslon meeting oq July 10, 1995. ~~~'~....~ , ,~.~J C~HAIFiW MAN, ANAH I CI PLANNING C4MMISSlON A7TEST: c U'~'~'~ SECRETARY, HEIM C!'1Y PLANNING CQMMISSION STATE OF CAL.IFORNIA ) CDUNTY OF O(~ANGE ) ss. C{TY OF ANAM[:IM ) I, Maryarlta SolArlo, SACretary of th~ Anahelm Ciry Planning Commisslon, da heraby certify that the foregoing resolution ~ J~ to fclloN ng~voe of the m4mbars th~reof:~afieim City Planntng Commission held on July 10, , Y AYES: COMMIS~IONERS: BOSTWiCK, BC)Y~STUN, lACSSE, PER~A NC1ES: COMMISSI4NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 'GAI.DWEI.L~ HENNINCaER, MAYER I da of ` '~,•G(trL(5"t , IN WITNESS WHk:REOF, I have h~reuntu set my h~and thi~ ~L Y 1995. QA1 QdZ~ ~JI~~.GO SECRETARY NAHEIM CITY F'I.ANNING C~~MMISSION .2. F'G35-Ek3