Resolution-PC 95-86°ii~';~:~ ::fl RESQL~ ~TION Np. PC~a-86 ~~ ~J A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 4276 BE GRA~ITCD WHEREAS, the A~aheim City Planning Cummission did recaive a vQriffed Petition for Varianco for certaln r~al property situated in tha Clty of Anaheim, Caunty of Orange, State af California described as: 7HAT PURTION OF L~JT 22 IN C3LOCK "K" 0~ THE KRA~MER TRACT, CIT`( OF ANAH~IM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE CJF CALIFORNI,~, AS SHOWN ON A MAP WE~ORDEQ IN 60014 12, PAGES 8i AND $8 Or MISCEL~LANEOUS RECORDS OF LOS A(VGEL~S C4UNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FULLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERS~CTION OF WHITE STAR AVENtJE AND BLUE GUM STF~EET, AS 5HOWN O~i PARCEL NIAP FILED IN SI~OK i 18, PAG~ 19 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TH~ COUN7Y RErORDER QF ~AID dRANG~ COUNTY; NqRTH 5' DEG. h1' ~'HENCE ALONG THE CEN7ERLINE OF SAI~ WMITE STAR AVENIJE, ~ 54" EAST 115.00 FEET; TH~NCF LEAV~NG SAID CENT~RLINE, SOU7H 38 DEG. 18' 06" FAST 20.00 FEE"I' 70 A POIN'f ~N TH~ EXISTING SOUThIERl.Y HIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID WHITE STAR AVENUE, SAIi~ POINT 6EING ALSO TO THE POINT OF BE~INNING; THENC~ CONTINUING a0U7H 38 DEG. 18' 06" EAST 12.00 F~ET; i HENCE S()UTH 51 DEG. a1 ~ 5a" WEST 45.55 F~ET TO 7HE BEGINNING ~JF ~ TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY ANG HAVING A RADiUS OF 25,00 FEE7; THkNCE SOU7MWEsTEf~LY, SOUTHERLY AND SQUTHEASTERLY ALONG AN ~RC OF S/~ID CURVE, TWROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8G DEG. 57' 52", A DISTANCE OF 37.94 FECT TO A PO!NT ON A REVi~RSE CURVE CC~NCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 645.00 ~EET, A RAQIAI. LIN~ PASSING THR~UGH SAID POIN7 BEIN~ NURTI-! 54 D~G. 44' 02" EABT; THENLE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG T'HE ARC OF SAID CUI~VE, THROUGM A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19 DEG. 23' 48", A DISTANCE OF 2'18,36 FE~T; THENGF 7ANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 15 DEG. 52' 10" EAST 2.00 FEET Tl~ 'THE QEGINNING C F A Tl~NuENT CURVE CQNCAVE NORTHEAS"CERLY AND HAVIM~ A RADIUS OF 25.00 F~EI'; THENCE SQUTHF.ASTERLY AI.ONG THE AHC OF SAIG CUNVE, `~HROIJGH A CEN7RAL ANGLE OF 90 DE~. 00' 00", A DISTANCE OF 39,27 FEET; THENCE TANGENT T4 SAID CURVE, ALONG THE Nr~THERLY RIGH7-0~-WAY OF LA PALMA AVENUE, NORTH 74 DEG. 07' 50" EASr 145,OQ FE~T TO ~ HE SOlJTHWESTERLY CQRNER Or PA(~CEL 4 OF SAID PARCEL MAP ~=1LED !N ~fJOK 118, PAGE 19 C~F PARCEL MA~'S; THENCE NORTH '15 DEG. a2' 10" WEST, A~ONG THE ~OUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAIp PARC~L MAP, 365.10 F~ET 70 A POINT ON THE EXISTING SOUTH~RL.Y RIGHT-Or-WAY L.INE OF SAID WHITC STA(~ AVENUE; 7h1~NC~ SOUTH 5~~ DEG. a~ ~ 54~~ W~ST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERI.Y RIGhIT-OF-WAY, 167.73 FEE(' TQ THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHEREAS, tFre City Plannfng Commission did hold a}~ublic hearing at the Civlc Csnter in the City of Anaheim on July 24, '1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having be~n duly givon as requirecl by law and in accord~anc~ with thQ provisior~s of the Anaheim Municipal Code, ChaptAr ~18.03, to hear and consider evidon~ce for and against sa(d propo~ed v~riancs and to investic~ate and make findings and recommendations in connection thsrowith; and WHERand afterddue consiclera on of alel evidencerand eportsi r~ffe ed at sald hearing, itself and in its beha , does tind and dotsrmine the following fac:ts: -1- PC95-~~6 CR2438QM.wp :~ .~: 1. 7hat the petitioner proposes waivers af the following to construct a private employee narking lot for a regfonal materi~l recovery facil(ty (located to the w9st across Blue G~am Street): (a) $ectians 18,0~ aso.o~o - Fi~q.uired qtxrkina Ic~t lan s in , 18 ~6 p3~.Q40 (minimum ,17 trees in 11 landsr.•aaed pfant ±'s and 18.61.Q~i6.034 required with a landscapecl plantor separating evory 10 or fewer parking spacos; r~~ proposed) (b) Section 18 F1,Ofi4.029 - Perrriitt c~i 9nrroa hm~nts into req4~ired vards. (maximum ~.6-inch hic~h. screen wall permitted na claser than 10 fe~t t~ an arterfal hic~hway; ~b foot-high wrouaht iron fence proposed 5 fe~t from La F'alma Avenue and Blue Gum Str~et} 2, That the subject parking lot is for empiayee use only and was reqiaired as a cond(tion of approval under Conditional Use {'ermit No. 3359 (f~r oxpansian of tho recycling/resource reGOVery and transfer facility); 3. That waiv~3rs (a) and (b) are her~by approved on thQ basis tli~t there ar~ ~pecial circumst~nc~s applicabls :o tho propprty consi~ting of its location and surraundin~s, which do not apnly to other idontically zoned properties in the vicirfity, because the petitioner is providirg lar~d~caping, including barrriing, alang the street frontages to visualiy blocl< the parking araa from the pubiic's vie~v; 4. i'hat str(ct applic2tian of the Zaninc~ Code deprives the property of priUileges enjayed by other propertios undar identical zoning clas~,ification in tho vicinity and 5. That no on~ indicated their presence at said publfc hearing in oppasition; and that no correspondEn~e was received in oppositian to subject petitinn. ,r~,ALIFORNIA ENVIRdNMENTAL QUAI.ITY ACT FIND{NG: 7hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed tho K,ropc~sal for waivers ~f required parkinc~ iot landseapinc~ and permitt~d en~croachmen±s into required ~~~rds to construct a private emplayee parking lot (for a regionai materiai recovery facflity) on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.3 acres located at ~the north~ast cornQr of La P~~lma Avenue and Blue Gum Street having a front~ge of approximately 145 fEet nn the nr~rth sicle of l.a Palma Avenue ancJ a frontage of 218 feet on the east side ~f Siue Gum Street and furti~er dascribecl as 2820 East Whit~ Star Avenus; and does hereby apprave the Negative Declaration upon findinc~ that the declaratiori refiects the indepondent judc~ement of the lead agoncy and that ft has considered the Negative Declaration tagether with any cumments received during the public review process and further finciing on tlie basis of ths initial study and any comments rec;eived that there is no substantial eviclence that the project will hav~ a significant effact on the environment, NOW, THERE~QRE, BE IT RESOLV~D that thp Anaheim C(ty Planning Commissfon does hereby grant subject Petitl~n for Variance, upon the foilowing coi~ditions which are i~ereby faund to be a necessary pr~requisits ta the proposed use af the su~ije~t property in order to preser~~e the safety and ger~erai weifare ~f the Citizons of the City of Anaheim: 1. That tlie appro~riate drainage assessment fees shall be paid i~7 an amount as establisiied by City Council resolution. -2_ PC95-86 ~' 2, That the legal property owner shall irr~vocably offer to cledicate to the City of Anahelm an easement tr~irty two (32) feet in width (rom the centorline of Wliite ~tar Avenue, and comer ~cutoffs ~t the intersection of Wl~ite Star Aver~uo/Bluo Gum Street and the intersectian of Blue Gum Street/l~ Palma Avenue, 3, 7hat the developer shafl submit stree~t improvement plans to the Publfc Works Department, Development ~ervices Division, to construct curb, gutter and sidewafk along White Star Avenue and post a bond in an ~mourit appraved by the City Engineer. Sald improvements shall be completed ~rior to use of the parking lot. 4. That sidewalks and sidewalk access ramps shall be constructesi along La ~-•airna Avenue ancl Blue Gum Street in accordance with Public Works Standard No. 110 and 124. 5. That the dov~loper ~liali submit a water quality managoment plan tWG?~lIP) specifically identifying bost management practices khat wfll be used an site ta control predi~table paliut~nts frorn stormwater runoff. Tlie WQMP shall be submftted to the Public Works Department, Development Servic~s Division, for review and approval. 6. That subject praparty shatl be d~valoped substantially in accordance with plans anc~ specifications submitted tn the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are or~ file with the F'lanning Dep~rtment marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 7. That a revis~d landscaping plan including tne locatian of the proposed fence and showing increased berming araund the porimeter, shall be submitted to the Planning Departmont for r9viaw and approval by ti~e Planning Commission as a"Ropart and Recommend~tion" item. 8. 'rhat the property owner shall finalize the resolution of intent under Reclassificatinn Na. 59-70-58 to razone the proporty from RS-A-43,A00 "Residential/Agricultural" to ML "Limited Industrial". 9. That prior to cammencement of the activity atrthorizecl by thEs resolutlan, or prior to gradfng plan appraval, ~r within a period of an~ (1) year from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Conditfon Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8, abuve-mentioned, shall be complie~ wikh. Extensions for turther time to complete said conciitions rr~ay be c~ranted in accordance with 5ection 18.03.090 of tfie Anahefm Municipal Code. 10. That prior to commencement of the activity herein approved (use of tho parking lot), Condition Nos, 4 and 6, abovQ-mentianed, shall be complied with. Extensians for furthor time to camplete said condit~ons may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipai Cade. 11. That approval of this application constitutes lpproval nf the proposed reques4 only to the extent that it campliss with ihe Anah~im h4unicip~l Zoning Code and any other applicable Gity, State an~ Fed~ral regulatfons. Approval does n~t include any action ~: findings as to c~mpliance c~r approval of the request regarding any other applica~le ordinance, regulation or requirement. C3E IT FURTHER RESOI.VED that tl~e Anaheirr~ City Pianning Commission does heroby find and determine that adoptian of tliis Resalution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of tho canditions hereinabove set fprth. Should any such condition, or any part tti:.~roof, be dAClared invalid or ur~enforceablo by the final judgment of any court of competen~t Jurisdiction, then this Resolutian, and any approvals here!n contained, shall be deemeci null and vaid. _3_ PC95-86 ;~, 7HE hOREGOING RESOL~JTION was ad July 24, 1995. ;~; at ths Planning Commissian meeting ~f ACTING CHAIRMAN J ANP~HEiM CITY PL.ANI~{~NC COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~~ ~....~~_ =~ ___ SEC~iE7ARY, A HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STA7E OF ~AUFORNIA ) COUMTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANl~HEIM ) I, Margarita Soloria, ~ecretary of th~ Anaheim City Planninq Commission, do hereby certify that ths foregoing resoluti~n19~a5 ~Pa `~ f ol owing vote~ of the members thereof; Anaheim City Planning Commission held on July 2, Y AYES: COMNIISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, MENNINGER, MESSE, PEfiAZA NOES: COMNiISSIQNERS: NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: BOYQSTUN, MAYER VACRNCY: ONE SEAT /~ ~, IN W{TNESS WHERE~F, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~' day of _l.,t~l.l.~"~ ~ 1995. . ~ ~~~~ SECNETARY~ NAHEIM CI7Y PI.ANNING COMMISSION -4- {'~95-86