Resolution-PC 95-87h {~ ,~.F~O. L,I~TI.ON N~ PC95-a7 ", ,~:,~ A RESOLUTION 0~ THE ANAN~CIM ^vIT`( PIANNING COMMIS510N AMENDIhJG C~F~T'AIN CaNDITIONS OF APPR4VAL OF RESOL.UTI~N N0. PC80-9?. ADOPTED IN CONNECTION WlTH CONDITIONAL USE F'~RMI7 N0. 2U90 WHEFI~A3, on June 2, 1980 Planning Cnmmfs~lan granted Canditionai Use Permit No. 2090 (perm(ttin~ a aublic danco hall in conjunction with a restaurant) for ~ porlod of nnF yAar ta ~x~iro on June 2, ~gg~ t~n ~~~operly located~ot and furtheridescribed as 116Q Narth Krac~mrer Eloulel a d(Goella4s AdvQntuhc~ centerlino of Cor4nado S . Bar); and that no further action was taEc~n by the City Council; and Wf~EREAS, Candition No. 5 af Rosolutfon Na. PCSQ-92, adopted in c~nnection with Conditional Use Permit No. 2090, spacifies: 5. That the uso is hereby granted far a periud of one (1) ye~r, subject to review and con~ider~tion for possible extensians of tim~ by the Plannf~g Commission upan written r~quost by the petitiqners, if it is determineci that the usa has not had an adverse imp~ct on the nearby us~s. WhiEREAS, nine extensfuns of time t~ allow the use to continuo havo be9n g-~anted stnco ttils use p$rmit was approved, with the last axtension being granted in connection with Conditfon No. 5 of Resolution No. PC91-1 ~4 and raading as foliows: 5. 7hat iho use is here~~~~ granted for ~ period o f three (3) years, until August 26, 1994, subject to revfew and cansideration ~or possible extensions o( t(m~ by th~ Planning Comm(s~lon at a pubiic hearirzg upon writtsn request by the petitioner, if it is dete: mined that tha use has nat hac~ an advorse (mpact on the nearby u~es. WHEREAS, B~bby OwAn (potentfal awner of the business premi;;es) tias requested app~oval of efther a retroactive extension of time to continue the uso or modification of Condition No. F(ther~ ! deietfng tl~~ time limitation) because i~e belfeve~ tho business has been onerating in a gaod manner anrJ nQ would prefor not havinp to request ronQwals on a regular basis; and WHEr'tEAS, the City Planring Commission did hold a publ~c hearinn at the Civ~c Center in the City of An~heim on July 24, 1995, at 1:30 p.m„ notice of said pttbiic hearing having been duly ~iven as requfred b~ law and videncerfor and agai s tsaVd p oposed ~ endment andf o` nvae~stig te atnd make to hear and consider e find(nps ~nd recommendations (n connection thsrewith; and , WHEREAS, s~id C~ mae'~~~n of all evden eQ~~~d refportgto a~~d a~ said he ng, does find and in fts behaif, and after due and ciotermina the following facts: 1. That all conditlons ot approval as set forth (n Resolution No. PC80-92, a~ amendecl, have been compliec! with; 2. That thems oeioutp a oi g caate,violatioris~a sacfa ed wahttheFcuraentt astauran /public b~en no maJ~r problc dance hall operation; .~ _ PG95-87 CR2~339DM.WP ~ ~ 3, Th~t no Codn ~mondmonts tl~at would affor,t tho subJ~ct use have b~en ac~opted since tho prevluusly-a~~provod extens(on af time; and a rastaurant, Nlth or withaut al~oholia beverage salos ~nd consumptian, is 113tAd as a"cor~diticmal use" fn the proposed Nortri~ast Araa apecific Plan tFi~t the Pl~nning Cummission a~,proved an M~ty 31, 1995; 4. That, as required by 5eGtion 18.03,~93.041 af tho Anaheim Munfcip~l CAda, Conditional Use Permit No. 2090 Is boing exarcised in a manner npt detrimental to the particular aroa and surroundin~ land uses, nor to the public peace, health, sAfaty and goneral welfare; and 5. That no one indicat~d their presence at said public hearing in opposltiun; and that na correspondenca was recoived in ap{~asition to tha subj~ct pQ:'":on. (~`g4.IF f~N A ENVIRONM NTAL CJIJALITY ACT FINpING: That the AnahoErn Ctty ~'lannfng C;ommis~ion has reviewed the proposa! and does hAreby fir~d that the Ne~ative Declaration prevfously approvc~d in connection with Conditional Use Permit No, 2090 (s aclequat~ to serve as the required environmcntal dacumentation in connectipn u~ith this request upon findin~ that th~ do~iarati~r~ roflects the indopendent jud~ament ot the lead a~ency anci that it has considQ~od tho Negative D9claratlon together with any comments roc~ived during the public reviow procoss and further finding on the basis of th~, initial study and ~:ny commAnt~ receivod that th~ti e is no substantial evidenc~ that the praject will liave 7 siqnificant e~~ct o~ ~ the environment. NOW, THERE~ORE, B~ IT F'E~OLVED that tha Anaheim City F'lanning Commission cioes hereby ~~mend Condition Na. 5 of F~aSUiuiion No. PC80-92, as ~rnended by Resolutfon Nos. PCa7-1S5 ~,nd PC91-13~1, to read as follows: "5. 7hat the use is horeby grantQd for a period of three (3) years, and shall exp+re ori .August 26, 1997". '1 HE FOREGOING RESOLUTiCN was a tc~d ~t e Planning Commissfon me~~ting of Juty 24, 19J5. ~ . _._.~~-`_$ ""y ____ "-~~- . ACTING ~';HAIRM~1 ANAHEtM CI'fY P NNING COMM1SSIaN ATTEST: ~ , ~ r~p~p (~_ SECRE7ARY AMEIM CITY PLANNI~VG COMMlSSIO~v STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, fvlarga~ita S~lorio, Secretary nf the Anahofm CitS~ Pl~nning Commission, da hereby certity that the foreyafnc~ resolution was p~s~ed And adopted at a meo!ing of the Anaheim City Planning Comm(ssion held on July 24, 19J5, by the followfng vote of the members thereof: AYES: NUES: ABSENT: VACANCY: COMMISSIONrRS: E30STWICK, COMMISSIONERS: IJONE COMMISSIONERS: F30YpSTUN, ONE SEA7 HENNINGER, MESSE, PERl~,ZA MAYER iN WITNE ~S WHEREOF, I hav~ he~eunto set my hand this ~. daY ot 1.:t~ ~S~ ti99y• Q~~1 ~ -~ _~ -- ~ECRETARY, AHEIfVI CITY PLAN~JlNG Cf3MMISSION .2. PC95-87