Resolution-PC 95-95 RE L TION f~Q. PC9~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMEIJDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF R~SOLUTION NQ, ~a-132 ADOPTED IN CGNNECTION WITH CONDITIONAI. USE PERMIT NO. 3545 WHEREAS, an Septe-nber 21, 1992 Plannin~ Commission adopted Resalution N~. PC92-113 granting Conditional Uso Permit No. 3545 (t~ permit an outdoor batting cage and outu~or instaliation of autoir~obile alarm and stereo systems iri a commercial rotail center [indoar swa~ meetJ with waivor af permitCed outdaor uses}; and that na further action was t~4cen by City Council and that the property is located nor~h and east of the northeast corner of Cerritos Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard, having appraximate frantac~es of 725 faet nn the narth side of Cerrftos Avenue and ~90 feet an tho east side of Anaheim Boulevard and fiarthor described as 1~0 South Anaheirn Boulevard (Anah~im Indaor Market Place}. WHEREQS, Condition No. 1 of Resolution No. PCJ2-113 reads as follows: 1. Tl~at subje~t ~~ses shall be c~ranted for a period of one (1) year to expire on Septembor 21, 1993; provided, however, that extonsions of time r~~ay be sought (n conneation with public hearings. WHEREAS, ~n Decemk~er 1, 1~93 Planning Commission adapted Resolution No. P~C93-129 ~m~ncfing Conditlon No. 1 of Resalution No. PC92-113 permit~fng the conditional u~es for a second year until Sept~mber 21, 1994• WHEREAS, on October 3,1994 Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. I'C9a-132 adding a new Cond(tion No. 9 and amending Condition No.1 permitting the uses for a third year un:ii Septembor 21, 1995. WHEREAS, John Schroeder, General Manac~er/Agent has submitted a letter asking that Condition No. 1 be deleted thoreby eliminatfng the one ye~r time fimita~lon #or the uses. WHEREAS, the Cfty Planning Cot~nmission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Ce~ter in the Ciry of Anaheim on August ~, 19~5, at 1:30 p.m,, notice of said public hearing havin~ been duly given as required by law anci in accordance with the provisions of the An~heim Municipal Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cans~der evfdence for and ~gainst safd proposed amendment and to investigate and make finclings and recammendatians in cannection therewiti~; an~J WMEREAS, said Commissian, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and fn its behalf, and aiter due consideration of all evidence and rep~ns ofiered at sald hearing, does find ~nd deterrriine the following facts: 1. That said permit is being ex~rcisecl in a rt~anner n~; detrimantal to the particular area ~nd surrounding land uses, nor ta th . public peace, hsa{th, safsty and general welfare. 2. That no one fndicated their presence at said public hearing in npnositiun; and that nn correspondence was received in opposition to tha subjeck p~titfon. -1- PC95-95 CR2aa5DM ;"~y ~ ~F ~PVy~10NMEPLTA~.`.41~-p ~T ..SSrT FINQI 1~: That thc~ Anaheim City Plr~nning Comrnlsaion haa reviewed tiio prapnst~l and do~o hereby find that tFie Nagative Dsclaration previuusly approvod in connection with ~ondltianal Use Permit No. 35a5 la ~de~~uate to sarve as tho requlrod enviranrnental documontation in connect(an with this requt~et up~n firidin~ that tho doclaration reflocts the iridependent jr~dgament of tho le~d agency and that it has conslderod thy N~gative Declaration togoth~r w'rth any c~mrnent nl~~nts~receiv~etit th~tll hlare~i~ nraps bs!ant aa fov dyncathat ~lhcahpr~oloct a+~Ilhhaveti al study and any co significant etfect on the onvirann~ent. IVOW, THEREFORE, RE iT RESOLV~D tPiat the Anaheim City f'lanning Gommission does horeby ~mend ~ondition N~. 1 of Rosolutioii No. PCa4-132 to re~d as fallows (and that all other conclitions sl~all r~main in f~dl force and effect): 11. That this cor~ditionai usA permit is grantec~ far a perlod of three (3) yaars to expirA on September 21, 1998. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIQN was ~dopted at tha Planning Commissian rrieotiny of August 7, 1995. ~ ~~ - C 1NC)MAN, ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION ATi EST: . ,: S'c"CR~'fARY, A HEI CITY ~'LANNI~NG CAMMISSI NO .~,TATE OF CAL{FARNIA ) COUNTY OF O~ANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margartt~ Solorio, aocr~tary of the Anahefm C:ity Plarzning Commission, do hereby certify tt~at the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adupted at a meoting af the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on August 7, 1995, by the following vote of the members thorPaf: AYES: COMMlSSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, BRIST01., HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERALA NOES: COMMISS(ONERS: NONE AESENT: COMMI~SIONEFiS: BOSTW~CK IN WITNESS WHEREqF, I havo hereunto set my hand this ~i!',~' day of ~~Q'~5~,_• 1995. , `' ~ ~ ~ ~~ -- SEC ETARY NAH .IM CITY PIANNING C%rJMMISSION .2_ PC~95~9 C