Resolution-PC 96-106~ ~ ocen~ i,~1(ION NO P~'~-t~ A RESO~L~~ ~~NG CERTPJN CO~VDITIONS OF APIPRO ALIOF SIOIV RESOLU710COND 710NAL US OPERMIT O 3245 ~~~J WITH WHEREAS~ on March 12, 1990, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC90-58 to rmit an automotNe bodY shop at 532 South Rose Street to appr~e ~n1O~' Use Pe.-mft No. 3245 (~ f~ a~~ of three years~ to expire on March 12, 1993; wi~h waNer of minimum number d parki~9 sPa ) twice, in connectlon wtth Resolucion Nos. PC94'88 and Pq5- ' o ~I, ~ncluding expand~r~9 the use °"to the adjaceM g~a4~~'h~ ~526 South Rose and thai said resdution was modifi~ed in addftional amend the canditio~~ ~e~~ ~h the last one expi~in9 0~ July 11, 199&, and Impos 9 Strebt), appraving conditions of approval. wfth two Industria~ bulldings In the ML (umned M-HEREAS, subJect proPe-'h~ Is developed g,400 s4.ft. in two separate industriai Industrial) zone~ and that subject use occupies approximaftel8 526 South. Rase Strdet). buildings (3.456 sq•ft. at 532 South Rose Street and 5~940 sq• ' , g, pa~~E, has requested WkEREAS, Annss BaRa9an~ Chartfe's Exotic Wa'k's Auto Bod~, itbns d approval Pertaining to the time he 53 South ose Street $ad~e~ o iy and amendmen: of co~ a~~~ve bodY a~d Paint facUtcy to retain the exi~ting we same WIiERFJ45, a letter of oG,eration s~b~-m~ ~y the petftbner states the use W~~~ ~~ ~tion ishin and all other work associated to ttv~ f~nctior~~ of this shop), the hc+u m and c~o~ ~~rn' ~~~' ~ 9 through Fiiday ftom e a.m. to 6 p.m•. °~wrday 9 a•m• to 4:30 p• wiil remain the sa~ne (Mo~day will remain at a total of 6, v~nh 4 v~orking full-time on 5undays and hdbaYrt ~~ hours. m~r of employees hours and 2 working pa - 1NHERFAS~ the Ctty Plannfny C~mmissi m d^ot adof saW iput,lec~hearing hav "g bebn duly ~ovisions of the Maheim nAunicipal Codo, Ct-apter the Ciry oT Anahoim on Septembor 16, 19?6, at ~~~ p' ~ amendment and to investi~ate arxi g'rven as requlred by tavw and in accordance with th~ ~~ propo fa. $~d a9a was continuad ~g.~, to hear and co~sider svidence make flndings and 1996 Pfann~ 9~mmisston meet ngg and and that raid pub!fc hea n9 to the October 14, tion and study made by itseif ~MiEREAS, saW Commissbn, after due inspection, irnestiga eration of a!1 ~evidence and reports offered at said hearin9~ does Bnd and in fts behaif, and after dua c:o~sid arxl detertn'ne tha tdlowing tacts: ues~. was continued from the Septembe~ 16~ 1996 meetingtae p o~~ ~ 1. That subject req ~h Code E~orcement DNtston concc~ms regarcfing of the app~icard i~ o~der t4 cort~ p i Y 2. That subJect use Pem'ft is being exercfsed and~ as modifled and condttloned, will continue to operate in a manner not d9trimental to the pan ~cu lar a r e a and suno~~d~^9 ~a~ uses, nar to ~+~e P~~~ peace, health, safety and general welfare; PC96-106 _~. CR2758DM ~ ~ 3. That mociiflc;atian af subject use Permn~ including the Imposltion of an addftional c~rxlftbn arx; the modffication of c$rtain existing corditio~ss thereto, is reasonably necessary to Protecc the publ(c paace, h~aalth, safety or general weKare, w necessary to Permft reasonaWe operation of the subJect business at 532 Souch Ros~ Str~et under the condftional use p:~rmft as granted becauye subJect use ha~ a history d past code violatbns and overuse ofi the ex oUng facAlty'es continued umonftoring o ensure decrease fn floor area and the history oi rn+eruse, subject pr ~'N ~4 «~mmpliance with all Impose~ condftions of approv~l~ ar.d wit~ appltca.b{e State arxi local statutes, laws, orclinances or regula4lons~ q, 7t~at the use, es mod~ied herein, eliminates all a~fto rela.ed uses at 526 South Roso Street and retains tho existing automotNe body and paiM facAfty at 532 South Rose Street for a perioci of on~ year, to exptre on July 11, 1997; and 5. Thgt one person indicated their presence at said pubtic hearing in opposit~on; a~d that no c~rrespondence was received in opposftion to the subJect petftion. AUFORP!{" """"'~~"'cnrrei ni iei iTy ACT rINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning ~` ~~ and doea hereuy flnd that the NegatNe Dedaratiori previously Commisslon has revfe~'ved ws praposal uate to serve aa the required appraved in connection with Co~dftbnai Use Permft No. 3245 Is adeq ernironmontai dacumentation In connecUon wfth this request upo~ flndir+g tt~at the dectaratr~~ N gatNe independdnt l~adgemersi of the lea~ agency and that ft has consklered the prevlously aPP Dedsr~ilon together with arry commeMs receNed during the publ~ review process a~d funher Hnding on the bas(s af the Inittal st~xly a~c' anY commerrts ~e~ew~ ~t there ts no substantial evklonce that the projec.~ wGl heve a sig~iflc:art effect o~ the arvironmerrt. NOW THEREFORE SF.17 RESO! VED that ihe Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby amend Re~dution Nos. PC90-58, aa amonded by Resotution Nos. PC94-SB and FC95-~ and as adopted facility at 532 South Rosek St~eetUonlY snd to amend cerLaln~~condlUons of PPro'r~l~as fdl~ws; a~ ~int ~3. 7hat subJect prope.~y shsll be developed substaMially in acr.ordance wfth pians and speciflcatlans submitted to the Gty of Anaheim by the petftioner, and which plans are on flle with the °lannin9 Dapawne!x marked aevisi°n R~o. 2 of ExhibR N~, 1. 15. Ttnat subject conditional use permft ~s 9ranted (retroactNely) for a period ef on~ (1) year, to expire `on July 11, 1997. 18. That the subject propertY shaJl be subJect mandata'Y code enforcemer~'t inspect(ans eve~~ Ehree (3) months (duri~ig the mor~th~ af Ja~~~Y~ ~~ a^~ ~~Y1 to ensure continued campltance with ~~n~~s ~ p,~~~ 8nd al~ applicable Code requirements. That the cost of c~da enforcoment inspectlons sha~~ be lnc~Red by ~ PfOP~~'~Y °wner as required by the City's Code Enforcenent Manager. 22. ihat p~a~kt p~is ~~rv~ ior c omers of subjecc buslness ~s~ting, in both E~~ish arxi Sp~n~sh~ -2- PC96-1GS .~, ~~ THE ~OREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Cammission meetinc~ of ~~ OCtober 14, ':9°6. 1 / ANANt~ClTY~PLANNIPJ~a COMMISSIQh CHAiRA4AN, ATfEST: ~~ N~G COM SSM ~I ~N 8i:~:RETARY, ANAt;ElM CITY STATE UF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF APdAHEIM ) that I, Edith L Harris, Secretary ot ihe Anaheim City Pianning Commissio~. Planning Comm ssion the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a rneeting of the Anaheim City h91d on October 14, 1996, by the following vcte of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSI~NERS: 60NE ~CK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNItvGER, FAAYER, h1ESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS. N ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NGIJE day of ~tJ WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ave hereuntc set my he-t-~ this ~ ,~. ~~,~, ,~ '~~--~= - ~~Cr~ETARY, ANAHEIM CI?Y PL1~INNINu i:OMNI{SSION PC96-106 -3-