Resolution-PC 96-109~ ~ oceni ~,mQN NO P~-~ A RESOLU710N OCER ~~NDITIONS O APPROVOAL OF SION AMENDING RESOLUTI ~ND ON ~ PERMIT pNN~'ON K'ITH WHEREAS, on March 22, 1993, the Planning Commissfon adoptad Resolution No. Pp3~4 Condftional l:se Pertnft No. 3595 to Permft a 5,143 sq.ft. church in an existing indu ~ ~Y s~e~ approving ~~ complex in the ML "IndusUlal, Umited' zone wtch a waNer of the minimum number of pa 9 Pa (616 required, 587 existi~9~~ ~~ WHEREAS~ Co~ditio~ No. 6 of said resolutlon specfFles: hat sub ect church facqity shall be Iimited, as fd~ow hu ch~i~~~ o~es) n 18.61.~50.614 of the ~ ~ {ni to Eimftations fu Anaheim Municipnl Coc1~ (pe~ ^9 3 ears duration, ~a) The chu~ch is IlmRed to a rr-a~mum inttial three () Y roval by the (b) Two (2) tlme excensions up to three [3] years each) may be permitted subJect to apP Planning Commission °r C~Y COU~p at a noticed public hea~ing; and (cj Church ~ctNities~ o~hef ~n church office staff~ S~~ ~~~~~~ ~°r to 6:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.' WHEREAS, M~n~ No. 6.minisiratton of Way of Life Ministr(es, has submitted a letter request(ng a deletion d said ~ Plan' was WHEREAS, on September 12, 1995, Specffic No. SP 94-1'N ~eea Ind~us~i ~ said speciFic adopted; and that subJed {xoPe1'h~ ~ located I~s DevelopmeM 6~'ea 2'Expa plan; and ~uncU amended SecUon WHEREAS, on August 20, 139G, the Anaheim Ciry 18.110.08~.050.0511 of the Z~ P~~ a~d ~refore, ICode erw~ po ons for churches in Development ea rmtts churches in Development Area 2 2 of tha NoRheast Area SPec ~ically condftbned in con;unction wfth the by conditfonal use Pem~h `~~0~ a time limitaticx~ unless sPe~ conditiona! use psrmfL WHEREAS~ subJed ProPBnY ~ d~~O~ Wnh four industria~ buildings; and is located wnhin the RedeveloPm6M Agency's P~°Je~ ~~ a~' WHEREAS~ the Clty Planning Commission did hold a publ~ hearing at the Cfv~ Center M bl~ hearing having beeri duly the Ciry of Anaheim on October 14, 199~6, at 1:30 P.m., notice of said P~ ovisions of the Anaheirt: Municlpai Code~ ChaPter gNer as required by iaw and in accordan~e w~h ~ P~ a~~~nt and to irnesd9ate and 18.03~ to hear and con~ider e~vidence for and aga~nst sa(d proPo~ makA firxiings and recommendatbns in connectbn therewtth~ and Irrvestigdtlon and study made by Itself WHERFJ~S~ sald Gommisaion~ efter due Inspectio~~ offered at sald hearing~ does flnd and in its behalf, and after d~~ fderation d ali ev~denc.e and reports and determine the fdlowirKa bie ~~ °~ ~ t. That modiflc:ation of the time UmNation Is necessary to Permn reasona ~ church as granted under subjed co~dnior~a~ ~ P~T~~' -1- PC96-109 CR2761 DM ~ ~ 2, That subject use permit is bEing exercised in a manner not detrimental to th~ particular area and surroundin9 land uses, nor to the pubtic p~ace, health, safery and general welfare; and 3_ That no one indicated their presence at said public hear:ng in opaosition; and that no osftion to the subject petftio~. corcespondence was received ~n opp CALIF~RNIA E BVIR~o o~E andLdoes hereby~~-dlNhatN he NegatNe Dneclaratio pPeviously Commission has reviewed t p P approved in connection tjon in connject on with thif s equest uF+onif~ndin9 hat the declaration reflects the environmental documenta enc and that it has considered the previousiy approved Negative i~dependent judgement of the lead a9 Y the public review process and further finding on Declaration together with any comments received durEng the basis of the inRial study effectnon the ernironment~ that there is no substantial evidence that the project wi~~ have a signfficant NOW THE No~6 ~f Resolut on NLo. PC93-34had Ptedl n connectionn v~Rh Conditional~Use hereby amend Condition perrnit No. 3595, to read as follows: •g. That in accordance wit~i Section of the Anaheim Municipal Code (Pe~~n ~9for ecific Plan) subject church activities other than ~irtsitations for churches in the NOe~mmed p oS o 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excep church affice staff, shali _nQt be p r~ognized religious hdidays which may be observec! on the day of 4he actual holiday regardless o the day of the week " THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopt~ at the Planning Cummission meeting of October 14, 1996. '7 /~, Y ~_ ~Y~ ~~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: . - SECRETAR , ANAHEIM C TY P NNI~dG COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUN'iY OF ORANGE ) ss• C~TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commtssion, Plannin bComm ss on the foregoin9 resolutlon was passEd and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim C'rty 9 held on October 14, 1996, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOONE ICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOI.~ HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERA7~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS. ABBENT: COMMISSIONERS: ~lONE G~t/ day of ~, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _,-1 v= 1996. ~~~~.~'/ , ~ . ,~ .vU~. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING CAM~~SSION PC96-109 -2-