Resolution-PC 96-112~ ~ RESOLUTION NO P~-112 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM GTY PLANNING COMMISSION THqT pE~ITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMiIT NO. 3876 BE GRANTE~ WHEREAS~ the Anaheim Cicy Plannirsg Commission did rec~Ne a veriNed rPngi~to~~ e Condit(onal Use Psrmit for cerca(n real propenY shuated in the CftY ot P.naheim, CountY of Califomta, desc~ib~d as: THAT PORTION OF NIN~1(ARD LOT 'G-6", AS PER MAP RECARDED IN BOOVC RECORDER~F~LUS ANGEI.ES ECAU iNTY, CfWFORN141, D SCRIBEDNAS FOLLOWS: BEGIIVNIPIG AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID ANAHEIM VINEYAFi~ LOT 'G~6'; TNENCE NORTH 15 DEG. 21' 40' WE~T ~-ONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LJNE OF SAID LOT, 655.d0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEG. ~, ~g• yyE~~ pqFtALLEL WITH THE SOUTHEASTERLY LJNE OF SAID LOT, 115,p0 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BE3INNING aF THIS DE~SC~H ~~E THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 74 DEG. 33' 13' WEST, PARALIF SOUTHEASTERLY L1L ~H THE UR HEASTERLY LJNE OF S~UD LODEG~. 2~10' na• WEST, PARpI l F THENCE NORTH 74 DEG. FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY I~NE O S~~Y UNE, 5t1.~0 FEE(~ THENCE 3p~ 5p• EAST, ALONG SA1D NORTHW`~TH THE NORTHEASTERLY LJNE OF SOUTii 15 DEG. 21' 40" EAST, PARALLE SAID LOT, 139•44 FEEZ' TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. p(CEPTING THE~ST SfWTA ~ANA STREET B~~E D ~RDED NOV~EMBER FOR V111vENING g~ ~c~37 ~N BpOK 911, PAGE 460 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. THE OK 4RpAGESF629 ANDV630 OF DEEDS, RECARDS OF LOS ANGELES „r{ B COUNT1f~ CJWFORNIA. ~CCEPT THE SOUTHERLY 720 FEET THEREOF. ALSO EXCEPTING THE NONTHERLY 1o FEET AS CONVEYED TO THE r~lN ~F Np EMBER 9R193D~ INIBOOKE911 SPpA E 460 OF OFF CIAL RECORDSRDED TM{E EASTERLY 1i5 FEET OF 7HE N0~ PER ~ E~RDED N BOOKL4 72p FEE7 OF VINEYARD LOT 'G-G'~ PAGES 629 AN~ 630 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY~ CAIJFARNIA THE~~D LOT G-6', AS PER ~ R~ DED IN BpOK 4~• PAG S 629 AND VIN -~ q0 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CAUFOR PC96-112 -1- CR2764DM.WP ~ ~ WHEREAS, tho CftY P~anning Commiss~on did hold a public hearing at ths Clvic CeMer in the Ciry of Anahefm on Odober 1h, 1996 at 1:30 p.m., ~tlce of sakl public hea~ing having been duly given as requfred by law arxl in acco.'danre vNith the provisions of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code~ ChaPter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agafnst satd proposed c~clniona! use pem'~it and to mendations in connection 4hera~l~; a~ irnestigate arxl make~ findings and ~acom WHEREAS, said Commisslon~ after due inspection~ irnesiigfftlo~ and s~udy ~de by itseli and in ite behalf, and after due cons(daratbn of all eviderx:e and repats offered at said hearing~ does flnd and determ(ne the fdlowirq facts: 1. Tha.t the proposE~d use Is PropedY o~e for which a c~ndftional use P~K is authorized bY Anaheim Muni~ipal Code Saction 18.41.~i0.07a to permK the c:~ersfo~ ~ a~~~ ~.ft' ~nk bullding to a chu~ch. 2. ~'hat the ProPosed use will nat adverse~Y afiect the adjoining land uses and the growch and developmerd d the area in which R ts proposed to be located~ 3. That the size arxi shape of the sf[e fur the proposed use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use (n a manner not deMmental to the Partkular area rwr to the peace~ health, safery, and 9eneral welfare; ` 4. That the trafflc generated by the proposed use wUl not impose an undue burcien upon the . streets and highways designed and improved to ca~'ry ~e ~~ in the area; 5. Tthat Lhe grantin9 of the conditional use PeRn~, under the ~Kions imposed~ wUl not be deMmental to the peace~ health~ safety and genera~ welfare °t the cl~izens °f the City d Maheim; and e. ~t no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposftion~ and that no ~~pondence v~as receNed (n oppos~lon to the subjecc pet~lo~. nNU~Ft~rYr4L GUA~~Y ACT FlPdDIN : That the Anaheim Ciryl PI»nning rauF~ QRN~A ENVIR d a 3,320 square-foot bank building to Commission has reviewed the proposa~ 4o permR the cornrersion a church on gn lrtegulsilY-shaP~ i'~rcel °f land ~1n9 d apP~o~~teiy 0.54 acre located at the southw~+st come~ of Santa Mai Street and Harbor Boulevard, having ftontages of aPProximately 138 feet on the south side of SaMa Me Street and 164 feet on the w~sfd~N~ DedaraUon~uponfindrti g des~rihed as 511 South Harbor Baulevard; and doas hereby aPPr that the dedaration reflects the Indeperxlerit judgemerd of the lead agency arul that ft has considered the Negative DedaraUon together wkh any commer~ts receNed du~ing the pubik rev{ew Process and fu-~cher flnding on ~~ ~ e aisigniflc;arrt effect on the ernironm~ed that there is no substaMial evidence tnat the pr J NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED that the Anaheim CKY P~anning Commiss~o~ does hereby grant suhJect Petiti~ f°f ~iNonal Use Perm~, uPon the fdlowing condiUons which are heraby found ta be a necessary Prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject proReRY in order to preserve tha safery a~ general welfare d the Gtizens of the C~CY of Anaheim: 1. That 4rash storage areas shall be refurWshed to the saUshaction of the Public :Norks Department, Streets and Sanitatton Divisicx~. to compiy wkh APPro~ed P~ns on fife wfth said Depa-trr~ent 2. That the on-sice landscap~n9 and irrigatian system shall be mai~ained in comp~iance wich Cfty starxlards. p(~6-112 -2- ~ ~ 3. That the owner of the subject ProPenY ~I submft a letter req~osUng termination of (:onditiona! Use Permit No. 1476 (to ~mum an ~ i~~~ i~(g~o ~~O^ing UNision e~) and Variance No. 1545 (to w~1ve maxi P~ e.~~1 activftY 4. 7hat appr~ ~~ church facpitY does r~o~ ~r~e weekday chqd day care or pr or kftchen facNities (other than an e~sting t(on Manager for revfew and ap~'~ 5. That plr~ns shall be submrited to the Cml Trafiic and ~ransporta om-ance with the latest revistor~s of Engtneering Stardard Plan N~I thereupon be showing co~rf locatfo~. Subject proPerh- pertainfng to pa~{cing scandards and ~ w~ysaid plans. developed and maiMafned In cor~fortr-a Standard 6. That an an-s{~te trash truck tum aroun6 area be provided in accordance with Engineering petap No. 610 and as requtred by the DePanmer~'t °f MaiMenance• 7. That the developer shall sf[her. ~ubmtc ey1~lence to the Planning DepaKmerrt, Zoning I?Nis{on, showln9 that all four (4) parcels (a) , • are under the sa~-~e °'~~~~P; °r rki a reement (b) If any d the parkin9 Pa~~s are owned bY a diff ~~~ with $ection 18 : 10: 20 of the to the Planning Departmerd~ Zoning DNislon, qnaheim MunlcipAl C,ode. ~~, g~~n years 8. That the number d con9~eg~nts at any one Ume sF~all be Iirriited to fitty (50) Pa over. If the number of con9re9aMs exceeds fHtY (50) members a cany tone Manag of aga and ~ ~~~ ~~gement plan to the City Traffic and Tran, porta eppiicar~t st~a.l then submR a pa SJ for review and aPPr°Y~• roof signs shall be pertntttod. My wall signage st~all be reviewed and 9. Thai no fr~~Piarsnin9 Commissfo~ ~s a~Reports and Recommendatior~s' Rem. approved by lor to flnal bupding of the activtry autho~ed by this resdution or Pr 10. That prbr to the com ~~ ~rs flrst, Condftion Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 11, herein~meMionedn and zoning inspecWns~ for further dme to complete said conditions maY 9 shall be «~mmplied with. Excensions accordance wRh Sectbn 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Munfcipal Code. shall be developed substantigily fn accordance wnh plans and spectfkations 11. That subjeet ProPe~'eY ~ by the petitioner and which plans are on iqe with the Pi~r.ning submttted to the C1ry of ~-°~ DepaRmerd ma~e~ ~i~ NO3. 1. 2 a~d 3. ftutes aPPro~a~ of the ProPosed ~~Uuest on1Y to the exteM that 12. That apPr~l of this &pP~~tbn const ~abie Ciry, State and Federel ft complies with the Anaheim Munklpal Zoning Crde and any other aPd avef does not fndude any actio~ or ~ndings as to compliance or approva~ of the regulations. APPr ~~e ~i~,~, ~egulation or requiremeM. requagt regarcJing bny ~ ePP~ ~~ does hereby find BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Planning ~.s compl4ance ~ and detertn',ne that adoption d this Resdution is oxpressiY ~xedicated upon aPd ~q thereof, be itions hereinabove set iath• Shoukl any such condnion. or anY pa t~ thfs each and all of the cond the flnal jud9ment of any court of comPete-n l~rfsdictfon, dedared imraikl or unerfcsr~able by Resdution~ and any aPprovals hereiri contained~ sFtia~l be deemed null and void. Pp6-112 ~-. ~ ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOPI was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of OCtober 14, 1996• ' ~ / , ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM ITY PLANNING COMMISSION AITEST~:Q ~ ~ /A ' "Y n ' / SECRETARY, ANAFi~~M CITY PLANNIt~G COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUN i Y OF ORANGE )~• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L h~ams, Secretary of the Anaheim C'dy Planning Commission, do hereby certrfy resdution was passed and adnpted at a meeting of tho Anaheim C'dy Planning that the foregain9 b the foilowin9 vote of iha members thereof: Commission held on October 14, 1996, Y AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOS'fW~CK B~YDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: ~OMMISSIONERBc NONE A9SENT: ~ day of _~'~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1996• ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY P MNING CCiAAMI ISS ON PC96-112 -4-