Resolution-PC 96-38~ R~f,~ ).jTIOM NO PC96-~$ A RESOL.U710N ~OF '~Y.E '+:~AHE~M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,qAi;t?,JDINCz CERi ~.AI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF RES~::.UTIO ~NDITIONAL USE P M;T N0. 3791~~~ ~H WHERt?,S, ::n'~,ctobar+6,1995, the Planninq Commission adopied Resdutio~ No. PC95-133 a(aproving CondRional.l!°.o :'ermit CJa; ::791 to pertnft an oucdo~ roller hockey facNity in conJunctio~ wlth an existing outdoor a:vapme~i for w~.q ~1) year, arxi that rso fuRher acdon was taken by the City Councp; WHEREAS, Cond~ic~r, No. 4 of sald resauU~n sPecffies the fdlowing: '4. That the temporary facGfties and structures shail not be set up pr~ar to 8:00 am. on Thursdays, and shal~ I~e taken down and stored prior to t0:00 am. on Sundays.' WIHEREAS, subJect properry is developed wfth a d~e-~n theater (used for an outdoor swapmeet) and Is zoned ML'IndusMal, LimRed'; yyHEpEAS, A Terrance Dlckens, representing Ce!NQmia ~rNe-~n Theaters, Inc., has S~b~med a letter requesting modification of CondiUon No. 4 of ResoluUon Mo. PC93-133 t4 Permit the dabY °Pa~~ of the rdier hockey fac-~tes bec:su.e he b~leves that a substantiai canmunlty interest for'~se of the rdier hockey facplry exists throughout the week; WHFREAS, the Gry Planning Commissbn did hold a publ~ hearing at the Chric Center in the Ciry of Anaheim on AP~I 15, 1996, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and ~n accordance wfth the provislons of the Anahelm Mun~ipel Code~ ChaPter 18.03, to hear and consfder evldence fcu arxi against said proPosed amendmeM and to investl9ate and make iir-dings anr! recommendatlons in corn~ectton therewfth; and WHEREP.S, sa(d Cor~misslon, aiter due inspect(on, irnesdgaUoned ansa ~heya~9 does fl~nd and In its behalf, and after due consider~!ion nt eJl evidenco and reports and determfne the fc~llowing f~cts: 1. That p~eviously approved plans show a toteJ of 1,445 existing parking spacea and, acconding to the parkfig study o~ flle, the rdler hackey iacpfty dispiaces 363 park~n9 sPaces, lesving a totai o! 1,082 parRing spaces for both the swap moet customere and the rdler hockey pert~iPaMs; and that tFuj parking study far the rdler hockey facU}ty, reviewed and ap{Naved by the City Traffic and Transportation Engineer, found that the existing parkUti9 S~PP~Y ~ e~~~te for boch the outdoa swePm~ and the rdler hxkey facUlty. 2. That tha rdler hockey facUtty operates at the same time as the outdoor swePmeet a^d~ since the ~..!c'-yor awapmeet oPerates onty on the weekernis, the proposed weekday use of the rdler hockey facAicy irj not an IMensfflcation of land use; and that the temporary hockey ~inks U P~~o c~ncess;on stands wGl remaln I~ the parking lot uMp the expiratfon d subJect Condltional 3791 or~ October 16, tf~6 (one year from the ortflinal approval dete). 3. That no cne indicated iheir presence at sald pub~ic hearing In opposltb~% a~d ~t ~ c,~uro~pondenre was rp:eived in opposkion to the subject pethion. _~ _ PG96-38 I~R2632DM.WP . ~ ; ~ALIFORNIA ER~VIRONMENTAL QUALI'fY ACT FINDItdG: That the A~~-aheirn ~iry Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal and does hereby flr~ that the NegatNa Dedaration prevlously a{.vproved in ca~snection wfth Condftional Use Permit No. 3791 is adequate to serve as the tequired ernironmental docume~ation in connection with this request upon flnding that the dedaration reflects the IndependeM judgemeM of the IP,ad agency and that it has considered 4he previously approved Nogative Dedaration together with any comments receNed du~ing the public review process and further flnding on the basis of the initial study and any comments receNed that there is no substantiai evidence that the project wii! have a signfficarst effeat on the envi~onment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission does heraby amend Resdution No. PC95-133, adopted in connection with Condftional Use Permit No. 3791, to delete CorxJft~on No. 4 arxi thereby pem'~ittin9 the outdoor roller hockey facility to operate on a daily basis rather than on weekends oniy. 7HE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopteia ~at the Planning Commission meeting of Apri115, 1996. ~~/~~1~`-~ ~U~~ C A WOMAN, ANAHEIkI CITY P N G GOMMISSION ATTEST: - ~~ SECRETAR , a HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COIJNTY dF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEiM ) I, Margarita Soiorio, Secretary of the Anaheim Cfry Qlanning Cammiss~on, do hereby certffy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission held on April 15, 1996, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISS~ONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HEPJNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thls ~~ day of ~~ 1996. • ~ ~ SECRET AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- PC96-38