Resolution-PC 96-46~ RESQLI~'!ON iJ0 PC9f3~ ~' J A RESOLUTION OF THE A13AHEII~A CITY PI.ANNINGI COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDRIONAL l)SE PE~riMIT NO. 3835 BE DENIED WI;EREAS, the PnahAfm Ciry Pianning Ga~nmissicx~ dld receNe a veriHed Petltion for CondRlonal Use Permft for certaln ~eal property sRuated In the Cfty ~f Mi'.~heim, CouMy of Orange, State of CalfFornla, desctibed as: BEGINNIPiG AT A POINT WHICH IS SOl-TH 74 [)EG. 21' 15' W/EST 40•Ou FEGT AND NOR~'H i5 DEG. 36' S5' ~NEST 33•00 FEEf' FROM A CONCRETE MONUMENT AT TFIE INTERSEGTION OF '~HE CENTEF~ LINE OF SOUTH LOS ANGEl.ES STREET WITH THE C:EN'fER l1NE OF WEST YERMOIVT A'JENUE AS SHO'1NN ON A MAP OF 7RACT NO. 1134, RECORDED IN BOOK 38, PAGE 2 OF MISCcLUWEOUS iV1APS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER CF SAID ORANGE COJNTY; THENCE NORTH 15 DEG. 36' S5' NIEST 121•00 FEET pARALLEL WITH SAID CEN7ER LINE OF LQS ANQELES STREE'f'; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEG. 21' 15' WEST 150.00 F~ET PARALL.EL WITH SAID CENTER L1NE OF VERMONT AV~NUE; TFIENCE SOUTH 15 DEG. 36' S5~ EAn ~21•0~ FEE~~ THENCE NORTH 74 DEG. ~1' 15' EAST 15~•00 FEET TO THE POIN7 OF BEGINNINu. V',•,~EREAS, the City Plannin~ Commission did hold a pubiic hea~0 at ~~~Mer in the Ctty of Mahefm on Ma~ 13, 1996 at 1:30 p.m., not~e d said P~blic heark~g ~`~~9 ~n duly 91ven as required by iaw and in acc~rdance wfth the provis~ons of ~~'~ ~~,~a~ to imestigat and to hear and ccx-sider evklence for and agai~st sald ProPo~ make flndings and recommendations in conneccion therewfth; arxi that sald publl~ hearing weis cordinued to the May 29, 1996 Planning Commission; and WHEHEF.S, sald Commisslan, after due Inspection, invest~e ~~~~ ~~ 9d does flnd arxl In fts beha~f, and atter due consideration of al~ evide~ce a~d ropats and det~rm~nb tha fMlowing fscts: 1. 7hat the proposed use Is properly ~ne for which a condftionN use permft ia authorized by Anaheim Municlpal Code Sectfon to permlt e drive-through lane in conJ~nction wfth en existing fast food restaurant wfth waNers of the fdlowin9: ~'lons 18 06 0~.0~'~3 \Atn~r»~~m n11rt1F]6f OF 11cr~a ina sQBS,~g• ~a) '~- ~ r uired; 2Si ProPo~ a~ ~curred witl'- by the Cfty Trafflc and 18.44.066.Q.~4 ~ ~ ~tfon Manager) and Transpo ~ ~+~~-thro~ah lane reauirer~g~• ~b~ ~;yions ~a.as.o~o.ozo - ~~il.' ~.,'" and 18.44.06~ (Required: S~f~St between stan o~ dfi'~8"through lane and ' orderln9 devtce, arxf feet between ordering device and service window; Proposed: 4ZS~I ~~~n ~K ~ lane and wdering devlce, and 40 feet between ordering devlce and service wDtxiowl That waNers (a) and (b) are hereby denied on the basis that the cw~dftlonal ~se ~8 denied; -1- PC96-46 CR2658DM ~ ~ 3. That there are no spocta~ circumstanc~s aQplk~b~e to the ProPa~hl d~ to Rs size, shape~ is a flat, rec~an9ularlY-shaPed Parcel af land topography, Iccation or suROUndings because subJect propeRY ~~~~ which Is fully developed~ and that 9n t~he~sa~-e~v~niry andbzone ~~ e g~~ P~~ enjoyed by other simitaar properties 4. That the subJect property is r~ot d suffictent size, te a d e-throu9u h Iane; and tha~t the restaura~ buYding does nac lend lts~lf to adequetely accornrnoda ~}{~.ts or safety granting of the watvers w o u l d r e s u l t In on- s l t e a n d o n- s V e e t trafflc ar~c1/or p e destrfa~ hazards; 5. That the proposed use Is propedY one for whkh a conditional use Pem~R is auihorized by the Zoning Code; 6. That the proposed t~e wiU adveraely affect the adjoininy land uses and 2he qrowth and development ~f the area In whicn ~ is Proposed to be located~ 7. That the size and shape of the sfte for the Pr°P°~ ~~~~~~te to allow the fuli dev~lopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrin~ental to the paRku~r area nor to the peace, health, safery, snd general welfare; 8. That the pr4posed use wouid impose an undue burden on the streets an~ highways designed to carry trafffc in the immediate area because vehk~es wai~rW t° er~te~ ~~e d~e'through Iane off Anaheim Boulevard ma ~i ~safety aCnd ge eral elfa e of the cftizens 4he yCitY ofi Anahelm; and~ detrimeMal to the pes~cc; 9. 'fhat no one Indkk;ated their presence at safd pub(ic hearing in opposrtlan~ and that no ~orrespondence was received In opposftbn to the subject peticion. ce~FORNIAy.~"QOhR"Eh'T~9~ ~A~ ~ ACT FIt~DIN~: Thea the Mahoim City Planning Commission has review~l the p~oPosa~ to Pe~Tnk $ drive-through lane i~ c~nSundio~ with an exlsting fast- food restauran: with waNe~s of minimum number of paek~~9 aPeces and mtnimum driv~throuflh lane requfremeMs on a rectangulariy-shaped Uercel of lund cdnslsNrW of aPProxima~y 0•~ acre~s located at ~he nathwest comer of VeRnc~rn Avenue end Anaheim Boulevard, havtnq ePPrwdmat~ f:onta9es of 150 feet on the noKh side of `~ermorrt Avenue and 121 faet on the west side d Anahelm Boulevard~ N~~e described as 899 South AnahAim Boulevard (Ted's Burgers); and do~is hereby appr Dedaration upors flndiny tha2 the deC~araUon reflects the IndependeM Jixl~ement d the lead agencY and that k has considered the NegaWe Declaratbn together with any commerts receNed during the publb isno su stantlal evidencerthatithe proJectwqlha e aislgnHiu~rrtyeffect on the environrr~rrt ~ that there NOW, THEREF'ORE, BE R RESOLVED tF~at the Anaheim Clry P~ann~n0 Commiss!°^ does hereby deny sub~ect PetiUon tor Condftlonal Use PertntL -2- PC96-46 .. ., ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTiON was~ aclopted at the Plannin~ Commission meet~~p of May 29, 1 ~6. ~~D~~ CHAIRMAN, PRO TEM ORE ANAHEIM qTY PLAN ING COMMISSION ATfEST: % ~ ..~o~ SECRET Y, EIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) CC+UNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Nlargar;ta Sdorio, Secretary of the Maheim CftY Flanning Commleslon, do hereby certffy that the foregotng resdution wes Paased a^d edopted at a meetlrW of the Ana-~m Ciry Planning Commissbn held on May 29, 1996, by the fdiowfn~ vote oF the mert~becs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, FiENNINGEA, MESSE, PERAZh NOES: COMMISSIONERS: t~ONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONEHS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tt-~s ~ daY d=~ ~ , ~ ,sss. ~,~tud SECRETAR ,;~ EIM GTY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ PC96~46