Resolution-PC 96-48~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC96-4~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM C{TY PLANNIMG COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIOMAL USE PERNlIT NO. 3834 ~E GRANTED, IN PART WHEHEAS~ the Anahefm Ciry Planning Commission did receive a verifled PetiNon fw Conditlonai Use Permft for cer'tain real properry situated In the CkY of Anaheim, County of Orang.q~ Stete of Califomia, described as: THAT PORTlON OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANlTA ANA, IN THE CITY C~F ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OP,l~NGE, STATE OF CAIJFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOQK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A SPIKE ON THE CEI~lTERLINE OF LEMON STREET, NORTH 0 DEG. 23' 00' WEST 509.55 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTF_RLY CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO HENFiY G. iNEISER, RECORDEO APRiL 13, 1926, IN BOOK 636, PAGE 354 ~F DEEDS, SAID SPII~ BEING THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL 2, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 1d, PAGE 1 QF RECORD OF SURVEYS, IN THE OFFICE OF T!-IE COUNTY RECORDER OF SpID COUNTY; TkENCE NORTH 89 DEG. 37' 00' EAST 42.90 FEET Ai.ONG THE NORTHERLY UNE OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENCE SOUTH 2 DEG, 55' 41' EAST 114.96 FEET TO A POINT EASTERLY 48.00 FEET, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM SAID CENTERLJNE; THENCE SOUTH 4 DEG. 57' 36' EAST 125.40 FEET TO A POINT EASTERLY'58.00 FEET, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM SAID CENTERUNE; THENCE SOUTH 35 DEG. 55' 16" EAST 43•01 FEET TO A POINT EASTERLY 83.00 FEET, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM SAID CENTERUNE; THENCE NORTli 69 DEG. 3T 00' EAST 462.00 FEET, AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM SND CENTERUNE; TH~NCE SOUTH 0~DEG. 23' 00' EAST 136,pp FEE; PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERUNE; THENCE SOUTH 28 DEG 18' 48' EAST 111.85 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY IJNE OF SAID LAND ~DF MEISER, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLti' AND EASTERLY UNE t~F THE LAND DESCRIBED iN THE DEED TO BETDINE PROPERTES INCORPORATED, RECORDEU AUGUST 2,1963, IN BOOK 6659, PA~E 838 OF OFFlGAL RECORDS; $pUTH 80 DEG.13' S9' EAST 381.56 FEET, SOUTH 83 DEG. 20' 03' EAST 263.53 FEET; SOUTH 84 DE ,. 35' 1Y EAST 96.26 FEET AND NORTH 0 DEG. 24' S6' EAST 109.42 FEET TO THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 0 DEG. 25' 30° W~ST 922.94 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY LJNE OF SAID L~WD OF MEISER TO THE NORTHFAST CORNER OF SAID IAND, SAID NORTHEAST CORNER BFING SOUTH 0 DEG. 25' 30' EAST, 905.00 F~ET FROM A LEAD Atd~ TACK IN THE PAVEMENT ON THE CENTERUNE OF ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, AND dN A STRAIGHT IJ~JE BETWEEN SAID IFAD N~D TACK AND A 3-INCH IRON PIPE WHICH MARKS TH~ SOUTHEAS'TERLY CORNER OF SAID IJWD OF MEISER; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OiF SAID LAND OF MEISER SOUTH 89 DEG. 42' 40' WEST 962.66 FEET; SOUTH 0 DEG. 25' 30' EAS1' 8.00 FEET AND SOUTH ti9 ~1EG. 42' 40' WEST 366.90 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LAND OF MEISER, AND NQRTHWESTERLY CORNER BEING SOUTH U DEG. 23' 00' EAST 913.00 FEET FROM A BOLT ON SAID CENTERUNE OF ORANGETIiORPE AVENUE, WHICH MARKS TNE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE FJ~ST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ~UAATER OF SAID SECTiON; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEG. 23' 00' EAST 407.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CR2661 ~M -1- PC96-48 ~. .~: IXCEF'TTHAT PORTION 7HEAEOF LYING SOUFFiERLY AND WESTERLY OF THE FOLLI~WING D~SCRIBED LJNE: BEGINNING AT SAID POINT NO~rTH 0 DEG. 23' 00' WEST 509.55 FEET FROM SAID SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER; THENC~ NORTH 0 DEG. 24' 00' EAST 65.16 FEET TO 1"HE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 7HENCE ALQNG THE NORTHERLY AND FAS'TERLY L1NES OF THE LAND DESCRIBED !N THE DEED TO THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA, RECORDED JULY 22, 1957, iN BOOK 3960, pAGE 191 OF OFFlCIAL RECARDS; SOUTH 89 DEG. 36' UO' FJ\ST 50.00 FEET; THEN~E SOUTH 2 DEG. 08' 42' EAST 180.18 FEET AND SOl1TH 8 QEG. 28' S0' EAST 161.94 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LAND ~JF THE STIITE. WHEREAS~ the Ciry PlannDnp Commissio~ did h,old a publ(c hearing at the Civic Cerrter in the Cfty of Anahe~im on May 29, 1996 at 1:30 p.m., not~e d said pubilc hearing having been duly given ss required by Iaw and !n accordance wfth tho Provisions of the Anahe~m Munictpal Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposad condiUonal use pemnit and to irnestigatd and make flrxltngs and recommendations In connecilon therewfth; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, aiter due inspoction, irnestigation ~nd study made by itseif and In fts behalf, arsci after due conslderatio~ of all evidence ar~d repoRs oifered at said hea~tng, does flnd and determine the fdlowing facxs: 1. That the proposed use is propeiiy cne for whtch a condlUonal use permft is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sectlons and to ~ermR a multi-screen tt~eater arxJ entertainment complex (induding two full servke restaurants and one s1rNe-through restaurant) with waNers of the fdlowing: (a) Sectlons and"44 - Rea~ir narkina lot landsca~ina. (Required: m(nimum one tree for every 3,000 sq.ft. of parking area, induding at least 1 tree tn a minimum 48 sq,ft, plaruer sep-aratlng every 10 or fewer contiguous parktng spaces in a !ow; Rroposed: no trees or other landscaping in the pa~lcing areas behkxi the theatef along the ~st {xopercy !(ne, no trees in planters separaUng evary 10 or fev~rer contfguous pa~lctng spac~s adJacent to Durst Street [north property I(n~] or adjacent 4o and near the Rivers(de Freeway sccess ~oed [south property IineJ) (b) S~-ctfons 18.05.Oy3.021 998 18 05 - ldlaxtmum number ot i~ ~Andina sians. . , and 18.61.067 (c) Sectbns 098 18 05 - Ivitnfm~m dt~Ance between freestar~dfna slans. • • and 18.61.067 (d) Sections 18.05.098 - Permitt sians. and 16.61.067 (e) Sectlons end - Minfmum structural setback. ~@g~ required along any arterial highway and 25 feet requked along any freeway right-of-way; 2o to 29 feet Propo~ed between l.emon Street and the three restauraMs and 20 feet propos~d between the Riverside Freewey acxess road and the driv~th~ough rescaurant) _2. PC96138 ~ ~ 2. mac wan~er (a~, r~e~~~r~ co requ~sd paric~ ioc ~nasc~n9~ Is tKxebY aPProved on the sqSft. of pa~{dng area whearer~ees~are not provided as rs4ulred by Code)n n`an altemate onf site loca lan; 3, That waNer (e), pertaining to the minimum requlred 50-foot setbsck between the three restaurants and to Lsmon Street. is Justified because the se~ck to the theater bukding will be 830 feet; that the extsting buadings to the north of subject propertY, which extend to Orangethorpe Avenue, have simiiar setbacks ~ 925~y :1 a f~~ ~~~ ~~~n ~~~ ad a,;.enttto such fully landscaped landscaped setback~ q, 'fhat waNer (e), perta~n[ng to the minimum requlred setback for the drive-throu9h restauraM minmal and that the .'~oyeway rigM-of waY ~ F oP~ o move ~southedy awayff~omds~ub ect proPe-ty, th s increasl~9 the setback area~ 5. That there are specfal circumstances eppli~able to the propercy consistin9 of its ~ocatbn and surroundings which do not ap~lY to ~~8^~ly zoned properties in the vialnlty; 6. That 3trict appUcatlai of the Zailng Code deprNes tF.~ properry of PrivUe9es enjoyed by other propertles under M~eMical zoning classiflc:aUon tn the v~ir-try; 7. That waNers (b), (c) and (d) are hereby denied on the bas~s tF~at the sign plans orlginai~Y subm(tted were withdrawn fdlowing publ~ notificatlon~ and that fi~l sign plans for the restauraM and entert:3!nment componertts of thts request wiU be reviewed by the Planning (',.ommfssion at a future date; g. That the proposed uses, consisiing of a theater/eMercalnment/rastaurant complex, are propedy ones'ror wh~h a condftional use permk is authorized by the Zoning Code; 9. That the proposed uses wi~l not adversely affed tt+~ adjolning land uses and the growth arxi development of the area in which they are proposed to be located; 10. That the size and shape of the she for the prQp°sed uses is adequate to ailow the full d~~~~M o# the ~'oposed uses In a manner not detrimental to the pan~cular area nor to the peace, health, safety arxJ general welfare; ~ ~, Tha~ the traffic generated by the proposed uses wpl not fmpose an undue burden upon the streets and highways destpned and Improved tn carry the traffic in the area, thAt the PtoPo~ Parking exceeds the required park(ng by 215 spaces~ and that the Cfry Trafflc and TrensPortatlon Manager has reviewed and approved the circulatbn pattem for this mul~-use com~lex~ 12. That the grareUng of the conditional use PermR~ under the cond~lons imposed~ wili r~ot be deMmental to the peace, health, safety a~ genaral welfare of the cftizens of the Ciry of Anaheim; 13. That no one Indicated thetr presence at sakl public hearing In opposftion~ and that no conespondence was receNed in opposition to the subjec3 petiNon• rAUFORNIA ENVIRON"~~`'Tei ni ia~ ACT FlNDING: '('hat the Anaheim Clty P~annfng Commission has reviewed the proposa~ to permR a mutN-screen theater end entertainmeM complex (ic~duding two iull-service restauraMs and one drive~through restaurard) with walvers of (a) minimum stn~ctural setback, (b) maximum number o# f~ee~andin9 si9ns (deleted)~ (c1 minimum distance between fteestanding sVjns (deleted)~ (d1 Perm~ed tYP~ cf signs (deleted) ancl (e) req~ired parking lot IarxlscaP~~9 on an irregula~ty-shaped parcel consisUn9 of ePProximately 24.95 acres located at the southeast corner of Durat Street and Lemon Street, having approximate ~ronta9es af 1,284 feet on the south slde d Durst Street and 674 feet on the east side of Lemon SVeet arod further descrlbed as 1520 North Lemon Street (Anahelm ~ PC96-48 ~ ~ Drive-In); arid doos hereby approve the (degative DAdarat(on upon ftnding ttiat the dedaraUon reflects the ~ndependent )udgement cf the leari agency and that it has conskJered the Negative DedaraUon together with any comments receNed during the publ~ revlew process and furtF~r flridtng on the basts of the fnftlal study and a~y commerrts rec~ived that there is no substarnial evkJence that the project wGl have a slgnfficarrt effect on the ernlronment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOWED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grarrt subJect Petitfo~ fa' Condftional Use Permh, in ~rt, ~:pon the fdlowing cond6tions whtch are hereby found ta be a necessary prerequfsfte to the proposed use of the subJect proper'cy in cxder to prsserve the safety and general HreHare of the Ckizans of the City of Anahefm: 1. That flnal detaped elevation and floor plans for the two (2) fuU service restaurar~s~ the drhre~hrough restaurent, ard the e~tertainment facDiry shaU be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and BPPro~val as a Rsports and Recommendatbns kem. 2. That a revised landscape p~an shall be submitted to the PlanNng Departmerrt for staff review and app,~oval, sho~nring addftional Vees along the south boundary of the ProP~Y (adJacent to the ireeway rigM-of-way) to compensate for the trees required for the parking areas behind the twpoings near the east pr~perty Itne but~ shown on the approved sfte and landscape plans (Exhibft Nos.1 and 4). 1'he numb~r of additional uees sFialt equal, or excee~J, the number of trees which would have been provided if the~ proposed plans complied with Code (i.e., a minimum of one [t] tree for every three thousand [3,p;)p] sq,ft, of parking area, indudtng at least one [1] tree separaUng every ten [70] or fewer cc;ntiguous parking spaces). 3. That the traHtc signal at Lemon StreeR and Orangefair Lane pocated in the CRy of Fullerton) sheil be madifled to provide a second wastbound I~t tum lane (oc~-slte) to southbound Lemon Suaet, as requked by the Dire~or d PuW~ Works. A plen shall be submitted to the Traffic Engtrx~ering Divisfon oF tiie Anahekn PubUc Works Depanment and to the Gty of Fullerton for revfew and approval by 2he Gty Englneers of boih Anaheim and FulleRon. 4. That a plan sheet for solki waste storage and cdlection and a plan for recyd(ng shall be submftted to the DepaKment ~ Maintenance for re+~isw and approval• 5. That the developer sf~all submft a watec qualfty management plan (WQMP) spectfically ldentffying the best management practices that wpl be u~ on-site to contrd predictable pollutaMs from stormwater runoff. The WOMP shell be submitied to the Developmera Servbes Divislon d the Pubilc Works Department for revlew and approval. 6. That the devetoper shall subm~, to the Development Servlces Division of the Publtc Wa~ks Department, a survey plat deilneating the property Iines of all se~sarate leflal parcels (as defined by the Subdivislon MaP Act. with suPP~~fl deeds> and showing thd IocaUon of the proposed stn~ctures and all recorded easements. A Lot Une AdJustment Plat may be requfred to adjust or merge parcels to conform wich roqulrements d tne Publ~ Wo~Y.s DepartrneM and the Zon(ng and BuUdtng Codes. My publ~ easements conflicting wfth proJect development shall be abandoned and new easements shall be graMed~ as nec~sarY• 7. That the developer shal! pay the City of Anaheim sewer connectio~ fees for the subJect property acreage that has not been pald to-date (estimated to be approximately four and nine tenths [4.9) a~r~sj. 8. That the le~al property owner shall krevocably dfer to ded~ate to the Ciry of Anahetm an easemerrt thirty (30) feet fn width from tFte ceM~tine d the atreet along Durst Street, kxluding a comer cutdf for ar access ramp (at the comer of Lemon Street/Durst Strec3t~ In acxordance with Gty Stardard No. 124, arxl a cul~ie-sac at the east terminus of Durst Street .¢ PC96-48 ~ ~ i. That the developer shatl consUUCt the street wklening lmprovements along Durst Street. The south m.e~ ~ee~ v~ s dew~~sj r om ~~ s~ the ftrstubproposed drNe~way approach ~ M offset cul~de-sac shall be ~ed at the east teRnlnus of Durst Straet (mtnimum thiRy eight (38] foot curb redfus to accommodate flre trucic and street sweePer tuma~°und). Prtor to Issuance of a buNdinp perrn~, the street ~mprovemenc ptans pnciuding strtping) sr~au be submitted to tt,e DevelopmeM Serv{ces DNis{on d the Publ~ Warks Department for revtew and approve~ b~l the Ciry Engine~. A bor~d sF~ell b~a posted (n an amouru approved by the GtY Erx~ineer a~d in a form approved by the CftY AttomeY io guararrtee ~ of sald ImproveR~ents. 10. That the developer shail partic~pate in the Ck~s Master P~an oF Storm Drains and related IMra~tnicture Improvement (Fee) Program to assist in mitigating existin9 and future stortn tJrainage system deflcienctes. The developer shall subm~ a cirainage report, defailing project impacts, to the DevelopmeM Services Divtslon of the Publ~ Works DeparcmeM. (a) If the proposed proJect does not Increas~ o~ redireet cuRerrt or hlstoric storm we~ter quaMides/flows, the praJecYs responsibUity shall be IimReal to participating (n the l~frastn~cture ImEuovement (Fee) Program to provide stortn drainage facpftfes in ten (10) year and twerrty (25) year stomi irequenc{es and to proted propertles/stnrciures for a one hundred (1oQ) year storm ireq~::,e~cy. ~;b) ~f the proposed projed increases or red rects the cuRer~t or histor(c storm water quaMity/flow, the project shall be required to gu~raMee mitigaUon of the impact prfor to issuance of a buUding ~~g P~~ ~~ ImprovemeMs WeMf((eci in the Master Plan af Drai~age for the area. The proJect shail be required to install the storm dralna~e fac111ties as recornmended by the Master Plan of Drainage to Q'ov(de storm drainage fac~lf~es for ten (10) year and tweMy flve (25) year storm frequencles and to protect properttes/stru~iures for a one hundred (100) year storm ftequency prior to accePtance for matmenance d public impraveme~s by the Ciry or occupancY d any buUdfn~s/sinx~ures. Add~bnally~ the Proloct shall parttcipate in the Infrastn~dtue Irr~proveme~ (Fee) Pro~ram~ as requked by the CitY En~fneer~ wh~h indudes fees~ credfca, relmbursemerrts~ or a combinaUon tF-ereof. As pert d guerarrteein9 the rr~tipatlon d impads ~n the stortn drak~a9e sYstem~ a storm dral~age sYetem knProvBmeM P~~9 P~n for the proJect shall be submitted to the CRy Engineer for revtew end aPproval and shall contafn, as g mfnimum, m a ~ayouc o~ tns eom~~ce sv~cem, pA ~ui racuny s~es~ induding support calculatlons, (uh constnx:tbn phasfng, and (iv) constructbn est(mates. 11. That the developer shall be responsfWe fot implementing the fdlowing constructlor~ reg:Yat(ons where necessary: (a) To the e~deM feastWe~ c~nstn~ccion actNtties shall be screened hom adJaaent noi.se-sensL'we land uses with a solid barrler. (b) All constructlon equlPmerrt, flxed or mobpe, operated within one thousarxJ ~t ~000) feet of a noise- sensfcNe Iand use shall be equlpped wfth properlY oPerating and maintained muffler exhaust systems. (c) Stoc{cpOinp and vehide staging areas shail be located as far as poss~ble from sensftfve uses to prevent noise impads. ~d) Constnxxion routes shaU be establlehed where nec~sssary a~d Practk~l to prevent nolse impacts on sensltNe land uses. (e) Constnictlon activkies st~ell be Ikr-ited to the hours batween 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and to between 7:00 am. and 5:00 p.m. on SaWrdays. Construdion acWities shaU not be pertnitted on Sundays and legal hol(days. ~ PC96-4S ~ ~ 12. That the devebper shaU partk:ipate In the Cfty's Master Plan of Sowers ar~d related infrastructure Improvement (Fee) Program to asstst in mkigatlng e~dsttng a~d future sanitary sewer system deflclencles. The developer shail submft a sewer study to th~ Giry of Anahetm Publk Works Departmer~t. (a) !f the proposed proJect does not increase sewer flows, Change poirrts of dfBChsrge '; : rifsc:i terges into a sewer system that Is currenUy deflcie~rt or wpl become deftcterd because of thaic discharge, the~ tF~e pro)ect•s responsibYfty shall be Iimfted to participaUon in the I~rast~ucxure Improvemerrt (Fee) Program. (b) If the proposed proJect d~sctiarges into a sewer system that Is curr~'etly de~iclent or wAI become deflcient bec;ause of that discharge, then the project shail be requfre~ to guarantee mkigation of the impact prior to (ssuance of a buading permit pursuant to the imp~rovements IdeMifled in the AAaster Plan of Sewers. The project shaU be requi~ed to install the santtary sewer iacNkies as recommended by the Master Plan of Sewers prbr to acceptance for mairrtenance of FliW~ improvemerts ty the City or occupancy af aay LwOding/structure. Addttk~nally, the proJect shall part~ipate in the Infrastructure Improvement (Fee) Progrem as dstertnineci by the City Engineer wh~h could Indude fees, credits, re(mbursemdMS, or e combination thereoF• As part o# guaranteeing the mftlgation of im~acts on the san~ary sewer system~ a sanitary sewer system improvemerrt phastng plan for the project shail be submftted to the City Engineer for rev4sw and apProval and shalt c~rrtain, as a mfnimum, m a layout of the complete system, (ti) ail facpiry sizes, tndutling support calct~atlons~ (Ii~ construction phasing, and (N) constnu:tion estlmates. 13. That alcoholic beverages shsill not be soid or consumed on subject pr~perty withcwt prtor submfttal and apProval of a condftional use pem~it 14. That all signage for subJect propetty sha~l be as approved In cor,~nectlon wRh this aonditlonal use pemnit, etther in t~nJunction wah the Inttlal approvel or as mey subse4uenUy be approved as a Reports ard Recammerxiations icem by ttw Planning Canmissbn and/a' City CouncY. The helght and deslgn of any ireestarxJing signage shall not exceed Code requirements end shaU be subJect to any rest~tlons required by the Plannin~ Commissiu+7 and/or Ciry Counci at the Wrie of review and a~Prwal• 15. That the owner oF subJect propercy sF~all subm~ a letter requesUr~g terminaUon of Conditiona~ Use Permit Nos. X-2 (pertnitting a drNe-in theater), 1414 (panmltting expaisslon of the existing drke-In theater wNh waNer of required screening of outdoor uses), 3344 (pbrmittfn9 an outdoor swap meet with waiver of minimum Ia~scaped setback adjaceM to Lemon Street) and 3791 (permitt{ng an oucdoor rdler hockey facNay in conJunction wkh an eoctsting outdoor swap meet) and Varience No. 4162 (waiving rnquired improvements of setback areas and required screening of parking ereas to estabifsh ~0 eddftbnal pa~fcing spaces for the existfng outdoor swap meet/ddve-in theater) to the Zoning C:iv(slon. 16. Tnat subJect proFeRy shall be developed substantially in eccordance withh plans aM speciflcatlons submitted to the Gry d Anaheim by the petitioner and wh~h plans are on fllo with the Plenning pepartment rtearked Exhfbit Nas. t through 4; prov(ded, however, that all signs shall comply wieh Code unless otherwise approved In connecc:tion wfth a variance. 17. Tr~ac a twelve (12) ~ncn water mai~ in a twerrty (20) foo,c wtde easemeM Is reyu~red co ~oop norn cr,e existin9 twetve (12) Inch water maln on L.emon Street to the existing sbdeen (16j inch maln at the east side of the property; and that plans showing satd improveme~ts shali be submitted to the Gry for revluw and appraval pr(or to {ssuance oF buNdin9 P~~ Se. That prior to issuerxe af a buYdk-p pem~t or within a perlod d one (1) year from the date d this resducbn, whichever occurs fl~st, Corx!!tion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 12, 15 and 17, atrsve-mentioned, shalt be complted with. Ei~ensions for further tlme to compete sakl condkions may be granted in acc~rdance with Section of the Anahotm AAuniclpal Code. ~ PCS6~8 ~ ~ 18. That p~tor to flnal buAding and zoning fnspections, Condftlon No. 16, above-mentioned, shall be complied wiLh. 19. That approval of this applicatlon constftutes approval d the proposed request only to the eMerrt that ft complies with the Anahefm Mun~ipal Zoning Code and any other appl~able City, State and Federal regulatlons. Approval does not indude any a~fon or ftndings ss to compllance or approval bf the request regarciing any other applicable ordlnance, regulation or requirement. BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planntng Commission does hereby ftnd and determfne that edopUon of this Resdutlon ls expressly predk;ated upon applk~nYs compliance wfth each and all of the conditbns herelnabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be dedared Irnalid or uner~forceable by the flnal Judgment of any coun of competeM JuristJ~tion, tF-en this Resolutioc~, and any apprc~vats hereln contalned, shall be deemed nuU arxi vofd. TFiE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plenning Commissbn meeting of May 29, 1996. n %y G-WRMAN, PRO PORE ANAFiEIM CITY P NING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~A/ / ' ~`-'CG "~" "`iU SECRET~~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF MlAHEIM ) I, Margarita Sdorb, Secretary of the Anahelm City Planning Commission, do hereby certffy that the foregoing resdutiori was passed and adopted at a meeUny of the Anaheim City Plannfng Commissbn held on May 29, 1596, by the ldlawing vate of the members thereoF: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: B03TWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuMo set my hand this ~9~ day d~~___, 1996. T ~ SECRET , NAHEIM GTY PUWNIfVG COMMISSION -7- PC96~48