Resolution-PC 96-49~ RFSOLUTION NO PC96-49 ~ A RESOLUT!ON OF THE ANAFiEIM GTY PIANNIN3 ~AMMISSIOP! (A) CERTIF~.'ING FlNAL ENVIRONMENSAL IMFAGT REPORT NO. 320, (g) qp~~PTING A STATEMENT OF FlNDINGS AND FACTS AND STATEMENT OF ~JVERRIDING CONSIDERATION3 IN CONNECTION THEREINITFI~ N~I~ (C) i~pOPTING M(TIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM NO. 092. 4VHE~iEAS~ Sectton 18.03.050 d the Anaheim Munbipal Code sets forch the pra:edures for proc~ssinfl area dv,velopme~ p~ana~ and 'NHEREAS, as more partk~IadY da~ibed Shereln, Area Dsvelo~r-ent Plan No. 120 for Sportstown M.ahelm, on flle wlth the PlannirW ~ePartme~rt. indudea the nature~ slze and denEity of all existin~ and 'proposed ~end uses to enhance and g~:ide fuhue development withln an area Ide~ti8ed as gportstovm Anaheim and consisUn9 d ePProxks~ately 167 acres qene~aliy bounded by Kat~la Averiue on the north, the SR-57 (Oranye FreewaY) and tne Sarde Ana Rwe~ °A ihe e~, ~r~eWO°d Av9nue o~ the south~ a;~d State G~Ilege Boulevard on the west (heretnafter the'Area Development Plan'~ and WHEREAS, the Area DevelopmeM P~an does not alter the zoning for the propercy subject to ~,aid pan; and WHEREAS~ the City of Anaheim is the lead agency for the preparatbn and consideration of envlronmental dxuments for the Anaheim Sports Cer-ter Project (the 'ProJect')~ as the teRn ~P~ol~• deHned in the Ce~~omla Emdronme~tal Qua~ftY Act of 1970 (herelnafter'CE(~A~, as ame~ded~ and the State af CalNomie uuidelines tor the ImplementaUon d the CaiHomla Emrironmental ~uairy Ad (herelnafter'State Guideltnes~~ and WHEREAS~ the Projed is subject to comalance with the provislons d CE~A and the State Guidelines has been considered in caru~ecclon wlth the foUowing discretio~ary adbns by the City d Mahetm: p) Area Developmerd Plan No. 120 and 00 future discretionary actbns desc~lbed fn Draft Erniro~mantal Impact Report Ho. 320~ (coUeaivelY referred to herein as the'dlscretlonary a4tlons'~; and INHEREAS~ the Ciry d Mahekrr has prePared~ or caused to be prepared~ the Drait EIR and has consulted with other publ~ agencles and the general PubUc, and given them an oPF~unity to comment on said Draft EIR as r~quired by the provts~o~s of CE~A a~d Lhe State Guideilnes; and WF~~REAS, the City of Maheim has evaluated the ccm c~~~~$ rec~ived durtr~ig the e~ p~~ons who reviewed the Draft EIR and has prepar respo~ses publ~ review Pertod; end WHEREAS, said canm~nts and recamme^datbns receNed °~ the Q~ EIR, eitherverbatim or in summary, a Ilst of persons~ or~anizaUons a-~d public agencles commeMinfl on the Draft EIR, and the responses of the City of Anaheim to siflnifk;ant environme~tal poiMS ratsed In !he review and consuRstion process have been attached to and made a pait of sakl Dratt EIFt to fcxm the Fi~al EIR for said proJect as required by Section 15132 d the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS~ the GtY Plannin~ Commission did hold a publ~ hearing at the Ch~lc Center in the Glty of Anahelm on May 29~ 1996 at 1:30 p.m., notice o6 saki publ{c heariny havinp been duiy gNen ae requ;red by law snd In a~a~ce wKh the Provls~o~$ of CEQA. to hear and co~sk~er evidence for and ay~in~t the proJect and to Irnestipate and make flndu-Gs and rec~mmer.datlons In «~nnnACtlon therewtth; and that safd pudic heari.ng was c~c~tinued to the May 30, 1996 Pianntng Cort-misaton meetin~, and c~t6614m.wp - 1 - PC96~49 ~ ~ WHEREAS, the City of Mahe(m desires and intends to use Flnal EIR No. 5.20 as the ernironmerrtal documeMatbn required by CEOA and the State Guldellnes for each i~f the at~ave-refe~enced discretionary acttons to the exter~t atathorized by lew; and YIMEREAS~ said Flnal EIR has been pr~ed to the Gty Planning Commiss(on at a publ~ hearing on May 29. 1996 at 1:30 p.m., at the Clvic Center in the City of Anahetm for review end conslderat(on prior to the flnal approval of, and cornmftment to, the Area Development Plan. Notice of said pubi~ hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provis~ons d CEQA, to hsar and consfder evidence for arsd against the Project and to irn+e~igate and make flrxlings and recommendatlons in connecUon therewwith; and that sa{d publ(e hearing was continued to the May 30~ 1996 Planning Comm~ssion meeti~9~ and WHEREAS~ sakl Flnal EIR has been preserrted to the Planninq Commissb~ of the Gry d Anahetm for review and ca-skleration prior to the flnal apPraval d~ and ~mmitmmeM to~ the Area Development Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE R RESOLI/ED that the Maheim Gry FlannirW Co.'~unl~i°~ d°es hereby cenHy Flnal Ernironmentc~t Impact Report No. 320, adopdn9 the attached StatemeMa d Fl-xlings of Fact and Statement of Overtiding Considsrstlons, a copy d each d wh{ch is attached hereto marked AtfachmeM A, ancl that Planning Commisslon inc~rporates safd Attachmerd here(n by this reference ae fF set forth in full herein, and detertnines that said Flnal ErnrlronmeMal Impact Report No. 320 fully complies with CEOA, reflects the independent judgemeM of the Planning Commisslon, and Is edeyU'.~ate to serve as the ernironmental documentation for the discretionary acCans. BE IT FURTHER RESOWED that pursuant to Sedton 21081 •6 d the Publ~ Resources Code~ the Planning Commission hereby adopts that ceRain mor~itodnq pro9ram d~c~ibed as the 'Mitfgation Monftoring Progrxm No. 092 for Area DeveloPment Plan No. ~; a coP1' of whk:h ~~~ b this marked AttachmeM B. and the Planning Commisslon incorpora said mo~nairW Pro9 Y reference as ff set forih in full i~erein, and has induded the prolect desl9n features and miUyaUon measures in the N{lUgatlo~ Monftorkig Program as cond~lons of apProval requlred for ImplemeMatlon of Area DevelopmeM P~an No. 520. T ~E FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved end adopted by the Planning Commisslon of the Ciry oF Anaheim thfs ~ daY d ~Cla~_____~ ~~• CHAIR , PRO TEM RE ANAHEIM GTY PLANN NG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~._, • ~J1~ _ ,. X}{,ty ~Z<.b SECREI' Y ANAHEI TY PLANNING COMMISSION cr2651 gm.wp . p . PC9~49 ~ ~ ~, STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss GTY OF ANAHEIM ) I. Mar9arita Solorb~ Secretary of the Mah~im Ciry Plan~ng Commissbn~ do hereby certifY that the foregoin9 resolutton was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm CItY Planning Cornmissio~ p~eld on May 30, 1996, by the fdlowing vote aP the mambers thereof: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOSTIMCK, BOYDSYlJN~ BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE MOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~BSENT: COMMISSIOyERS: AAAYER, PERA7A IN W~TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereurdo sei my hand this '~~~ deY ~ ~~ 1996• 1 ~ ' SECRETAR ANAHEIM P(.ANNING GOMMISSIQN - 3 - PC96~9 cr?.651 gm.wp