Resolution-PC 96-50~ ~ `- RFcni i ~ION N0. PC96-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING AREA ~EVELOPMENT PLAN NO. 120 WHEREHS, tile Ciry CourscN dlrected staff to ~nRia3e a land use strategy plan and necessa~+ f ernironmenta! analysis for the Anahelm Stad(um Aroa i~ order to set the stage for fi.~ture ecanomic de~elopment and enhancement of the area in the v~infty of Anaheim Stad{um and the Arrowhead Porxi of Anah•~(m; and ~ yyH~F;EAS, on February 28~ 1995 the Ciry CouncN directed that a study be underta{cen ~ regarding the feasibqbtY ~ a~ 'u~ ~~in~ COrner on, and in the area of~ the Anaheim Stadium property; and that said studY was to ~ndude a ma~e~ fsasibpity study fi°r the greater stadium area, a -= developmerit plan, and an emrtronmental impact report; ar-d _, WHEREAS, the greater stadium area corsists of approximateiy 807 acres bounded by the _ Sauthom Calffom ~~~ ~~RN~~~~~e ~, q~heim City Iimits on the southhand he I-5 (Orange Freeway) (Sarrta Ana) Freevray o~ the West- WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 18.03.050 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Area DevelopmeM Plan No.120 was prepared to study the nature, s(ze and densicy of all existing and praposed land uses on a portion og the greater stadium area, satd par'tior~ consist~ng of approximately 167 acres generally bQUnded by Kae'-`•la Avsnue on the north~ the SR-57 (Orange Freeway) a~d the Santa Ana River on the east, Or~ngewood Avenue on tha sout-h, and State College Boulevard on the west. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did h°Id a P~~~ h~~^~ at tha Civic Cerrter In the City of Anaheim on Nlay 29.1996 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said puWk hearing having aeen duiy given as required by law and in accordance with the (xo~isions of the Anaheim Municipaf Cod~e~ Q~Re~~te nd hear and conskier evidence for and against safd proposed area developmeM Pla make flndings and recommendaUons in connection therewith; and that sald publ(c hearing was cor~tinued to May 30, 1996; and WHEREAS, aa(d Commission, after dc~e inspection, ~rn~ffer~ed at said h~ea ga does findf and in fts bohalf, and after due consideratfon of all evidence arxi reports . and dsiermine tha fdlowing facts: 1. That the objectNe in undert~king a study of the Anahaim Stadium Area ~+ras to asstst in the economic developrr~ent arsd enhancemeM of the 9reater stad~um area. 2 ~~ flrst pha~e ~nciudes a Market FsasibUity Study for the Stadium Area and a Developmerd Plan fa the Ar~ahetm Stadium property. 3. That the Anaheim General Plan desipna3es the Anaheim Stadfum proPertY for Commercial Flecreation land uses and designates certain nearby and adJacer~t propertL~ra for Bus(ness O(flce/Service/Industttai Iand uses. q, That the Area Development Plan will have signiflcant ber-~lts to the City of Anaheim by essablishing max~mum land use and devetopment densittes on t~~e propeny. -1 - PC96-50 cr2644as.wp ~: ~ 5. That no one Indk;ated their presence at said publ~ hearing in support of the proposal; ar,d that 3 people indk;ated their presence tn oppasiNon and that no corresponderx:e was receh-ed in opposicion to the proposel. [`e~ ~F~R{`IA Eh"JIRQN6"Eh'TAL ~UAUTY RCT (CE~AI FlNQING: That Resdutlon No. PC96-49 certffying Flnal Ernironmental Impact Reporc No. 320~ adopting a Statemer~ of Flndings and Facts and a S-.aternern of Qverridin9 Co~sideraUorss, and adoptlng Mitigatton Monitorin9 Program No. 092~ was adopted by the Planning Commission in conJunction with this petttton. MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahefm Cfty Planning Commiss(on does hereby approve Area DevefopmeM Plan No 120 to establish the fdlowing maximum land use and development densfties on the properh/: Land Use Com~qneMs New and Renovated Stadlums iJrban Errtertafnment/RetaY Hotel, 500 rooms Exhibition Center (permane~ structtues) Office On-site Parking MaY~mum C~c_KYl~e~~ ' 45,000 add~(onal seats Z 750,000 sQ.ft. 550,000 sq.R. 1 ~a0~000 sq.tt 250,000 sq.ft. 15,570 spac~s Notes: 1. WMh tFs ~xaP~ °tatructur (100~000 .p it ~ numb~r in tl-is~ oolumn n i~pra~nb /M ap~dry thaP~--i~ ~~acWad .y.n~ ,~d amv«a~v to the exlsdnp uas at An~im Smdium. 2 Net l.~cnaw in total ~umb~r of ssata. k~dudinp QrouP oeatl~G~ tM n~t inct~aa~ is 47~000 awri. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thaY approva~ d Area Dsvelopment P~ No.120 Is continge~ upon the fidlowtny condidons which are hereby found to be a necessary Prerequisiie to the proposed a~se of subJect property !n wder to preseNe the safety and genoral welfare of the Citizens af the Ciry of Anahetm: 1. That developmer~t of subject propeity shall be in compliance wtth ths'Amerxled and Restated Lease Ag~eement by and between The Cai~omia Mgels LP. and City of Anahefm~ Dated as of Niay 15th, 1996~ and any amendments thereto cxeatod p~tor to the date of adoption of thfs resdution. 2. That ilnal development Plans tor subjeCt proPenY sha~l be submitted t° the Planning Commission for review. 8. Tnac developmer~t c~f subJeca properry sr,au compy vvicn al~ tne rni~gaUon me~s+u~ [s~corcmraced into Mkigatbn Monitorin~ Program No. 092 ard fdentifiled in Environmental Impact ~~p~t ~~. 320. BE 17' FURTHER RESOLVED that th0 Maheisn CitY Planning Com+~al:ys6ora ~cx~ haraby flnd anRi detemdne that adopt:on of this Resdutton is exPress~Y Pred~ated upon compli~n~ ~+t~h e~ch an~ all of the c~nditbns h~relnabove set forth. Stwt~d ar~Y such conditfons~ or any ~rt thereof, bc d~~ared knrel6d or unenforceable by the flrt~l Judgrttera d any court d competetrt Jurtsdiction, then this Resdutlon. and any approva~s hereire corrtained, shaU be deemed null and vofd. cr2644as.wP - 2 - PC9fi-50 ~ ~II THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION adopted a t-e Planning I;ommisslon meetin9 of May 30, 1996 CHAIRMAN, PRO TEMPO~'E 1~ ANAHEIA6 CITY PLANNING MiVIISSIGN ATTEST: ~~ + SECRET Y, E CIT1' PtANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALlFORNIA ) COUNiY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF /WAHEIt,A 3 I, Margarita. Sdorlo~ Secretary d tha Anahekn CttY Planning Commisslon~ do hereby certHy that the foregoing resalution was dlowin nvote af the members~thereof: ~~im Ciry Planning C~r~mission held on May 30, 1996, bY 9 nyEg: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, BRIST04 HENW1WG~k,.:~V~SSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE p~gg~~; COMMISSIONERS: MAYER~ PERAZA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuMu set mY hand this ~v 1~y ~~7c~--, ,sss. ~~ SECR /j , AN hIEIM ~"fY PLANNING COMMISSION . 3 _ PC96~'.~J cr2644asa+vP