Resolution-PC 96-75~ ~ gE~ni tmON NO PC96-75 A RESOI.UfiON OF THE ANAHEIM ClTf PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CIN COUPlCIL ADOPTIVN OF GENERAL PUW AMENDMENT NO. 340 PERTAlNlNG TQ THE LAND USE ELEMENT ~I' WHEREAS, the CftY CouncN °f the ChY of An~he~m did adopt the Mahelm General Plan by ~ Resdution No. 69R~644, showin~ the general description and e~dent of Possib~e future developrnerrt within the Cfry; and WfiEREAS, Pla~~nin9 Commisslon dfre~ted staff to Initiate an amendment to the La~d IJsa ` Element of +the Ceneral Plan to redesignate subJect propenY from the Hnlskle Loyv Density Residenttal to tt~e Comrr~ercial Professior~al on an irregulady-sFiaPed Parcel d land coresistin9 d ePPr°'~~mate nontngc~ .. located at the northwest comer of Santa Ana Ca~Yfln Road and Maude Lane, havi~9 aPP o# 1~020 feet on nonh side d Sarrta Ana Ca~Y~ Road and 120 feet on the west sfde of Maude Lane and further desc~ibed as 5481 Eas~ Sar~ta An~ Canyot~ Road: ~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim Gry Planning Commfsslon did l~old a public hearing atthe /i heim Chric Ce~er~ Councp Chamber, 200 South Anahelm Boulevard~ on July 22~ 1996, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearin8 having been duly ghen as required by Iaw a~nd In aa~rdance wtch the Pro~isions of the l,naheim Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said Genera~ Plan Amendment and to irnestigate and make flndings and recomrnendailons in connection therewith; a^d that ~~ pubiic hear~~~g was continued to the August 19~ 1996 F~anning Commission meeting; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon~ after due consideration~ ~nspecxiort~ imestigatbn arx+ study made by itseH~ and after due cons(deration of all evidence and repaRS offered at said hearing~ DOES 'r1EREBY FIND: 1. That the proEwsed General Pian designatlon fs constsie~t wfth the similarly-shaped commercial propercy to the west, 2. That the evidence presented substeMiates the need for an amendmeM to the P~naheim General Plan ~nd that, therefore, Exhibft A should be adopted redesignadn9 the land use for subject area; and 3. That 3 people tndicated thefr presence at satd publ~ hearing in opposft~o~ and 2letters were recefved in eppo~tion; and that 3 lette~s were receNed In favor to su~Ject Petftion. GAIJFORhIA Eh".",RONb'lEIJ'fAL QUA~ ~T'~ AC~ ~NDING: That the Anaheim CicY Flannfng ~m~~~ ~ ~~~~ t~ ~~~ ~0 8mend the lsnd Use ~leme~c d the Genera~ Plan to change the currerrt land use des~9natlons n°m the H-Isk1e Low Densfty Residerrttal to the Con~mExcial Professional on an IRegularly-shaped perce~ d land cw~s~s~~~9 °f aPP~o~^~t~ly 1.2 acres, located at the rwrthwest comer of Santa qna Canyon Road and Maud~ Lane, hriving approxirrwte fronta9es d 1,020 feet on north side ofi Sarrta Ana Canyon Road and 120 feet on the west side of Maude lsne~ and further desc~~ BSthat ft has Santa Ana Canyon W.oad; and does hereby approve the NAgatNe Dedaration upor` 9 considered the NegatNe Dedaratlon together wfth an~y commeMS receNed du~ing ihe pubiic review Process and further flnding on the basis of the inftial study ancl any comments receNed that there Is no avkience that the project wil! t~ave a slflniflcant effect on the errvironmeM. _~ _ PC96-75 CR2719DM.WP _ ' ~ ~ ~ NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED, that pursuant to the aba+e ftndings, the Anaheim City Ptanning Commtssion does hereby adopt and recummend to the Cfcy CouncN oF the CttY of Anaheim adc~ption of Generai Plan Amendmer~t No. 340 perta~ning to the L.and Use Eiement, Exhibit A. to redesignate ~ the study area from the Hqlside Low DensftY ResldeMlal to the Commerclal Prd9sslonal Iand usa designation. THE FORECaING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plenni~q Commissfon meetin{a d August 79, 1996. ( ,-Q~~-~ CHAlRMAN, ANAHEIM G PLANNit~G COMMISSION . ~.~~.?C,T: ,\ S~Ci~E?ARY, AN EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION i' .~"T'RTE OF CALJFQ9NIA ) ; ~ COUNTY (:F ARANGE ) ss. CiTY QF ANIIHE~M ) ~~ Marga~ita Solorio, Secretary d the Anaheim City Plannireg Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foregdng resotution was Passeci and adopied at a meetl^9 °f t~'' Anahe~m Gry Planning Commission held on Auflust 19, 1996, by the fdlowfng vote oF the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSiOWERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, 3RISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMfSSIONERS: PERA7~1 IN WITNESS 1NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this I Vi~ day d. ~ 1996. /~n ~ _ . . . C'. n - - SECRETARY NAHEIM CiTY PLAftiNING COMMI3SION .2. PC9P.•75