Resolution-PC 96-8RESOLUTION N0. PC96-8 a A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION AMENDING CE~iTA1N CONDITIONS OF APPROVr1L QF RESOLUTION NO. PC93-118 P.DOPTED IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3642 WHEREAS, on November 1, 1993 the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC93-118 approvtng CondRional Use Pem~ft No. 3642 (t~ retain a restaurant and nightclub caxpansion I~Guding a public dance hali wftii on-premises sala arsd consumption of alcoholic beveragas wfth waNer of minimum number af park~ng spaces) and that no further accion was taken by the City Ceuncfl, and that Condftion No. 4 of said resolution reads as follows: 4. The sub~ect petit~on is hereby granted for a periocf of one (1} year from the date of thts resolu!lon. This limftation may be deleted of modifled at the request of the petftioner in conjunr;tion wfth g future public hearing. WHEREAS, on December 12, 1994 the Planning Commission adopt~d Resolution fVo. PC94-162 rnodifyfng Condition No. 4 of Rasolution No. PC93-118 to read as foliows: `4. The subject is heTeby granted for a period of one (1) year to sx~ire on November 1, 1q95.' WFIERFAS, subJect property Is currenUy developud Nith a commArcial retail shopping cerrte~, including J.C. FarxJango Restaurant/NfgMclub, In the CL'Commercfa~, Umited' zone. WHEREAS, 04elia Caste~lanos, representing th3 property ow~ier, has sub~nitteo a lettrir dated vctober 10, 1995, requesting a time extension to retain the restaurant and nighidub expansion, includ~ng a public dance hall, with on•premises sale and consumptlon of alcoholic beverages; WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission dkl hold a public haaring xi the Civic CeMer En the Cfry of Anaheim on December 11, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., notice of safd public hearing having been duly glven as requfred by law and in accordance wfth the provislons ot the Anaheim Mimicipal Code, Chaptor 18.03, to hear and consider evldence for and aga(nst said proposed amendmei,t and to investigate and make findfngs and recdmmendations in connection therewfth; and that sgid pubiic hearing v~as continued to the January 8 and January 22, 7996 Planning Commission meeting; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aker due inspectian, irnestigation and study made by riself and fn fts behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said heari~g, does flnd and determine the following facts: ~, That subJect condftionaf use permft is being exerofsed in a manner not dMrimental ,; to the particular area and surroundinp land uses, nor to the public peace, health, safety and general ` welfare; and 2, 'fhat modHying subJect condft(onal use permft, induding the ImposiUon of any addftional condftions thereto, is reasonably necessary to protect the pubtlc peace, healtl ~, safery or Qene:ai wolfare, and to permft reasonable operation under the conditional use perrnft as granted; and 3. That no one (ndicated their presence at said public hearing in opposidon; and fhat no correspondence was receNed In opposition to the subJect petiGon. CR2576DM "~" P~$ CALI~RNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT F~ ING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal and does hereby find that the Negative Declaration previously approved in connection with Ccndi4lonal Use Permft No. 3642 is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation fn connection wfth thfs requesY upon finding that the rleclaration roflects the independent judgement of the lead agency and that it has coRSidered tt.a prQViously approved Negative Declaration together with any comments received durin~ the public revfe~v process and further find(n~ on the basis of the inKial study and any comments received that there is no substantlal evidence ___ that the'proJect r.vi!! have a signfficant effect on the environmerat. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that ihe Planning Commission does hereby amend Condition Nos. 4, 6.g. ~and 6.i of Resolution No. PC93-118, as amended by Resoluticn No. P~94-162 ana adopted in connectiun with Conditional Use Permit No. 3642, as foliows 4. That subject c~ndftional use permft is hereby granted for a period of one (1) year to expfre on Novemher 1, 1996. 6.g. That at any time on-premises entertainment and/or dancing is taking place, the petitioner shall provide a mar.(mum of two (2)' State licensecl, unfformed security guards exclusively in the parking lot, which guards shall ma(ntain order and prevent any actNity which would intarfere wfth the quiet enjoyment of nearby residential properties by their owners, and to prevent any uniawFul or immoral conduct in 4he parking lot area. The exact number of ~ licensed security gaards shall be determ(ned by the Anaheim Police Department. 6.L That the parking lot of the premises shall be e~uippod and permanently mafnta!neci with maximum illumfnation capabilfties wfthin the ex(sting iight standards to make easily . d(scemible the appearance and conduct of any persons (n or about the parking lot area and to the satisfaction of the Rn~heim Police Department. Sueh lighting shall be directed so as not to interfere, illuminate ~r pose a nuisance to any adjacent or adjo(ning residential properties. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTlON was adopted at Plan ~ommission meeting of Januar} 22, 1996. ~~ -~ CHAIRMAN PRO T PORE ANAHEIM CITY P NING COMMISSlON ATTEST: f~~Q.nQan.l~ ~D~o I u~ SECRETARY, ' NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMIVIISSION ST~TE OF CALIEORN~A ) COUNTY OF OFtANGE: ) ss. - CITY OF ANAHEIM )' ` ' " . I, Nlargarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certHy that the. forego(ng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission held on January 22, 1996, by the following vote of the members thereof: • AYES: CQMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENf~INGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWI~K ~YER . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herevnto set my hand this ~± day of 1996. , `~~~ s~~ SECRETARY, AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSlON -2- ?C9fi-8