Resolution-PC 97-106~ • RFeni imON NO. PC97-106 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y PUWIv1NG CoFe~~!SSION THAT PETITION FOR RECf.ASSIFICATION N0. 97-98-Ot BE GF.4::~cD, .'~iCANDITIONALLY WHEREAS, the Aru~heim City Pianning Commission dfd recaive a verified petftion for Reclassificatlon for real property sit~ated in the Ciry of Anaheim, Counry of Orange, State of Calffomfa, described as foilows: AREA 1: LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 3 OF THE OL1VE S'iREET TRAGT, AS SHOWN Otd A MAP FlLEO IN 800K 5, PAGE 3 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, Gti.1FORNIA. AREA 2: LOT 6 AND THE F~ISTERLY 3.26 FEET (:~ LO7 5 OF THE MCCARTER SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 6, PAGE 7 OF MISCELIANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS aF ORANGE COUNTY, CALJFORNIA. AREA : LOTS 7 TO 10 OF THE MCCARTER SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN O~I A MAP FlLED iN BOOK 6, PAGE 7 OF MISCELLANEOUS b1APS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY CAUFORNIA; LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOTS 10, 11 AND 121N BLOCK D AND LOTS 10, 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK E OF HEIMANN lJSD 80RRENSEN'S ADDITIOl~AL BUILDING LOTS, ALL AS SHOWN ON A MAP FlLED IN BOOK 3, PAGE 144 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES, CALJFORNIA; A PORTION OF LOTS 5, 6 AND 7 OF THE EYMANN SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 19 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CfWFORNlA WHEREAS, the Ciry Ptanning Commission did hold a public heartn~ et the Civ~ Center in the Gry of Anaheim o~ August 4,1997 at 1:30 p.m., notice of s~id public hearing having been duly gNen as requ(red by law and in accordance wfth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipa{ Code, ~hapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst said proposed reciassiflcation aru! to ire~estigate and make ftndings and recommendations in connec:lon therewith; and WHEREAS, uaid Commission, after due inspectlon, Investigatlon and study made by ftself and in fta behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports oHered at said heartng, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petftloner proposas reclassffication of subJect property from the RS-5000 and RM-2400 Zones to the RM~3000 Zone. 2. That the Anaheim Ge~eral Plan designates subJect property ior Low-Nled~um Density Residential lar-d uses. CR3008PLWP -1- PC97-106 ~ ~ 3. That the proposed reclass~ica:ion of subject properry is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development oi the community. does ro erl relate to the zones and their 4. That the proposed reclass~ication of subject p~ operty P P Y permitted uses locally establ(shed ~~ close proximity to subject property and to the zones and thair permftted uses generally established throughout the ~cornmunity; and 5. That one person spoke in favor of subject request at said public hearing; and that no correspondence was receNed in opPosftion to subJect petition ~,ALIFORNlA Eh`"°^N""`^iTai c]UALITY ACT FINDING: Thatthe Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposai to recJassify subject property f~om the RS-5000 (Residential, Single-Family) and RM- 2400 (Res(dentlal, hlultiple-FamAy) Zones to the RM-3000 (Residential, MuNiple-Farriily) Z~ne, for properties ~ocated (1) at the northeast comar of Cy~ress Street and 011ve Street wfth frontages of 66 feet on the east slde of OINe Street and 842 feet on the north side of Cypress Street, and (2} a[ ihe northeast comer of Pauline Street and Adele Street wfth frontages of 171 feet on the east side of Pauline Street and 74 f~et on the north side of Adele Street, s~ ~(9) at the southeast comer of Pauline Street 2nd Adele Street wfth frontages of 265 feet on the east side of Pauline Street and 55 feet on the south side of Adele Street, and (4) at the southwest comer of Adele 5traet and Sabina Street with ftontages of 43 feet on Adels Street and 134 feet on Sabina Street. (424, 605 and 605-1/2 East Adele Street; 300 North OINe Street; 300, 301, 306, 306-1/2, 308 309, 310, 311, 312, 312-1/2, 315 and 317 Norih Sabir-a Street; 300, 305, 307, 312, 318, 322, andove the~NegatNenDeclaration upon flnding 4hat the 517, 521 and 527 East GyPress Street); and does hereby app declaration reflects the tndepender-t Judgement of ihe lead agercy and that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with any comments receNed during the pub~ic review p~ocess and fuKher ftnding on the basis of the fnitiai study and any comments recetved that there is no substantial evidence tha4 the projeat will have a significar-t effect on the environment NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning CommU~sion does hereby 9pprove the subJect Petftion for Reclass~flcation, ~nconditionaliy, to authof om the RS 5000 (Res dential~ Si gle- of the Anaheim Municipal Coda to exclude the above-described property Family) and P.M-2400 (ResWential, W1ultlple-Family Zones and to incorporate said described properry into the RM- 3000 (Residential, Multiple-Family) Zone: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that approval cif this application constitutes approval of ths proposed request ociiy to the extent that it compUes with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and ar ~ other applicable City, of thee q est~r garciing any ot~ applicable ordinancea regulation~o p q~iemens :o compliance or approval BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall not constftuce a rezoning af, or a Cou c,il~Which shalCbe t$ legislativeeact whichr ma be n pprovedZOr ~denied IbyQ he C'ity Cou cD at tits s e discretion. 2_ PC97-106 ~ ~ 1'HE FORE301NG RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plannin~ Commission meeting of August 4, 1997 _ r'~~.~.~- CHAIRPERSON, lWAHEIM CITY PLANNING CCMMISSION ATiEST: ~ ~ ~~~- SECRETARY, NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ST~47E OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OFiAP~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEiM ) I, Margarita Solori~, Secretary of the Maheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certiiy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission held on August 4, 1997, by the rollowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BGSTWICK BOYDS7UN, BRISTOL, HEN(VINGER, MAYER, NAPOLES, PERAZA R~OES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hsnd thts ~ day of _'W~''T_' IJ~II ; 1997. ~-~ l. ~ SECRET Y, , NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM115SION ~ -3- PC7•106