Resolution-PC 97-107~ ~ RESOLUTION NO PC97-107 A RESOLUTION OF TNE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3955 BE GRANTED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisston did receive a verffled Petition for Cond(tional Use Permft for certain real property sftuated in the Ciry of Anahe(m, County of Orange, State of Califomia, described as: AREA 1: LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 3 OF fHE OLIVE STREET TRACT, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 5, PAGE 3 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF OREWGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA REA 2: LOT 6 AND THE EASTERLY 3.28 FEE7 OF LOT 5 OF THE MCCARTER SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN 4N A MAP FILED IN BOOK 6, PAGE 7 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. AREA~: LOTS 7 TO 10 OF THE MCCARTER Sl;BDIVISIUN AS SHOWN ON A b1AP PILED 1N BOOK 6, PAGE 7 OF MISC[LLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY CALJFORNIA; LOT 1 AND A PORTION OF LOTS 10, 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK D AND LOTS 10, 11 AN~ 12 IN BLOCK E OF HEINIANN AND SORRENSEN'S ADOITIONAL BUILDING LOTS, AU_ AS SHOWN ON A MAP FIL.~D IN BOOK 3, PAGE 144 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Or LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA; A PflRTION OF LOTS 5, 6 AND 7 OF THE EYMANN SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 7, PAGE 19 QF NfISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUMY, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission dki hold a pubfic inearing at the CNic Center in the Ciry of Anaheim on August 4, 1997 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearin~ having been duly gNen as required by lav~ and in accordance with the prov(sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evldence for and against said proposi;d conditior~al use permR and to investigate and make flndings and rocommendations in connection therewfth; and WHERE~S, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatiorv and study made by ftself and in its behalf, and after due considefation of all evidence and reports offered at sa:d hear~ng, does Hnd and determine the following facts: CR3009PLWP -1- PC97-107 ~~ ~~ PAR EL A: t. That the proposed use ts Fropedy o~e foc whic•h a conditional use permit is authorized by Anahetm Municipai Code SecUQn to tonsti:~ct a 2-lot, 6-unit RM-2400 attached "affordabl$, airspace' condominiurn subdivision wicti waivers of the follo~ving: ~,(i) G~~^tions 1t332.062.012 - Maximum stn.~cti;.a~ nelaht. and 18 32 062.013 (1 stON permitt6d within 150 feet of single family zoning and building heigM n~t to exceed one-half the setback ftom the singie famlly zoning; 2 stories proposed and 24-foot high building proposed 11 feet ftom RS-5,000 zoning) A(2) ~R~;tion$ - Mirfmum stnicttaral and !a^~~^'^°~ ~Qrt,ar.~c adiacent_t4 ~ngie famitv developments• A(3) Sections 18.32.066._~14 - Minimum number of oarkina saaces. (1~ required; .1~, proposed) ~,r,d 18.06.080 A(4) ~ection 18.~?_.080.010 - Macimum site cover~~e. Mfnim~m rpaufred rer~~arion-lelsure areas. A(5) Section 1 fi.32.Q80.020 - `Fn ~~, k. oer dwellina unit, includln;~ ~~~bi~ recreational iliti requ(red; ~'°'•^ °A~ ~^ ~'- ^gr dwellina unft and S ~,ssb_lg recreational fac(Iftig,~ proposed) PAR FL B: 2. Petftioner requests approval of a condfticnal uso permh under author3ty of ~ad6 Section to cor~struct a 43-Iot, 41-un?t RM~3000 detached `aHordable' one-+amily dweNing subdivtsion witla waNers of the following: _ B{~) Section i8'"~1•U61.012 - Minimum build(na site area. (~•000 sa•it• Pequired for detached one-famny dwellfngs; 2.615 to 2.99Q sa.ft. propose:S) ~3(~t ~t on~.18.31.06z.Qj 2 - M~ Y~mnm gtfUCt~l'81 h@Iaht. na d fi8,$~ 04?2 1 1 t pennitted wfthin 150 feet of a single-fam(ly residentlal zoning and b~llding height not to exceed one-half the setback from the single famUy zoning; 2 stories proposed and 22X-foot high detached condominlums proposed 2Y4 to 20 feet from RS-5,000 z~ning) B(3) $ertion - ~,Ainimum structural setback ~~acent to a lo street. - 1 f t fully landscaped required; 6 to 13 f~ proposed an Cypress Street, Adele Street, Sabina Street and Pauline Street) _2_ PC97-107 ~ Fs{4) Section 18 31.063.021 - VLIlnirnum ~trurturao setback for buitdina walis wfth froM errtrancas• 14 f t requtred; 6 to 11 feet proposed along prNato stre~t} B(5) Section 18.31.063•024 - M9nimum ~~4~~~ ~~tback adjacent to sinsal milv y~velonr~gn_t,~. ( p f~et with trees planted on maximum 2p-foot centers requtred; ~ to 1634 feet with trees planted on 1~} to 40-foot S~t~ ProPosed) g(6) ,~~ons 1~.31.d~031 - inim ir r tl ~ (1.A00 sa.it. recreatfon-leisur~ area per unft requlred when private yard areas are proposed; 7~7X to 2 894.5 sq.ft. preposedl Bm c~,.ri,,,, ~aat,o6~.G11 - FAlnimum distance bQtween butldina walis. (17 feet required; 14.t9~.~ Proposod) B(S) ,~~t(on 18 31.D66.052 - Min(mu°n off ~treet vehlde access rea~!(rements. ~~ehicles baclcing onto pubtic streets ftom park~ng areas proh~bfted; backing from garages and drive•~nrays onto Gypress Street, Sabina Street and Paullne Street proposed) 3, That the proposed uses are properly ones for which a corxlftional use permit is authorized by tha Zoning Code; 4. That t~he proposed uses will not adversely affect tha adjoining land uses and the growth antl development of the area in which ft is proposed to be located be~u~e !! will provide ownership hausir~g tn an area assembled by the Redevelopmeni Agency to provide replacerr+ent housing for the mixed density housing which existed on the project site for several decades; 5. That the size and shape of the sftes for the proposed uses are adequate to allow the h~tf development of the proposed uses in a manner not detrimental to the partioular area nor to the peace, health, safety and general weffare; g, That the 4~~ffic generated by the proposed uses w~l not impose an uruiue burden upon the streets and ~ighways designed and improved to carry the crafflc In the area; 7. That the granting of the conditionat use permft, under the condftions (mposed, will not ba detrimental to the peace, health, safery and general welfare of the citizens of the Ciry of Anahe~r'n, 6, That wafver A(1), maximum structural height, is hereby approved on the b~sis ti~at there are specia! ci~cumstances appltcable to the property conststing of its locatton and surroundings, which do ~ot app~y to other iderrtically zoned properties in ihe vicinity anc! that strict applicatlon of the Zonirr~ Code dsp~ives the property of prNpe9es enjoyed by other properties under identfcal zoning dassffication in the v~iniry because the majo-ity of the adjaceM and nearby single-tamqy zoned properties are developed with uses other than single-famGy reslderitial and that the pro~osed 24foot high structures are simUar to the heigMs of thase surrounding residentlal structures; g. That waNers A(2), minimum structural and landscaped setback adjacerrt to single family developments, and A(4), maximum sfte coverage, are hereby denied on the basis that they were deleted following public notiflcation; ~. PC97-107 r~' ~ 10. That wafver A(3), minimum number of partcing spaces, is here'~y aAproved on the basis of 3 addftiona! parking spaaes cn Private Street 'A' being counte~ towarc( the requirerJ pa~{cing; that these add~ional space~ will be wRhin the boundaries of the tract map and the future homeownars assaciation will own the underlying land; and that the CC&R's for the project wllE incltxle covenants wh(ch require the homeowners' assaciatfon to maintain the streat, curbs, sidewalks, parkway landscaping, parking, signage, etc., s~dJacent to the project on Pauline Street and, therefore, thiese parking spaces will be an integral part oi thr~ stte; 11. That the parking waNer A(3), u~der the condftions imposed, will not cause fewer off-street parking spaces to be provlded far such use than the number of such spaces necessary to accommodate all vehicles attributable tn such use under the normal a-*d reasonably foreseeable condftions of operation of such use; 12. That the parking waiver; under the cond'Rions imposed, will not increase the derrurid and competttion for parking spaces upon the public streets in the Immediato viciniry af the proposed use; 13. That the parking wafver, under the condicions imposed, will not increase the demand and compethion for parking spaces upon adjacent prNate property in the Immedfate vicinity cf the proposed use (wfiich property is not expressly provided as parking for such usa under an ~greement in complfance wfth Section if3.06.010.020 of this Code); 14. That the parkSng wa:ver, under the conditlons imposed, will not Increase traffic congest(on whhin the off-street parking areas or lots provided for such use; 15. That the parking waiver, under the condY•ions imposed, wU~ not Impede vehicular ingress to or egress from adJacent properties upon the publ(c streets in the immediate vtciniry of the propos~d us~e; 16. That waiver A(5), minlmum recreationai-lefsure area, ts hereby approved on the basis that salcf requirement can be compited with by inciuding areas located In the front setbacks which will be fenced or hedged far use by individual condominium owners as prNate space; that there are specfal circumstances applicable to the properry such as location and surroundings, which do not apply to other identicaliy zoned properties in the viciniry; and that strlct, appli~ation of the Zoning Code deprhies the property of ~rivileges enjoyed by other properties under identica~ zoning classfficatlon in the vicfntty because this waiver has previously been granted for other similar projects in the Ctry; 17. That waiver B(1), minim,um build(ng site area, is hereby approved on the basis that an avarage of 3,187 sc~.ft of larx! area per unft is provided which exceeds the Code requirement; and that the proJect consists nf assembled parcels creating a hardship upan the development af the property; 18. That waivers B(2), maximum structural height, and B(5), minimum sVUCtural setback adJacent to sir~gla family deve,topments, are hereby approved on the basis that the properties adJecent to Parcel B, although zoned RM-5000 (single family residential), are actually deve~oped as multiple family dwellin~s as a result of the Cfty down zoning the entfre area f~s 1991 in order to discourage any new multiple family apartments and to encourage qualiry single family developments In the area; ~ PC97-107 ~ ~~ 19. That waivers B(3), min(mum structural setback adJaceM to a local street, B(4)~ mfn(murn siiuctural setback for buAding walls with firont entrances, B(~, rr-in(mum distances betwaen br~f~ding w'alls, and B(8), minirnum off-street vehlde access requirements, are hereby approved on the basis RMat the stngle family detacheci design of the unfts is not at~uays compatible wfth traditional Code requirem~snts rr~htch assume an attached design; that although attached unit design provides greater land area~ for setba~cfcs anc! commc-n recreational-leisure areas, ft does not provide the amenfties this detached project does ~including large p~vate yards, setbacks be'tween units, greater privacy within an owned un~, and private t,,ra-ca~ garlges wfth nnro-car private drtvaways comparabfe to single famUy homes wfthir~ the R'S zoning categories); 20. That wraiver B(6), minimum required recreaUon-Ielsure aroas, (s hereby approved on the basis that the overall average prNate yards in the proposa! meets Code requiremerits and Yha[ Yhe pr'wate frord yarcls increase the recreatfon-lelsura area although they are not counted toward Code rec~Ufrpzne~nts~ 21, TFrat there are special circumstances applicablo to both Parcel A and Pancel B crrns(sting of location and surroundings, which d~ not apply ta other kientically zoned properttes in the rr1cinfty; 22, That strict applicat3o~ of the Zoning Code deprhres both parcel ~A arid P.arcel Q of p~rileges Anjoyed by other proparttes under identical zaning ciassfficafion In tha viciniry; $nd 23. Thai o~ne pe~son spoke in ir~vor of subject request at said public hearing; and that no ~one spoka in oppcsRlon and no correspondence was recefved in opposftion to the subJect pst~lon. ~AUFOPihIA ENVIFiONMEN'fAL QUAI ITY ACT FlNDtNG: That the Mahefm City Plarning Commission has reviewed the proposal to construct a 2-lot, 6-ureR RM-2400 attached 'affo~cisbie, airspe.ce' condominium subdNtsion wfth walvers of maximum strt~ctural helght, minlmum structurai and landscaped setb,ack adJaaont to single fampy developments, minimum number of parking spaces, ma~mum site caverage and min(mum requtred recreation-letsuro areas of Parcei A; and to conswct a 43-lat, 41-unit RM~000 detached 'affordable' or~e-famGy dwelling subdNtslon wi~h waNers of minimum buGding site ~rea, maximum structural height, m3nimum structural setback adJacent to a focal street, minimum structr~ral setback for buflding walis, minlmum structural setback adJaceni to singla famUy developments, minimum requfred ~ecreation-leisure aroas, minimum distance between buiidfng walls and minimum off-streot vehicle access requirements on Parcel B; arsd that Parcel A and Parc~l B consist of a 4.6 acre irregularty-shaped property identifted as the "Cypress Irrfi~l' proJect araa; and does hereby approve 'the NegaWe Dedaration upon flnding that the dedaraUon reflects the independerot Judgement of the I+aa~d agency and that it has consGdered the Negative Dedaration together wfth any c;ommems receNotf during the publtc review procgss and further flnding on the basis of the Initiai stutly and r: ny ~om~nents recetvod Ynat tTreKe is no substantial evidence that the proJect will have a signiflcant effect on the ernirortment NOW, TNEREFOFiE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anah~im Ctt~r Planning Connmisstan does hereby grant subJect Petftion for CandRlonal Use Permtt, up~s~ the foli~wing condftions vrhich are hereby found to be a ne~essary prerequ[she to the proposed use of the subject property ~n order to preserve the safery and general welfare of the Cftizens Gf the Ctty of Anaheim: 1. That this condftional use permft is granted subJect to adoptlon of a zoning ord(nance in connection with RedassHication No. 97-98-01 {Parcel B), now panding. 2. That prior to approval ot a precise grading plan, ai~ conduminium unfts shall be assigned a street adciress by the Eluilding Dfvision. 3. Ti^at a prP,cise grading plan shall be submittad to the Put,lic Works Departmerrt, Developmert S~arvices'~Nision, for approval by the Ciry Engineer. ~- PC97-107 ~/$', , ~ ~~11~n ,}, '~~x ~primT qo grad,[ng plan appravai, 2Me dsveloPer shail recnrd a Saae Harmiess Agreement in a form approaed by the C~ty Attomey ~o a~cept p~ebtic drainage. 5, 'f~na~ prior to grading plan appsauai, 'Che de~eioper shall submft evldsnca ~o the Pubiic Works Uepartmsnt, Develvpment Services nNision, that clear tiUe has been obtained for all properties in~t~ded on th~a tencative tract rnap- 6. ThaY trash storage areas sha~t be provlded and maint~4ned in locattons acceptable to the Pubiic Works Departmerd, Streets ar+d San~t7on Dfi~ision, acxl 'In accordance wfth approved plans an flle with sa&i D~par~mer~t. S~~ct~ infarmatfon s1~a11 be specifica9y shown on ihe plans submitted fo~ building pertnRs• 7 o~t~ Public Wflrks Departme~t, Streets a+xf San'itation D(vis on for~ov(ew and ap,orc~ submhied g bepartmer~an+d9n accordancs with speciflcation~s on Hie wikhl sr31d d~~pau~~n y~e PubBc Wocks g. That the purc:~aser of each residentlal dwe~lin9 unlt shall be provided with v~itten ~nformation conceming Anahe~-w Municipal Code Section 14.32.500 pertaining to 'parlcfng restricted to tacilitate street sweeping' Such wr4tten fnformation shalf clearly indicate w~hen on-streei parkin9 ts pzohibfted arxi the penalty for violation. t0. That an on-sfte trash truck tum-around area shall be provided and mr~~ntai~ned to the sztfsfaction of the Publlc Works Department, Streets and Sanftation Division, in accordance with submftted and approved ~tans. Said tum-around area shatl be speciflcaAy shown on plans submitted for buUcJing peRnfts. Addftionaliy, a detailed plan for trash barrel collectionr~ ~' ~`~9~t~~1 ~an shalil be sunmltted to the Streets and Sanitatior~ DNisi~n for review and app induded in the development agreament (CC & R's) ~ 1. That maintenance of the dead end portlon bf the west end of th~ alley shaii be the responsibUity of the homeowners assoclation becsuse Ctty sweepe~rs ~cannot access th(s areE; and that said responsibll'~r shall be included In the Condftlons, Covenants and Restrictions (CC & R's). 12. That the owner of th(s property shatl submtt a tetter requesting terminati~n of Condftional Use Permft No. 3906 (to permit a 51 unR, 2 story aHordable condominfurr~ com~leu wfth waiver of maxlmum structural height, minimum structura! setback, minlm~~m ~istance between bupdings, minimum number of required parkin9 sP~~es and minrmum recreatfon-lolsura area) ~o the funing Divlslon. 13. That alt exlsting drNe~vaYs shall be rer~~oved ar-d re~lac~d v+fth s;tar~ard curb, 9utter, skiewalk and Iandscaping. 14. T~vate streetst~ pravided,~howe er~that s~id iewalks may tr9 ~ nstructed oMy on~the Lauth skie of h P street 15. That plans shall be submitted to the Ciry Traffic and TransporcaUon M;~~ager for review a~d aPP~~ showing co~ormance with the tatest revisians af En~(~aer!n~ ~ta~-dard 0!~8 N~~ The~eupon be pertaining to parking standards and drt•~aw~y lacatEons. Su6j~+ct P P RY developed and maintained in confomtiance ~~Ith sak3 ~lans, ~- PC97-107 ~ ~ 16. That prfor to is~uance of a bui(ding peRnft or within a period of ntnety (9t]) days from ths date of ihis resolution, the developer shall pay a trafflc and transportaUan imRrovemeM fee ta the Cfty of Ar~aheim, T.rafflc Engineering ~h-ision, tn the amount established by the Clty Councp resducton. This fee wUl be used to fund Vafftc and transportation improvemerds wicl'-in the area impacted by this pro~ect. Said tee stial~ be subject to adJustmerrt by the ~Ciry CouncA. 17. That rdi-up gara9e doors shall be shown on pians submitted for buUding perrnits. Said dooss ~~ be Installed and mafnta-ned as shown on approved plans. 18. That pians sfiall be submitted to the City Traffic and TranspartaNon Manager for review and apProval showing car~formance with E~ginee~ing Standard No. 137 perta(ning to sight distance visibiliry far fences, walis, iandscaping and sign locatlons. 19. That dothes washer and dryer hookups shall be incorporated Into each dwelling unft and sh~ll be shown on the plans submitted for bupding permics. 20. That an unsubordinat~t! covenar~t shall be recorded wtth the Offlce of the Orange County RecorcSer agreeina to provf~e the buyer of each dwetling unft wtth w~itten I~ormaUon obtained nom the school dEstricts perta~nin~ to possibla overcrcwded condftions arxl busing status oi the schc~ois serving the dwelling unit A copy oF the covenant shali be submitted to and approved by the Ctry Atiomey prior to recorciatlon. A copy •~f t3~~e recorded covenant shal~ be submitted to the Zoning Oivisfon. 21. That an AHordaW~ Housing A~reement shail be recorded wfth the Office ot the OranQe Counry Rec~order that a minimum of twenry five percent (25%) of ihe units shall be affordable to lower Income persons and fampies a~ the remaining seventy Me (7596) of the unfts shall be aifordable to rnoderate income persons and famairs. ~. for ~evie and PP ~~ g~Y decisionr mado byrthe Zoni QID Islo~rtr garding sad~plan nayibe appealed to the Planning Commission. 23. That minimum fifteen (15j gallon sized trees (or larger, as shown on the preliminary landscape plansS, wfth appropriate irrigatlon facilhies, shall be planted and maintained as shown on ap~rovecl exhibtts and as may be further conditioned herein. My tree planted on•sfte shail be replaced in a timeiy manner in the everst that ft is removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead. 24. That minim~m flve {5) gallon slzed dinging vines shall be planted on maximum fNe (5) foot centers and maic~talned along and on all sdid fenae surfaces. 25. That three (3) to four (4) foot high wrounht Iron fencing shall be Instal~ed along the pertmeter of the apen recreational-leisure lot at the northeast comer of CYpress Screet and Prtvat~ Street A Said 'Fe~cing shall be submftted to the Planning Departme~: ~or review and approve~ prior to issuar~ce o# a buUding permft. 26. That gates sha~l ~I he installed across any drNeway or p~ivate st~egt in a manner which may adversely gffect vehicular uaffic In the adJacent public streets. Installation ofi any gates st~ll cortform to Enginee~ing Sta ~a O~P~a~9o P~o io ~~~nce of a buAd ng pe ~~~ppf ~~ by ~e Ctty 7raiflc and Tran„po 27, That al~ garages shall bo constructed wich minimum interior dimensions of twenh/ (2QI feet by twenty (20) fee:, whlch shall be speciflcal~Y shown on pians submitted ¢or bupding permfcs• 28 That plans sh~~ving hav~ the vehlcWar security gates and vehide tu~n-around area w01 function shall be submftted to the City Trafflc and Transportxtlon Manager for revtew and aPP~oval• -7- PC97-107 ~~ ~ 29. That subject properry sFia~l be devetoped :S~~antlally In ~ccordance wfth pians and speclflcations submitted to the ~th~ ~f Anahetm by the ~~etRiarv.~r and whfch ~lans are on file wfth the P~anni~g Department marked EEchlbft t•Jos. 7 through` ~; and as corxlhioned herein. 30. That piior to i~s>~aa~ce of a bufiding permft or within a period of one (1) year ftom the date of this resolution, wFi.+»haJar occurs ftrst, CondtUon Nos. 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27 ancf 2g, aber~s-mentianed, shall be compl{ed with. Fxtenslons for further Ume to compiete sald condltiorrR t~iay uo granted in acco~dance witf~ Sectlon 18.03.090 of the Anahefm Mun~ipal Code. 31. Tt~t p~lor co ~inal bunding and zaning insp~ctions, Cond~lon Nos. S, 13, 14, 19, 23, 24, 29. 33. 35 arxi 36, a~c~?n-mers'tioned, shall be complied ~ith. 32. TF;~ pitar to grading plan approval, Condft(on Nos. 2, 4 and 5, above-menttoned, shall be compl~ed u~th. 33, Ths* skiewalks shall be rsconstructs~ along O!tve Stree~ 34. That all river rack or stone shall be real rather than simulated ma4erials. ~5. That the homeowners' assoctation shall be responstble for matrrtalning the trees adjacerrt to the RS- 5,006 zone boundaries and the landscaping between the p~blfc riyhts-of-way and the scructures; and ' that said responsibillty shall be Included In the Condftions. Covenaiits and Restrictfons {CG & R's). 36. That the parktng and access between Parcels A and B shail be shared and maintained by eil:ier a singte assoclation or other mechanism, acceptable to the Ciry, which ~rAI keep them together, as preseMed to the Planning Commission at t~he August 4, 1997 public hearing. 37. That ap~roval of this appEicatlon constitutes approval of the propased request only to the excont that ft complles wfth the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable Ctcy, State and Federa~ regulations. Approwal does not indude any actiun or ftndings as to compliance or approval of the request regard(ng any ntt7er applicable ordinance, reguiation or requirement BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commtssion does hereby flnd and determine that adeption of this Resolutton Is expressly predlcated upon appl(cant's compliance wfth each and al~ of the cond~tons hereinsbove set #orth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared Irnrai(d or unenforceable by the tinal judgment of any court of competent jur(sdiction, then this ResolWon, and any approvals herefn conisined, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeUng of August 4, 1997. / ) LtiC~~ "'c- . CHAIRPERSON ANAHEIM CI71f PLANNING CAMMISSION ATTEST: „ /IT a ~.~,~~ SECRE?ARY, AHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION ~ PC97-107 s ~ ~~ STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) CAUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. - CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Sdor(o, 3ecretary of the lL~helm Cl~,~ PlaRning Commission, do hereby ~ertify that the fnregoing resdtrtion w~s pas.sad and adopted at a r.~-ast.lrsu of the Anahefm City Plannfng Commisston held on Augusc a, 1997, by the fc~lowing voxe of the members tl?einof: AYES: COMMISSlONERS: BOSTWICK BOYDSTUN, B~i1STOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, NAPflLE~, PEFlA~~4 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ~70NE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~ day of _~~~~'; 1997. ~ ~ /~'lan~~/'.~A ~ ~..~~ - SECRETARY, EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ - PC97-107