Resolution-PC 97-20~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. P(;97-20 A RESOIUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSICN THAT PETITION FOR CONDiTtONAL USE PERNIIY NO. 3908 BE DEN{ED ~IYHEREAS, the Anaheim Cfty Plannfng Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit for cert,ain reai properry situated in the City of Maheim, County of Orange, State of Califomia, described as: PARCELS 5,6 AND 7 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 84-230, AS SHOWN ON A MAP F1l.ED IN BOOK 196, PAG~S 33, 34 AND 35 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY iiECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALII'ORNIA. PARCEL 4, AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT PLAT NO. 138 RECORDED AUGUST 7, 1985 AS INSTRUMENT N0. 85-292477 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALJFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissfon did hdd a public hearing at the Civic Genter in the City of Anaheim on February 3, 1997 at 1:30 p.m., notice of saki public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions o~ the Anaheim Municipal r~ode, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed condftional use permft and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewfth; and that said public hearing was continued to the February 19 and march 3, 1997 Planning Comm(ssion meeting; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectlon, investigation and study made by ftself and in (t_ behalf, and aftbr due consideration of all evidence arx~ reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the propcsed use is properly one for which a condftional use permft is authorized ~y Anaheim Municipal Code Section to construct a 122-unft, three-story, 42-foot high motel with waivers of the following: (a) Section~ 18.0, .5 091 •p11 - PeRnitted freestandina sian. One ^~~~~'^'°^~ ~~^n constructed as a oart of a ,~nd 18.84•062.040 ~ In h hl h tN~ wall permitted in the Scenic Corridor Zone Overlay; one ~.ouble-faced monument sian proposed) (b) Sections 18 05.091.020 - Permitted wall sia~. ~nd 18 84 062.040 (pn~ perrnitted for each use per front entrance in the Scenic Corrldor Zone Overtay; tt~r proposed) ^p~t~~+~S Minimum number of r~arkfna_s~aS~. (c) ~ - '1~ required; .(,~4_ ~roposed) and ~d) Sar.tion - Minimum structural ~Qrhark a~lacent to freewavs - ~,r~ scenlc hiahwavs. 1 f t required along SR 91 /RNerside Freeway and Santa Ana Canyon Road; 46 to 76 fggt proposed~ That the proposed use ls hereby dented. CR2833DM '~" p~~ 20 ~ `~ 3. That, althougti the proposed use is prope~iy one for which a condftional use pe~mit is authorized by the Zoning Code in the CL(SC) Zone, the proposed method of op~ration and the ;~ck of guest am~nities and transient activities are not compatiblc: with the existing nearby s(ngle-fan ./ residential neighboriioc,ds as evidenced by c~e tesiimony of area residerrts during the public I~earing; and that, although the petitioner stated operation of the motel would comply with the Anahefim Municipal Code pertaining to length of guest stay, the petftioner also stated that the business profo~ma dictates the type of maid service and c'ther guost amenfties to be provided, which wouid not comply wrih tha condftfans of approval recommended by the Pdice Department; 4. That the proposed use wiil ad~~erse!y affect the adJoining lar.d uses and the growth and development of the area in whfch it is proposed to be located because the proposed development is excassively dense for the size of the property and it would cause visual intrusion; 5. That the size and shape of the site for the proposed use is not adequate to allow the full development cf the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular a~ea nor to the peace, health, safety ard general welfare because the properry is not large en~,~gh for the proposed motel and its required parking; and since the site cannot prov~le the Code-required number of park(ng spaces, overfl~w parking would adver; a1y affoct the commercial office prope-ties to the west; 6. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will impose an undue burden upur, the streets and highways designed and irnproved to carry the traffic in the area; 7. 7hat granting of the condftional use (sermft wouid be detrimenial to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Ciry af Anaheim; 8. That waiver (a), permitted freestanding signs, is hereby approved, i~i part, to permit a maximum 20 sq.ft., g-foot hiyh monument siyn displaying only the motel name and/or logo, and that such sign would be in keeping with the intent of the Zoning Code for signs in the CL(SC) Zone which allows the pe street f onltage and that subject sign would iden~ify te ientran eito the~m~otel•~~~~a-type screen wail g, That waiver (b), permitted wall signs, is hereby approved, in part, to permft on!y two such signs (one on the south and one on the north el~,wation) unless the petitfoner can demonstrate visibility of the proposed third slgn on'~he east elevation to the westbound lanes of the Riverside Freeway to the north, and that approval is based on previous wall sign waNers having been granted to other similar moteis, and that thz subJect property has an (rregular shape and topographY~ 10 That waiver (e), parking, !s hereby denied on tt~e basis that approval would: (i) cause fewer off-street parking spaces to be provided for such use than the number of such spaces necessary to accommodate all vehicles attributable to such use under the normal and reasonably foreseeable condftions of opE~ration of such use, (ii) increase the demand and coinpetitfon for parking spaces uron the public streets in the (mmediate vicinity of the proposed use and~ funher, that no public park~n9 Is Fermitted on Riverview Drive or Santa Ana Canyon Road and, Cherefore, competition for parking would occur on the public streets wfthin the nearby residential neighborhood, (iii) increase the demand and competition for parlcing spaces uPo ~a~dJaWOUId create competit on foe immediste viciniry of the prpposed use, and th~t ar~y overflow pa 9 parking with!n the office com~lex to the v!sst ~3caiise no parkin9 is permittPd on RNerview Drrve, (iv) increase traffic congestion within the off-stree+ parki~ig areas or lots provkied for such use, and (v) impede vehicular ingress to or egress firom adjac~nt properties tspon the public streets in the immediate viciniry of the prop~sed use; -2- PC97-20 ~ ~. 11. That wav:er (d), minimum structural setback, is hereby approved based an the irregular shape of tha property, that the required 100-foot setbacks from the freeway and Santa Ana ~anyon Road would othervvise severely restrict development of the property, and that the motel is des?oned to meet the C nyon Ro dsare compatible with oxisting b di gtsetbacks of~the nearby commer cial developmeMsAna 12. That although the reques4ed waivers (a), (b), (c) and (d) were approved, in part, subject propotsed mote ~nnowbe constructed and the waiversaas apphovledsca n~t be utelizeddin connectio wfth another davelopment; 13. That 5 peopie indicated their presence at said public hearing In opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposftion to the subject petition. CAUFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL~G UALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anahelm City Planning Commission has reviewod the proposal to permit a three story, 42-foot high, 122-unit hotel with waivers of (a) permitted freestand(ng slgn, (b) permitied wail signs, (c) minimum number of 9rking spac~es and ~(e1 minimum structural setback adjacent to freeways and scenic highways on an irra ularl -sha ed pa consisting of approximately ?..~-5 acres, located at the northeast corner of Santa Ana Canyon Road anci Rivenriew Drive, having approximate frontages of 950 feet on the north side ~f Santa Ana Canyon Road and 160 faet on the east side of Riverview DrNe, and further described as 720-130 North Rivervfew Drlve; and does hereby approve the NegatNe Der,laration upon flnding that the declaratior~ reflects the independent Judgement of the lead agency and that ft has considered the Negative Declaration together wfth any comments receNed during the public review process and further flnding on the basis of the initial study anc! any comments received that there_is no substantial evidence that tho proJect will have a signiFlcant effect on the environment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission does hereby deny Condftional Use Permit No. 3908 on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE FO~EGOING RESOLUTION was ado~,t t the Planning CommEsslon meeting of March 3, 1997• ATTEST 1~-- SECR ARY, NAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI i Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solo~lo, Secretary ofi ths Anaheirrf City Planning Commission, do hereby certify ~.ommission held on March 3, 997, by te fdlrnni g~voe oftthe members~ hereof: naheim C'ity Planning AYES: COMMISSfONEFS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSSUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE ' NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COP1iMISSIONERS: PERAZA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~~:ave hereunto set my hand this ~~~ day of ~. 1997. ct~f,C~ o.. ~ SECRET R, ANAHEIM CITY PtANNING COMMISSION ~_ PC97-20 ~~ CHAIRF'ERSON, ANAH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION