Resolution-PC 97-47!~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC97-47 A RFSOLUTION ~F THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PEYITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3927 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission did receive a verffied PetRion for Conditfonal Use Permit for certain reai property sftuated i~ the Ciry of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of CaUfomia, desc~ibed as: PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP N0. 81-230, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 168, PAGES 25, 26 AND 27 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALJFORNIA WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commiss!on dki hold a publtc hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April 28,1997 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and tn accardance wfth the provisions of the Anahefm Municipal Code, Chapier 18.03, to hear and consider evklence for arxl against said proposed conditional use permit and to irnestigate arx! make ftnd(ngs and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, frnestlgation and study made by ftself and in its behalf, arxi after due consideration of all evidence and reports offerec! at satd hearing, dces flnd and determine the fdlowing facts: 1. That the proposed use is prope~ly one for which a conditional use peRnit ts authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section to permft an automobile repair facility inside an existing 10,585 sq.ft. industrlal building and to construct a 1,.~i~0 sq.ft. meuanine storage area with the following waNer: Swr.tfnns 1a.o6.050.0212 - Minimum number af oarkina soaces. te.os.050.0222 (CCZ spaces required; ?~ spaces proposed and recommended 18.06.080 for approval by City Traffic and Transportation Manager) and 2. That subject properry is developed wfth an industrial building located in Development Area 2(Expanded lndustrfa! Area) of Specffic Plan No. 94-1 (the Northeast Area Spec;ffic Plan); 3. Tt~at tha parking waiver, under the condft(ons (mposed, wiil not cause fewer off-street parking spaces to be provided for such use than the number of such spaces necessary to accommodate all vehicles attributable to the conditlonal use under the normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions of operation of such use because the parking study approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager indicates on-sRo parking a~d circulat{on are adequate and the waNer will not to affect the surroundfng land uses; 4. Ti~at the +~vaNer, under the condftions imposed, will not increase the demand and competftion for parking spaces upon the public streets in the immediate vicinity of the proposerJ use; and that field studles pf the actual operation for the two busiest days of the week indicated that the parking demand can be accommadate~ on the proJect site and, in order to help mitigate any potential demand for parking spaces on tha public street, additfonal parking can be provkled (nside the buiiding; 5. That the waNer, under the conditlons imposed, will not increase the demarxi and competition for parking spaces upon adJacent private property in the Immediate vicinity of the proposed use (which property is not expressly provided as parking for such use under an agreement in compliance wRh Section i8.06.010.020 of this Code) because the orieMation of the pro~ect site, in combination with the on-site {;arking layout and supply, will serve to contain the proJect-related parking on-sfte; CR28&6PLWP -1- PC97-47 ~. ~ g, That the waker, under the conditlons imposed will not increase traiflc con9estion within the off-street parkfng areas or lots provkled for such use beca~se the proposecl developmeM provkies adequate traff(c operations and, therefore, increased on-site traffic congestion is not arn' :ipated; 7. That the waNer, under the conditfons imposed, wU~ not Impec' : vehiculat ingress to or egress ftom adJacent properties upen the public streets in the immedfate viclnity of the proposed use becausa access to the site is separated ftom access to adjacent propertie.~ and only s:~rves the project; g. That the propose~ u~a is properly one for which a condhional use perr-'tiit ~s authorized by the Zoning Code~ g, Tt-3t the proposev~ use will not adversely effect the ad)oining indu~tria~ ~and uses arxi the growth and development of th9 area in ~whfch it Is proposed ta be ~ocated~ a"d that the proposed auco repair faciltty ts compatible wfth the surrounding industrial uses; t0. That the size and sha~e of the she for the proposed use is adequate to allow the full developmeM of the proposed use in a munner not detrimental to the particular area nar to the peace, heatth, safety, and general welfare; 11. That the trafflc generatsd b; 1ne propossd use wili not impose an undue burden upon the streets arxl highways designed arxl imprc~v~d to ~rry the tratflc in the area; ~2. That the granting of the cordftianal use permic, under the condftlons imposed, wtl~ not be deMmental to the peace, health, safety and ~~neral welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim; arxi ~3, That one pei'son ind~cas~d n tothe subJect petftionafc hea~ing In opposftion; and that no corcespondence was received in oppo ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL n~ A~N A FINDIN : That the A~aheim Ciry Planning Commission has reviewed the pruposa~ to Pem'ift an automobilo repair faciliry inside an existing 10,585 sq.ft. industrial buildEng and to construct a 1,600 sq.ft. meuanine storagi~ar ~~` thenortheasti comer number of parkin9 spaces on a rectanguladyshaped U•84 acre properry of Lakeview Avenue and Eisenhower Circle wfth ftontages of 149 feet on ~fo e~e NegatNe Deda tion Eisenhower Cirde ('J48U North Lakeview Avenue); and does hereby app upon finding that the declaration reflects the i~sdependent judgement of the lead agency and that ft has considered the Negative De~laration together wfth any comments receNed during the pubUc review substantial evidence th~tn he project~will have si s gnifficant efie~t o the ernironmert ~ that there is no NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commission does hereby grant subJect Petition for CondKcional Use Permit, uPo~'•he f73aw~ng co~dRions which are hereby found to be a necessaiy prerequisfte to the proposed use of the subject property in orJer to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That the maximum number of employees shall be ton (10) persons; and that a minimum of twemY- seven (27) parking spaces (induding three (3) park~nc~ sPaces inside the buflding) shall be ma~ntalned on :his properry, as discussed in the approved parking study. lon sized, trees shall be provided within the landscape setback area in 2. Thai seven (7)~ fi(teen (15)-9a~ com~liance wich Ciry standards. Plans shall be submitted to the Pianning DepartmeM for approv show(ng said trees will be planted in a manner which screens the service bays from the public's view• 3, That the proposa~ shall comply with all signing requirements of Chapter 18.110 peRaintng to yrgiV6o S fl St Ob ined.SFreestanding s gnage shail belimited to thelexisting monumeln~t sign. Sign PC97•47 -2- ~ ~ 4. That no banners or other adverttsing shail be displayed wii~+fn the service bays facing the public rights-of-way. 5. That the owner of subJect property shall be responsible for the removal of any on-sRe graffitl within twenty four t24) hours of ks applfcation. 6. That no oucdoor storage of, display of, or work on vehides or vehtcular parts shall be permitted. 7. That the grarrting of the parking waNer Is corrtingerrt upon operatlon of the use in co~ortnance wlth the assumptions relating to the operatton and intensity of use as contalned in the parktng demand study that formed the basls for approval of said waiver. Exceeding, vidattnc~, intensffying or othervvise devi2ting ftom any of said assumptions, as contained in the parking demarxi study, shall be deemed a vidation of the expressed conditions imposed upon said waNer wh(ch shall subJect this condRional use permit to termination or modiflcatton pursuaM to the provislons of Sections 18.03.091 and 18.03.092 of the Anaheim Munfcipal Code. $. That a plan sheet for solid waste storage and collection and a plsn for recycltng shall be submitted to the PubUc Works Department, Streets and Sanitation Division, for review and approval. 9. That an on-sfte trash truck tum-around area shali be provkled and malntained to the satisfacdo~ of the Pubiic Works Departmerrt, Streets and Santtation Divisbn. Said tum-around area shall be speciflcally showrr on plans submttted for huAding permits. 10. That ~ans shall be submftted to the City TraHlc and Transportation Manager for revietiv and approval showtng contormance wfth the latest revtsions of Engineering Standa-d Plan Nos. 436 and 602 pertaining to parking stanciards and drfveway locations. SubJect properry shall thereupon be developed and maintained tn co~ormance with said plans. 11. That the developer shall submit a water quality management plan (WQMP) speciHcally tdentffying the best managemeM practices that will be used on sfte to coMrd predictable pollutants ftom storm water runoff. The W~MP shall be submitted to the Pubifc Works Engtneering Uepartment, Development Services Dlvislo~, for review and approval. 12. That a three (3) foot high reflective street address numbers shall be adhered to or pairrted on the building roof. The cdor of the numbers shall in contrast to the cdor of the roof. 13. That the business hours shall be Iimfted to 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday, as indicated in the letter of operation submitted by the petitioner. 14. That subJect properry shall be developed,su';,:: ,~lally in accordanca wilh pians and speciflptions submitted t~ the Ciry of Anah.ai~i, ~,y tha; ~t~'9n6~ and wh~h ~ians are on flle wRh the Planning DepartmeM marked Exhibft Nos. ...~nouyh 5,~,Qxc,ep! as othknnrise conditioned hs~ein. 15. That prior to cammencemeM of the ~ctivity au¢Fx:~rized by th(s resolution ~r prior to the issuance of a bullding permk, wh~hever occurs flrst, Cond~ior~ !dos. 2, 8, 9, 10 and ~i 5. abovo-merrtioned, shall he complied with. Extenslons for further Ume to compl9te said conditions may be granted fn accorda~ce vrith Section 48.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 16. That prbr to the commencement of the ar.tivity suthorized by thfs resolution or prlor to flnai building and zoning inspections, wh~hever occurs first, Condition Nos. 12 arxi 14, above-ment(oned, shall be complied with. 17. That approval of this $pplication constkutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other appl(cabie City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not fndude any action or flndings as to camptiance or approval of tho request regardfng any other applirable ordinance, regulation or requfremem. ~- PC97-47 ~ ~ 18. That all employees shall park on-sfte. 19. That no more than twenty four (24) vehides sha~~ be Parked on-site and outskle the building at any one time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Clty Plannfng Commission does he~eby ftnd and determine that adoptfon of this Resolution is expressiy predicated uPon aPp~~~M~s COmP~~nce with each and all of the condRions hereinabove set forth. Should s~ny such condkio~, or any part thereof, be dedared irna~id or une~orceabie by the Hnal Judgment of any couK of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein cordainad~ shatl be deemed nuli and vo{d. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of Aptil 28, 1997. CHAIRPERSON ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: SECRcTA , AN HEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAIJFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Marga~ita Sdorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certfiy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission held on April 28, 1537, by the fdlowing vote of tha members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PGRAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th(s ~~~ day of ~~ 1997. ~ C _ ~ ~~ SECRETARY, NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~ PC97~17