Resolution-PC 97-53~~~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC97-53 A RESOLUTION O~ THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TFiAT PEfITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT iVO. 3917 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dfd receive a verified Petftion for Condftional Use Permit for cartatn reai property situated in the City of Anaheim, Counry of Orange, State of Califomia, described as: PARCEL 1, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 98, PAGES 39 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNiY. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission did hald a public hearing at the Civic Center in the Ciry of Anahefm on April 28, 1997, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given 2s required by law and in accordance wfth the provfsiens of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against r,a(rt p: ~p4s~ condltionat use permit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in co~na~,~'an theie;;:itn; and WHERFAS, said Commissi~n, aft~r.:+i~+'snspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due conslderation of aif evklence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permR is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section to permit conversfon of an existing 139-unit apartment compiex to a 136-unit Vacation Ownersh(p Resort with waivers of the following: (a) Sectfons 18.48.070A94.0901(cl - Minimum structural setback and yard reauirements ah~~ttin4 Oran9ewood Avenue 2 f t requ(red for buildings 75 feet or less; 12 to 27 feet exfsting) (b) Sectfons and 18 48 070 110.1102 Minfmum structural setback and vard reauirements abuttinq interior oro~erty lines. (Required: 10 feet, fully landscaped, adjacent to the north and west property lines and 20 feet, fully landscaped, adjacent to the east property ~ine abutting residentially- zoned property requi~ed; Proposed: none adjacent to exlstinq carports and trash enclosures) (c) Sections - Permitted encroachments into reauired vard arsd and .t setback areas. (vehicuiar parking r hibft ir~ required (nterior setbacks; vehi;,ular parking x.e (st(n91n sr~cbacks ~!ong the east, north and west property lines) ~ 2. That the requested waivers (a), (b) and (c) are hereby granted on the basis that there are special circumstances applicable to the property because they are existing condft(ons; and that strict applicat(on of the Zaning Code would deprive the property of privileges enJoyed by other properties under i~entica~ zone ciass~cation fn the viciniry; CR2892EH.WP -1- PC97-53 ~ ~ 3. That the proposed vacation ownership resort use is a proper use for which a conditional use perrnft is required in Development Area 1(GR District) of the Anaheim ResoK Spec~c Plan (SP 92-2) Zone; 4. That the properry is adequate in size and shape to accommodate full development and convers(on of the existing apartment compiex to the proposed vacation ownership resort use; and, as condltioned herein, will not adversely affect adjoining land usss or the growth and development oP the surrounding area, nor impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed to carry treffic in the area, nor be detrimental to the peace, health, safety or general welfare of the communiry; 5. That the proposed use will provide addftional accommodatfons for visitors to the Anaheim Resort; 6. That conversion of the existing apartment complex to a vacatlon ownership resort use will not result in depietion of residential housing units in the community because there are existln~ apartment complexes located to the east and south of the subject property, and more than 1,500 apartment units are located wfthin a~C mlle radius of subJect property; 7. That there are adequate visitor-serving facilities in the Cfty and cflnversion of the exlsting apartment complex to a vacation ownership resort wili not preclude, reduce nor impact development of other needed tourist faciiities or hotel or motel facilities; 8. That the ~ranting of tho condftional use permit, under the c~~ndit~ons (mposed, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safery and general welfare of the citizens ot ihe Ciry of Anaheim; 9. That the proposed vacation ownership resort use will provide a compatible transitional use .~tween the multiple-family residential (RM-1200) use to the east and the Commercial Recreation uses (f.e., retail and multi-story hotels) to the west; and 10. That no one ind(cated their presence at said public hearing in opposftion; and that ~o correspondence was received in oppos"ion to the subject petition. GALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Plinning Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit the conversion of an existing 139-unit apartment complex to a 136-unit vacation ownership resort with waivers of mfnimum structural setback and yard requirements abutting Orangewood Avenue, minimum structural setback and yard requirements abutting interior property lines, and permitted encroachments Into required yard and setback areas on an approximately 4.67 acre parcel of land located on the north side oi Orangewood Avenue, located approximately 298 feet east of the centerl(ne of Harbor Boulevard, and further described as 465 West Orangewood Avenue (Emerald Springs Apartments); and does hereby approve the Mftigated Negative Declaratfon upon finding that declaration reflects the !ndependent Judgement of the le~d agency; and, that ft has considered the proposed Mitigated Negative Deciaration together with any comments received during the ;,ublic review process and further finding on the bas :~ of the Initial Study that there is no substantial evidance, wfth the imposition of mitigation measures, that the proJect wiil havo a significant Offect on the environment, and approve the Mftigated Negative Declaration and associated Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 003& (associated wfth the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2, Amerdment No. 1) and Mftigation Monftoring Plan No. 006 (associated with subject Condftionai Use Permft No. 3917). 2_ PC97-53 ~ ;~; N04'V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim C'rty Planning Commisslon does hereby grant subject Petition for Corxiftional Use Permft, upon the following conditiens which ar6 hereby found to be a necessary prerequislte to the proposed use of the subject properry in order to preserve the safery and general welfare of the Cftlzens of the Ciry of Anaheim, and including certain conditions, as noted, which were adopted in connection wfth the Anaheim Resort Specffic Plan No. 92-1: 1. That approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 3917 is subject to Ciry Counclt adoption of Generat Plan Amendment No. 344, approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Anaheim Resort Spec~ic Pla~ No. 92-2, and adoption of an ordinance rezoning subject properry to the Anaheim Resort Specffic Plan No. 92-2 (SP 92-2) Zone. 2. That the property ownpr/developer shall be responsible for compUance with all of the mitlgation measures set farth fn Mitlgation Monitoring Plan No. 006 for this project, and for complying with the monitoring and reporting requirements esiablished by the Ciry in compilance with Secti~n 21081.6 of the Pubiic Resources Code. Furthermore, the property owr,er/davefoper shall be responsible for any direct costs assoclated with the monitoring ar~ reporting requirements to ensure implementation of thase mitigation measures {dentffie.~i fn Miti~ation Monitoring Plan No. 006 wtilch is made a part of these candltions of approval by referei5ce. ~. That the phased conversion to vacation ownership resort use shall be completed wfthin four (4) years frc~m xhe date o~ this rQSOlution (unless an extension of time is granted by the Giry at an adv~rtised .~uk~ic hearirig) and subject resort shatl be wholly occupied thereafter in compliance wfth the limits on occupanr~ ~set forth in Section 18.48.120 'Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts' of the Anahpim Nlunlcipal Code. 4. That the operator ~f subject vacation ownership resort shall provide tvNenry four (24) hour on-sfte securiry se~vr~s2 and staffing at the fror.t desk, and shall be responsible for the day-to-day manage:~~ant, c~pera.~ons and maintenance of the entire resort. 5. That the operator of subject vacation ownership resort shall ma(ntain a register for the r2gistration of :sll y~esis of the vacation ownership resort, including ovemlght accommodations offered to the publfc, as set forth in Chapter 7.22 "Hotel Registers' of the Anahefm Municipal Code. 6. That prior to the flrst flnal building and zoning ins{~ectlon, all sidewalk improvements located wfthin the public right-oF-way shall conform to Engineering Standard Detail PJo. 121. 7. That prior to the first final bu(Iding and zoning inspec!ion, the properry owner/developer sha.ll, at his or her own expense, Install, irrigate and mafntain tl~e City's desigriated street trees (Magnaw) and shrubs in the Orangewood Avenue parkway across the entire frontage of the subject property. 8. That prior to issuance of the flrst building permft, a plan showing the proposed Anahelm Resort freestanding monument sign location shall be submitted to the City Traffic and Transportat(on Manager for review and approval in conformance wfth Engineering Standard No. 137 pertaining to sight distance visibility. Sa(d monument sign shall be installed prlar to the commencement of the vacation ownership resort activiry. 9. That p~lor to issuance of a building permft, a plan sheet for sdki waste storagQ, collection and a plan for recycl(ng shall be submitted to the Public Works Department, Streets and Sanitat(on Divisfon, for review and approval. ~- PC97-53 .a. ~ 10. That the subJect property shall be developed substantiaily in accordance w(th the plans and speciFlcations submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petftioner and which plans are on file wfth the Planning Department marked Exhibfts No. 1 through S. 1 t. That prior to issuanca of the first buildfng permft, the location, type and configuration af afl Iighting fixtures, incfuding ground-mounted ifghting fixtures utflized to accent buildings, landscape elemeMs, or to illuminate pedestrian areas, shall be shown on plans submitted for building permfts. All proposecJ surface parking area lighting fixtures sha~l be down-Iighted wfth a maxisnum height of twelve (12) feet adjacent tu any residentiai properties. All Ughting fixtures shafl be shielded to d(rect Iighting toward the area to be illuminated and away from adjacent residential property lines. 12. That the operator of the subject vacatfon ownership resort (Operator) shall submft a yearly report to the Ciry of A~ahefm no later than January 31 of each calendar year for the calendar year ending the previous Gecember 31, containing the actual Transient Occupancy Taxes collected for th6 vacation ownershfp unfts. It shall be the responsibiliry of the Operator of the subJect vacation ownership resort to maintain complete records and to report the correct Transient Occupancy Tax (f0~ including the TOT for any rentals of vacation ownership units which are handled by efther the owner of such unft (Owner) or a third party (a party other than the Owner or Operator). The Operator shall comply with all applicable provisior,s of Chapter 2.12 `Transient Occupancy Tax' of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 13. That prior to cnmrner~ement of the actNity approved hore(n, or pr(or to the issuance of the flrst building permft, or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, the property owner shaii execute and record an unsubordinated agreement and covenant to the satisfactlon of the Ciry Attorney's Office, which agreement shall set fcrth the method of ownership of the vacation ownership ~nfts to be estabUshed and implernented for the vacat(on o~rnership re.~K proJect wl~ich guarantees that the Ciry shall be entftled to coilect Transient Occupancy Tax ~'~ ~~1) tor all vacat(on ownership unfts as if they were hotel rcoms. 14. That prior to issuance of each building permft, plans shcwing conformance wfth the Uniform Fire Code shalt be submftted to the Fire Department for review a~xi approval. 15. That prior to flnal building and zoning inspections, a!lcensed landscape architect shall provkie a letter to the Plar.n!ng Department certifying that all IandSCaping and irrigatfon systems have been (nstalled in accardance wRh larv.iscaping plans approvecJ Sn connection wfth subJect Condftional Use Permit No. 3917. 16. That on-sRe landscaping and irrigation systems shall be maintained by the property owner/developer in compUance wfth Ciry standards. 17. That on-sfte sweeping operat~ons shall utftlze sweeping,~scrubbing equipment which operates at a levei measuring not greater than sixry (60) dBA at the nearest adJacent property line. 18. That trash storage areas shail be provided and maintained in ihe Iocations Identifled on ExhibR No. 1 and in accordance wfth the approved pians on file with the Public Works Dspartment, Streets and Sanitatlon DNision. Such informat(on shall be specffically shown on the plans submftted for building permft. 19. That ap~roval of this applicatlon constftutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Codo and any other applicabia Cfty, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any actior~ or flnd(ngs as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applfcable ordinance, regulation or requirement. ,~_ PC97-53 ~ ~ 20. That the property owner/developer shall provide relocation assistance as specffied in the 'Tenant Relocation Pian' submftted to the Ciry of Anaheim and which plan (s on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibft No. 8. 21. That any :ree planted wfthin the Setback Realn shall be replaced in a timely manner in the event that ft is removed, darr~ged, diseased and/or dead. (Condftlon No. 15* of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted in cdnnection witi~~ SpecHic Plan No. 32-2) 22. That a Iiconssd arborist shall be responsible for all tree tr~mming. (Condition N~. 16 * of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted In connection wfth Specffic Plan No. 92-2) 23. That pressure washing operations for purposes of bu(Iding repair and maintenance duo to gra#fiti or other aesthetical considerations shall be 1lmited to daytime hours of operatfon between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Condftion No. 19* of Orcllnance No. 5454 adopted in connection wrth Specific Plan No. 92-2) 24. That prior to final building and zoning inspections, all air condft(oning #~i:ilities and other roof and ground-mounted equipment shall be shielded from public view as required by tt~a Speciflc Plan and the sound buffered to comply with C'ity of Anaheim noise ordinances ftom any adjace~t residentiai or transient-occupied properties. Such information shall be specffically shown on the plans submitted for build(ng permfts. (Condftion No. 25* of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted in connection wfth Specific Plan No. 92-2) 25. That prior to 8nal building and zoning inspectfons, all plumb(ng and other sfmilar pipes and fixtures located on the exterior of the buildfng shall be futly screened from view of adJacent public rights-of- way and from adJacent Qrope~ties by archkectural dev(ces and/or appropriate building materials; and, further, su~h information shall be specffically shown on the plans submitted for build(ng permfts. (Condftfon No. 26* of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted in connection with Spec~c Plan No. 92-2) 26. That property owner/developer shall be rssponsible for the removal of any on-site graffiti within 24 hours of fts a~plication. (Condftion No. 27* of Ordinance t~o. 5454 adopted in connoct(on wfth Specific Plan ~lo. 92-2) 27. That no shuttle, bus, or vehicular drop-off areas shail be permitted in the front setback areas. ~Condftion Mo. 31* of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted in connection with Specffic Plan No. 92-2) 28. That pr(or to the issuance of each building permit, the Anahefm Police Department shall rev(ew and approve ptans for safety, accessibiliry, crfine prev~ntion, and securfty provisions during both thP construction and operatNe phases. (Condftion No. 32* of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted (n connactlon with Specific Plan No. 92-2) 29. That gates shall not be installed across any drNeway or private street in a manner which may adversely affect vehicular traffic in the adjacent public streets. Installation of any gates shall conform to Engiryeering Standard Plan No. 402 arxl shall be subject to the review and approval of the Ciry's Traffic and Transportation Manager prior to the fssuance of a building permit. (Cor.dftion No. 34' of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted In connec~tion with Spectfic Plan No. 92-2) 30. That ali engineering requirement of the Ciry of Anahefm, including preparation of improvement plans arxi instailatian of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, s(dewalks, water facilities, street grading and pavement, sewer and drainage faciifties, or other appurtenant work shall be complied wfth as required by the City Engfneer and In accordance wfth specHications on file in the Office of the City Enginaer, as may be modHfed by the City Enginee~ ; and that suaur'rty in the form of a bond, cortfficate .5. PC97-53 .1~ ~ of deposit, letter of credlt, completion guarantee, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted with the City to guaraniee the satisfactory completion of said improvements. Said security shall be posted with 4he Ciry prior to the issuance of a building permft or ftnal map approval, whichever occ~rs Brst, to guarantee the installation of the related Improvements prior to final building and zoning tnspection. (Condftion No. 36* of Ord(nance No. 5454 adopted fn connection with Speciflc Plan hfo. 92-2) 31. That prior to issuance of each building permit, the approximate Citywide Transportatlon Impact arrJ Improvement Fee shalf ba paid to the Ciry of Anaheim in the amount(s) determined by City Counc(I Resa~ution. Consistent with the Fee Ordinance, fees may be rc3duced tn consideration of right-of-way dedication and/or Master Plan of Arterial HlgMxay facilfty construction. (Candition No. 37* of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted in connection wfth Speciflc Plan No. 52-2) 32. That when established by the Ctty, the property owner/rJeveloper shall partlcipate in the Transportation Network (fNA) to be created for the Anahefm Resort and Anaheim Stadium Business Center and coordinated with the I-5 Traffic Management Plan. (Condftion No. 38* of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted in connection w(th Specific Pian No. 92-2) 33. That prlor to flnal building and zoning inspectfons, the water meter and backflow equipment arxi any other Iarge water system equfpment shall bn installed to the satisfactl~n of the PuWic Utilfties DepaKment, Water Utiliry DNision, in efther underground vaults or bahind the buflding setback Iine in a manner fuily screensd from all pubiic streets and alleys and in accordance wfth Ordinance No. 4156 and Section of the Anahe(m Munlcipal Code. Such i~ortnation shall be specffically shown on the plans submitted for buil~ing permits. (Condit(on No. 39• of Ordinance No. 5454 adopted in connect(on wfth Specffic Plan No. 92-2) 34. 1 hat prior to issuance of each building perm(t, unless records indlcate previous payment, the appropriate fees for Primary Mafns, Secondary Niains and Fire Protection Service shall be paid t~ the Publ(c Utilfties Depart~ent, Water Utility Divlsion fn accordance with Rule 15A 3nd 20 of the Water Util'dy Rates, Rules and Regulations. (Corx~ftion No. 40* of Ordfnance No. 5454 adopted in connect(on wfth Specific Plan No. 92-2) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby flnd and determine that adoptlon of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicanYs complfance wfth each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, oe declared Irnalid or unenforceable by the flnal judgment of any court of competent ju~isdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals here(n contained, shall be dsemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIUiJ was adopted at the Planning Comm!ssion meeting of April 28, 1997. /Z ~6 CHAIRPERSON ANAH M CITY PIANNING COMMISSION ATT=ST: n /i SECRETA Y, ANA IM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION .g- PC97-53 ~. ~ STATE OF ClWFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Sdo~io, Sec~etary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission, do hereby certffy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Pianning Commission held on April 28 , 1997, by the follcwing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOS7WICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERN7A NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEM: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WI7NESS WI-IEREOF, I have he-eunto se4 my hand this ~U day of ~~ 1997. cLh ~ ,~ SECiiETARY, AN EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,, _~_ PC97-53