Resolution-PC 97-63~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC97-63 A RESOLl1TION OF THE ANAHEIN! CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 4303 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tha Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission did receive a verffied Petition for Variance for certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califomia described as: PARCELS 1 AND 2 IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 4 OF PARCEL MRPS, IN THE OFFICE IF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in ths Ciry of Anaheim on May 12, 1997, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahaim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make flndings and recommendations in connection therewfth; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aiter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in fts behalf, and aftsr due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hear(ng, does flnd and determine the following facts: 1. That the petftioner proposes waivers of the following to construct a 105,984 sq.ft. home improvement sales building with a 24,723 sq.ft. foot garden center: (a) Sections - Minimum oark(na lot landscaaina. (37 landscaaed planters requiTed to separate every and 18.44.066 10 adjacent parking spaces; 24 landscaaed planters proposed) (b) Sections - Minimum number of aarkinq soaces. 1 s.o6.080 (688 soaces required; roposed and recommended by the Ciry Traffic and aces 551 s and 18.44.066.G50 p p Transportation Manager) 2. That waiver (a) is hereby approved on the i~asis that there are special circumstances applicable to the property consisting of location and surroundings, which do not apply to other identically zoned properties in the vicinfry; 3. That strict application of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privifeges enjoyed by other properties under identical zon(ng ciassiflcation in the viciniry; 4. That the parking ~vaNer (b) is hereby approved based on the information provided in the traffic study (as reviewed and approved by the Ciry Traffic and Transportat(on Manager) and the information contained in paragraph nos. 21 and 30 of the Staff Report to the Planning Commission dated May 12,1997; 5. That the waiver (b), under the conditions imposed, wfll not cause fewer off-street parking spaces to be provided for such use than the number of such spaces necessary to accommodate ail vehiclss attributable to such use under the normal and reasonably foreseeable condftions of operation of such use; CR2914PLWP -1- PC97-63 ~ ~ 6. That waiver (b), under the condftions imposed, will not increase the demand and competftion for parking spaces upon the public streets in the immediate vicinity of the proposed use because the prcposed on-site paricing and circulation are adequate and will not negatNely affect the surcounding land uses; 7. That waNer (b), under the conditions imposed, will not increase the demand and competition for parking spaces upon adjacent private property in the Immed(a2e viciniry of the proposed use (whfch property is not expressly provided as parking for such use u~ cier an agrPement in compliance with Section of this Code); 8. That waiver (b), under the conditions imposed, will not increase traffic congestion within the off-street parking areas or lots provided for such use; 9. That waiver (b), under the condftions (mposed, will not impede vehicular ingress to or egress from adjacent properties upon the public streets in the immediate vicinity of the proposed use; and 10. That three (3) people in favor of the proposal and one (1) person in opposition (ndEcated their presence at said pubi(c hearing; and that no correspondence was received in opposftion to subject pe4ition. ~;ALIFORNIA EPIVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACl' FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal fior waivers of minimum parking lot Iandscaping and minimum number of parking spacgs to construct a 105,984 sq.ft. home improvement sales building wfth a 24,723 sq.ft. foot garden center on an a rectangularly-shaped parcei of land located on the north side of Grumercy Avenue between Brookhurst Street and Valley Street and having frontages of i40 feet on the north side of Gramercy Avenue, 520 feet on the east side of Brookhurst Street and 620 feet on the west side of Valley Street, and further descr(bed as 714 North Brookhurst Street; and does hereby find that the previously certified EIR No. 319 is adPquate to serve as the requ(red environmental documentat(on. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commissfon does hereby grant subject Petitfon for Variance, upon the ~ollowfng conditions wh(ch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequi~fte to the proposed use of the subject properry in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That there shall be no parking lot displays other than by approval of a Special Events Permit. 2. That the business owners shall, at their expense, hire and maintain a full-time security officer to patrd the parking lot beginning two (2) hours prior to the cpening of the business until ihe close of business for the purpose of prever.ting loftering on the premises. 3. That the business owner operator shall designate an employee to monftor the parking lot for shopping cart retrieval every th(rty (30)minutes during operating hours. The business operator shall also post sfgns on the property and label individual carts prohibiting the removal of carts from the property. 4. That public telephones shall be permitted only inside the building. 5. That the bus(ness owner/develoFer shall submit revised building elevatfon plans, induding elevat(on plan~ far the enclosure of ihe garden center showing p(Ilars and dark black ot green vfnyl materfals, and screening plans showing the screening on Valley Street behfnd the landscaping and screening of the loading area, to the Zoning Div(sion for review and approval by the Planning Commission as a 'Reports and Recommendations' ftem. -2- PC97-63 ~~ ~ 6. That the business owner/developer shall submi-. roof plans specifying all roof-mounted equipmem and screening devices to the Zoning Division for review and approvai by :he Commission as a"Reports and Recommendations' item. 7. That the business owner/deveioper shall submft revlsed sign plans #or a freestanding monum9nt-type sign wfth a maximum height of eight (8) feet (to replace the proposed fifty [50] foot high free~~tanding pole sign shown on the submitted exhibits) to the Zoning DNision for review and approval 5y.the Commission as a'Reports and Recommendations" ftem. 8. That the business owner/develo~er ~hall submit a rev(sed landscapfng plan showing aC~itiona! landscaping including vine pockets adjacer~t to the east building elevation (facing Valley Street) arxi an addit(onal thirteen (13) trees in the parking lot in twenry flve (25) square foot planters, to the Zoning DNision for review and approval by the Commission as a"Reports and Recommendations' ttem. 9. That the petitioner shall be responsible for comp~lance with all mitigation measures wfthfn the assigned time frames and any direct costs assocfated ~vfth the attached Mftigation Monftoring P!ogram No. 73-A as established by the Ciry of Anaheim and as required by Section 21081.6 of th~ Public Resources Code to ensure implementation of those identif(ed mftigation measures. 10. That the granting of the parking waiver is contingent upon operation of the use in conformance with the assumptions reiating to the operation and intensiry af use as contained in the parkfng demand study that formed the basis for approval of said waiver. Exceeding, v(dating, intensifying or otherwise deviating from any of said assumptions, as contained !n the park?s?~s :iemand study, st~ail be deemed a violation of the expressed conditions imposed uRon said waN ~r which shall subJect this variance to terminat(on or modiflcation pursuant to the provisfons of S~;:ions 18.03.091 and 18.03.092 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 11. That plans shall be submitted to the City Traffic arv1 Transpor4ation !~anager for his review and approval show(ng cor~formance with the latest revision of Engineering ;:anda-d Plan Nos. 436 and 602 pertaining to parkfng standards tnd driveway locations. Subject pro~erty shall thereupon -x~ developed and maintafned in confnrmance wfth said ulans. 12. That all driveways on Gramercy Avenue and Yaliey Street six.si be conszructed with ten (10) foot radius curb retums as required by the Ciry Engineer (n conformance vusih En,o,3neering Star~dard No. 137. 13. That there shall be no fenced, unfenced or otherw(se encfosed aroas for outdoor storage uses or d(splay wfth the exception of the garden center arxi by approval uf a Special Event Permit. 14. That plans shall be submltted to the Ciry TrafFic and Transpor4ation Manager for review and approva! showing conformance wfth Eng(neering Standard No. 137 pertafning to sight distance vfsibility for the sign or wall/fence locatinn. 15. That 'no sto~ping any time" signs shall be posted along the frontages of this development on the follow(ng streets: Brookhurst Street, Gramercy Avenue and Valley Street. 16. That a striping and signing plan for Brookhurst Street (induding raised median island), Gramercy Avenue, and the intersection of Brookhurst Street/Sequoia Avenue shall be submitted to the City Trafflc and Transportation Manager for review and approval. 17. That a traffic signal plan for the intersection ot Brookhurst Street and Sequoia Avenue (the preposed entranre Yo the proposal) shall be submitted to the Cfty Traffic and Transportation Manager for review and spproval, and that said traffic signal shall be installed by the property owner/developer. ~- PC97~i3 ~!r ~' 18. That a fafr share of traffic signal maintenance costs including preventNe or extraordinary maintenance, unrecoverable damages and elecMcal costs shall be paid by the property owner/developer. The City of Anaheim will bill for these costs on a regular basis. 19. That trash storage areas shall be provkled and maintained in a location acceptable to the Public Works Department, Streets and Sanitation DNision, and in accordance wfth approved plans on file with said Department. Such information shall be specifically shown on the plans submitted for building permits. 20. That a plan sheet for solid waste storage and collection and a plan for recyding shall be submitted to the Public Works Department, Streets and Sanitation DNision, for review and approval. 21. That an on-site trash truck tum-around area shall be provided and maintained to the satisfaction of the PubUc Works Department, Streets and Sanitation Division. Said tum-around area shali be specifically shown on plans submitted for building permits. 22. That the water backflow equipment anc any other large water system equipment shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Water Utility DNision in either underground vaults or behind the street setback area in a manner fully screened from all public streets and aileys. 23. That the developer shail submit a water qualiry management plan (WQMP) specffically ident'rfying the ~est management practices that will be used on site to contrd predictable pollutants from stormwater runoff. The WQMP shall be submitted to the Public Works Engineering Department, Development Servlces DNision, for review and approval. 24. That a lot Iine adjustrrant to merge the four (4) existing parcels shail be submitted to the Subdivision Section and approved by the Ciry Engineer and then recorded in the Office of the Orange Counry Recorder. 25. That prior to grading plan approval, the develope~ shall file a Notice of intent to obtain coverage under the NPDES statewide Industrial Stormwater Permft for General Construction ActNfties from the State Water Resources Control Board. 26. That trees shall not be unreasonably tr(mme~d to increase visibflity to the facility. 27. That three (3) foot high street address numbers shall be p~inted on the roof in a contrasting cdor to the roof materials. Said address numbers shall not be visi~le from ground level. 28. That the owner/developer shall install a landscaped n'-edian Isiand in Brookhurst Street from Crescent Avenue to Sequola Avenue and tandscaping along the Brookhurst Street nnd Gramercy Avenue frontages of the proJect sfte, in conformance with the streetscape plan for the Brookhurst Commercial Corridor. Shoutd the fnstallation of the landscaped median as proposed be impractical (as determined by the Gty Engineer and the Communfry Development Department), the owner/developer may make an in-lieu payment to the Ciry equNalent to the dffference beriveen the cost of the proposed landscaped median and the modian actually approved for construction, subJect to review and approval by the Communiry De~~lopment Department of a cost estimate prepared Cy the owne-/developer quantifyfng the amount of the in-Ileu payment. If the owner/developer elects to make an fn-Ileu payment, it shail be made prior to the issuance of building permits and used to implement the Brookhurst Commercial Corridor streetscape plan in adJacent public areas. 29. That this Varfance is granted subJect to adoption of a zoning ord(nance in connectlon with Redassiflcation No. 96-97-06, now pending. ~. PC97~3 ~ ~, 30. That subject properry shall be developed su ~one~and which aans arehan file w h the Plantning submitted to the City of Anaheim by the pet P~. Departmerrt marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5, and as conc!itioned herein. 31. That prior to issuance of a building permit or within a period of one (1) Year from the date of this resoiu[ion, whichever occurs ftrst, Condition Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 29, arxJ 34, above-mentioned, shail be complied wfth. Extensions for further time to complete said condftions may be 9ranted in accordance with S~ction 18.03.090 of tfie Anaheim Municipal Code. 32. That prior to fina~ building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 3, 12, 15, 22, 27, 28 a~d a0~ above-mentioned, shall be complied with. 33. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the propased request only to the extent that i~ complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not fnclude any ac4ion or findings as to compliance or approval of the requeM regarding any other applicabie ordinance, regutation or requirement. 34. That the owner of subject properry shal! submft a letter requesting termination of Condftional Use Permit No. 2604 (to permit an automob(la repair and towing faciliry wfth waNers), Conditional Use Permit No. 2802 (to retain an auto towing, impound, and repair facility witi~ waNers) and Condftional Usa Permft No. 2958 (to retain a 672 sq.ft. b(Ilboard with a waiver) to the Zoning Division. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that :he Anaheim City Planning Commission dces hereby flnd and determine that adoptton of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon appl(canYs compilance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared inval(d or unenforceable by the flnal judgment of any court of competent Jurisdictlon, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of May 12, 1997. ~ CHAIRPERSON, ANAH IM CITY PLAhNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ' ~ ~ ' U~ SECRETARY, A AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - -5- PC97~63 ~, ~ STATE OF CALIFORNiA ) COUNTY 0~ ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, INargarita Solorio, Seccetary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing rssolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon held on May 12, 1997, by the following vots of the members thPreof: AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this oC0' _~day of ~~~ 1997. ~ ~~ SECREiARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANPIINCx COMMISSION t .~ PC97-63