Resolution-PC 97-89~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC97-89 A RESOLUTION OF TiiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIO(vS OF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION N0. 235, SERIES 1950-60, ADOPTED IN CONNECT;ON WITH VARIANCE N0. 1229 WHEREAS, on April 18, 1960, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 235, Series 1950-60, approving Variance No. 1299 to construct and operate a 70-unit motei and coffee shop at 623 South Beach Boulevard; and WHEREAS, subject property is developed wfth a 7a-unit motel (Covered Wagon Motel) in the CL (Commercial, Limited) zone; WHEREAS, SYaff Reports to the Planning Commission dated Aprii 28 and July 21, 1~97, and the attachments.thereto, summarize Anaheim Police Department and Code Enforcement Divfsion records wh(ch indicate that this property has been a continual source of complaints and calls for service over the past sever~l years, including that the Po!ice Department has received approxfmately 350 calls for service at this motei and (n comparison, calls for service at 4 other motels in the i:nmedfate area ranged from 67 to 125 calls at sach location during the same time; WHEREAS, between September 1996 and January 1997, Code Enforcement, Police and Orange County Health Department representatives conducted 4 inspections of the property resulting in approximately 200 verifiad Code vfolations lncluding business license or taxation violations such as improper pos:ing uf room rates, property maintenance violations such as polluted pool water and unsafe pool enclcsure, Buiiding Code violat(ons such as un-~ermiited construction, substandard housing condi:lons such as hazardous exposed electrical wiring, unsan'dary conditions inciuding cockroach (nfestation and brok~n windows, and inadequate ~re protection including defective smoke detectors and fire extinguishers; WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center In the Cfty of Anaheirr on April 28, 1997, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the prov(sions of the Anaheirr~ Municipal Ccxle, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consfder evtd~nce for and against said proposed amendment and to investigate and make find(ngs and recomrrerxlations in corn.iection therewith; and that tha hearfng was continued to the Cor.~mission meeting of July 21, 1997; and WhF.fiEAS, on April 28, 1997, Commission considered the revocrition or modlficatior, of this varianca and Cendltlonal Use Permft No. 2199 (to permit a cocktali I~unge in an ex(sting rnotel wfth waiver of mie~imum number of parking spaces) under the authority of Sections 18.03.091 and 18.03.092 of the A^aheim Niunicfp~l Code; and that Commission terminated Conditional Use Permft No. 2199 and continued thi~ :~arian.^.e to J~ly 21, 1997 to ailow tfine for the petftloner to resolve all pend(ng Code violations; hereby flnd: NOW, THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissfon does (1) That Police Department testimony :ndicates that 27 calls for service occurred at this property since the in?tiai revocation proceed(ngs occurred fn April 1997, which is a substantia! decrease in comparison to the number of calls for 1996; CR2974PLWP -1- PC97-89 .~i; ~~ (2) That Code Enforcement staff condu~t~ an inspection on July 9, 1997, and found tt~at signiBcant improvement has beer~ made at the proFany since the last inspection in Jan~ary 1997; and that certain existinfl pro~lems s~cPi as long-term residency, potential roof leaking, and fack of daily maid service can be rectiFied wfth the imposition avad entorcem~snt of certain condftions; (3) That the variance for whieh app~ova{ was oriqinally granted has been exercised so as to be detr(mental to the public health a~d safety, and so as to constitute a nuisance; (4) That modHication to thfs va~lanc~e, including the fmposRion of addiilonal condftions thereto, is reasonably necss.ary Yo protect the publ(c pc3ace, health, safer~ and general welfare, and necessary to permit reasonable opera4(on under the variance as originally granted; and (5) That no one indicated thelr presence at tho pubifc hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposltion to the subject petition. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED that the Anahe(m C'rty Planning Commission does hereby aro~ec~d tha conditions of approval of Resoluti~n No. 235, Serles 1950-60, adopted ln connection with Variance No. 1229, in thelr antirery to read as foliows: 1. That a maximum of two (2) licensed un'rformed securiry guards, approved by the Anaheim Police Department, shail be provided u~n the premCses spocificalty to provide securiry and to discourage vandalism, tr~spassing ~ind/or loitering ~pon or adJacent to the subJect property. 2. That the owner/manager sha11 maintain a complete guest registry or guest card system which includes the full name, address, verffled driver's Iicense or legal identification and vehicie registration number of all registered guests, date of reg~stration, length of stay, and room rates; and that said regisiry or guesi card system shall be made avaiiable upon demand by any police officer, code enforcement officer, or Iicense inspector of the Ctry of Anaheim during reasonable business hours. 3. That guest rooms shall not be rented or let for periods of less thar~ twe~va (12) cansecutive hours r.or more than thirty (30) consecutNe days, excluding ~ne (i) manager's unit. Once a room has been occupied for up to thirty (30) days by the same guest(s), ft must be vacated for a minimum thirty (30) day period before the same individual or entity can occupy tha room again. 4. That every occupfed guest room shali be provided with daily maid service. 5. That the owner and/~x management shall not knowingly rent or let any guest room to a known prostitute 4or the pur•r~ses of pandering, soliciting or engaging in the act of prostitution, or any person for the purpose of selling, buying, or otherwise cfealing, manufacturing or ingest(ng an iilegal drug or controlled substance; or for the purpose of committing a criminal or immoral act. g. That no guest room shall be rented or let to any person under eighteen (18) years of age, as verifled by a valfd dfirer's Iicense or other legal identffication. 7, That all available room rates shali be promfnenUy displayed in a consp(cuous place wRhin ihe office area, and that the property owner anci/or motel mana~ement shall comply with the provls~ons of Sectlon 4.09.010 of the Anaheim Municipai Code pertaining to the postlng of room rates. g. That the property owner and/or motei management shafl comply with the prov!slons of Section 2.12.020 of the Anaheim Munic(pal Code pertaining to the operator's coliect(on dutias of transient occupancy taxes. -2- PC37-89 i,~. ~~ g, That within a per~od of sbcty (60) days from the date of this resolution, this praperty ar~d chese buildings and accessouy structures shali be brought into compliance with the statutes, ~rdinances, laws or regulsttons ~F the State of Calfiornia, as adopted by the CiN of Anahoim, inciuding the Uniform Building Cod~, Ur~lform Housing Code, Uniform Fire Ccxie, Unifiom'~ Ricmbing Code, Natior~al Electric Code, and Uniform Mechanlcal Code, and permanenUy maintained thera~fter in compitance wfth such statucos, ordinances, ~aws or regt~latlons. 10. 7hat on-sfte landsraping shall be refurb(shad and permanently irrlgated and matntafned, including regular removal of t~ash or debris, and removal of graffitf wRhin twenty four (24) hours ftAm time of occunence. 11. That the properry owner shall pay the costs of C~:y Code E~orcement Q~vision inspections once each month for sbc (6) months from the date of this resulution, and as often as necessarYtherCode until the subJect property i~ b~ought into compliance, or as deemed necessary by Enforcement DNision to gain and/ar maintaln compliance with State and local statutes, ordinances, laws or regulations. 12. That a statemerrt s~all b~e printed on the face of the guest rogistratlon card to ba comp! ~ted by each guest when registering, advising that the register !s open to inspectlon by the Anaheim Pollce Departmant or other Cfty of Anaheim personnel for law enforcement purposes. 13. That this Var3ance shali term(nate one (1) year from the date oF this resolution, on J~ly 21, 1998. 14. That no guest room(s) shall be rent~d or let to any person unless compllance is determined by thQ appropriate Ct:y division or depar4msnt, with statutes, ordinances, laws or requiations of the State of Cal'rfornia, as adopted by the Cfry of A~ahelm, including the Unfform Building Code, Unfform Housing Code, Unifom~ Fire Code, Unfform Plumbhig Code, National Electric Code, and Uniform Mechanical Code. 15. That any iree plaMed on-site shail be replaced in a timely manner in the event that ft is removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead. 16. Tfiat subject property shalf be developed and matntalned, as conditioned herein, substantlally in accordance with plans and specfficatfons submitted to the C'ity of Anaheim by the petitioner in canjunction with the original approva! of Vartanca No. 1229, arxl which plans are on file with the Planning Department n,iarkeci Exhibft No. 1. 17. That Con~Jhion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14, above-mentloned, shall be complfed wfth immediately. 18. ~hat with~n a period of thirty (30) days firom the date of this ~esolution, the applicant shall deliver to the PI2,nning Department a roof certiflcaticn, certifying that the roof does not leak and the roof's IHe exp~~ancy. 19. That vrithin a period of sL•:ty (GO) days fr~m ihe date of this resolut(on, Condftion No. 9, above- mentioned, shall be complied wfth. 20. ?hat approvai o( this appllcation constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it ~omplies wfth the Anaheim Municipai Zoning Code and any other applicable Cfry, State and Federat regulations. Approval dces not include any action or flndings as to compliance or approval of the request regar~ing any other applicabie ordinance, regulatlon or requirement. -3- PCJ7-89 ~ ~ 'fHE FdRE~GqING RESGLUTIUN was adoptad at the Pianning Comm1ssion meeting of July 21, 1997. ._ ~ ~~ ,.G G ~.?,C _ CHF~~RPEFlS01~, ANA E1M ~ITY PIANMING COMMISS{~OFJ ATTEST: SECRFTARY, ANA El~d CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CAIJF~RNIA ) COUNTY ~Jr ORANGE ) ss• CiTY OF ANAHEIM ) f, Margartta Solorio, Secre2ary of the Anah~im Gity Planr~ing Commission, do hereby c~eftity that the foregaing resdution was Pa~~ fol o nd~vote of the mernbers thPheofnaheim City Planning Commission heid on July 21, 1997, bY 9 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, 6RISTOL, HENNINGER, AAAYEfl, PERAZA PJ~ES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN'T: COMMISSiONERS: NQN~ A65TAINED: COMMISSi~N~RS: NAPnLES , 1997. IN W1TNE~S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~_ day of ~ SECRETARY, A HEIM CITY PLANNIfi1G COMMISSlOIV ~ PC97-89