Resolution-PC 97-93~ ~ RESOLUTiON NO. PC97-93 A RESOLUTION CF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING DECI510N NO. 7A93-30 AD~PT~D IN CONNECti'ION WITH CONDITIONAi. USE PERMIT NO. 3598 WHEREAS, on May 6, 19~i, the Zoning Administrator apprc,~ved Decision No. 7A 9330, In connection with CorxiRlonal Uso Permft No. 3598~ to permft a pre-schooi and elemerttary school in conjunction wfth an e~dsting church with waNers of minimum number of parking spaces and permhced autdoor uses at 270 East Palals Road; and that said decl$Ion induded Condition No. 1, which Ifmfted the in accordance wich certain exhibits (Revisio~°~oroN~hibft No. 1 and Ex bft Nosr2 and 3~)', and ~P~ WHERFJIS, thfs propeRy ~s develoPed Wnh a 30~O~J0 sq'n' ~~dustrial building (20,040 sq~iare feet used for the church and accessorY schod facpity and 10,000 square feet used for a car leasing company) in the ML (L(mfted Industrial) zone: a~d WHEREAS, the petitioner has submitted s request that this condftional use perrnit be amended to increase the enrollmerrt irom 123 to 220 hr~ ~~ m~ry ~~ n conJunct on wfth the exis ng t0,000 sq•ft. expanslon of the existin9 Pre- church, wfthfn the existing buqding. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Cnmmission did hdd a publtc hearing at the CNta Center In the Cfty of Anaheim on July 21, 1997, at 1:30 p.m., notice of safd public hearing f~aving been duly given as required by I~nr and ln a~.cordance wfth the prrnisfons of sh~Aa eeni~m 8 tn~end'to /~ es g~apeeand ~make hear and cons{der evkience for and against safd P oPo flndfngs and recommendetions In connectbn therewRh; and WHEREA~, said Commisslon, after due Inspection, irnestlgatlon and studY made by itseif and ~~ ns behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does flnd and determine the fdlowing fects: 1. That the proposed mod~flcation, Including the imposit(on of addhional conditions, is reasonably necessary to protect the public peace, health, safery and general welfare, and ~ecessarY to permft reasonable operatlon under the conditional use pem'~it es a~i9~nally granted; 2. That the proposed use, as amended, is properly one for which a condftional use permft is auchorized by the Zoning Gode; and that the exfsting church and accessory school have existed wfthou~ any adverse Impact to the adjoining land uses of the area since 1993; 3. That the proposed use, as amended, w(II not adversely affect the adJo:ning land uses and th~ growch aM development d the aree in wh~h ft is proposed to be located; 4. 7hat the size end shePe of the ske for the proposed use, es amended, is adequate ta allow the full developmeM of th~ proposed use In a manner no4 detrimenYal to the partlcular area nor to the oeace, health, sefery and general welfare; -~- PC97-93 CFl2978PLWP ~ ~ 5. That the traffic generated by the proposed use, as amended, will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and h(ghways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area because tha peak hours of operation betwoen the church and school, and the surcounding industrial ano commercial propeKies are complementary and will not corrNict; 6. That ths granting of the condftional use permft, under the coixJftions imposed, w(II not be deMmenta! ta the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizons of the Ciry of Anaheim; 7. That no one indlcated thelr presence at the pubUc hearing in opposttion; and that no cQrrespondence was received in opposftion to the subject petRion. ~~~ ~cnowe Gr,ivianN~FnITAI_ (~uAIJTY ACT FINDIN : That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal and does hereby flnd that the Negative Declaration proviously approved in connectfon with Condftional Use PeRnft No. 3598 is adequate to serve as the required environmental documeMation in connection with this request upon ftnding that the declaratton reflects the indepandeM Judgement of the lead agency and that ~: has considered the previously approved Negative Declaration together with any comments receNed during the public review process and further fir~d(ng on the b4sis of the initial study and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a signi8cant effect or~ the erniror:;~:^~Y. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL`/ED that the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission does hereby amend Decision No. ZA 93~0, ~pproved in connectlon with Conditional Use Permft No. 3598, as follows: (i) That the use shall consist of a pre-school and elementary school in c~nJunction with a church in a 30,000 sq.ft. building; and that the waivers, (a) minimum number of parking spaces and ;b) permitted outdoor uses, shall remain as previously-approved; (U) That Condition Nos. 1 and 6 shall be amended to read: 1. Thst the maximum number of children enrdled in the pre-school and elementary school shall not exceed two hundred twerriy (22J) students. 6. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance wfth plans and specifications submttted to the Cfry of Anaheim by th~ petftioner and which plans are on file wfth the Planning Department marked Revi~ton No. 2 of Exhibit 1(plot plan) and Revision No. 1 of Exhibft 2(floor plan), and as conditioned herein. (i1E) That the fdlowing new conditions shall be added: 10. That this conditional use ~ermft shall expire froe (5) years from the date of this resdution on July 21, 2002. 11. That the pre-schoal, elementary school and extended daycare (for on-sfte students only) hours shail be Iimfted to 7 a.m. to 6 p. m., Monday through Frklay, as stipulated to by the petitioner. 12. That any additional or mod'rfied signs shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission as a'Reports and Recommendations' ftem. -2- PC97-93 ~ ~ i3. Thai within a period of sixty (6U) days ftom the date of this resolution, the appUcant shail submit an unsuborciinated documerrt for review and approval by the Ciry Attomey's Office, to the Zoning I~iviston acknowledging that frxlustrial and e~ ement shall fndicate the permitted p~i~ry a~ immediately adjacent to this propercy. condiNonaliy permitted uses sPecifled by Industriai (ML) zoning and commercial (CL) zoning, and shall acknowledge that the f~ b y~ C bi Attomey's office, t e dcfcumentt~ shall thent bie propercy ovmer. Upon app Y hY recorded at 4he Office of the Orange Courrty Recorder and a copy of the recorded document shall be submitted to the Zoning Division. 14. That, other than areas specNical~Y fd s~eld ~oi ~ ev1s1~~~°' un~ess his conditfonal ~use perml2~ is pa~{cing lot for playQround purpose P8 reacNertised and ap(xoved bY the Planning Commission to expand the area of permitted outdoor uses. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of July 21, 1997. ~,~-~ _. CHAI~SON, AN' HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ SECRETARY, EIM CITf PL.ANNING COMMISSION S7ATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUMY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Nlargarita Sdorio, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certffy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission held on July 21, 1997, by the fdlowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, BRISTOI, HENNINGER, MAYER, NAPOLES NOES: COMMISSIONEFiS: NONE ABStNT: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, PERAZA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~ day of ~~~'/~~ ~ 1997. 0~ , ~ „ , • ~ >awru.6 SECRETARY, ANAH I CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~_ PC97-93